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PlUHr" ?""???iFORT MILL COnON MARKET. * *\v Cotton, per lb 11* ? Seed, per bu 60 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. ' -? ' Mis3 Marchie Culp, of Colum-1 Kio ic anonrlmn- fKo Vinli/^otro *tn* 4-k wim, ^pvnuitig vuw iiviiuajo >> i l fci relatives in Fort Mill. ^ Miss Florence Bennett is at home for the holidays from Pleasant Lane, where she has been teaching:. Miss Florence Boyd of Monte- , vallo, Ala., arrived several days | ago to spend the holidays at her home in this citv. There remains only seven more days in which State and county taxes may be paid without j penalty. Miss Eunice Sinclair, of Fay-! etteville, N. C., was a recent! guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. ! Williamson, in this city. Miss Julia Boyd returned to her home in this city the last week, after an extended visit to | her sister, Mrs. J. J. Stewart, \ at Conover, N. C. Manly S. Young came down from Charlotte Saturday to spend the week-end with Mrs. Young and little son, who are guests in ' the home of Capt. T. B. Spratt. j Several new candidates for the ; election to be held in Fort Mill ' January 11 are announced in this week's Times. The list appears elsewhere. The Rev. S. P. Hair on Tues- ; day attended a meeting in Rock Hill of the executive committee of the York Baptist association, the purpose of which was to formulate plans for mission work in the county during the coming year. Misses Ruth and Esther Meacham arrived Monday morning from Chicora College, Columbia, to spend the holidays at their home in this city. The Fort Mill girls in Winthrop College, Rock Hill, were expected to f reach home this morning. Patterson's Dry Goods store is this week conducting a guessing contest, each customer being allowed a guess at the number of beans in a gallon jar. The beans are to be counted Friday evening and the successful contestant will receive a big Christmas turkey. The Times would be pleased to have those subscribers who have not yet settled for the present year's subscription to do so before January 1. We are unable to carry the subscriptions for another year and unless payment is made on or before the first of the year the nanies will be dropped from the lists. Following the acceptance Sunday morning of the resignation of Rev. W. A. Hafner, a congregational meeting was held at the Fort Mill Presbyterian church in wnicn me ioiiowing members were appointed as a committee to extend a call to some minister of their selection to,take charge of the pastoral affairs of the church: Thos. B. Spratt, D. G. Kimbrell, J. H. McMurray, R. F. Grier, J. B. Mills, L. J. Massey, Mrs. R. F. Grier, Mrs. Sue Spratt and Mrs. J. H. McMurray. Friends of Mr. Wnn M. Carothers will :rej?ret to learn that, with his familv hp will early in January remove to his P* farm near the Catawba dam. Mr. Crrothers has been a resident of the town for a number | * of years and during his residence here has proven himself a worthy addition to the business and church circles of the town. He is the scout master of the local troop of Boy Scouts, and will be sorely missed by the boys composing the troop. Mr. Oarothers i9 also registrar of vital statistics for the township and his removal will necessitate the appointment of a successor in the position. NOTICE. The grist mill of the Fort Mill Lumber Company will not be in operation on Friday, December 24. Hygenic Bakery Cakes. 3-Layer Cocanut or Chocolate 25c 2-Layer Cocanut or Chocolate 15c Pound Cake, per lb 25c Fruit Cake, per lb 25c If you haven't all the cakes you 1 want let us supply your needs. We ' always have Fresh Hygenic Bread Armour's Mince Moat, per lb .. 12Jc j Eggs, per doz... ..35c Pure Pork Sausage 20c Fresh Ground Country Meal, perpk.25c English Walnuts, Pecans, Brazil Nuts and Almonds. All kinds of Christmas Con fectioneries. Apples, Oranges, Bananas and Grape Fruit. Fresh Celery and Cranberries just received. Get your Christmas goods at Grier's. , We deliver packages, any size, at any time, any where in Fort Mill. R. F. GRIER, Phone 11. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 191tJ, for three Trustees for School District No. 28, to serve for six yearf. Presentation ot County Registration Certificate will be necessary to vote in said election. Ira G. Smythe, D. A. Lee and T.- I). Faulkner are appointed managers for said election. By order of Board of Trustees this, 8th day of December, 1915. J. B. MILLS, Chairman. W. B. MEACHAM. Clerk. I AN NOUNCEMENTSFor Mayor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor, and if elected promise to give my best efforts to the proper fulfillment of the position B. E. PATTERSON. For Alderman-at-Large. Having been a member of City Council for the past two years, and having attempted to 'prove myself worthy of the position. I trust that the services which 1 have rendered will merit my re-election. 1 therefore announce myself u candidate for Alderman-at-large and will appreciate the support of my friends in the coming election. A. C. LYTLE. I beg to announce myself a candidate for re-election as alderman-at-large and will be grateful for the support of the voters in the election to be held January 11. 1916. C. S. LINK. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. 1?. C. FERGUSON as a candidate for Alderman-at-Large, subject to the choice of the voters of the town in j the Janunry election. Should a sufficient number of the \ voters of Fort Mill consider me canaI ble to represent the whole citizenship I in City Council and elevate me to said | position in the approaching election, I shall endeavor to render such service that no one will regret my election. 1 am a candidate for Alderman-at-Large and will appreciate all favors in my behalf. B. W. BRADFORD. For Alderman ?Ward 1. The Tim?s is authorized to announce Mr. ROBERT E. McKlBBEN as a candidate for Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the choice of the [ voters in the municipal primary. The Times is authorized to announce i Mr. W. J. STEELE as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from Ward I V T _ 1 - i^o. i, suoject to the action of the voters of said Ward in the approaching town election. For Alderman ? Ward 2. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 2, subject to the action of the voters of said ward in the January election. M. J. ADCOCK. For Alderman- Ward 3. 1 be? to announce myself a candidate for Alderman in Ward 3 at the approaching election, and if elected I ' promise try best services to the residents of our wan! and the best inter- ' ; ests of the town. W. A. ROACH. : 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from Ward 3, subject to the choice of the voters of said | ward in the January election. W. B.* MEACHAM, Jr. For Alderman ?Ward 4. # The Time? is authroized to announce | Mr. J. L. BLACK WELDER as a candidate for Alderman from Ward 4, sub- 1 ject to the choice of the voters of said ward in the municipal election. I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 for the position of Alderman from Ward No. 4, and will appreciate the ; support of my friends in the approaching municipal election. [ J. M. BRACKETT. For School Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for membership on the hoard of Commissioners of the Fort Mill school, subject to the choice of the voters of District 28 in the election to Le held January 11. H. D. HARKKY. Old Newsprpers for sale at The Times Office. A \ For Christmas ======== <^^Li I v The moss acceptable gift, the or - ciated deep down in "her" heai ? make "her" glad 'tis Christmas No candy made is in the sam< t ciousness. Forty years of conti ord set in this fine art. i Be sure to give Huyler's Cand + boxes of all sizes?some plain ar t Parks Drug ? The ftupll I SANTA I Has Ar I And as in the past 32 yef L. J. MA Where you will find a beau Presents of the better and r every day prices. Our sto Jewelry, Silver and Cut Glai Also Dolls and Toys for the Have a $300.00 Harvard taken in trade for an Autop Come see the New Goods. L. J. IV The Bank is the one sal Not only is your money * our thick walls and stro get it when you want it. H is often hard to get hack. !y depositing is the only j FIRST NATIO NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an electi n will 1- held ;n the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, for the pun**^* f>f electing a Mayor and six Aldermen and one public works commissioner to serve said town for the years 1916-1917. The polls will open at S o'clock a. m.. and close at 1 p. VII. J. Y. Starnes, Herbert Harris, J, N. McAteer are appointed manners of j election. By order of court il this 7th (lav of | December, 1915. . B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. tf Notice is hereby given that the B Books of Registration of the town of Fort Mill will be open daily at Parks' c Drug store from Friday, October 1, 1915, until January 1, 1916. Arthur C. Lytle is the duly ap- Ol pointed registrar. tf By order of council, this 7th day of September, 1915. ' A. R. McELHANEY, ! P Attest: Mayor. d C. S. LINK, Clerk. Old newspapers for sale at The ^ lines office. I Give "Her" !| I ; ./Z^ i WW ? le that will be most appre- <t :t, the one that will really ? i time. ^ ? class for purity and deli nuQus excellence is the rec 1 ly for Xtnas. We sell it in ^ id some quite fanev. ? =Company, j fr aki. ; CLAUS I rived ?a o aiavAu^/ nvuvavjua 1 1^1 J a 1 g .SSEY'S, tiful display of Christmas fc riore substantial kind at | ck of Watches, Clocks, js is specially attractive, children. Piano at $90.00. It was tiano. lassey. j 'ATfONAL BANK !$ A MFM3P.Q OF ? JL-- TH? FFDERAL ... resfrvf we V' SYSTF.M f?, j Iff . ^ j\ - - ' &TS' : L ? . Cf <* G* ?-'<" e place to keep money lbsolutely safe behind nj? locks, but you can floney loaned to friends! The habit of regular-! uirc wav of becoming * I NAL BANK. i mjk$M W : ' Now is the Time > do your repairing. You will eed LUMBER >r your fences, road bridges, *pairs on your house, barn and ntbuildings. We are in position > offer special inducements to arly comers, giving you the best ossible material, at prices that efy competition. 'ort Mill Lumber Company, Phone No. 72. I ., \ BIG VALUES FOR I AND HAPPY r 1 I1IC r AM f AAI/ ri irnnn i t *?u vnil LUUn LVLt\TD( ? WITH US. STRAIGHT IN ' ; TREATED THEM RCNEST QUALITY CCCCS FCR AS L> ? TY M EECKAKOISE CAN EE I WE SHALL BID ICR YCI WITH THE EE HE KETECCJ I WE THANKCLRCLDCUS i NESS THEY HALE GIL'EN I WHO HAUE NOT GIUEN US ; OUR STORE. | Patterson's Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. t Fruit Cake ; For Your Xma We have everything y< ? in the way of Figs, D? Nuts, Spices, Citron, t Cherries, Etc. Everything in the way Groceries for the holid GULP'S GF ? * O. T. CULP, Prop. ?> Christmas Do not rlelav fn I ~ 7 f ingr your Christ] ies. Let us tak now and delive just when you Our phone nun Tell us your we | Parks Gro< ; Phone I Times Advertising Br - r< ^ 11 MERRY XMAS 1 MEW YEAR " }DY. WHO HAS DEALT THE FACE. WE HAUE | LY. WE HAUE GIUEN f OW A PRICE AS QUALI" SOLD. | LR TFfCE NEXT YEAR | 5 IS ED KERETCFCRE. TCMERS FOR THE BUS- | IS. WE (NUITE THOSE | THEIR TRADE TO TRY Goods Store | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." I i, Goods ~? raB < s Cake j; ou may want in this line " ates, Raisins, Currants, o Crystalized Pineapp < " ' of Heavy and Fancy ay table. ? I i tOCERY, ) Phone No. 15. I j r> Goodies. | ? | o long buy- | Tias Grocer- I < j e your order r the goods | wish them, nber is 116. | mts. : : : eery Co., j ings hig Returns.