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FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Ck)tton, per lb UJ Seed, per bu 60 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. v Mrs. W. M. Culp has been ill for several days at her home on East Booth street. The Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Aiken, preached two able and instructive sermons Sunday from the pulpit of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church. Born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Culp, of Sprattville, a daughter. Her many friends will regret to know that Mrs. Laura Johnson is seriously ill at the home of Mr. M. J. Adcock in this city. The many friends in Fort Mill of Mrs. James H. Thornwell, of Winnsboro, will be pleased to learn that she is able to be up, after a serious illness of several months. Main street thermometers on Tuesday morning registered at 17 degrees, being it was believed the lowest point reached by the mercury this winter. The regular evangelistic meeting for March at the Fort Mill Baptist church will begin on the first Sunday in next month and will continue for a week or more. Monday was among the coldest days of the winter in this section. Observers of the thermometers reported that the temperature at 7 a. m. stood at 23 degrees above zero, a change of probably 40 degrees from the same hour Sunday morning. A number of Fort Mill people will be interested to learn ot the marriage in Charlotte Sunday evening of Miss Eula Lee Cousart t and Mr. B. E. Forde, of Columbia. Mrs. Fordo is the daughter of Mrs. B. L. Cousart. who with her husband, the late John Q. Cousart, was for a number of years a resident of this city. Announcement is made that VC. M. (Vance) Fite, of Charlotte, will visit Fort Mill on next Sunday and, with his assistant Mr. Brooks, will conduct re-! ligious services in the Baptist church at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The sermon will be for men only, and every man in the city and community is cordially invited to hear the sermon. Notable improvements have been made during the week to the interior of the Majestic Theatre, the town's amusement house. The room now has an elevated floor, the walls have been nicely papered and other improvements are under way which will add much to the appearance of the place and the comfort of its patrons. t \xr t V-IIIC1 Ul 1 UI1UC U. VV . X-J> I1II appeared on the streets Sunday dressed in a bran new suit of the regulation form. This is the first time Fort Mill's chief has been dressed as the officers in the larger cities and is in keeping with a resolution of the new city council passed at a meeting some days ago. Chief Lynn is being congratulated on all sides. LevekofT Brothers, members of the Consolidated Bankrupt Stock Buyers, who some days ago purchased the bankrupt stock of McElhaney & Co. in this city, announce in another column that the doors of the business will be thrown open to * the public Friday morning at 9 o'clock, instituting a "great bankrupt sale," to last for .30 days. The firm promises the 1 buying public some of the 1 greatest bargains ever offered | in Fort Mill and the public should ( read the big advertisement of the concern appearing in another column of The Times. -v : - ' . Mr. Dewey Brackett and Miss ! Lillian Potts, a popular young couple of the Millfort Mill village, were married Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Potts. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. Z. James, in the presence of a number of relatives and friends of the couple, j In the evening a reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. BracKett at the home of Mr. Joe Brackett, a brother of the groom. Popular Couple Wed. A pleasant surprise to their many friends throughout this section was the marriage Sunday evening of Miss Susan Bradford and Mr. Thomas Withers Massey of Rock Hill. The announcement of the engagement of this popular young couple was made some days ago, but none except a few most intimate friends were aware that the event would take place at as early a tu - - * uaie. 1 ne marriage tocK place at the home of the bride's parents 011 East Booth street, this citv, and was witnessed only by members of the family and a few friends of the bride and groom. Rev. E. Z. James of the local Methodist church was the officiating minister. After the wedding supper, Mr. and Mrs. Massey boarded the 8:45 train for Charlotte to spend a few days with relatives of the former. Mrs. Massey is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford. She is highly accomplished and of a most pleasing personality. Mr. Massey is the son of the late Dr. J. E. Massey and Mrs. Manassas Withers Massey, for years residents of Fort Mill. He was reared in Rock Hill and in that city and section numbers his friends by the score, all of whom will be pleased to learn of his marriage. lie is at present engaged in fanning, having charge of the large Massey farm in the Waxhaw section of Union county. Here he and his bride will reside, the old colonial home on the place having recently been remodeled and refurnished for their occupancy. The many friends of the couple in this section wish for them unbounded success. Proof Positive. Mr. W. B. Meacham, President of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill says: "I have a $5,000.00 policy in the Union Central Life and am thoroughly satisfied with it; in fact, I am 'dee-lighted' with it. The dividends are large, making the net cost very low. I am glad to recommend the company to anyone who contemplates taking life insurance." We wrote more than One Million Dollars of life insurance in South Carolina last year. Did you get your share? Bailes & Link, Dist. Agts., Fort Mill, S. C. NOTICE The books of Registration for the election to be held on March 2, 19115, are now open at the store of the Parks Drnir pnmnnnv and will p?main nn.n until Wednesday, February 23, for the purpose ot registering voters of Ward No. 3. S. W. Parks is hereby appointed registrar. B. V. PATTERSON, Mayor. I Do Your Saturday's Trading With the FORT MILL GASH MARKET We have good Sausage, Souce, j Liverelle, Pork and Beef, and will give you prompt service at lowest cash prices. Our motto is quick sales, small profits and the "dough." Highest cash prices paid for beef cattle, fresh cows and |)orkers. . IRA 6. SMYTHE. Phone No. 14G. : ggjrawg Wr. K ' r' FOR SALE?O. I. C. Pigs, 8 to 9 weeks old, to be delivered March 20 to 31, $3.50 to $4.00 each. One hundred bushels Mexican Mammoth Big Boll Cotton Seed at $1.00 per bnshel, delivered at Fort Mill. Two-foot Oak Wood, $3.00 per cord. Nice smooth sawed Stove Wood ready for delivery March 15, at $2.50 per load. 15,000 feet Oak Lumber, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12, at $1.00 per 100 on yard, or $1.30 delivered at Fort Mill. Wateroak Farm, Osmond Barber, Prop., Fort Mill, S. C. RIIP.KI FN'<\ "8 THE ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE | - COUPC THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVE D CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. Charlotte, N. C. Find enclosed $ LOTTE OBSERVER. Daily and signed for Name St. or R. F. D Town Remit by Check or Postal Orde Orders accepted under this spei gain Period. I Capps' Genera r I have opened a General 4 of Main Street, Fort Mill, ? repairs to be made to you etc., come and give me a ti ? at reasonable prices. ^ v><* uvjaou A uimtuiu 111U ^ and Ice Boxes made to yoi I J. Lee Terms: CASH. Just A More New S Although prices have ad we bought early and have Stock at old prices, and so for a great deal less. You will save money if ; early, for we are selling s< today's wholesale prices. Come, see the New Goo< I L. J. t | Opportunity ; To every man ai ; quires a cash p small. What v your opportunity * nrpnafina fr*r ifO r.,.r^.?w5 *? Many are prepar ; at this bank. \V | FIRST NATIC Under Supervision o! Let Us Fill Your JOB PR1 The Times, ft To the Public! I have opened a First-class Fancy Grocery in the storeroom formerly occupied by W. L. Hall. It is my purpose to carry at all times the best in i my lines and I will appreciate a share of your patronage. Fresh Meats and Fish the year round, and Oysters in season. For this week ?King Mackerel, sliced in any quantity you want. CABBAGE PLANTS ?Big lot just received. Let me supply ynu. Phone No 29. M. K. Moore. Old Newsprpers for sale at The Times Office. >N FOR :R BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION ate ..191.. I for which send THE OHARSunday, by mail to the under-! months. BARGAIN RATE DAILY DAILY AND ONLY SUNDAY 3 months $1 25 $1.50 6 months . 2.50 3.00 1 year 5.00 0.00 1 r. Money gets lost in the mails, cial rate only during Special Bar-! il Repair Shop t ' Repair Shop at the head 5. C., and if you have any r buggies, wagons, guns, ? ial. Reliable work done de modern. Refrigerators + ir order. Capps. ! n T J r\i A i\esiuence rnone /u. T> ? arrived pring Goods. Ivanced all along the line, almost our entire Spring ?me SPECIAL BARGAINS yrou buy your Spring goods ome things for less than is. /lassey. I j HMBHORflNIBnUi * ____________^, < j Comes |i: HHKE&QanKXZaKSKRSaefl 4 j r\c\ it crf?n^r?ll\/ r^?_ A * >ayment, large or ; i nil you do when ; j, comes? Are you * 11 ( , ing for c pportunity ' hy don't you? !4 " 4 )NAL BANK. \\\ f U. S. Government. 1 Next Order For \ IN TING.: Fort Mill. I T P5 I <-+ I ! a : *3 |m i o * * o ? ? I t- C/J ? O I i13 t Q i I ciq m CO j I "TJ /< o n ?r r r m (i (D 0) M f Phone No. ; Good Things I Prompt de f T? O. T. CULP, Prop. There's Solid | In knowing that your pendable, and that ht . but dependable mercha ' you leave your orders a may rest assured that hlled with every care; 1 | be delivered promptly quality of everything or the best. Phone No. 1 Parks Groce Phone 111 *> rimes Advertising Brin^ *|jS[ ? i1 e K^> *? ? ? ? ? ? ? jt???# ^ < < < < ?> " ~ < ' 1 k < > V ;; I < > < < < < > < < > < v > > I r i > I ^" I vf ?- r + 15 for to Eat. livery. | >CERY, I Phone No. IS- 1 Comfort! < < > < < grocer is de- ;; 5 sells nothing 1 nrn ndise. When <> t this store, you <; they will be \\ that they will o and that the <; dered will be j| js Big Returns .