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THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic? Published Thursdays. I. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor < OSSCKIFTION RATKS: One Year Six Months ... ... ...... .<16 Tho Tifma invites contributions on Hvcsubjecta bat does not atrrce to publish more than 200 words in mny subject. The right is reserved to edit eery communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising ' atea are made known to those Interested. Telephone, local and lonir distance. No. 112. Kntered at the postofflce at Fort Mill. S. C.. * mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1910. It has been announced that Henry Ford is preparing to launch a countrywide campaign of newspaper and magazine advertising against the program for huge naval and military expenditures now before Congress. It was said Mr. Ford intends soon to carry out his announced intention to devote millions of dollars to an educational campaign against war and preparedness which he declared to be the first step toward actual war If such a thing be possible, the blind tigers had better "keep their eyes open." The Liles bill providing a chaingang sentence for violators of the whiskey law has passed both houses of the legislature and only lacks the signature of the governor to become law. This bill positively forbids the payment of a fine as a means of escaping the law. and the only thing left for those who transgress the law is to tak? their medicine. If the legislature would d<> something in the way of im proving the health of the state, it would extend the "sanitary cup law" so as to include the cotton mills and other public works. This could be done by requiring each worker to supply him or herself with an indi vidual cup or glass, and allow none of the fellow workers to use the cup. The cost would be small to each individual. The Times regrets the resignation of Secretary of Wa? Garrison from the President's cabinet for be has filled the place most admirably. What hurts us most, however, is that that we are not capable of holding down the job and would stand so little chance of getting it even if we were capable. Some idea of the improvement of local conditions over last year may be gained from the statement of a Fort Mill banker a few days ago who said that for every dollar handled in January of last year his bank had handled ten dollars during the pas! month. Next Thursday, the 22nd, marks the anniversary of the birth of the nation's first president. We imagine that the ground I hog woke up cold Monday mornmorning. Mrs. Janie Ritch Dead. Mrs. Janie Ritch, mother of Messrs. J. L. and Henry Ritch, of Fort Mill, died Sunday morning at 5 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Hope, in Charlotte. The remains arrived in Fort Mill Sunday afternoon at 5:30 and were taken to the home of Mrs. J. R. Hope, a daughter. The funeral services took place Sunday afternoon in Charlotte, the Rev. Mr. West conducting the service. The burial was made in the Fort Mill cemetery Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. E. Z. J James conducting the service at d the grave. j! Mrs. Ritch was 71 years of ^ age, and had been in ill health c for several years. Her death , i was due to a complication of t diseases. She was for many c year3 a resident of this city and C was well known and beloved, t She was a life long member of ? the Methodist church and a i regular attendant upon the ser- ( i vices of that church. s The following children sur-1 vive: Messrs. J. L. and Henry ! Ritch, of Fort Mill; Mr. E. L. Ritch, of Rock Hill; Mrs. J. R. ? Hope of Fort Mill, and Mrs. I j M. L. Hope of Charlotte. Court Finds for Clerk Tate. In a decision handed down a few days ago by Judge H. F. j a Rice, the rule requiring Clerk of 1 the Court Tate to show cause i ...u.. u? ?i l.i a. di :J.? I - vvny tie aiiuuiu nut me an itemized statement of the receipts of his office was ordered dissmissed. p the court holding that the requirement was unconstitutional. The decision of Judge Rice was, ? j in part, as follows: The grand jury for York county, in their presentment filed July 15, 1915, presented sev- ? eral of the county officers, among J3 them the clerk of court, for 'j ; failing to comply with Section ii 681 of the Civil Code, 1912, re- F quiring said officers to file with ^ the supervisor of the county an ? itemized account of all their p receipts for each year by way P of emolument, etc. A rule was n issued out of this court requiring 5 the said clerk to show cau'se why he should not be adjudged t guilty of neglect of his official [ duty by his failing to comply ? with the said provision of law, r and at the fall, 1915, term of r court of said county, the clerk 1 made his return to the rule and the hearing was had before me. The courts do not lightly declare an act of the legislature i unconstitutional but in the case at har there is no esoanincr the conclusion that the section referred to clearly violates sub'd 9. Section 34, of Art 3 of the Constitution of 1895, and is therefore of no force or effect as law. See also 60 S. C., 503: 62 S. C., 247; 73 S. C.. 184. It is therefore, ordered and adjudged That the rule be and is, hereby discharged. An Old Paper Bill. Mr. R. H. Carothers of Upper Fort Mill, displayed on the streets Saturday an old paper bill which attracted much attention. The bill was issued by the "United Colonies," and was of the $30 denomination. It was numbered 5624, was signed by one "Wm. Webb," and bore the following inscription: "This bill entitles the bearer to receive Thirty Spanish milled dollars, or the value thereof in gold or silver, according to a resolution of Congress, passed at Philadelphia, ( June 22, 1776." The bill was printed by Hall & Sellars. 1 The old bill is in a fairly good < state of preservation and is k prized very hisrhlv bv the owner. Clerk Tate Will Retire. I In a communication to The Times Wednesday Clerk of the Court J. A. Tate announces that he will not he a candidate for reelection in the primaries next summer. This announcement follows a decision reached by Mr. Tate shortly after he was elected four years ago. though at that lime he told but a few persons that he would not again tee< the office of clerk. Mr. Tate concludes his communication with thanks to the voters ol i i he county for their support and : friendship during the twelve yean he has been in office. LOST?Or stolen, somewhere between my home and W. T. Headland's stable one heavy I.ap Robe. This Robe was either lost from the earring' on the way to the stable, or stolen after i r -aching the stable. Any information ! regarding the whereabouts of this robe | win ne appreciated, and it the same has been found, a reward will be paid to the finder upon its return. J. J. Hailes. THE MAJESTiri Wotch the Improvement. Program Today. Jack Conway and Irene Hunt in a big 2-Reel Western, "The Man of It." This is an] interesting story of the Western hills and mining camp life. A Big Keystone, "Ambrose's Lofty 'Perch," a bunch of laughs from start to finish. Admission 5c and lCc. Our floor has been elevated, ' which helps some. Mr. W. F. Stevenson, candilate for congress, states that he 5 still for road improvement by he United States Government; irst, because it uses our roads to arry the mails; second, because t benefits practically everybody; hird, because our states and :ounties in 1914 spent $240,045, 67.00 on public roads and the Jnited States Government used .,220,579 miles of them in carryng the mails and spent nothing. )ur states, counties and townihips will be loaded down with lebt soon to build and maintain oads for the national governnent to use. Congress spent >50,000 on an experimental road >r two in 1914; and fourth, be:ause the United States Governnent has spent $475,000,000.00 | >n river work to make v water 1 ransportation. Now help the i nland farmer by fixing his road 1 l 1 i f f I o - < Will give more facts next time. (Advertisement.) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1916 (otice of Opening Books of Auditor for Listing Reiurns for Taxation. itate of South Carolina?County of York. Auditor's Office, November 30, 1915. Pursuant to the requirement of the Statute on the subject. Notice is herefiven that mv books will be opened in fficc in York Court House on Saturday, anuary 1, 1916, for the purpose of isting for taxation all Personal and teal Property held in York County, on anuary 1, 1916, and will be kept open intil the 20th day of February, 1916, md for the convenience of the Tax?ayers of the County I will be at the daces enumerated below on the dates larned: At York, from Saturday, February , to February 20, 1916. All males between the ages of tweny-one and sixty years, except Conedcrate soldiers o\er the age of fiftyears, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, nd all persons so liable are especially equosted to give the numbers of their es^ective school districts in making heir returns. BROADUS M. LOVE, Auditor York County. Old newspapers for sale at The 'imes office. JL | Need a Our second shipment of Miss lays ago and are ready for yoi ire mules of all sizes and si Several closely mated teams an "Quick sales, short feed bills jroflt," is our motto. Come to Mills Lives Put your Money . in safe Han< j 3iJ The safest hands to , i | plus earnings are tho E? " ing teller in our savir the money haa passed it begins to earn intei is always secure and and if you add a little it will soon grow into later into a large one. ' Savings Bank E.W.] Gen* We sell yoi goods obtain; low as it is Te <s> Mule? | ouri Mules arrived several nr inspection. In this lot uitable for every purpose. d single mules of all sizes. ? and a small per cent, for J see us. g stock Co. I r ijj| i handle your sur- ' II se of the receivigs bank. When 1 into his keeping rest for you. It ready at your cali i ll * to it each week, f|?j| a small fortune? Vjjf of Fort Mill j|i' ~ ~~ ( \ v- -* ** - Kimbrell jral Merchandise 1 only the best g able and our prices possible to mak< lephone No. 7. TWirvs TO TO tixe this time" jt Rags and improper dressir sponsible for blood poisonin; salts in many cases. Tl do when any wound is made for antiseptic gauze, bandaj. Better still, don't wait until s< but come now and have it in stant use. We have everything for tl every occasion. Hutchinson's PI HAVE JUST RECE1 A FRESH BUIST PRIZE MEDAL GAI The kind you put in and they "come up." BUIST assures Relit All varieties, packag Parks Drug Cc Phone No. 43 . ' m 1 ! I T" jT \^U., I Tade of | are as 2 them. ; ?N f ^ ^ % ^ j erythitwS lor | * Sicilc room, I () t ottiseptics . 1 have been re- J> g and serious re- 5 he safe thing to g is to come to us ? (es and supplies. a ameone is injured the house for in- ? I lie sick room for > | < harmacy, \ VED SHIPMENT 'S IDEN SEED, the ground The name ibility. w e and hulk. >mpany. I, __