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^ ? FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb 12c Seed, per bu. 60 ' i'lii. : - I ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. I ^ 1 Isrice Culp, of Huntsville, Ala., was at home for the holidays. ^/mr3.r T." C.' Easterling, of ^Marion, S. C., spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Kendrick in this city. The Rev. W. A. Hafner and son, Heath, are spending the week with relatives at Sharon, this county. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coy, of Sank ford, N. C., are guests for the week of their daughter, Mrs. I John S. Potts. Mrs. W. McD. Jones, of Timmonsville, was a guest the last i week in the home of W. M. ; Carothers in this city. Miss Helen Ardrey, who has i 1 i. i_: it 1 i i ' uecu leacuiiig in uie puuucscnooi I at Latta, arrived at her home I here Friday night to spend a j short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Carothers arrived in Fort Mill Thursday evening for a visit to the former's perents, Mr. and Mrs. W. j M. Carothers. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beaty, | accompanied by Mrs. VV. A. Hafner and little son, returned to Winnsboro Monday, after, spending the holidays with Mrs. * Hafner in this city. Prof, and Mrs. Frank Polt - i ^frrived several days ago from Columbia to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. potts, in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood. " *?; ni: t ? 1 tvii i ? v miss Ejn/.auein riusDury, wno L has had charge of the millinery department of the Patterson r Dry Goods store during the fall ^season, left Friday evening for ^ier home in Baltimore. Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick, who has charge of instrumental music lh the Statesville (N. C.) Female college, is spending the week in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mr3. T. S. Kirkpatrick, in this city. Mr. J. P. Epps, of Gold Hill, on Friday gave The Times a sec- j ond-growth horse apple from one ! of the trees in his orchard. The apple was about the size of an ordinary lemon, regular in shape and of excellent flavor. George Culp, a well known young man of the town will, about January 1. take charge of the Marjerbel Dairy farm in the 1 Pleasant Valley section of Lancaster county. Mr. Lee Capps and family have moved to Fort Mill from Steel! Creek and are occupying the W. W. Patterson cottage on i White street. Mr. Capps, who ! is an expert cabinet maker, will open a wood repair shop on Booth street in the near future, if i$ reported. Rev. W. A. Hafner preached his final sermon in the Presbyterian church here Sunday morn- , Ping to a congregation which completely filled the building. [ At a meeting of the session just ^before the regular services be- ; l_ < i i*. gan a numoer 01 additions were made to the membership of the church by both letter and on profession of faith. The following college boys and young ladies are spending the! Chi^Jfftias vacation at their homes in this city: Misses Lana Parks, Olive Harris, Mary Lewis, Margd&t Spratt, Kathleen Armstrong, Jack Massey, Esther i McMurray and Alice Bradford from Winthrop; Mary Spratt from Statesville Female college; Ruth and Esther Meacham from ^ Chicora College for Women; Joe Ardrey from North Carolina A. and M.; Heath Belk from WofFord; Joe Belk from University of S. C.; Alex Young j ^^UMU^iiversity of N. C.; Parks M ^fttgmson. w C. H. Belk, of Charlotte, ! spent Sunday with relatives in i Fort Mill. TKorii iimt*a ^ 1 UOIas a**v*v i* wi v- Kjxj* xwx uaico ui colton ginned in York county up to December 13, as against 36,126 up to the corresponding date ! last year, according to the figures furnished by Joe M. Taylor, 1 special census agent. Mount Etna has been active again, emitting red hot lava which, streaming down the sides melting the snow, produced a wonderful sight particularly at night. Glowing cinders and smoke form an umbrella-like cloud above the volcano. AN NOUNCEMENTS. For Mayor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor, and if elected promise to give my best efforts to the proper fulfillment of the position 1> If AHVrDnOAXT n. ?j. ita i j r.nouiN. For Alderman-at-Large. Having: been a member of City Council for the past two years, and having: attempted to prove myself worthy of ( the position, 1 trust that the services which 1 have rendered will merit my re-election. 1 therefore announce myself a candidate for Alderman-at-large and will appreciate the support of my friends in the coining election. A. C. LYTLE. I lu g to announce myself a candidate for re-election us ulderman-at-large and will be grateful for the support of the voters in the election to be held January 11. 1'JlG. C. S. LINK. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. 15. C. FERGUSON as a candidate for Alderman-at-Large, subject to the choice of the voters of the town in the January election. i Should a sufficient number of the j voteis of Fort Mill consider me capa- i ble to ivpresent the whole citizenship in City Council and elevate me to said j position in the approaching election, 1 j shall endeavor to render such service that no one will regret my election. I j .un a candidate for A Iderman-at-Large j ami will appreciate all favors in my behalf. B. W. BRADFORD For Alderman -Ward 1. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. ROBERT E. McKIBBEN as a candidate for Alderman from Ward I No. 1, subject to the choice of the I voters in the municipal primary. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. W. J. STEELE as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the action of the voters of said Ward in the approaching town election. For Alderman ?Ward 2. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 2, subject to the action of the voters of said ward in the January election. M. J. ADCOCK. For Alderman Ward 3. I beg to announce myself a candidate for Alderman in Ward 3 at the approaching election, and if elected 1 promise rny best services to the residents of our ward and the best interests of the town. W. A. ROACH. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 3, subject to the choice of the voters of said ward in the January election. W. B.* M EACH AM, Jr. For Alderman - Ward 4. The Times is authroized to announce Mr. J. I-. BLACKWELDER as a candidate for Alderman from Ward 4, subject to the choice of the voters of said ward in the municipal election. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Alderman from Ward No. 4, and will appreciate the support of my friends in the approaching municipal election. J. M. BRACKETT. Fcr School Trustee. I hereby announce myself a candidate for membership on the hoard of Trustees of the Port Mill school. Subject tu the choice of the voters of District 2H in the election to be held January 11. H. I). HARKEY. Believing that the part of this school district outside of the town of Fort Mill should be represented on the Hoard of Trustees and recognizing the efficient services rendered by W. J. KIMBRELLas a member of this board for the past four years, his friends announce his candidacy for re-election. I W. I>. WOLFE is hereby announced as a candidate for re-election to the Board of Trustees of this School District. During his two years' service Mr. Wolfe has taken an active interest in the affairs of the school and we believe his re-election will be a benefit to the school. I'atrons of the Schooi. Old Newsprpers for sale at The Times Office. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, for three Trustees for School District No. 28, to serve for six yearf. Presentation ot County Registration Certificate will be necessary to vote in said election. Ira (?. Smythe, D. A. Lee and T. D. Faulkner are appointed managers for said election. By order of Board of Trustees this, 8th day of December, 1915. J. B. MILLS, Chairman. ( W. B. MKACHAfc. Clerk. : OR FFTir | - The year 191! - the most succ< t ness career. ] and favors we and trust that 1 ; have many gc c rAV t i i iui yuu. f Parks Drug The $UJ "> N < Simply because it is an hoi of our sincere APPRECI^ your confidence and patro and wish you a happy and We are getting in bette your^wantsjn the future, following is the strongest 1 Harrisburg Shoes, Ne chines, Edison Phor (anybody can play the es, Seth Thomos Clocl ware have no equal a prices are the very loi Come, let us show yoi I L. J. P The Bank is the one s Not only is your money our thick walls a nil st &et it when you want it. is often hard to get hacl i.. . i :.. n... ~ i . iv ci v. j m >> 11111 ^ i> inc i?111> richer. FIRST NATN NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an electi n will h ? held ;n the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and six Aldermen and one publicworks commissioner to serve said town for the years 1916-1917. The j>olls will open at 8 o'clock a. m., and close at 4 p. m. J. Y. Starnes, Herbert Harris, J. N. McAteer are ap, ointed managers of election. By order of coun il this 7th flay of December, 1915. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. Notice is hereby given that the Books of Registration of the town of rort mm wmi De open uany at i arna Drug store from Friday, October 1, 1915, until January 1, 1916. Arthur C. Lytle is the duly appointed registrar. By order of council, this 7th day of September, 1915. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. Old newspapers for sale at The Timas office. I >U. I 3 has been one ?f I essful in our busi- ? For your patronage i are duly grateful the N ew Year may >od things in store ; ! !>lcr Atjt. nHHBKBn SJSBSl/iriBJlBF , ) T | nored custom, but because E lTION, we th<ink you for f nage during the past year, ft. prosperous New Year. :r shape to take care of : and sincerely believe the | ine on the market today: w Home Sewing Malographs, Autopianos ;m), Waltham Watches and Wallace Silvert any price while our ?vest possible. 1. | vlassev. p NAZiOKAL SANK - > IS A MEMBER OF p- . j& THE F } - RESER r S/STEM 'j* -v" v . V- | - pi *.! 1 ^L>\: *> ? V- -^ 1 < :--r : .,., > & ? , ale place to keep money absolutely safe behind ronj? locks, but von can Money loaned to friends k. The habit of regular-! ' sure way of becoming 3NAL BANK. Now is the Time i to do your repairing. You will i need LUMBER for your fences, road bridges, repairs on your house, barn and outbuildings. We are in position to offer special inducements to early comers, giving you the best possible material, at prices that defy competition. Fort Mill Lumber Company, J Phone No. 72. * L.OWEF t ggfifc., . THE VALUES WE OFF ; WE WANT VOU TO SEE 1 ; WHILE THE STOCK IS CC QUALITY OF OUR GOODS PLACE OF THEM. THAT'S I THAT YOU WILL BUY AN t YOU WILL FIND THE QUAI ; THE STYLE TO BE CORREC ; OUR PRICES ARE NO! i YEAR. WE ARE MAKING 0 | SAVING" SALE. \ Patterson's Dry I TELEPHONE NO. 85. I How's Your C< Let us fill it wii | Very Bes ? Our Coal b little coaxir are right. t CAJLP'S a 1 f O. T. CULP, Prop. j Many I : We lost heartily * for their patronage promise to exert eve I them satisfactorily d We wish for yo ; happy and prospero l Parks Gro ; Phone i i Times Advertising 11 I PRICES | W%:> /q ^6' I * ER ARE SO BIG THAT | rHEM. COME IN NOW. * IMPLETE. AND SEE THE f i AND THE PRICES WE f ALL WE ASK. WE KNOW $ D BUY LOTS. BECAUSE t LITY TO BE GOOD AND | T. I THE LOWEST OF THE f UR CLEAN-UP. "MONEY- % """""" < > < Goods Store !! \\ "SELLS IT FOR LESS." f < * S-* . S*J> >al Bin? th the t COAL | . > urns with but | ig and prices | KOCERY, I | Phone No. 15. ? s ! hanks, ! thank our friends t during 1915 and | ry effort to serve i uring 1916. I. u, one and all a t us New Year. ~ J* T I ?cery Co., 116 | i rings Big Keturns.