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J . : 1 ipll I - Doors Open F Feb. 1 8th, at 9 P ji ^onsc Have bougf Clothing, Shoes, machines, Wire . dise, therefore e,\ it will pay tJ sell everything re you to attend thi Remembei Sale begii | The Cc L MORE MEAT-MAKERS FEWER RAZOR BACKS "Piney-Woods Rooter" is Giving Way to Better Bred Members of Hog Tribe The ungainly, unprofitable hog known as the razor-back is fast giving way in South Carolina to a better type -a safety type that insures reasonable profits front reasonable care. The well bred hog far exceeds the razor-hack in both ment and pig production and modem farming conditions lequire that these two factors bo carefully considered when hogs ure being selected. Good farming has no place for tlio razor-back, bocause good farming is first of all economical. Market hogs are storehouses in which grain, forage, and other feeds nie stored up in the form of meat. The small granary is of comparatively little value; the profits are in those having at least reasonable capacity. The razor-hack is a "storehouse" with ycry little capacity and ?an not make rapid gains. On the other hand, a pig of any of the popular breeds is capable of attaining a weight of from 250 to 350 pounds at nine to twelve months old; indeed, such weights are not unusual in the Corn Helt. The well bred hog far outclasses the razor-hack in regularity of breeding and ability to produce large litters of pigs This is one of the most important points to he considered in hog-raising. Finally, look at this picture of a typical razor-hack and then call to mind the appearance of any well-bred nog. The differences are so striking that a comparison seems absurd. Bug Grazec on Lead Pipe. A hard shelled bug with an appetite for lead pipe la responsible for the perforation of cable covers for which telephone experts have blamed electrolysis, according to Albert Schuler of Santa Barbara. Cal., who exhibited three of the insects to the convention of the Independent Telephone association of America in session at San Francisco. "Here is your electrolysis." said Schuler. "Their scientific name is sin- : oxylon declive, and they have cost ua between $300 and $600 a month in Santa Barbara for repairs." <v*' ^ ? ?I 1 riday, _______ a. m. ! 1 lidated it out the entire stock Gents' Furnishings, W Fencing, Carpenter's " ferything in the buildi Fi he merchants as well ; ^gardless of cost. As s sale. We are sure ^ Everything s Friday, Fel insolidat =? ?>? t= JUST BEFORE THE PLUNGE Frank Confession of One Regarded as About to Be Made Happy for Life. Following is an extract from a bridegroom's frank confession: "Here I was on the verge of realizing the thing that 1 had wanted most for over a year; and suddenly I found, to my utter amazement, that I didn't want it. "I was disgusted with myself, I be rated myself roundly for a cad and n coward, hut I could not change the feeling. With the drowning man's panoramic eye I saw all tho choicest mo ments of my bachelor days. T remembered the gay, irresponsible times that m V float mon onrl I l?.wl wvwv UII aim J Iliiu IIUI1 lUgrilltT. That was a pretty Rood life, after all. that we had led. Our old bachelor apartment was a Rood old place. I thought to myself. And I was leaving It! I had always heard that folks with curly hair were fickle, and had dismissed the saying as Idle, superstitious chatter. Now It flashed upon me that my hair Is curly; I knew In a terrible instant thnt the savinR was true. My hair was curly! I was fickle; here was the first evidence of It. I was on the edge of my marriage, and I didn't went to marry. "Suppose the cursed weakness, my fickleness, were to follow me throuph life. Suppose I were to find that my love was not stronp enough. I was twenty-five; we would probably be married 4ft years! Forty years?the thought staggered me. "People hnd said that they never knew a man who prized his Independence more than I. It came over me now of a sudden than In 12 hours I would no longer have any IndependnnoA T/\mAer/?w? rv ? "-*1 A luuiunun IIH/I l IIK <111(1 lUIHHrrow nnd tomorrow, for 40 yearn, I would have to make every decision not on the haRls of what I wanted to do do, but of what we wanted to do. "For 40 years. I would never be able to go anywhere, do anything. meet anybody, without a plrl on my arm. The sweetest, loveliest girl in the world, to he sure?hut still a girl. Tomorrow I would oe married, nnd the day after tomorrow, and the world without end?"?Woman's Home Companion. During the fall of 1914 Chicago wholesalers quoted the following prices per pound on named varieties of pecans: Schley. 45 cents; Van Denian and Delmas. 40 cents; Stuart. 35 cents; Alley. 30 cents. THE PORT MILL TIMES, FO* =J l ?I ? T\ Banki of McElhaney & Co., agons, Farm Impleme rools, Etc. We have ng, including fixtures ; \CTOR as individuals to atten we have neither spac ?ou will be satisfied w mast be sold >ruarv the 18 a ed Banki 5 I =)\== . . ?* Hello, Willie! . A wounded English officer tells of an Interesting little incident which occurred on the battlefield after the great advance. : ( "I had picked my way among hoaps of German corpses, when I was arrested by a voice which seemed rath- i er familtiir I o ?vw.?? r? r ici? vai us iu rny right, I observed one of our Red , Cross doctors dressing the wounds of 't a German officer. 'Bad ease, doctor,' I remarked casually, and immediately his patient i shouted, 'Hello, Willie.' '1 know that voice,' I said to myself. I approached the wounded man. and to my astonishment 1 found he was a German 1 cousin of mine. We had a little chat 1 about old times, in the days when we were friends and there was no war. "A few days after niy arrival in London I received a letter from him." Religious Freedom in Japan. In no country in the world is there given a freer hand for the propagation of any religion. In a country Mke Japan, where the state and people are governed by a spirit of nationalism. tiie principles of Christianity are most suited. It is to be hoped that missionaries will redouble their zeal in promoting the welfare and happiness of the Japanese.?Editorial in lananeso Hnilv minor Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends tbe liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly 4tops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The beit rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT C\ Good for the A ilmcnts of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. t i Qood for your own Aches, \ Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 2Sc. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. J :T MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA (RUP le =? *upt Si at Fort Mill, S. C. 5 nts, Tobaccos, Candi just 30 days to close and all, will be sold a Y COS d this sale. There w e nor time to mention ith the purchases you l in 30 days ith. Doors1 rupt Sto< ^31 i Schedule of Services Fort Mill Circuit of M. E. Church, South, for the Year 1916. Fort Mill Church 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m., and 1th Sunnay at night. Sunday school every Sin day morning. Womans' Missionary society every 1st Sunday afternoon. Pleasant Hill Church?1st and 3rd! Sundays at 3:30 p. m. Sunriav school i every Sunday afternoon at 2:30o'clock. Philadelphia Church?2nd Sunday at 11 a. m.; 4th Sunday at 3:30 p. n>. Sunlay school every Sunday morning', (-1th Sunday at 3:30 p. m.) India Hook Church?4th Sunday ?? 11 a. m.: 2nd Sunday at 3:30 p. m." Sunlay school every Sunday afternoon, (4th Sunday 10:00 a. rr.) F. Z. .TAMES, Pastor. A POSITIVE STATEMENT BY A BIG BUSINESS MAN "Neglect of Apparently Unimportant Conditions Wrecks Many a Healthy Growing Business" W. S. ELKIN, JR. 11 prominent druggist of Atlanta, Ga., is authority for the above positive statement. In explaining this slateiuent he asked two ?|tiestious ami offered one suggestion If a growing healthy business turns and begins to run down kill, what is the condition of the owner's health? Almost always, unusually bad. What was the first cause of his poor health? Constipation Tills constipation could have been * voided b.v taking Rexall Orderlies oc cnsionallv. They are a pleasant candy tablet laxative which can be used by men, women or children with the best results. Vo have the exclusive celling rights for this great laxative. Trial size, JO cents. \RDREY'S DRUG STORE j THE REXALL STORE J. , Tsi ___ Sale FR1D tock E itock consists of Groc ies, Cutlery, Stoves, out this enormous stc t less than ;t ill be no restrictions, ; prices in this ad. we make. . Prices are will open at :k Buyer -i n? ?i? UfiH! CALOMEL Ml DON'T STAY BlUt "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Clean Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Hot Salivate. makes you sick; you lose a day's work. Calomel i.s quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious; feel lazy, sluggish and all knocked out, if your bowels are constipated and your Tiead aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson-s Liver Tone instead of using; sickening;, salivating; calomel. Qod son's Liver "Tone is real liver medicine. You'll ljnow it next morning he caunc you wijl wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness go??\ your stomach will be sweet- and bowels regular. You will feci like working. You'll bo cheerful; full of energy, vigor uud ambition. To the Patr Majestic I have again tak agement of the b Fort Mill's movin and wish to thank 1 nlare for nafr I w -w. ^/Ull It shall be my a to improve the I point where our p? ''movie" house tha of. Until further no will be run three ni Tuesday, Thursday B. W. I t<.-"' *. **." ? ?. ' .v-.v - . ' *' ? T | ** ' Commences AY, Feb. 1 8th uyers eries, Hardware, Ranges, Sewing )ck of merchanas our view is to will have to ask no object 9. a. m. I lo Fort Mill S s. c. n ?=11=41 IKES YOU SICK. IMS, CONSTIPATED Your druggist or dealer polls you a fiO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't moke you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bow-Is and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Hudson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant Listing and doesn't gripo or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of hollies of Hudson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this ploasnnt, vegetable, liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, reliable guarantee. A&k your druggist about me. ons of the TVioa f??a? JL AAVIAVl V/? en over the manmajestic Theatre, g picture house, the patrons of the onage. lim in the future \A ? J VyOI.1V/ IV./ II IQl eople will have a 1 all will be proud 4 tice the Majestic ghts each week? y and Saturday. Bradford, Mgr.