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t THE FOET MILL TIMES Democratic? Published Thursdays. -'___ I against the sale of whiskev. and it is expected that the officials will have the hearty cooperation of the citizens in enforcing- the law. No form of development, that has taken place in this countv is so marked or worthv of notice as the improvement that is being made in the class of farm homes. Only a few years ago. one conld drive for manv miles over the public roads of York countv. and see but an occasional good farm house, where the premises were in keeping with the value of the farm or the occupant of the farm. Most of the farm buildings were shacks, of various qualities and structures, but few costing more than a small pittance. Of recent vears. bowever, the owners of the farms, have come to realize that farm life is made more enjoyable and pleasant by a good home, whether for the land owner or the tenant, and new houses are being erected that are a credit to the country, and will add materially to the impression made on visitors to our section, who live in States where the good farm home is the rule. According to the Yorkville Enquirer, the inability of those xt/i i:? iL _ i^tir in v <n m]ni?i1uj uuiaui ir?t*ir whiskey from the express office at Cfover is not because the express people will not deliver the jrood^, but because the sheriff of Gaston county stands ready to seize any package that is brought across the line. Now. if the sheriff of Gaston county lias the authority to seize these packages, has not the sheriff of Mecklenburg county the .same authority, and if so why does that official continue to allow the transportation of whiskey by the auto load /rom Fort Mill across the State fine into Charlotte? It is noticed that the newspapers of the State at this time carry many notices of sheriff's sales of real and personal prop 8. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor 4 OBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year............... ....$1.26 Six Months ................ .... .66 Tho Ttrnoe invitee contributions on live subjects b at does not sxroe to publish more than 200 words ?n any subject. The rlirht is reserved to edit ivery communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising ' tea are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and lonsr distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofllce at Fort Mill. 8. C.. as mall matter of tho second class. THURSDAY. DECEMBER HO. 1915. The Great Drouprht is almost upon us. It will strike South Carolina broad-sided tomorrow nifrht at the hour of 12, and everybody in this section appears to be p-Iad of it. For some time the dispensaries in the several counties of the Stat? have been "moving heaven and earth" to tret, rid of the larsre stocks of booze on band, and dispensers and clerks have been arranging- to enter otber fields for a livelihood. Cities like Columbia and Charleston which have been dependent to a large degree upon the dispensary revenue are likewise forced to look elsewhere for funds to run the public business. Manv o* the towns doubtless will take up the plan of levying a special or "privilege" tax upon the mercantile or other interests to meet the deficit. Officers in the counties where dispensaries have been operated are not exnectine any great, difficulty in enforcing the prohibition law. Public sentiment in South Carolina is erty under mortgage foreclosures and, along this line, it is quite pleasing to note that not a single sheriff's sale of Fo"t Mill property is being advertised in the papers of this county at present. Do you intend to take part in the approaching municipal electmn? If ~ ?I-' wivii ; xi av, ^ct a ixzgiauciuuii certificate before the book is closed on next Saturday. Only two more days in which to register. Winter is the best season for fence building and repairing on the farm, for more than one reason, and the wise farmer will set aside some time during this month or next fcr doing such work of this kind as is needed. It is our oppinion, sorry to say, that Henry Ford can stay at home until his health is fully rerecovered and return to Europe in ample time to assist his party in bringing about peace. Union Farnwell Service. At the union service held here Sunday evening by the congregations of the Methodist, Baptist ? .1 n i a. ? i * ctnu x reauyienan cnurcnes in honor of the Rev. W. A. Hafner the Presbyterian church was crowded to its capacity. Mr. A. 0. Jones presided over the service. Appreciation of Mr. Hafner's services and personality was expressed by W. M. Carothers on behalf of the Presbyterian Sunday school and the locai troop of Boy Scouts; by James D. Fulp, superintendent of the public schools, on behaif of the young people of the town and community; by J. A. Boyd on behalf of the session anu oLuer uliicers of the church. The concluding addresses were made by Rev. E. Z. James, pastor of the Methodist church, and Rev. S. P. Hair, pastor of the Baptist church, to which Mr. Hafner made reply, expressing his appreciation of the mark of esteem indicated by the joint meeting. Supper Date Changed. On account of the date set for the W. O. W. banquet in the town hall conflicting with the date of the annual inspection of the local military organization, the banquet will be held on Wednesday evening-, January 12th, instead of the 13th, as originally set. The military inspection is to be held the morning of the 14th, and as some little time is required to prepare the hall for the inspection, it was found necessary to advance the date of the supper one day. Gave Orphanage $1,000. Fort Mill acquaintances of the :ate Mrs. Pattie Hague, of Morganton, N. C., will be interested in the announcement that Thornwell Orphanage, Clinton, has received a bequest of $1,000 from her estate. Mrs. Hague was before marriage Miss Pattie rhornwell, a sister of the late Dr. J. H. Thornwell of Fort Mill. She was a frequent visitor in the home of Dr. Thornwell and was very well known here. Mrs. Hague was a teacher in the Thornwell orphanage during its first five or six years. During the years intervening between her husband's death and her own she made her home with a sister, Mrs. Jennie Anderson, in Morganton, N. C. ^TuIes^uIeT"! Listen, we have just received our first car of Missouri Mules. These mules were selected with care and we can suit you both in quality and price. Come to see them. Mills Live Stock Co. FOR SALE. WANTED. LOST. FOUND. FOR RENT?Nice 7-room Cottage on Confederate street. Apply to | Oscar T. Culp. FOR QUICK SALE?Two-acre city lot, with house. For terms, apply at once to Bailes & Link. .... i ..... r AOT Tl 'J rx - ? - - uuoi?v/n r nuay, yecemDer 10, a Red Irish female dog, about'six months lold. Will pay liberal reward for re^ | turn. R. P. HARRIS. County Commissioners. Annual Meeting to be Held on January 6, 1916. York, S. C., Dec. 7, 1915. Pursuant to the law of 1912, notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that the Annual Meeting of the County Board of Commissioners of York county, will be held in the Office of the County Supervisor at York, on Thursday, January 6th, 1916, commencing at 10'o'clock, a. m. Under Section 993 of the Civil Code 1 all claims against the County not pre; viously presented, must be filed with ' the Clerk of the Board on or before January 1, 1916, and holders of claims will taae notice that if the same are , not presented and filed during the year in which they are contracted or the year following, such claims will be ! forever barred. All claims against York county must be itemized, and they must be : accompanied by affidavits of the , claimants setting forth that the amounts claimed are just, true, due and owing, and that no part thereof has been paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorized by law to administer oaths, are required to probate claims against the county free of charge. By order of the Board. THOS. W. BOYD, Supervisor. Annie C. Wallace, Clerk ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1916 Notice of Opening Book* of Auditor for Listing Return* for Taxation. State of South Carolina?County of York. Auditor's Office, November 30, 1915. Pursuant to the requirement of the Statute on the subject, Notice is heregiven that mv. books will be opened in office in York Court House on Saturday, January 1, 1916, for the purpose of listing for taxation all Personal and Real Property held in York County, on January 1, 1916, and will be kept open ?i~.. uuvii viae fawui vjoj ui i rurunry, i^io, and for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County I will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named: At McGill Bros.' Store, Saturday, January 1, 1916. At Clover, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 4 and 5, 1616. At Bethel, (Ford, Barnett & Co.'s | Store) Thursday, January 6. 1916. At Point, (at Harper's) Friday, January 7, 1916. At Bnndana, (Perry Ferguson's Store) Saturday, January 8, 1916. At Smyrna, Monday, January* 10, 1916. At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and Wednesday, January II and 12, 1916. At Sharon, Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 14, 1916. At Bullocks Creek (Good's Store) Saturday, January 16, 1916. At Tirzah, Monday, January 17, 1916. At Newport, Tuesday, January 18, 1916. At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 19, 20, 21, 1916. At McConnellsville, Monday, January 25. 1916. At Ogden, Tuesday, January 25, 1916. At Coates Tavern, (Roddey's) Wednesday, January 26, 1916. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, January 27, to Wednesday, February 2, : 1916. At Ramah, Friday, February 4, 1916. At York, from Saturday, February 5, to February 20, 1916 All mules between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Confederate Soldiers over the acre of ! years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and ail persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVE, Auditor York County. Any Boy V Can start a Sa> this bank. Eve ! save?even tho little at a time, boys' accounts Department tea pays. i- '!-"i 4% Intere j: SRvin?? tiJ ^ . Savings Ban ^ ^ ? ' ' ?? 10 We ft ToT Dunn \ a fl tl I ? TAX NOTICE?1915. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C., Sept. 15, 1915. Notice iB hereby given that the Tax Books for York County will be opened on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1915, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1915, for the collection of State, County, School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1915, without penalty; after which day one per cent. lit 1 -J J 1 ? l>cniiiLy win ue anneo 10 an payments made in the month of January, 1916, and two per cent, penalty for all payments made in the month of February, 1916, and seven per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1916, to the 15th day of March, 1916, and alter this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville from Monday November 22d, until Friday, the 31st day of December, 1915, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note.?The Tax BookB are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. NOTICE?We have installed an upto-date Grist Mill in connection with our lumber business and are ready to offer our service to the public. Until fur I mer nonce tne mill will be operated Tuesdays and Fridays. Fort Mill Lumber Co. /ilk o flnllor r am u i/vilQI dngs Account in 'ijj >ry boy ought to ugh it's only a We want more " -and our Savings ;v*i: aches thrift and ;?t Paid On Accounts. :.r! - p k of Fort MSI , m # * ' le Many Good Friends lave Already Made, and hose We Hope to Make g the Coming Year: Ve wish you prosperity our undertakings, wisdc nd zeal for your wo eace for your pathwi fiends for your firesit nd the best greetings le season do we exte ) you. : : : : E. W. Kimbrell C $+*>+*+&+$ *s <$ $ . *> <? * | 4 All Drugs and Drug St * same quality. !Ours are the best. You want the best; so c that sells the best. This means our Drug S Hutchinson's | Prescriptions a I Specials-Until, 25 pounds of Sugar for 3-pound cans Tomatoes for.3-pound cans Big Hominy foi 3-pound cans Sauer Kraut foi Revere brand Corn for Revere brand Peas, 15c or tw Van Camp's Spaghetti, 10c oi Rex brand Soup for Van Camp's Tomato Soup foi Fish Roe (special) Laundry 20 boxes Santa Claus, Swift Soaps all go at two bars for 5c. to $3.50 per crate. Silver Leaf Lard at 12 l-2c. Come on now if you want bai eppsTS ========^^ . * in >m rk, ay, de, of I ncl | O. ? ? Sf Happy i ^Kg?? Yeai? | We titanic our patrons for ; ^tkeirbusiness t We shall keep I i^fxt* on trying to <Ieser\?e pur patronage I /g?.~~r | ore things are not the ome to the drug store | tore. $ = Pharmacy, \ . Specialty. | Jannarv 1 cf - $1.76 -10c 10c __.10c - 10c I o for 25c r 3 for 25c -10c I ^ --.-10c 15c Soap. ;'s Pride and Gold Band These soaps cost from $8 10 lbs Snowdrift, $1.25. -gains, even in Groceries. : Cash Man.