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.-N " * ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Murrav Mack, who was some days ago appointed as carrier on local rural route No 4. assumed his duties as such on last Monday. Rev. S. P. Hair, of the local, Baptist church, Monday attended a meeting in Rock Hill of the Baptist ministers' association of the county. Paul Meudenhall, of McConnellsville, has returned to his home after visiting his aunt, Mrs. Kendrirk. in this nitv , - - - --- ?* If you haven't paid your state f.nd county taxes for 1915, you might just as well arrange to pay the sheriff's cost for collection. T ~ Miss Juanita Wylie, who has for several years had the distinction of being the only lady newspaper editor in the State, has resigned as editor of the Lancaster News. The indications are that five or six hundred head of cattle will ! be sold in Rock Hill on Wednesday, March 29, when the first sale of stall fed cattle will be pulled off. Rock Hill is busy making preparations for the annual reunion of the South Carolina branch of the United Confederate , Veterans, which is to be held there April 25-26. " The Times is requested to announce that services will be held in the Fort Mill Baptist church both morning and evening on next Sabbath, the nastor. Rev. Mr. Hair conducting the services. The roads in this section are again in fairly good shape, with the exception of one or two i places, according to I he autoists. One place in particular that is said to be almost impassable is at a point just west of the Catawba bridge. Gasoline is now selling from 26 to 30 cents, and the end is probably not yet. In fact, the prediction is that the fluid is going to continue its upward stride , until it reaches figures never before dreamed of, perhaps to 40 or even 50 cents a gallon. In view of the last develop ments along the Mexican border, it is interesting to note that four Fort Mill men, members of the regular army, are stationed at different points in Texas and! Arizona. These are: Roht. R White, J. Erskine Ardrey, Grady Hoagland and Sam Warren. The protracted meeting at the Fort Mill Baptist church came to a close Sunday evening, after having been in progress for ten days. The Rev. D. P. Montgomery, of Mississippi, did the preaching and there were a number of conversions and accessions to the church during the meeting. A North Carolina negro, whose ! name was not learned, parted company with $100 of good United States money Friday morning when arraigned before Magistrate Harris upon a warrant charging him with transporting whiskey. The negro was taken in tow late Thursday evening by Constable Frank Windell at a point several miles north of town. The negro had in his possession something over four gallons of booze, and when brought before the magistrate put up $100 as bond for his appearance at court. * Nr. Timmons Accepts Call. Officers of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church Friday morning received from Rev. R. K. Timmons, of Bethel, this county, acceptance of the call extended him some days ago to the pastorate of the Fort Mill church. Mr. Timmons and family are expected to reach Fort Mill within a few days and will occupy the manse on Fast Confederate i I ! Henry B. 1 "The Raven" is a play Mr. Poe is reinci rises from the grave f he fights a duel with One Day Only, IV S Admission prices to "THI Children, 10c. Aduli ?^%?&SZm*!BS>WBgB&BSM street. Mr. Timmons will, it is announced, till the pulpit of the church here on the first Snnday in April. Mr. Timmons is an excellent preacher and is well known by a large number of our people, all of whom are delighted to know that he is to make his home in this city. FOR SALE- O. I. C. Rigs, 8 to 9 weeks old, to be delivered March 20 to 31, $3.50 to $-1.00 each. One hundred bushel* Mexican Mammoth Big Boll Cotton Seed at $1.00 per bnshel, delivered at Ft rt Mill. Two-foot Oak Wood, $3.00 per cord. Nice smooth ' sawed Stove Wood ready for delivery * March 15, at $2.GO per load. 15,000 , feet Oak Lumber, 2x0, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, at Sl.Ott per 100 on yard, or $1.30 de- * livered at Fort Mill. Wateronk Farm, < Osmond Barber, Prop., Fort Mill. S. C. NOTICE! I have taken the Fort Mill agency ' for the , Robinson Folding "Steeline" Bath Tub and invite you to visit Patterson's Dry floods Store, where you may see one of the tubs on exhibition. The Robinson Folding "Steeline" Bath Tub is pt rfectly sanitary and being easily handled can be taken into the yard at any time, washed and aired out. Nothing fragile, nothing flimsy, it's strong and durable and will not leak. Guaranteed for 10 years. Price, $ 1 O. J. L. LYLES. Be Warned. Mr. A. B. Sheppard, a loom fixer in the Millfort Mill says: "For 17 years T carried insurance in one of the fraternal orders at a fairly low rate and. then, when 1 was 41 years old my rate was more than doubled without warning, I refused to pay the advanced premium and took a policy in the Union Central Life, but had to pay a high premium on account of my age. I now find that if I had taken my " present policy instead of the fra- i ternal policy, I would never have to pay another cent and my life j would be insured until I die without further payments by me. Besides each year I would now be getting a dividend check from ] the Union Central each year as long as I live. And I find that the cost of the same in the long run would have been less than my contract with the fraternal society." For nearly fifty years the Union Central has furnished life insurance at the lowest net cost. Are yen wise in delaying your , application? Bailes & Link, Dist. Agts., Fort Mill, S. C. Do Your Saturdays Trading ] With the ? , FORT MILL CASH MARKET ; We have pood Sausape, Souce, Liverelle, Pork and Beef, and 4 will irive you prompt service at * lowest cash prices. Our motto < is quick sales, small profits and ? the "douph." < Hiphest cash prices paid for beef cattle, fresh cows and porkers. * IRA G. SMYTHE. ] Phone No. 146. MajeStiC Th Walthall, gorgeous picturization of the fs irnated by Mr. Walthall. In tl ind faces him as a spirit, the rei himself. For photographic effe londay, March 20. 1 L" '" I MAJ Phone No. Good Thing< Prompt c GULP'S GF O. T. CULP, Prop. Need a Our second shipment of Missc lays ago and are ready for you ire mules of all sizes and su Several closely mated teams anc "Quick sales, short feed bills profit," is our motto. Come to i Mills Lives Opportunity ; To every man an< ; quires a cash pa small. What wi your opportunity c ? preparing for it? Many are preparin at this bank. Wh | FIRST NATIO] t Under Supervision of 1 I i I eatre, Monday, Ma t of all movie actors, the mar i." What higher recommendf imous poem of the same name le course of the picture we se flection of his sweetheart in a icts, illusions, richness and ai "our shows, starting ESTIC TH II f I 15 for SI T * 5 to Eat. f I lelivery. \ 4 4 4 iOCERY, 1 4 Phone No. 15. v' > QM l j Mule? >uri Mules arrived several ir inspection. In this lot litable for every purpose. 1 single mules of all sizes. e and a small per cent, for see us. '% tock Co. ? tomes ? f J it generally re- ; i yment, large or ; ? 11 you do when ; ; :omes? Are you f ; tg for c pportunity y don't you? f NAL BANK. 1! [J. S. Government. f " * i rch 20th, ? J Essanay's Sixplay featuring 1 who starred as Colonel Ben Can ition of ability could one wish"? i by Edgar Allan Poe. In this v, e angels float in the air, the de pool of water appears to Poe as tistry of settings, "The Raven" promptly at 3, at 5, a EATRE, Fon New Spring We are receiving < of New Spring Goods Ladies' New Wash new materials. Am of "Tub Goods," Gin Galatea, White Skirt Milline Our milliner, whc D 1. * f 1 Daiumore ror several styles cind selecting Spring season, will a days with the very b< that the markets affoi Men's and Boy Our first shipmen here. Serges and ( Worsteds, new mode popular prices. Watch this space new every week. C Pattersons Dry' TELEPHONE NO. 85. : TliArp'c JL ALVA V U L/UllU In knowing that you pendable, and that I but dependable merch you leave your orders may rest assured tha filled with every care; be delivered prompth quality of everything < the best. Phone No. Parks Groc Phone 1 Times Advertising liri; J i Act Photo- I \ the noted I a teron in ''The Birth I ronderful photo- Jr sad wife of Poe f| a skeleton, and || is unparalleled. A t 7, at 9 p. m. B t Mill, S. C. | .Goods. 1 daily shipments I l Skirts in all the f other shipment | ghams, Percals, 1 goods, etc. I :ry. f 11 i 3 has been in t weeks studying I stock for the t ? . r jrive in a tew t est and newest | s' Clothing | t for Spring is | lassimeres and t :1s, all sizes, at | for something t ome to see us. | I Goods Store | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." f j Comfort !| ir grocer is de- j; le sells nothing i: andise. When j| at this store, you j; it they will be !j TA7"lll I r* in / and that the j; ordered will be \\ 116. i; < > ery Co., I 16 I; < ' Dgs Big Returns M