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r FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb. 12c Seed, per bu 60 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mr. Lee Capps has opened a -% wood repair and blacksmith sbop * in the brick building near the head of Main street and requests the public to give him a share of their patronage. The condition of ex-Representative J. R. Haile, who has been ill for about two weeks at his home five miles north of Fort Mill, was at last reports improved to some extent. Mayor B. E. Patterson informs The Times that it is the intention of city council to carry forward the paving and other permanent improvements during the year just as far as the town's finances will permit. County Auditor B. M. Love arrived in Fort Mill yesterday mnrninor nnH will rpmnin hprp through tomorrow for the purpose of listing property for taxation. Mr. Love is located at the store of Mills & Young. According to figures furnished by W. M. Carothers, former registrar of vital statistics for Fort Mill, there were in the township during the year 1915, 54 deaths and 96 births, showing a gain in population of 42. There appears on the fourth page of this issue of The Times a half page advertisement of the E. W. Kimbrell company, telling of a demonstration and sale of the well known Majestic range, to begin with Monday, January 31, and continue for a week. S. L. Coltharp, of Fort Mill township, was among the jurors drawn at York Monday morning to serve during the special term of York court on the 31st instant ^ when Israel Goode, a negro boy, will be tried on a charge of criminal assault. The coldest weather of the winter came Tuesday morning when the thermometers at 6 o'clock registered at 20 degrees above zero. The cold spell was reported as general throughout the South Atlantic States. According to figures furnished The Times by .Joe M. Taylor, special agent of the census department, there were 36,917 bales of cotton ginned in York county prior to December 31, 1915, as against 36,324 bales up td the same date in 1914, or a gain last year of 593 bales. Hon. W. F. Stevenson, of Cheraw, is this week announced in The Times as a candidate for congress from this tthe 5th) South Carolina district in the election to be held next summer. Mr. Stevenson was in the congressional race two years age and commanded a strong following throughout the district. The Rev. J. A. McMurray, oi Bethesda church, preached for the congregation of the Fori Mill church last Sunday morninp and evening. Mr. McMurray is an excellent preacher and his sermons were highly enjoyed b\ the Presbyterians. Announcement is made, in this connection, that the Rev. R. K. Timmons, o1 Blackstock church, this county, will fill the appointment at the church on next Sunday. The local chanter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will observe Loe and Jackson's birthday on tomorrow (Friday) ^ when exercises appropriate te thd occasion will be held in the school auditorium beginning a1 1 o'clock p. m., the school chil dren to assist in the exercises A special invitation is extendec to the public in general and it is especially elesired that the vet erans of the le>cal carnp be present. j It is stated that the affairs of I the Massey Drug store, bank-. rupt, will be closed up during the next ten days, the concern to pay ab< ut 20 cents on the j dollar on its indebtedness. The Times has in hand the j treasurer's report of the town's I finances for the year 1615, but1 ' the report having reached this.. ; office too late for publication this j ' week, it will appear in next j week's issue. i Attention is called to the notice in another column in which a new set of rates per visit is given by the physicians of the | town. Along with every other! profession or business the doc- i j tors find that on account of the greatly increased cost of living i and the much higher price of the ! necessary supplies for their j work, the old rates charged are too low and a new and somewhat ! higher rate is to be in force in | the future. Messrs VV. B. Meacham and T. B. Spratt, of the board of trustees of the Fort Mill school, went to Columbia this morning to appear before the York delegation in the general assembly in an effort to arrange for free schooling for the pupils of the school. It is the purpose of the school board to have a portion of the tax now being paid on the school house bonds transferred to the fund for ordinary school purposes, and if this can be done no further collection of fees from the Din i!s will be nec essary. To The Public. We, the physiqians of Fort Mill, in consultation believe that Fort Mill and the vicinity demand the services of three medical men, since three have practiced here for the past 23 years. Now, owing to the high cost of living, we have been unable to make a living for the past two or three years and conclude the only remedy is to raise the price of our services to the sagne fees as the physicians of surrounding towns, viz: For visits in town $1.60 Outside town limit up to 2 miles.. 2.00 For each additional mile above 2 .50 For night calls, extra 1.00 Obstreticftl cases $15 and upward. Moreover, we agree to send statements monthly for our services the same as other business men. All delinquents are urged to settle their accounts at once. Those who cannot pay will be pluced on the charity list. Those who will not will be placed on another 1st. These changes in fees to take effect on the first of February, 1916. J. B. Elliott, M. D. T. S. Kirkparick, M. D. A. T. Neely, M. D. To the Public! I have opened a First-class Fancy Grocery in the storeroom formerly occupied by W. L. Hall. It is my purpose to carry at all times the best in my lines and 1 will appreciate a share of your patronage. Fresh Meats and Fish the year round, and Oysters in season. For this week ?King Mackerel, sliced in any quantity you want. CAHBAGE PLANTS-Big lot just received. Let me supply you. Phone No 29. M. K. Moore. EXCURSION FARES ; Via Southern Railway to Columbi<, S. C., Account Laymen's Missionnry Convention, February 6 9, 1916. The Southern Railway will sell yery . low round trip fare tickets to Columbia, S. C., account of the above occa| sion; tickets on sale February 4th to 9th, with final limit returning February 12th. The following fares will apply front points named. Newberry, $1.55 5 Greenwood,. 2.70 Abbeville, 3.20 Anderson, 3.90 , Spartanburg, 3.05 Union, 3.25 Hock Hill, ._ 2.75 Chester, 2.15 Orangeburg, 1.75 Charleston, 4.10 Aiken, 2.45 Winnsboro, _ __ 1.40 York, 3.00 Proportionately low fares from other I points. For detailed information and , schedules, apply to local agents or correspond with S. H. McLean, District 5 Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. . NEGRO RACE CONFERENCE , ; Columbia, S. C., Feb. 9, 1916 f _ _ . ?. The Southern Hallway announces > that the low redcced fares authorized > for the Laymens' Conference, Columbia, S. C., February 6-9. will be applicable to delegates and visitors to the above named meeting. The following * fares will apply from principal points: j Newberry; $1.65 Greenwood, . *2.70 3 Abbeville, 3.'20 I Anderson, 3.90 Greenville, . 3.60 ) I Spartanburg, 3.05 > ' Union, 2.25 ' Rock Hill, 2.75 t Chester, . 2.15 LI Orangeburg. 1.75 Charleston, 4,10 Aiken, 2.45 1 Winnsboro, 1.40 York, 3.00 3 Proportionately low fares from other _ points. For *ktailed information ap ply to IncfAMDentH or communicate - j with S. lkntt|?pkn, District Passenger Agent, (.? ?, S. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. W. F. Stevenson authorizes us to announce that he will be a candidate in the Democratic Primary during the coming summer for Congressman from the Fifth Congressional District, and to thank his many friends for their very substantial support in the last primary for the same position. FORT MILL CASH MARKET Will be at your service on the 15th with a full line of Meats, an experienced butcher and cuutter and the "Old Man" on deck. Located in room formerly occupied by Patterson's Restaurant. Highest cash prices paid for enttlf IRA 6. SMYTHE. Phone No. 146. Old Newsprpers for sale at The Times Office. ; r-T7|i | HOG i On Friday and t 21st and 22nd we r LJ i. <r ? Ui 1 lUgS cil 1IOII1 sD ; Sale starts Frida t our store. L. A. Har I New Spri Are coming in each day Winter goods going at ? Special bargains in Blar ! Canton Flannels and all h One $300.00 slightly us New lot of Seth Thomai Iing Machines and Ldison received. Come, see the New Goo our prices. L. J. I dWnOBBMBBBHHDa The Hank is (he one s; Not only is your money our thick walls and sti get it when you want it. is often hard to get bad ly depositing is the only richer. FIRST NATI * Mules, Mules. 1 Listen, we have just I; received our first car ofI Missouri Mules. : I These mules were se lected with care and we | can suit ycu both in f 1 quality and price. | Come to sec them. | Mills Live Stock Co. | _ Old newspapers for sale at Tin i limes olfice. 4 i erccTsasfl azt^ssassE * "g>, J- ? SALE 1 4 ! Saturday, January I : will sell 1 5 head ^ 5 to $8 each. y at 11 a. m. at ? < < ris & Co. ! BBmaunun &2bl**Z ng Goods | JO cents for $1.00 worth, ikets, Outings, Dress Goods, eavy goods. ed Harvard Piano for $90. s Clocks, New Home SewPhonograph Records just ? ds and take special note of Vlassey. j nHBMHHKIBfiHKSiEu&i NA?t'QNAL &/IMX \ IS A MEMBER Of \*^Jfr'7tl? F IumJIK.- Reserve Vr SYSTEM j:j|I : Wm %.? ;iie place to keep money absolutely safe behind *ong locks, but you can Money loaned to friends i. The habit of regularsure way of becoming ONALBANK. * ~~ ~ **" * Q*JO??5?;^- "~^=^ u ODDS AND E MONEY-SAVING PI WHAT ARE "ODDS AND EN! EE ODDS AND ENDS FCR YO BUY IN OUR STCRE ARE AL' ERV SEASON WE SELL 01 GOODS. TO DO THIS FAST AWAY DOWN LOW. RIGHT NOW WE WILL SEi AND ENDS OF OUR WINTER i LOW YOU WILL BUY WHEN V STCRE. DON'T WAIT: THEY < Patterson's Drv I TELEPHONE NO. 85. S> \ Angel Food Sp ^ Who ever heard of + being sold at the ridiculoi By special arrangeme ^ cake specialist, we will o ^ ber of these cakes on ne: : THURSDAY 4 There are two kinds + Sponge. Telephone your order, I Special Price One i j GULP'S GF * f O. T. CULP, Prop. i There's Soli< ; In knowing that yc pendable, and that ; but dependable mere ; you leave your order mav rest assured tin filled with every care I be delivered prompt f quality of everything the best. Phone No f ?? l Parks Groc Phone 1 i Times Advertising liri ' -M OS" FOR US WILL NOT ? } s| U. THE THINGS YOU WAYS IN STYLE. EU- I JT THAT SEASON'S ; WE PUT THE PRICES t LL YOU MANY ODDS I GOODS AT PRICES SO I '00 COME INTO OUR t WON'T BE HERE LONG. Goods Store j "SELLS IT FOR LESS." I J longe Cake. | Angel Food Cake ^ is low price of 10c? 4 nt with Stone, the ffer a limited num- ^ - Angel Food and ? they won't last long. Day Only, 10c. i rocERY, I Phone No. 15. ? 1 Comfort! * 1 ' >ur grocer is de- | he sells nothing handise. When I s at this store, you | iat they will be t ; that they will f ly and that the | ordered will be I ?. I 16. ! 7 . ? t :ery Co., \ i * . > ligs lijg Keturns. _