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_a*y _ig_*!i-'i? . c'i'* x. ^^^^H^^J^^5S63BS^Hl^HIDW#f77^?i B|^^^^yVWft Content! 15 Fluid Drachma pi _j?pSS[_ ^B^M l*-TO ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT I ?*^v tabic Prv()jralioaforAs^KB $v** siniilatinftthe Food and Hernia>V?i 'lfU* Stomachs and Bowels of V 10^ F ^ jj*| I B Promotes Digest ion.CheerfuI- I |V >rc nessnndRest.Contoins neither I mt g? Opium.Morphine nor MincraL H |?^5 Ncrr Nakcotic. W [SfBO Jbojw of Old Dr.SA.1lU PTTCtrUt B :.S Pumeiun Ssad r :o3-0 Air Ssnna ' \ I |Hr r ffixAtJJr Salts* I JJ C Arus* S*sd ' V "O.'O /Wml?i/ \ ifei [ . -*'" CJartfimi Sugar |M* Wiatrrgr?n Havvr ./ 'Qfft A perfect Remedy fbrCoilsfipfH J ;?;i9 tkm..So<irStomach.Diarrhoea, I 'iLr Worms. Feverishness and 1 *?o$ Loss of Sleep. ?S .-7?-: tflvv rac-oirniie st^nalurfjff q?< __?: The Centaur ComiwnY; !o^ _ NEW YORK. v Kxuct Copy of Wrapper Effects of Dress. "Some say the garb often affects the character. The woman in white inclines to play the ingenue." "I- suspect there is something in it. Queen Elizabeth always wore a ruiT." "Well?" "And had the reputation of being something of a roughneck." HOW WONDERFULLY RESINOL SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! If you have eczema, ringworm or Othej- il.Atng, burning, sleep-dost roy'?g skin-eruption, try Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap and see how quickly the itching stops and the trouble disappears. Resinol Ointment is also an excellent household remedy for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, chafings and for a seore of other uses where a soothing, healing application is needed. Resinol contains nothing of a harsh or injurious nature and can be used freely even on the most Irritated sur- j face. Every druggist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap.?Adv. Generous Man. "1 hear the divorce allowed each to have the child half the time." "Yes?he wants it days."?Judge. About every ten years an old Joke is given a new lease of life. People who always say what they think have few friends. Efficiency built the Panama C; The efficiency of the Panama ness of the U. S. Navy wit hi took over 8,000 miles out of San Francisco and changed th and Australia from Suez to Pai Efficiency insures against lost i most service out of equipment ar the least cost. Certain Rool is an efficier Every advantage that men, money to increase the production, maintai Each of the General's enormous to serve the ends of efficient manu Each is equipped with the most materials are purchased in enormt the needs of manufacturing, thi cost due to idle machinery. Th and the pick of the market. Expert chemists at each mill are ei asphalts, and every roll of CER' their watchful care. CERTAIN-TEED resists the di to ordinary roofing, because the fe blend of soft asphalts, prepared un board of expert chemists. It is th asphalts, which keeps the inner s roofing more pliable, and more im the harder, drier kind. CERTAIN-TEED is made in roll There is a type of CERTA1 TEED for every kind of buildi with flat or pitched roofs, from largest sky-scraper to the smal residence or out-building. CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years, according to (1,2 or 3). Experience proves t it lasts longer. General Roofing Man World'* Lcrgeat Manufacturer* o NawYarkCitT Cklc?*? PhlU<UtpV.i? PltUlrttifc DrtroH 3? trantli , UAxtU* K?n. AUuti Riekaewd Hon. CASTORS Tor Infants and Children. Mothers Know That j Genuine Castoria Always / ? Bears the Rirrn atnm / / ^&xJ.U.Utxx cyr * |J? of ft, Jr ft/ Use Or For Over Thirty Years EftSTOBIfl till ointaun eoanxy, ?iw vona omr. Special at Nine Cents. "Do you suppose all these women on the streets are shopping?" "Oh, yes, but not necessarily for spring suits, cosmetics and gewgaws.'' "No?" "An enterprising confectioner advertises a sweeping induction in nut sundaes." SWAMP-ROOT STOPS sfrims mmimii .... www unwitnuiik When your back ache*, and your bladder and kidneys seein to be disordered, remember it is needless to suffer?go to your nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician's prescription for diseases of the kidneys and bladder. 11 has stood the test of years and has a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousands of cases. This proscription was used by Dr. Kil- ( mer in his private practice and was so : very effective that it has been placed on : sale everywhere. t?et a bottle. 50c and ?1.00. at your nearest druggist. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. ' Kilmer A t'o., Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.?Adv. Inconsistent. Jones?Is Brown a vegetarian? Smith?Brown? Well, hardly- why. Brown's an Elk! Only a fool has the nerve to boast of his good sense. ?r ttii mn. o?. anal, after inefficiency failed. Canal doubled the effectiveout adding a ship to it. It the trip from New York to e highway between London lama. motion?it produces the utld yields the finest product, at i-teed ring icy product and machinery can offer is used in the quality and lower the cost. mills is advantageously located facture and quick distribution, up-to-date machinery. Raw jus nuantitirs ?n?t far ak^o/t nt js guarding against increased is also insures favorable buying, mployed to select and blend the PAIN-TEED is made under rying-out process so destructive It is thoroughly saturated with a der the formula of the General's en coated with a blend of harder aturation soft. This makes a pervious to the elements than s; also in slate-surfaced shingles, ufacturing Company /Roofing and Building Papon St. Loorta Bottom OtTt^itJ co Ciocioaati Now Ortoont City Soattlu ItdkMiMli* >too Loodoo Sydoo* . ! TEACHERS ELECT BYNUM PRESIDENT I TEACHERS FROM ALL OVER SOUTH CAROLINA GATHER IN COLUMBIA. HOLD MANY CONFERENCES Numerous Interesting Addresses Are I. Heard and Important New Courses JAre Discussed. .... Colutnbla.j7-A(lvorating progressive legislation, the 44tji annual convert tlon of tlie State Teachers' Association adjourned. Officers for the ensuing year were elected; the new cqnstitu- ! tlon and by-laws were adopted with- . out opposition though with slight | amendments. When the convention j i losed 1,435 delegates had registered. The officers are: W. C. Bynum of Georgetown, president; vice presi- i dents. E. C. McCants of Anderson and Miss Augusta Dunbar of Hartsville. | W. W. Nickels of Greenwood and the j retiring president. Henry Nplson Sny- ; der of Spartanburg, were placed on the executive committee. R. C. Bu-ts of Rock Hill holds over as secretary. Dillon county, with a registration I of S2. was awarded the large trophy ; cup for having the highest percentage of teachers in the county present at j the convention. All counties were represented. Invitations for the next annual convention were submitted by ! Gaffney and Columbia, the selection | will be made by the executive com- I mittee President Snyder appointed the following standing committees for the ensuing year: Constitution and By-Laws?M. E. ; Bro*kman of Greenville; Mrs. Dora Dee Walker and W. L. Brooker of Florence. Necrology?Davis Jeffries and Miss Leila Russell. Organization?W. W. Nickels of Greenwood. V. E. Rector of Hartsville and Miss L. C. McLaurln. i Status of Teaching Profession? 1 Patterson Wardlaw of Columbia. W. j II. McNairy of Chester and Miss Ix)la Irwin. D. T. Kinard of the committee on constitution and by-laws, to which was referred the proposed new con- . stitution. reported favorably with cer- J tain amendments. The motion of adoption was made by Mr. Edmunds. The branch of the school peace league was made by a constiutional department of the association. Over 50 colleges and high school teachers of English met In city council chamber and organized the South 1 Carolina Conference of English 1 Teachers. Officers for the ensuing ' year were elected, as follows: Presi- 1 dent, G. A. Wauchope of the University of South Carolina; vice president. 1 J. C. Daniel of the Darlington schools; 1 secretary-treasurer, W. T. Myers of Converse college. The department of superintendence < of the State Teachers' association met t In the supreme court room. William I C. Rvnum of Georgetown, the presi- t dent, made an introductory talk, urg- 1 ing a change in the certification of | teachers, a two session school day and ] statewide compulsory attendance. ] J. C. Daniel of Darlington read a paper on "The Attitude of the School | Towards Home Study," in which he | outlined certain plans for the elimi- , nation of study troubles. Another paper of Interest was that by D. It. ( Itiser of Hluffton cmi "The Hack water Pupil and What to Do With liim." A motion to ask trustes to order a two session school day was tabled by a vote of 32 to G. The resolution ! ( asking for the divided session was in- j , troduced by L. M. Hauknight, super- j intendent of the Latta schools. Big Fire at Spartanburg. Spartanburg.?Joseph W. Nesbitt, j of Reidville lost by fie a mum, nine , mules, one horse, five wagous, several hundred bushels of corn, with fodder nnrl Hnv ????! ? 1 * ? I..IU in 1111 iiiiicmnery. The total loss is approximately $10,000 while the insurance carried was only $1,500. The fire-was discovered after one o'clock in the morning. The origin of the fire is unknown. Lawyers to Meet at Charleston. Columbia.?April 13 and 14 have aeen fixed as the dates for the 1916 1 convention of the South Carolina liar J , Association. This will be the first i convention held under the new policy of the association, which contemplates that the annual meetings, instead of ( being held as heretofore in Columbia. , shall be held in other cities, so that in j the course of a few years the associa- ' tion will have met in each of the sev- j eral main divisions of the state. The ; meeting place this year is Charleston, j ? Gap May Be Removed. Greenville.?If the Piedmont & Northern lines enjoy a substantial Increase in revenue during the next six i months, the "gap" in the territory served will be eliminated. That is. i if the patrons of this electric road i will rally to its support and throw a ! large volume of business to the road for the next half year the line from I , Spartanburg to Uastonia will be con- j : structed. A statement to this effect ; was made by Capt. E. A. Smyth, a director of the Piedmont A Northern, iu m?- i-iminuer or commerce. Packing House For Orangeburg. I Orangeburg.? Orangeburg's greatest meeting was held when It was poai- i thely decided that Orangeburg would provide a $40,000 to $50,000 packing bouse. The meeting was one of the ! most representative meetings ever i held in this county aud the court < house was filled. The purpose of the i meeting was to discuss a packing i hcuso for Orangeburg. W. W. I^ong r* the government agrli ultural de' me tit and of Clemson college was Vhe principal speaker and he came to Orangeburg to deliver an address. 1 74' 91" "* mwmr AND INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour' gassy stomachs in five minutes?Time itl You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad?or an uncertain one?or a harmful one ?your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it. j Pape's Diapepsin is noted for Its ' speed in giving relief; its harmlessness; its certain unfailing action in rninilntln tr nlolr onn?. ? -* ?????" ? o u.v?, duui , (aaajr diuiuuuuh. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and otheV stomach trouble has made it fuin.oda the world oyer. . . . Keep this perfect stomachdoctor inyour home?Keep it handy?get a large fifty-cent case from any. dealer and" then if anyone Bhould eat something which doesn't agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food? remember as booh as Papo's Dlapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it.?Adv. Impaled on a Crowbar. While Jumping from a bank of earth, which was giving way under him. Joseph Blake, manager of a local theater, was impaled on a crowbar. The bar entered the tlesliy part of the thigh, tearing its way through flesh and muscles along the waist line and emerging under the lower rib. So deep was the instrument imbedded. it required two men to extract it. Rlake will recover. The accident occurred at the mine owned by the injured man's father, west of this city. ?Grass Valley Dispatch. Sacramento Boo. HAD AWFUL WEAK SPELLS Suffered So Much Felt She Had to Have Relief. Says Cardui Made Her Well. Elba, Ala.?Mrs. M. T. May, of this place, writes: "I was not especially strong when I married..., but after my marriage, I seemed to get very much worse. About two months after I was married, I began to havo awful weak spells. Would havo had spells of headache, simply felt bad all tho time, could hardly do a thing... 1 Buffered so much pain in my left side ana nna tlio swimming of the head and congestion and heartburn very bad. In fact I suffered so much I thought I would die. I kopt getting worse and felt I must have some relief. I had some pain and difficulty in walking... "Mr. , who ran a store in , recommended that I take 'CarJui,' and my husband bought me a bottle, which did me so much good that tie bought me another, and after the use of three or four bottles I was well; was up doing ray work after the use of tho first bottle. It's the finest tonic 1 know of. I got into better health than I had been since my marriage. I advise all women... who have weak spells..., to take it." The thousands of letters, which come to us every year, like the above, certainly are proof of the merit of Cardui. the woman's tonic. For sale by all druggists. Logical. There was a great commotion in a crowded cur. A young lady had fainted and was gently carried out by a gentleman neur ner. "I guess the heat of the car affected her, poor thing." remarked a little matron of sixty summers. "Madam." answered the hardened l cynic, "as that handsome young man i was standing right behind her. 1 don't think the heat had anything tc do with it."?Pennsylvania Punch Bcwl. KIDNEYS CLOG UP FROM EATING TOO MUCH MEAT Take Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers?Meat Forms Uric Acid. Wo are a nation of meat eaters and our blood Is lilted with uric uckl, says a well-known authority, who warns us to bo constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free V1 1 - - * * ? - mo inouu ui mis irritating aciu, out become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the hack or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or tho bladder is irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have Bevere headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidtfeys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it Is no longer a source of Irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injuro; makes a delightful cffervesrent Uthia-wnter drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active.?Adv. No Treating. "Flubdub is a jolly sort of a chap Always asks you how the world if treating you." "But he never offers to bar." <w PLAN FOR FIRE INSURANCE Rock Hill Citizens Decide to Form a Local Company?Will Apply for Charter At Once. Rock Hill.?A number of business | men and farmers of York county are I undertaking to solve the fire insurance ) problem as far as it concerns the peo- i pie of Rock Hill and section. A con- | ference of these citizens was held a few days ago at which it was determined to organize a fire insurance compuny to do a local business, the company to be capitalized at $100,000. It is understood that satisfactory ar- ! rangements have already beeli made to, reinsure a large part of the risks which the company will w'rite. so that the matter of the security* of. the.'business which will, be .done by this poiu"jiany is settled from the-beginning. /:Amotur.'the well -known citizens nC this city and Section who arc inter.ested in the organization of the company are T. L. Johnston, president, of \ the Peoples National Bank; Sidney | Freidhelm of the large mercantile flrm of A. Freidheim & Brother; C. W F. Spencer, attorney; J. H. Steele. N. ; B. Williams. J. A Willlford. J. S. Glascock. (\ D. Reld. It. I.. Sturgis. j D. P. Leslie, A, G. W'estbnook. farmers ! and business men of the county; Jr B ! Johnson, merchant and president of the Peoples Trust Company; R. M. London, merchant and printer; Prof. 1 E. \V. Ilall, educator; C. L. Cobb, cashier Peoples National bank; Rich ard T. Fewell. manager insurance department Peoples Trust Company. The company will apply to the secretary of state at once for a charter, and when this is granted the details of organization will have attention. Invite Wilson to Columbia? Columbia -Should President Wilson accept an Invitation to come to Charlotte May 20 for the Mecklenburg celebration, it is probable that he will continue his travels to Columbia to peak before the South Carolina Press Association Telegraphic communications have been directed by the Columbia chamber of commerce to United States Senator E. I). Smith and Congressman A. F. Lever to prevail upon the president to include Columbia in the itinerary of Ills southern trip. William Banks, president of the State Press Assoratlon will rail a meeting of the association in Columbia May 19 to 21. should a favorable response be had from Washington. Colored College Dormitory Burrs. Orangeburg.? Fire destroyed the girls' dormitory of the State Colored College here, entailing a loss of more than $20,000 and causing the Injury of several of the inmates, who were forced to leap from second story windows. The loss Is partially covered by insurance. The tire was discovered about 1 o'clock, while the whole college community was asleep. Though the alarm was promt ply given many of the -ton girls in the dormitory were cut off from the stairs and fire escapes and were forced to jump. Several of them were more or less injured, two of them suffering broken legs. All the injured are expected to recover. White Heads Anderson College. Anderson. The Rev. John K. White. D.I)., pastor of the First Baptist church of Anderson, has been elected president of Anderson college, succeeding I)r. James P. Kinard. who resigned a few weeks ago. The board of deacons of the church voted unanimously to recommend to the congregation tlisit Dr. White be allowed to accept the presidency carrying on the duties of pastor and president at the same time. Plan For Firemen. Orangeburg.- At a joint meeting of the Orangeburg chamber of commerce and agriculture and the Orangeburg firemen held at the court house big plans were made for the entertainment of the State Firemen's Association which meets in Orangeburg In June. This meeting was very largely attended and Orangeburgera are enthusiastic over the coming of the tire laddies to Orangeburg. , Pythians Going to Columbia. Columbia -Chick Springs' mlsfor tune, that resort having fallen of late into the bankruptcy court. has brought Columbia the good fortune of entertaining this spring the Soutli Carolina grand lodge. Knights of Pythias. The annual convention will be held in Columbia May 23-24 SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Plans are being made for the pack Ing house at Orangeburg. Editors of newspapers in four southern South Carolina eounties met at Beaufort recently and organized an association which will boost Southern Carolina. A complete health survey of Greenville county will be conducted by the United Stales public health bureau. Dr. L. L. Lumsden. chief of the bureau. and nine assistants will conduct the survey, which has begun. Aiken recontly witnessed the; sue cessful initiation of an annual March horse show among the tourists. The day was perfect except for a little i wind and seemingly a majority of the Aikentourists. many visiting front neighboring resorts and many natives attended. One of the finest dls plays of horse flesh that could be put fortli in a Southern resort <parndcd their virtues. J. K. Madden and F Ambrose Olurk acted as judges. Sumter is installing a modern Fire bell system. Governor Manning spent the weekend in Florida. A definite movement for the erection of n public library at Wiinnsboro i has been inaugurated A corps of engineers have begun a preliminary survey on an electric rail i way from Anderson to Atlanta. John T. Melton, cashier of the N'a tional State Bank at Columbia, died a few days ago. Fire recently destroyed the Getty Hotel at HlaekBburg Damage is esti mated at about IS.OOfi. The first cattle sale in the splend > new stockyards at Rock Hill has bee postponed from March 22 until Marc! i 29. on* week lat?r. umiu jj?ii wemci Jnvc Now in Good He of Lydia E. Pir Compound. S< Necessity. Do Miracle. All women ought to kn taking Lydia E. Pinkham's V those who seem hopelessly ill. fered a great t[c/ ^ my work eonij)ol Hardly Abi Alliert Lea, Minn.?"For aboul my back and hips and was hardly My head would ache and I was <1 talcing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta am feeling stronger than for years, old and am doing my work all alon remedies in the house as there a Yost, Gil Water St., Albert Lea, M Three Doctors Gave Pittsburg, Penn.?"Your medi me wonderfully. When 1 was a gi was always sickly and delicate an< irregularities. Three doctors gave 1 would go into consumption. 1 lMnkhanVs Vegetable Compound an DOtlie l>egan to feel letter. 1 soon and I got strong and shortly aftei Now I have two nice stout healthy able to work hard every day.'*? X Duerkin<?,34 Cardner St.,Troy Hill, All women arc invited to write Cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special Nearly 150,000 Crop Reporters. Nearly 150,000 volunteer crop re porters and special correspondents are now aiding the bureau of erop esti mates of the United States depart ment of agriculture in the preparation of its estimates of crops and live stoc k production of the country, according to the annual report of the bureau i which has just been issued. The* actual number of these volunteer assist , ants Is 147,327. In addition there are 151 paid employees in the service of th bureau. The total appropriation for the work for the llscal year ending June 30, 1915, was $27".5S0.? Dun's Review. FIERY RED PIMPLES 8oothed and Healed by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Trial Free. Smear the affected skin with Cuticura Ointment on end of flngor. Let It ro mam live to ton minutes. Then wash off with plenty of Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry without irritation. Nothing like Cuticura for all skin troubles from infancy to age Free sample each by mail with Hook. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.?Adv. Cheap Material. Said lie Yes, I am a self-made man. Said She- Yes? And 1 suppose you ; got the material at a bargain sale. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. 'I"hey regulate liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. Henry Watterson, the noted editor, spent years in training for a musical career. mammmmmmnmumnmmmmmmmmmm *:* \ Hai New Line <r* Study. Charles William Beebe, who has sailed for Georgetown. British Gu ana. to establish a tropical zoological station for u new form of scientific observation and research, has been curator of ornithology, New "?ork Zoological society, since 1S9:?. In the words of Doctor Beebe, "As yet thero has been no concentrated scientific investigation in tho tropics. The object of previous expeditions has been to collect as many birds or animals as possible." "Our province is the living creatures." says Doctor Beebe. The government of British Guiana has offered the use of Its hotnnir-ai i?n?-. dens to the expedition. The amount of work Is enormous? .*keep -TU men working their .life long, it is declared. An earlier stay in Guiana and Venezuela is recorded. in Doctor liecbe's book. "Our Search lor. a Wilderness." And the study of the -pheasant led him in 190y to India, Ceylon, Tibet and the Himalayas. China. Sorneo. Java and Japan. It doesn't take the average honeymoon long to get ready for the embalnier. guard Tour family Peruna protects the family against coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is just as sure to relieve a case of catarrh of the bowels as it is a case of catarrh of the head. Anyone suffering from catarrh, severe or mild, acute or chronic, in any organ or part of the human body, should at once get a bottle of Peruna. /\s soon as the value ot Peruna is fully appreciated in every household, both as a preventive and a relief from catarrhal affections, tens of thousands of lives will be saved and hundreds of thousands of chronic lingering cases will be prevented. Perun*a, indeed, is a household safeguard. A course of Peruna never fails to bring relief in such cases, since there is no remedy like it, as thousands of people have testified. SVrmia Tablet! arc now available In convenient linn. Itaay to take. fCCnee ilidd alth Through Use ikham's Vegetable ly it is Household ctor Called it a ow the wonderful effects of egetable Compound even on Here are three actual cases: Penn.?" "When I was single I suf>1 from female weakness because '.? (l me to stand all day. I took tit's Vegetable Compound for thai; stronger by its use. After I was lie Compound again for a female three months I passed what the rowth. lie said it was a miracle nv as one generally goes under them removed. I never want to Compound in the house." ? Mrs. u**.; r mum c>i., narrisuurg, feun. e to Move. ; a year I had shnrp pains across able to move around the house, lizzy and had no appetite. After . bio Compound and Liver Pills, I I have a litt le boy eight months o. I would not l>e without your ro none like them."?Mrs. F. E. inn. t Her Up. cine has helped 1 I suffered from i SrL,. nil' up and said ]| flK; | took I.ydia E. i I |Mg?^ ..''tml id with the third , (o19- ' ,-j lj!i|j became regular' | j I I was married. 1 children and am J Irs. t/1,emkntin'a tanL J t*ittsburg, I'cnn.t : : L to the Lyilin P. Pinkhani Mcdiudviee,?it will be eoiilidentiul. ^^fl3iliiS2iSDl23BCi8822t52$8r^ are Her nH ik handler. of EOliS Id n It r tH tin* w?>n!h. wiiui huve EBB hMf fi'" loMlilp? Tlic hl?hrut market price kiwii* I an teed with quick return*. oivc u? utnal. llcf.rnncc 1st Natlon.l Uunk Richmond Vo. WOOOSON-CRAIG CO.. Commission Merchants Dept. B, Richmond, Vi>. TRY THE OLD RELIABLE ufitftersmlth's H Chill tonic For MALARIA CFEVER1' A F1HC GLNLRAL STRENGTHENING TONIC , E?5 -.^1 HAIR BALSAM T _ ' / .* M/k A toilet preparation of merit. fAnNC^ n##lpii to eradicate Mandriilf. JHB For Re*torin? Color and Beauty tofiray or I'tdml Hair. (Si 9 KODAKS & SUPPLIES FK^IlTB Wr alutdo blfhmt i'la .n nf tlninhiiiK riM frier* and Catalogue upon request tf^KTr S. Galtiki Optical Ca., Ricbaead, Va. I'l \ \ N I >ln 1 < . w ? S|># I k m till I. '' r i i III in# Tilh fiiinl Ku#-a fr# Aridroea Itrpt. ft. \MFS ri IM.IHIIINU ( O., Clyde. Ohio. \\ ill Kit for every dia-na#- m d'-?crll>cd in II# rl# !"?(?<'lor It# ill### Hook.' only 10c, worth dollare Addrrea II##* 11,\\ oi?ll>iiry.l't>. IS Funny l.ovp l.eltcr*. reading two wnya r I<ii- (|>;tiil I.rtu Ryan. Oi-rliieiilnl, < nllf. * NO. 13-1916.