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^ FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per Ih 12c Seed, per bu. 60 : ni ?i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. Lizzie Ormand is renni'torl fn ha caiManaltr ill nt ho? |^V? WVV4 WW WW WV&1VUOIJ 111 at lit! I home at Grattan. J. S. McKibben and family will during the coming week move to Rock Hill where they f will reside in the future. The annual banquet of the local lodge of Woodmen of the \\7ah1 r? 10 f a 1\a V\ a1 /I am ma%ri If U1IU IO IU UC I1C1U VII UCAl Wednesday evening, to which each member will be allowed one guest. The old ."barracks" on Booth street is being remodeled, the building to be used in the near future as a wood repair shop by Mr. J. Lee Capps, who moved here recently from Steel Creek, j It is understood that Rev. | J. A. McMurray of Bethesda Presbyterian church has accepted an invitation to preach in the Fort Mill Presbyterian church the morning of the third Sunday, the 16th, of this moqth. A Fort Mill marriage which took place during the holidays was that of Mr. Gus Wallace and Miss Jewell Gordon, the ceremony being performed by Magistrate R. P. Harris. Mrs. Wallace is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Gordon. The grocery business of W. L. Hall which has been conducted in the Mills building on Main street for the last year by Mr. George Hall has been discontinued. Mr. Hall has not indicated in what business he will enaatre in the future. Mr. Z. V. Bradford, of Rock Hill was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. Mr. Bradford has about recovered from injuries which he received when a section on the county bridge on which he was working collapsed several months ago. The Yorkville Enquirer reports that ducks in large numbers are to be found along Gatawba river and that Clover sportsmen have been having some royal sport shooting these water birds. It is understood that the ducks are to be found principally on the large pond above the Catawba dam. W. F. Lewis has for the last week been host of a very pleasant house party, among the guests being Misses Agnes and Julia Robinson and Almeda Kunkel, of Pulaski, Va.; Miss Blanche Thorne and Eugene Thome, of Austinville. Va John Kenvon of Charlotte, and Marshall Boyce of Steel Creek. The plant of the Charlotte Brick company at Grattan is again running on full time, after a partial suspension for several months. It is stated that of the orders recently given the company one was for half a million brick for a cotton milf that is to be built at a point * in North Carolina. Fort Mill friends of Rev. J. B. Massey will be interested to know that he has accepted the pastorate of a Prespyterian church at Wilson, N. C., and with his family moved to that | city some days ago. Mr. Massev. who is a son of Postmaster B. H. Massey of Fort Mill, has been located for a number of years at Mossy Creek, Va. Fort Mill's two banking institutions, the Savings Bank and the First National Bank, held their annual meetings during the week and both reelected the old boards of officers. The officers of the institutions expressed themselves as highly pleased with the business of the last year, each bank having declared its annual dividend, besides placing creditable amounts to the surplus funds. Will Enlarge Mill. Announcement is officially made that the Fort Mill Mfg. company will in a very short time begin the erection at mill No. 2 of an additional room to accommodate 600 Draper looms. This will necessitate the installation of additional spinning ati? carding machinery, and it is the intention of the company to remove the looms at present in mill No. 2 to mill No. 1 and utilize the entire floor space of the present No. 2 mill to carding and spinning. It is stated also that the contract for the new machinery has been signed up and that the machinery will be shipped just as soon as the new building is ready to receive it. This enlargement of the mill was contemplated in 11 11 _ i* A t ine iau 01 i?i4, out on account of financial depression, was not carried out. ANNOUN CEMENTS. For Mayor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor, and if elected promise to give my best efforts to the proper fulfillment of the position B. E. PATTERSON. For Alderman-at-Large. Having been a member of City Council for the past two years, and having attempted to prove myself worthy of the position, I trust that the services which 1 have rendered will merit my re-election. 1 therefore announce myself a candidate for Alderman-at-large and will appreciate the support of my friends in the coming election. A. C. LYTLE. | I beg to announce myself a candidate for re-election as alderman-at-large and will be grateful for the support of the voters in the election to be held January 11. 191G. C. S. LINK. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. B. C. FERGUSON as a candidate for Alderman-at-Large, subject to the choice of the voters of the town in the January election. Should a sufficient number of the voters of Fort Mill consider me capable to represent the whole citizenship in City Council and elevate me to said position in the approaching election, 1 shall endeavor to render such service that no one will regret my election. I am a candidate for Alderman-at-Large and will appreciate all favors in my behalf. B. W. BRADFORD. For Alderman?Ward 1. TKn Timoo io ontkAwifo/1 a. ><v i imvo IO nubMUl l/A ll UIlllUUilLC Mr. ROBERT E. McKIBBEN as a candidate for Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the choice of the voters in the municipal primary. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. W. J. STEELE as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the action of the voters of said Ward in the approaching1 town election. For Alderman? Ward 2. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 2, subject to the action of the voters of said ward in the January election. M. J ADCOCK. For Alderman Ward 3. I beg to announce myself a candidate for Alderman in Ward 3 at the approaching election, and if elected I promise my best services to the residents of our ward and the best interests of the town. W. A. ROACH. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 3, subject to the choice of the voters of said ward in the January election. W. B. MEACHAM, Jr. For Alderman?Ward 4. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 4, subject to the choice of the voters of said ward in next Tuesday's election. J. B. ELLIOTT. For School Trustee. I hereby announce myself a candidate for membership on the hoard of Trustees of the Fort Mill school, subject to the choice of the voters of District 2X in the election to be held January 11. H. D. HARKEY. Believing that the part of this school district outside of the town of Fort Mill should be represented on the Board of Trustees and recognizing the efficient services rendered by W. J. KIM BR ELL as a member of this board for the past four years, his friends announce his candidacy for re-election. W. D. WOLFE is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election to the Board of Trustees of this School District. During his two years' service Mr. Wolfe has taken an active interest in the affairs of the school and we believe his re-election will be a benefit to the school. Patrons of the School. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, 1 for three Trustees for School District i No. 28, to serve for six years. Presentation ot County Registration Certificate will be necessary to vote in said election. Ira G. Smythe, D. A. Lee and T. D. Faulkner are appointed managers for said election. By order of Board of Trustees this, 8th day of December, 1915. J. B. MILLS, Chairman. W. B. M EACH AM, Clerk. I ij GREETI] ' I The vear 191 1 It the most succ ness career, and favors w i; ' " and trust that have many g for you. < > ??? Parks Drui The | NJ Simply because it is an h< of our sincere APPRECI your confidence and patr and wish you a happy an We are getting in bet! your_wants^in the future, following is the strongest Harrisburg Shoes, N chines, Edison Phc (anybody can play ties, Seth Thomos Clo< ware have no equal i prices are the very It Come, let us show y< L. J.~1 The Bank is the one j Not only is your mone; our thick walls and si get it when you want it j is often hard to net bac lv depositing is the onl richer. FIRST NATI Mules, Mules. listen, we have just received our first car of i Missouri Mules. These mules were selected with care and we can suit you both in quality and price. Come to see them. Mills Live Stock Co. ELECTRIC- The I BITTERS FaxdIIj M?dieiQ-. ?> I NG. ? I z 5 has been one of | :es$ful in our busi For your patronage f e are duly grateful the New Year may I < ood things in store ; ; ! upler AKt. * ??? | 3 T ?? snored custom, but because ATION, we thank you for onage during the past year, d prosperous New Year. :er shape to take care of , and sincerely believe the line on the market today: ew Home Sewing Mainographs, Autopianos tern), Waltham Watches and Wallace Silverat any price while our >west possible. >u. Massey. _____________________ 1 NAT ZONAL BANK \!s a member of the federal reserve '^1 sysTEM *ale place to keep money. y absolutely safe behind Tong locks, but you can . Money loaned to friends! k. The habit of regular-: y sure way of becoming ONALBANK. j Now is the Time to do your repairing. You will need LUMBER for your fences, road bridges, repairs on your house, barn and outbuildings. We are in position to offer special inducements to, early comers, giving you the best possible material, at prices that1 defy competition. Fort Mill Lumber Company, Phone No. 72. ; i . ' r5:, t OUR GO( | MONEY-SAVING WHEN WE SELL YOU SC DOLLARS MARKED FOUR D< I ONE DOLLAR OF SURE-EI GOODS ARE WORTH. ALL ASK FOR THEM AT FIRST. | WE DO NOT WANT TO CAI t GOODS FOR ANOTHER VE HRE CUTTING PRICES TO C I COME WHILE THE "PICKir ????? I Pattersons Dry ; TELEPHONE NO. 85. i J <*+ I How's Your Cc I Let us fill it wit I Very Besi Our Coal bi little coaxin are right. I CULP'S GF O. T. CULP, Prop. I Many T I We most heartily ; for their patronage < promise to exert evei t them satisfactorily di We wish for yor ; happy and prosperoi ___ t Parks Gro< ; Phone Times Advertising Br ?> i PRICES. 1 H o iMETHING FOR THREE H < * OLLARS WE SAVE YOU $ NOUGH MONEY. OUR | THE TIME. WHAT WE | <#> RRY OUER OUR WINTER 1 :AR. THAT'S WHY WE | LEAR THEM OUT. 4G" IS GOOD. | < > * i > 4 > 4 4 Goods Store ii It "SELLS IT FOR LESS." \\ 4 > 4 > ?al Bin? | h the t COAL; urns with but : g and prices I; tOCERY, | Phone No. 15. ' ?*? .? ?*? >!*- ? hanks. s thank our friends j; during 1915 and \\ ry effort to serve \\ iring 1916. i, one and all a t is New Year. ? eery Co., | 116 '-a ings Big Returns. 'tmm