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' 1 FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb. 11J So??d, p*?r bu ...60 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. _JL _ ; I ^ Up to yesterday at iioon about 80 voters, out of possibly 200 f wHb are entitled to register, had , It applied to A. C. Lytle, registrar, i r a?/? ? ? a - ? ^ * - I lur certificates to vote in tne municipal election. Superintendent J. D. Fulp has announced that the Fort Mill Graded school will close for the holidays on Wednesday afternoon, December 22. The school will resume work on Monday, January 3. . . Mr. Roy Patterson, son of Mr. J. H. Patterson of Fort Mill, who has been working for the Southern Power company at Nitroleo, Chester county, has been trans-! ferred to the company's chemi- j cal plant at Mt. Holly, N. C. The ladies of the Home Mis-; sionary Society will today hold their annual bazaar in the Ar arey umiaing recently occupied by the firm jof Stewart. & Gulp. Quite a variety of Christmas goods will be offered and the public is inv'ted to attend the sale. " The two banking institutions of the town will be closed for the Christmas holiday on Saturday, the 25th and Monday, the 27th, days of December. Partic s having business to transact with the institutions should bear this fact in mind. The first snow of moment to , fall here this season began Sat urday afternoon shortly before night and continued for several hours covering the ground to a depth of about two inches with a mixture of sleet and snow, and ' making travel on the streets extremely difficult. In behalf of the locftl ParentTeachers' Club Mrs. J. T. Young, i president, extends thanks to a! those >vhg the observance of Community Servin Day" on Friday, December 3 The club feels that much goo was accomplished and is d y grateful. There is to be an important , meeting-tite annual busines session?of Catawba lodge No 56, A. 'F. M.'f in the lodge ro< in tonight at which an interesiii g feature will be the election o: officers for the ensuing year. A full attendance of members i.desired. Robert Nicholson, brother ' Mrs. Rebecca \\ ilson of Fort Mill, died at his home near H u mony station, this county, VIon day tnorning and the burial was made in Rock Hill cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Nicholson was something over 50 years of age and was well known and highly esteemed in his section of the county. Will Snooks, alias Will Withers, a negro who was committed to " jail from the Flint Hill section of Fort Mill township, upon a . charge of attempted criminal . assault was on Monday allowed to pi eacf'.guilty in York court of , assault "rind battery of a high and aggravated nature and sentenced to serve three years on the public works of the county. ,x The Times carries in another column notice of a municipal : election to be held Tuesday, ' 1 January 11, at which time a mayor, six aldermen and a public ! works ' commissioner will be named for the town for the i yea?s 1916-17. Among the prob- 1 Able candidates are B. C. Ferguson, C. S. Link and A. C. Lytle for the office of aldermenat-large, J. M. Brackett, R. E. j McKibben and J. M. Adcock as < aldermen from their respective wartis, while it is understood that Mayor B. E. Patterson will stand for reelection, and up to j this time the latter has no ] opposition. Tne county chaining: is now , engraved in sanding: that part of the York-Rock Hill highway which has recently been graded and widened. About 50 convicts comprise the chaingang force at present and this number will doubtless be augmented as a result of this week's court. ? J York News. Ti 1.1 A. T7 it now appears mat rvaras Bros., the restaurant men of Rock Hill, have abandoned the idea of opening a restaurant and candy store in Fort Mill, notice of which was made in last week's Times. \V;H< of arranging the j i terior of the Stewart building for the new business was begun the last week and was progressing nicely until Saturday morning when the carpenters were notified to cease work. This was taken to mean that the Rock Hill restauranteurs had decided n it to come to Fort Mill. Woodmen Elect Officers. At the regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening of White Oak Camp No. 41, W. O. \V., the following otticei s were elected for the ensuing year: B. C. Ferguson, council commander; J. C. Bayne, advisory lieutenant; B. E. Patterson, clerk; L. , J. Massey, banker; W. S. Moss, escort; R. E. McKiLben, watchman; T. F. By tie, sentry; D. G. Kimbrell, D. A. Lee and J. M. Epps, managers* It was decided in Tuesday night's meeting to hold the annual camp banquet on Thursday evening, January 13. NOTICE. The grist mill of the Fort Mill Lumber Company will not be in operation on Friday, December 24. For Xmas. Melrose Flour, 24 lb. bag. 85e Fresh Country-ground Meal Tennessee Fure Fork Sausage 10 11). bucket Snowdrift Lard $1.15 10 lb. bucket Simon Fure Laid $l.f(> lleintz Sweet Pickle. pint 15c H.'inlz Sour Fickle, dozen _.luc We have a complete line of Xmas l' nfectiosu-ries. National Biscuit Co. s i r . i. Cake, Raisins (see e s, se ded ad ^Icster), I Ls. Currants. ( ition, Dates, Coc .anut (whole and thread) l'eii o ?rreIs hxtru Fine W?n.-sap Apples. Ten Bunch* s Fine llannnn: s. Li rge suppl of Alexander & Beaid !' Ct lery, G.upe Fiuit and Cr: nbcrrie;. R. F. GRIER, Phone 11. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will Le heiet in the low n of hor .vim, s. u., between the l- gai hours f r elections, on Tuesday, January 11, lylU, i or three '1 rus eefl tor School Distr.c No. 2S, to serve t\ r six year.-. Presentation ot County Kegistrutioi Certiticate wi.l be noct s.-ary to vol. in sai i election. liu (!. Sniyihe, D. A. Lee and T. D. Faulkner re appointed managers lor said election. By order of Board of Trustees this, 8th nay of December, li)15. .1. B MILLS, Chairman. W. B. MEACHAM. Clerk. AN NOUNCEMENTS. ~ FOR MAYOR. ' I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor, and if elected promise to give my beat elForts to the proper fulfillment of the position B. E. PATTERSON. FOR ALDERMAN. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. ROBERT E. McKIBBEN as a candi late for Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the choice of the voters in the municipal primary. FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby a nounce myself a candidate for the position of Alderman from Wait! No. 1, and will appreciate the support of my friends in the approach ing municipal election. J. M. BRACK F.TT. FOR ALDERMAN, I beg to announce myself a candidate for re-election as alderman-at-large and will l>e grateful for the support of the voters in the election to be held Tanuary 11, 191B. C. S. LINK. FOR ALDERMAN. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. B. C. FERGUSON as a candidate for Alderman at-Large, subject to the choice of the voters of the town in the January election. FOR ALDERMAN. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. W. J. STEELE as a candidate for re-election as Alderman from Ward No. 1, subject to the action of the /oters of said Ward in the approaching town election. {For Christma i ?e^ f The moss acceptable gift, the ciated deep down in "her" hi ? mnlfp "ho?,M irti^ 'i!o r'k?.io?n ^ ?*- f-y a <%V4 1 IO ^>111 inill No candy made is in the sa t ciousness. Forty years of coi t ord set in this fine art. ^ Be sure to Rive Huyler's Ca + boxes of all sizes- some plain t Parks Drug > ; ihr 5>u SANTA Has A And s in the past 32 j L. J. Mi Where you will find a be? Presents of the better and every day prices. Our s Jewelry, Silver and Cut G Also Dolls and Toys for th Have a $300.00 Harvar taken in trade for an Aul Come see the New Gooc | l. j. r The Hank is the one si Not only is your money our thick walls and sti get it when you want it. is often hard to get ha el ly depositing is the only richer. FIRST NATI( NOTICE (>v ELECTION. Notice is hereby >jiven that an electi n will I ' held 'n the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the le^al hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 1916, for the pur|?ose of electing a Mayor and six Aldermen and one public works commissioner to serve said town for the years 1916-1917. The |k>1Is will open at 8 o'clock a. m., and close at 4 p. in. .1. Y . starnes, Herbert Harris, .1. .V McAteer are ap ointed managers of election. By order of coun il this 7th day of December, 1915. B. E. PATTERSON. Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. Notice is hereby given that the Books of Registration of the town of Fort Mill will be open daily at Parks' Drug store from Friday, October 1, 1915, until January 1, 191b. Arthur C. Lytle is the duly appointed registrar. By order of council, this 7th day of September, 1915. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. jive tier c e = \ ?-w..i ...:11 K * m civ will Uf lljjpii " ; f?art, tin? one that will really ?as time. ^ me class for purity and deli ltinuous excellence is the roe ndy for Xtnas. We sell it in ? and some quite fancy. ^ * Company, Pier Ant. ; CLAUS" I m u ? .rnveci rears made headquarters at ^SSEY'S, auiiful display of Chsistmas more substantial kird at stock of Watches, Clocks, lass is specially attractive, le children. d Piano at $90.00. It was Is. i/fassey. flMflBBSSUS*SHF > NAZ/OMAL BA~MK \ IS A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE V* SYSTEM iilc place to keep money absolutely safe behind rong locks, but you can Money loaned to friends v. The habit of regularsure way of becoming 3NAL BANK. Now is the Time ! to do your repairing. You will i need LUMBL-R for your fences, road bridges, repairs on your house, barn and ; outbuildings. We are in position to offer special inducements to early comers, giving you the best possible material, at prices that defy competition. Fort Mill Lumber Company, Phone No. 72. CALOMEL DYNAMIT MAKES YOIHICI MDodso? s Liver Tone" Starts Your Urn Better Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work _____ ' Liven tip vour sluggish liver! Feel i ..i ? - ? ? Iiur mm i nn i i in ; iiium" vuur wnrx a ! pleasure; la? vigorous and full of nmhi- j tion. Bui take no nasty, dangcrou-* ' calomel bmnufo il makes you sick and > j ynu may lose a day's work. Calomel' is mercury or quicksilver 1 J which c.niscs necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like ! dynamite, brenkinjr it up. That's when i you fool that awful nausea and crump in;;. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, p-ntlost liver and bowel cb ansir.^ von ever cx|tcrienceil iust take a spooniul> oi harmless Hudson's Liver i i Fruit Cake 4 yrJinggjLgjag xmBBsmammmm I For Your Xmi t We have everything ^ in the way of Figs, 1 ? Nuts, Spices, Citror 4 Cherries, Etc. Everything in the w? ^ Groceries for the holi I : f ! I GULP'S G1 ? O. T. CULP, Prop. ! ? .4.4.4.^.4.4.4- . Christmas ? 1 > > 1 1 ! IJo not delay t 7 ing your Chris ? ies. Let us ta > > now and deliv : * just when yoi Our phone nu Tell us your w _________ > Parks Gro ? ; Phone [build While the bu 1.1 ana tne savi If you contemplate the erect i< barn, or outhouse, or the remo present buildings, DO IT NOW if you act at once, for you can now than you can possibly do ii 30 or GO days, we verily believe have passed. Labor will been Building Material market is alr< know say that prices will be bai We will supply you at close figi nish you estimates on what you Take advantage of conditions Build Fort Mill I i Phone ES YOUR LIVER! [ AND SALIVATES I lone tonight. Your druggist or dealer m-1!s you a SO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal moneyf.ack guarantee that each spoonful wfll clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning lerause you will wake up feeling line, your liver will be working; headache l? nil <1! % | ..... .mmmoi kuiiv; siomacn will OC ?wcot and bowels regular. Hudson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not F.nlivato. (live it to your children. Millions of people are using Hudson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of Culomcl is almost stopped entirely here. 1 Goods | as Cake t ! you may want in this line , Dates, Raisins, Currants, ^ i, Crystalized Pineapple, i jy of Heavy and Fancy | iday table. | I ROCERY, | Phone No. IS. f 4*4* 4 ?4s 4*434$ 4444 *484 4*4i4 4-?4i4<*4*44 Goodies, i 4 oo long buy- | T tmas Grocerke your order t er the goods t 1 wish them. mber is 1 16. i J ants. : : : t I eery Co,, 110 i I NOW ilding's good ng is great. :>n of a new home, tenement, deling or repairing of your r v. :11 i al . . . i uu win ue me winner do the work cheaper right L a little later. If you wait the golden opportunity will me higher, the Lumber and eady firmer, and people who ck to normal in a short while, ires and will cheerfully furr work will require, and Now. .umber Co. ; 72. *i