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/ TH FOET MILL TIMES |r Democratic?Published Thursdays. B W. BRADFORD - Editor and Proprietor fl obscription Rates: T On* Yaar $1.25 91* Month* ... .65 - o Th? Time* invite* contribution* on live subjects bit dec= ??r?s to Dubllsh more than 200 words Q oi in; subject. The right Is reserved io niii /err communication submitted for publication, t On application to the publisher, advertising rite* are made known to those interested, telephone.local and longdistance. No. 112. Entered at the postofflre at Fort Mill. S. O.. as ( mall matter of the second class. C THURSDAY. APRIL r,. 1916. Jj The q uarrels o other papers are a matter of little interest in f this office, but it is perhaps not amiss to observe that we fail to see how any editor can hope to ] further the public esteem for his paper by calling a brother editor ? a liar. The day of that sort of t crude journalism has passed. c ( The newspapers of the coun- j * try are carrying on a discussion j as to what disposition will be I made of Villa when captured, if ! r he be alive. This discussion is. | ? seems to us, a little ill-timed, t What would be better and more in season would be a guessing: contest as to when and where : the capture will take place. j ^ 1 Mr. W. D. Sullivan, for three i years manager of the Columbia \ Record, has given up his position \ with the Columbia paper and moved to Charlotte to assume the management of The Observer. Columbia's loss is Charlotte's gain. Mr. Sullivan had much to do with making The Record one of the best afternoon r papers in the South and those r who are familiar with his work c on that paper expect to see improvement in The Observer j r nnder his management. ! < i The conflicting nature of tho 1 j war reports which emanate from i Mexico and the Texas border ^ towns is such that the average j newspaper reader soon learns to regard them lightly. Only a few t days ago the dispatches had old ) Villa a one-legged man and f Tuesday morning's reports were j to the effect that the old scout had again evaded the searching j ^ party and, umvounded. was'1 headed south. Little attention j should be paid the reports from [ Mexico unless they come by I e official Washington. IJ .1 Oil > A . < 1 rues ana nun pro togemer. r Fo filth, no flies! About the only | good thing that you can say about the fly is that his presence should stimulate you to hunt up the place where he was born and destroy it so that it may breed no more of his kind. Fly swat- I1 ting- may be a popular pastime, j It has been talked about much. So far, it has prove ineffective. n The well-meaning person, apply- j, ing a swatter at every opportun- j 7 iky, kills one fly at a time. The j [\ r moval of the contents of a ! t" single manure box will swat mil- 2 lions of them at a blow. Screens n nnrl civattAPQ n < ? < >? i/l tViinrr but a clean neighborhood is the I ' best. Get busy! ! p On the screen at one of the ,? Rock Hill picture theatres there ji has been appearing a notice that s< is, according to our way of think- A ing, calculated to injure rather s than help the new county propo- * sition. It admonishes visitors to the show to sign the petition for Catawba county, and "watch the 'good town' grow." This j r sign is likely to cause outsiders to conclude that this whole bus- V iness was gotten up solely u to boost up the city of Rock Hill, and should this belief pre- ? vail throughout the area affected J hundreds. there be who would s< vote against it. Fact is, if the w argument quoted is the prime ^ reason for a new county, we are ^ inclined to be "a-gin it." r' ir The proposed new county of cl Catawba has a possible excess margin of 137 square miles in u the territory ii.dicated instead of only 37 square miles as u,- vv advertently indicated in the last issue of The Enquirer. York 1 county can spare 160 square ntileR over the 500 square miles g( that must be left to her: Chester 0| can spare 92 square miles, and :ri Fairfield 270 square miles, mak- m ing a total of 527 square miles for the new county where only st 400 square miles are actually a necessary. Mrs. E. E. Jenkins, of Charles- m ton, is the guest of Dr. and Mr.# m A. T. Neely. York County News Natters. (Clipped from Our Exchanges.) The cattle sale held at Rock ill last Wednesday was a big lccess from every standpoint, 3 we gather from those who 'ere on the grounds. There 'as some good stock and it rought good prices, ranging rom 5 to 7 1-2 cents per pound, 'he money value of the product mounted to approximately $16.130 and this should help the ommunity considerably, being urned loose just at this time. Three convicts. Buck Hayes. Charles Garrison and Rastus 1 ! ! ? 1 * * >warnigin, escapeci irom rne ounty }?ang Sunday morning, rhe latter, who was sent up for orgery was soon caught. The thers at last reports were at arge. York has been selected as the 1916 convention city by the executive committee of the South Carolina Press Associaion. Invitations were also revived from Charleston and Ireenville. The convention will )e held June 12 to 15. According to report from Rock dill, work on the nine-mile connecting link between Rock Hill ind Catawba will begin within hirty days. Ira T. Stone, who recently vent to Columbia to take charge >f the Gresham House and who neld the lease on the Carolina lotel at Rock Hill, has sold his nterest to R. A. Wilson, who vent to Rock Hill to manage the lotel for Mr. Stone. GRADED SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. By J. D. Kulp. Supt. rne toiiowmg pupils have nade an average on all studies >f over 95 and are entitled to b( >n the honor roll: 1st Grade?Doane James, Ilen y Link, Jas. Massey. Geo. Garison, Tom Thompson, Jessie Aiher, Frances Hoagland, Frances 3 r ad ford, Mary Harris, J. YY. Saker, T. W. Kimbrell, Louis Mcvibben, Faulkner Parks, Eugene Gorman, Glenn Thrower, Owen tatterson. 2nd Grade?Edward Harris, ^zalie Harkey, Cora Massey, lohn McLaughlin, Hattie Parks. Yank Armstrong, Willie Bradord, Elliott Bennett. Harvey Cpps, Inez YY'olfe. 3rd Grade ? Marjorie Bryant, Jarion Jones, Ethel Thompson. 1th Grade-Elizabeth Ardrey, ?ee Carothers. Mattie Morton, iertha Moore, Mary Moore, Stevn Parks, Katherine Massey. 5th Grade?Janie Bayne, Frank ones. Cth Grade ?Annie Parks. Elma Bradford, Cleo Bailes, Marion 'arks, Arthur Young. 7th Grade Blanch Moser, Nell Ferguson. 8th Grade ?Beatrice Parks. 9th Grade?OlaCrayton. 10th Grade?Wm. Erwin, Roht Irwin, Marjorie Mills. Total enrollment for year, 301. Following are scholars who nade perfect marks in spelling or the last month: Louis Meiibben, Bertha Moore, El he. 'homasson, Elma Bradford. B. 1 I \c ? D \\t TJ 1 , uiii ilia i . DI'clU" nrd. Jr., Janie Ray no. In th< ikI grade there were II wh< iade perfect marks in spelling, ut the honor went to R. W. Bradford, Jr., who drew th* .inning straw. The following made the higkst general average in the sev rnl grades for the month: Marine Mills, 1)8 4-5; Kthel Thoma on. 9b 2; Willie Bradford, 97 3-4; innie Parks, 9t> 8; Blanche Mor. 96.7; Beatrice Parks, 97.1; >oane James, 97; Janie Bayne, 8 1-3. The News of Gold Hill. inies Correspondence. A much needed rain fell here esterday. The farmers are well p with their work. Some corn as been planted and the small rain crop is koking fairly well. I reckon you old Confederate )ldiers haven't forgot the tramp e were on fifty-one years ago lis week. And we learn that lat good town just across the ver is going to entertain ik nil i this month. Now, that is lever in them and methinks lat is the biirgest job they have ndertaken yet and you had Piter keep your eye skint, for e heard one of the old guards i.v recentl> that he never heard gun fire but that he wanted to in or steal something. Two quarts a month! Indeed. Ptting mighty stingy with your d stuff. Now, if we can't get lore than that, we will have jne at all, dog-gone you. Sam'l Boyd, our neighbor, is ill confined to his bed. He is creat sufferer. We learn that the school at :>ld Hill will close on the 14th st. They had their commenceent at the beginning last fall. Splinter. THE FORT ? THE MAJESTIC Watch the Improvement. OPEN TO-DAY AT 4*30 5c and 10c. COMING SOON4'UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES" WATCH FOR DATE SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE?Nancy Hall. Porto Rico and Early Triumph Sweet Potato Slips, ready for immediate shinmer.t. SI.25 per l'.OOO. f. o. b. Florida. F. E. Hull, Itock Hill. S. C. 4-6-2t LOST-About two weeks ago, Pink Cameo King. Liberal reward for return to Times office. 4-6-11 FOR SALE?Williamson's Famous Seel Corn, grown from Fedigreed seed. J. J. Hailes, Fort Mill. 4-6-tf NOTICE. Phone or write us for estimate on repainting your Auto or rebuilding top. Expert workmen and a first class job guaranteed. J. C. Hardin & Co.. Rock Hill, S C. FOR SALE Cook.s Improved Cotton Seed. Made 12.">0 pounds seed cotton per acre; ginned out 41 to 42 pounds per 100 lbs. seed cotton. They are pure. J. P. STROIJP, R. 1. Fort Mill. S. C. FOR SALE. Two Second-Hand One-horse Wagons. L. A. Harris & Co. AN NOUNCEMENTSFor Clerk of Court. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. T. E. MoMACKIN as a candidate for Clerk of the Crurt for York coun|ty, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching pri; mary election. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court for York county, subject to the will of the voters in the approaching Democratic primary election. John R. Logan. MlPk'l ls THE ONLY GENUINE Bmm SALVE $ When you bring a pr y it with exactly what ye ? When we sell you an] | / will prove out exactly 1 ) Wo I^Ninu; ?K^ A e www v/ f? HIV. Ul Uj; JJ 4 liST in our work. t J > Hutchinson'j ) |?- ? ?? OLD CITY MALL WHERE WASHINGTON TOOK THf OATH OF OFFICE AS FIRST PRESIDENT. a a C,The financial res eral government New Yorh by th this magnificent k of Wall Street. In much the sam resources of this emplified by the 1 cf this barxK. ?. Our deposits repri prosperity ot the munity, end they confidence of the and responsibility Our wish is that the community i among those w growing with us your Id est. insura years to come. <1 Stail a Lsinn aca V i Savings Banl [ILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SOU1 IkVM Shi j You, man, I biggest mistak pair of our state the kinds I carrying, so cc we ! eel sure y IN mm j I Our Opening d fore have we sold I time. But we ha and we want ever j KIMBRE I 1 *. " s^- ^ ^ ' ' > April Fool . |) a?am j ^We never 3 ? fool nnvKnrlv F2I n our Store Ip. We never ml S xibs-tittrto |j| i ^a*?g^ < escription to us we fill t iur doctor prescribes. ^ ^thing in the druj* line it ? what we say it is. $ usiness; we are EARN- ^ * * s Pharmacy, < / PVi:?GoivT I ources of the Fecfare exemplified in e activities within >uilding at the head e way the financial community are exworK and activities I esent the thrift and people of the cornalso represent the - - ? pudiic in me safety r ot this institution, all of the people of tiay be numbered nose savings are The saving habit is nee policy for the aunt with us today. m ^ c of Fort Mill. rH CAROLINA "B R E [>es! Sho woman, or child, ? IT T yvf- T r rti * w ? '? ? * C yuui 111C 11 y slippers. We c > and prices of >me in and look < ou can be fitted ; /IILLINER^ ays were a grand sue so many hats in tlv ve new shapes arrivir yone to have a new \ ILL's, "Where "elephone No. 7 i Mini We are selling hats to b er has returned f k?i- 1 sale markets with everytt We are selling some custc been able to interest be | glance that we have the prices they usually pay. ! SHI We have the best stock Sandals we have ever s placed last September, w there is no advance in o new goods. L. T I ;ji ^ 1 Paint Saves Buildinps quickly go to ruin ments. Good paint forms a < rain. snow, sunshine and all \v aecay and deterioration. ACME Q gives great durability and lasti other paints because it takes U Parks Drug CALOMEL OYNAMIT MAKES YOU SICI "Godson's Lim Tint" Starts tour Liver f Bitter Thu Calomel and You Don* Lose a Day's Work < Liven up your elugpifth lirert Feel fine and c heerful: make your work a pleiumro: l>o vigorou* and full of ambi- ! tion. Rut take no nasty, clangorous 1 calomel because it makes yon sick and you may lose a day's work. 1 Calomel is mercury or quicksilver ' which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into hour bile like* I dynamite, breaking it up. That's when i you feel that awful nausea and cramping. ' Listen to uie! If you want to enjoy I the nicest, gentlest liver and bowed i cleansing you ever experienced just tako I a spoonful uI harulcaa Uodayn'a Liver < aan?a?? i m< ?.1 m n-H-ry" ? ^ L L' S | f I; >es! i will make the J ft ou fail to buy | ant begin to i^i shoes we are I 3urs over and 1 and pleased. f I cess. Never be- * e same length of ig every few days lat. s Quality Reigns" L 14 it * ?$ BHBflBUHBMWMSBBSDDn h inery : ieat the band. Our millin- ? SECOND visit to the whoh ling new and up to date. 1; >mers that we have never ^ t / fore. They can see at a K, proper styles at half tee ^ , 3 E S | : of Oxfords. Pumps and *T ihown. Our orders were ? hen prices were low, and r ur prices. Come see the n Wassey. I UBDBMH wJ I r^i M Repair Bills. | when loft exposed to the ele- jr) coating which protects from fe eat her conditions. It prevents j? UAUTY' | in^ beauty. It costs less than ? ?ss and lasts longer. Company. | J1 ES YOUR LIVER! [ and salivate: ; 5 lone tonight ^ our druggist <>r 1 iclls von a ">0 rent bottle >>f Hudson I Liver Tone under my personal I :?ack guarantee that each spoonful \ Mean your sluggish liver letter ti i _ lose of nasty calomel ami that ii won make you Hick. H Hudson's T.Irer Tone is real live I nedicine. VoulI know it neat. morning ^ erause you will wake up feeling tine, lour liver will he working; headache ind dizziness gone; stomach will ho wect and bowelj regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vegoable, therefore harm less and e*n not lalivatc. Give it to your? children. Millions of people are lining Uodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel iow. Your druggist will tell you that die salo of Calomel is alumni stopped utircly hare* MOORE. & FERGUSON Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fish and Ice. Moore & Ferguson, Telephone 29. RE,ML ORDERLIES THF IRFAI IAXATIVF Prominent New Orleans Druggist la Authority For This Statemsnt % P. A. CAPDAU .vim owns .iikI operates one of the hlji -ii'ios in Now < irleuns. says: I .1111 of tlit* opinion that ltexall Or lerlies nip tlip idem laxative for iupu. .on,en and elii'.dieM This opinion Is cased upon my knowledge of the for inula and upon what niv customer* say a boat t heist. Through personal experience. I know they are plensunt to lake, gentle in notion, and give the same pleasing results when used by in u. iMMiirii wr iruiiiiirui 'Vn have the cxcliisiM' Rcllin;* rij?hts for litis trii it 1 vative. Trial size, 10 rents. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE THE REX ALL STORE SUMM(-NS FOR RELIEF. (Complaint filed.) s|?(" of South Carolina. County of York. Court of Common Pleas. Titos. \V. I uyii. County Supervisor. .01 I. C. K rkptitriek ami .1. R. LuI ; in. ('i.uri\ Cc.nmr.s'ioners, constiutiy 11.? ( oi.nty l!o:r?! of CoinmisiuiH > of Yor; County, South Caro. ii i. I'itiii t it s. against S. 1 . .'ilniisi.ii Ih'ft niinnt. i'i ln-iYt 'tint Above Named: You am It rebv summoned and ret?.:?r t! to answer the Complaint in this action, which ' as this day been filed in the i it fire of tic Clerk of the Court for lilt <ai i <". u ,iy, and to serve a copy ?t your Answer to the said Complaint m the suhseril er at his office, in York, viutii Carolina, within twenty days after the sri v -c hereof, exclusive of the lay of such s - rvicc; ami if you fail to inswer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, th? plaintiffs in this action will appl.\ to the Court for the relief lemanded in the Complaint. Ilated Match 17th. A. D. lidfi. .1. S. Kit ICR. IMaintifiV Attorney. NOTICE. I'o the Absent I lei eiidanl X I son: I'if is t:?k notice that the Summons ?f whit-h the toretpmiif is a copy, together with thf Complaint in this aci on, was 1'ilfd in thf ollice of ?). A. Vate, Clerk of Court of Common IMeas, ti York Court House, in York, South L'ar jlina, on the 17th ilav of March, A. l>. i:?n;. I.S. PRICE, I'laintitTs' Attorney. York, S. March !7th. OM newspapers for sale at The !'ime ' ollice. MAUE YOU>L OWN# \.?\ SUM c.u. ?ow ' ' \ ^ flix-.v ?1 j;o! ? f. *.!. Si'.rsi. X Rllxc ? : I : ' 1 $y.u0 (J I H c,uU i. i'i -.i Oil j p tu ' V. . .At \ ^ us'. iiii.;, ' i 2 '0 A y, 1 r. Makes 7 . ji*i: fj>r $lt.70 i A/1 !i It's only fy i.C't per ?u!. 1 Made wl' rlphl itropnr- I i>? LEAD, < INC . i LiNSKEV Oil, I io insure >uu||< >: utsi. In use over 40 yeart Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not th best paint made, then return the paint and get all your money back. .!. .1. T'.nlcs, Lull-iv lid we Co., CVnmbia, \V W Coojrleriv Son. Chester. .1 W ( < ('? , Clinton, John !) Wood, (ireer. D?LL# - r i\ II ivuoomg cases ram Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly ?tops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. Hie be$t rubbing liniment is MUSTANG ! INIMFMT m K m wim MM I c Good for the A ilmcnts of Morses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Quod for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers.