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THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic ? Published Thurtdtri. S. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor i omciuftion Rates: On* Year 11.26 Six Month* - >66 The Time* invito*contribution* on llvesubiecta bnt doe* not agree to publinh more than 200 word* in any soWeet. The rlirht i* reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rata* tr# marl* known to thrift* interested. Taleohone. local and lontr distance. No. 112. Entered at the ooatoifice at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1916. The general assembly convenes at noon on next Tuesday. The two issues which are expected to take up a large portion of the session is prohibition and compulsory school attendance. It is to be hoped that in considering new phases of the former question our law makers will inject into the law a clause which will put a stop to the whiskey dealers of Virginia and Florida making a dumping ground of Fort Mill and other border towns for whiskey ordered by North Carolinians. It begins to look as if the position on the local public works commission is to go lacking of a candidate. But then, there is W. B. Ardrey, who has most acceptably filled the place since the commission was created and we believe his election for another term would be perfectly acceptable to the voters of the town. it wouia not oe surprising should the price of a very popular automobile take a sudden v rise. It takes a lot of money, you know, to conduct a peace party to Europe. The Christmas spirit sticks well ,in Rock Hill. The big Christmas tree is still in position apd the colored globes have not been removed from the "white way." Next Tuesday is town election day. Vote early, once and wisely. Pastoral Relations Dissolved. At a meeting of Bethel Presbytery held here last week at the of the First Presbyterian church, pastoral relations were dissolved as follows: Rev. J. T. Dendy to King's Mountain Presbytery, to take charge of the church at Belmont, N. C.; Rev. W. A. Hafner, from Fort Mill to Enoree Presbytery, to take charge of Limestone church at Gaffney. Mr. Hafner has been Stated Clerk of the Presbytery since the death of Dr. Neville, and has spent all of his ministerial life in Bethel Presbytery. Rev. J. A. McMurray, pastor of Bethesda, was elected to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. Hafner.?Rock Hill Record. Important Meeting of Methodists. The stewards of the Port Mill circuit of the Methodist church Rolrl f Iwkiv* nnnnl I II^IU vucii xc^uini aimai incctiii(( at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday, December 29. All the churches were well represented. Good fellowship prevailed and the meeting closed Bp- - with enthusiasm. Rev. E. Z. James, the pastor, reported that ^ he was well pleased with the results of the meeting. Among the most important things agreed upon was a change in the schedule of appointments for preaching at the several t churches, notice of which is given elsewhere. Mr. James announces that the new schedule of services will go into effect at * once. ; ?????? Mrs. Nary Bailes Dead. Mrs. Mary Sophia Bailes, relict of the late J. P. Bailes. died Friday evening at her home in j the Pleasant Valley community, near Fort Mill, after a short illness. Mrs. Bailes was in thei 69th year of her age, having been torn in the Pleasant Valley section in July, 1847. In 1874 as Miss Mary Clawson she was married to James P. Bailes, whose death preceded hers about five years. She was an earnest and consistent member of Pleasant Hill Methodist church and was loved and esteemed throughout the community in which her life was spent. The funeral services were conducted Saturday morning at her home by the Rev. E. Z. James, her pastor, after which the remains were taken to Pleasant Hill cemetery, accompanied by a large number of friends and relatives of surrounding communities, where the interment was made. Mrs. Bailes was the mother of ten children, five of whom survive her. They are John J. Bailes of Fort Mill, Joseph Z. Bailes, S. E. Bailes and Mrs. Thomas W. Culp of Pleasant Valley and Mrs. Robert M. Bryant of Providence, N. C. No Place Like Hone. nenry rora, wno returned Sunday from his trip to Europe on the peace ship Oscar II, left New York Monday night for Detroit. He was accompanied j by his wife, his son and several Detroit friends. Items of Local Interest. Rev. S. P. Hair, of this city, is this week assisting in a meeting at the West End Baptist church, Rock Hill. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Meacham and little daughter. Emily, spent several days of the last week with relatives in Monroe, N. C. Mrs. J. D. Fulp left early this week for Florida and will make an extended visit to relatives in several cities of that State. R. W. Hamilton and daughter, Miss Linnie Hamilton, were visitors the last week in the home of Osmond Barber in this city. Miss Willie Hoke, who has charge of Panola school at Summerton, spent the holidays at j her home in this city. Owing to a wreck Saturday at a point in Virginia, Southern passenger train No. 31, due at Fort Mill at 7 a. m., did not arrive until 5:30 p. m. Pupils of the Fort Mill graded school resumed their studies Monday, after the holiday vacation, which commenced December 23. E. Frank Phillips, bookkeeper for several years for McElhaney & Company, left on Tuesday to accept a position with the L. & C. Railway at Lancaster. The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers' association will be held in the local school auditorium Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, and all members are requested to note the change of the rneetinor hour and hp nroaont promptly. Mrs. Agnes Harris has given up the management of the j Palmetto Hotel in this city and has gone to Lynchburg. Va.,' where she will make her future home. The hotel is being continued under the management of Herbert Harris. Schedule of Service* Fort Mill Circuit of M. E. Church.South, for the Year 1916. Fort Mill Church? 1st and 3rd Sundays at 11 a. m., and 4th Sunday atl night. Sunday school every Sunday morning. Womans' Missionary society every 3rd Sunday at 3 p. m. Pleasant ilill Church?1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 2:30o'clock. Philadelphia Church?2nd Sunday at lis. m.; 4th Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday morning, (4th Sunday at 3:30 p. m.) India Hook Church?4th Sunday at 11 a. m.; 2nd Sunday at 3:30 p. m. Sun- | day school every Sunday morning. (2nd Sunday 2:30 p. m.) CLERK'S SALE. The State of South Carolina, County of York. Court of Common PIm*. Dennis K. Hall, Administrator of the Eostate of Mrs. Rebecca Cooper, and others, Plaintiffs, VS. Ossie L. Hall, Defendant. BY VIRTUE OF a Decretal Order in the above stated case, signed by Judge Ernest Moore, dated December 15,1915, I will expose to sale at public auction in the town of Fort Mill, County of York and State of South Carolina, on Main Street, in the Public Park of said town, on Saturday January 22d, 1916, within the legal hours of sale, the following described premises: All of that piece, parcel, or lot of land, in the town of Fort Mill, County and State aforesaid, containing one-half (4) acre, more or less, and bounded North by Withers Street; East by lot of Duncan Wolfe: j South by lot of T. B. Spratt ana West by lot of Will Steele. TERMS OF SALE CASH, purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. 1 his December 21st, 1915. J. A. TATE, C. C. C. Pis. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an electi n will h ? held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and six Aldermen and one public WorkB commissioner to serve said town for the years 1916-1917. The polls will r?m?n at 8 o'clock a. m., and close at 4 p. m. J. Y. Starnes, Herbert Harris, J. N. McAteer are appointed managers of election. By order of counul this 7th day of L/i'cemwr, jjud. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1916 Notice of Opening Books of Auditor for Listing Returns for Taxation. State of South Carolina?County of York. Auditor's Office, November 30, 1915. Pursuant to the requirement of the Statute on the subject, Notice is heregiven that mv books will be opened in office in York Court House on Saturday, January 1, 1916, for the purpose of listing for taxation all Personal and Real Property held in York County, on January 1, 1916, and will be kept open until the 20th day of February, 1916, and for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County I will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named: At Bethel, (Ford, Bamett & Co.'s Store) Thursday, January 6, 1916. At Point, (at Harper's) Friday, January 7, 1916. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store) Saturday, January 8, 1916. At Smyrna, Monday, January 10, 1916. At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and Wednesday, January II and 12, 1916. At Sharon, Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 14, 1916. At Bullocks Creek (Good's Store) Saturday, January lb, 1916. At Tirzah, Monday, January 17, 1916. At Newport, Tuesday, January 18, 1916. At Fort Mill, Wednesdsy, Thursday and Friday, January 19, 20, 21, 1916. At McConnellsville, Monday, January 25, 1916. At Ogden, Tuesday, January 25, 1916. At Coates Tavern, (Roddey's) Wed- ( nesdav, January 26. 1916. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, Jan- i uary 27, to Wednesday, February 2, , I 1916. At Ramah, Friday, February 4, 1916. J At York, from Saturday, February 5, to February 20, 1916 All males between the ages of twen- ' tv-one and sixtv vp#rn pYcpnf P/in. 1 federate soldiers over the age of fifty , years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, ar\d all persons so liable are especiaily requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. I/*irE, Auditor York County. I Old newspapers for sale at The Timas office. 1 ? | Any Bey WH Can start a Savir fkio P.. illlO UOIIA. liVCI J save? even thouj little at a time, boys' accounts?a Department teac! p?y?. Di *- ' \ 4-ft Interest * r! If Savings A % ~ Savings Bank BMP515 .... SE3 We Bargai: weeks, are offc reduce* 4 1 6 . 3 1 3 Also Sn" cat( a great All Hats, g W 4 L I? DRiHk 5IX GLARES OF WATER DAILY An Interesting Statement by On* *f th* Big M*n In th* Drug Busin*** A. E. KIESLINO of Houston, Texas, says: "If you hav* a muddy complexion and dull eyes, you are constipated. Six llasses of water dally and one or two Rexall Orderlies at night will correct this condition and make you 'fit as a Iddle.' Rexall Orderlies, In my oplulon. are the best laxatire to be had, and can be taken by men. women or children." IVo have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. Trial sine, 10 cents. AUDREY'S DRUG STORE THE REXALL STORE ,.B&- NFW V IFF DIV I C o MIA a* IbkU Thp Pills That Do Cure. Old Newsprpers for sale at The rimes Office. h a Dollar l| igs Account in r boy ought to fh it's only a j &} We want more nd our Savings nes tnriit ana 1 t Paid On ccounts. of Fort Mill <|i, ? ! W1H r =g= ii n luary Bargain still have a few of the G as we have had for the past These goods MUST 60, so tring them at the following grc i prices: ladies $15 Suits, each $2.98 $8.00 Dress, 1.98 6.00 Skirts each 3.98 " 5.00 " " 2.49 $12 Long Coat, 2.98 Children's Coats, each at 98c have a few Ladies' and Child] trs at HALF PBICE. Underwet Ll V V aj reaucea price. Ladies' trimmed and untriix tome worth $5 and $6, at 98c c A. ** *4, ** %*T W. Kimbrell Co ? Every woman wants a 2 If you have one, our bea ? to keep it, if you haven't 1 fiers. They will restore ? face and make your con 2 and clear. Come in any | and advise is at your sei | Hutchinson's prescriptions ; 8 r???? RUPTURE EXPERT Weil Known to Letting Pfejrsicia W. R. SEELEY, the noted ruptui sending his personal representative needs of the ruptured public, tho to deal with .the most difficult cai suit him free of charge at the Carolina Hotel Saturdi SEELEY'S SPERMATIC SHIEL by the U. S. Government and by th case of rupture perrectly, affording opening in a short time on the avei without surgery or harmful injectio soil. No binding of the hips. Clea advice free. Cut out and keep for Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. | " ffi IS. 33 Frtat ; six we >atly I p?n'? u at Lined sach- , , 33 Kg************* s+f+WS+i >? L igj I (x.;- ?^^4 4 ^ JjP^DANpFn | * ^^ * ** | beautiful complexion. ? utifiers will help you 5 : one, use our beauti- 5 a healthy glow to your J iplexion soft, smooth / time. Our experience X rvice free. 1 Pharmacy, | a Specialty. S IN ROCK HILL. I ns Who Eadorse His Methods. re specialist of Philadelphia, is to Rock Hill to minister to the roughly equipped and prepared ses. Interested parties can con* iy, January 8, 1916. ,D TRUSS as used and approved e Czar of Russia will retain any immediate relief, and closes the age case. It produces results ns. No leg straps to irritate and n and durable. Examination and