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THE PORT MILL TIMES Democratic ? Published Thursday* b Slnifp 1 M i^-fSs: 4 '? X <mi ? c K-^A^ jevv& WL4TZS .*x? ?'* "? ??* ^ c I. V. nilADPORl) - - tlx!iti?r arm l^iuri^tm ! _ i imohiption uatks: j >in* Year SI.21 ; 31* Month* .?! ^ f Tte Pi>n n invl'ea contribution* on live subject! iiit iIom not airreo to publish more than 200 word? I in any subject. The riirht is reserved to edi' J err communication submitted for pnfclicatior.. 'In apoli -a' ion to the publisher, advertising ate* ore ma-lo knor n to those interested. I roleo'ione. local and loner distance. No, 112. Entarod at the poatofllce at Fort Mill. S. P.. as mail m-itter of the second clns?. ' '! HURSDAY^ 'DECEMBER 16. 1916. A Glimpse of Men. Once in a while someone with 1 knowledge of the situation and 1 an insight into the other fellow's job, gets a proper glimpse of t the newspaper men. Elbert H 1 Gary, chairman of the board ol 1 directors of the United States a Meel corporation, is a oig man r who realizes the value of proper c relationship between men of his t position and newspaper repre- v sentutives. At a banquet given "5 in his honor by the Birmingham, r Alabama, Newspaper Club, Gary v said: "I have been obliged to co m .. in contact with the newspupei J lr iternily for the last fifteen years and from my experience 1 can say that if business men treat newspaper men right, they are always truthful and faithful. My experience has been that it you will treat the newspnpei man lairly?w ill be frank and honest and give him the truth and the oppoi tunity . o publish the Hum ne v. illuo 11 honestly. 1. you arc untruth!ui and unfair y tna> expect to lake the con s, quenccs.'' i ik neiai public should give fcvIlK' ClM iMlifi <J i U I* lW \ iilti MiiUJ- I iiiviii. It ihe newspaper liitlil tilo nut*. No ulilt'l' lelloW is i ) > ijun v u to kuovv so mui-n ahu g\.i Jiti.c credit lor his Know 1- ! * oRv. No other man can do so ni en i at m ot* so much good. ! Accurate lai n h.uea intelligence ui wa.\a ale demanded ol \ 11 (C tie Ws paper woiker. ilis t la ours arc const ructive. The popuiai d< imu.d is ma tney Lt s So. No community can attain the g i cutest SUCCcSs illness li lias and supports goo*! iew>pateis. l.s newspaper is us eiiceiioii ol progress or Sluggishness. Ihe imp< rtunce til the newspaper toti oilen is overiooKed, as is the i importance of the newspaper ] man. Both deserve . open treatment, the very things Wiiich are demanded of them a d which they give. Warnings for the Home. Every year in Ami iica manx children are burned to death by fire from Christmas candles. Do not decorate your (Jmistinas tree with paper, cotton, or any other inflammable material. Use metallic tinsel and other noninflammable decorations only, and set the tree securely, so ihat J the children in reaching for \. things cannot lip it over. Do not use coi on to re.iivsr t snow. If you muv have si ow, , use asbestos fiber. Do not per.nit children to light or relight the randies while; parents are not present. They j frequently set fire to their clothing instead. The tree itself will 1 burn when needles have become dry. i Do not leave matches within! reach of children at holiday time. , Candles are meant to he li.-hted. and if the children can get j matches they will experiment i with them. They imitate their ! elders. - Exchange. I Accepts Gaffney Call. Members of the Fort Mill Pres yterian church, together with lis many friends in this commui ty and throughout the county, earn with deep regret that the lev. W. A. Hafner is to sever lis pastoral connection with the hurch in this city. Announcenent to this effect was made afer the regular service at the hurch last Sunday morning Ar. Hafner resigns from the "ort Mill church after eight years >f faithful service, having come 0 this city from Bowling Green, his county, and will accept the :all to the First church of G.tffley. It is understood that Mr. iafner will preach his farweil termon to the Fort Mill church text Sunday morning and tha' 1 i will assume his duties with ;he GalTney church about Janu-I try 1. Suing Husband for Divorce. Fort Mill people who on last Monday afternoon and i ight witnessed the production at the Majestic Theatre of the picture, ine ueep rurpie," in which he leading lady was Clara Kim)all Young, will be interested to enow that she is now engaged in i suit for separation from her lusband, James Young, alleging :ruelty. This fact is learned rom the Charlotte Observer vhich adds that Mr. and Mrs. foung have spent several sumners at Bat Cave where they vere engaged in making picures for the Vitagraph Com>any, using the wonderful ; scenery of that section for a Mckground. They were at the ^meralda Inn the greater part f last summer. Following Mrs. Young's apicarance in Monday's picture, a lumber of Fort Mill people were u-ard to speak of the beauty 01 .ie actress, and it may be noted i this connection that a short me ag>? a moving picture laid a voting: contest to unnine the actress most opular with the public. Mrs. . oung won, receivii g 453,000 tes. She beat Marj Piekt'ord y 5,000. l:e? uced fo. the ilouj^s. K< duci'd rates on i he railroads r ( hii travel are now >e i tiyr am ounced, aid with the ci I dvantages in tin* lowei ates, it is expect, d 'hat tnan> iVill lake the opporiui ily oMVred ; make ho i 'ay journeys. The Southern announces special ates December 10 to 25. illusive, good to return until midiglit of January 10, 1910. Mules, Mules. [ ? We will on tomorrow receive our first car cf ; Missouri Mules. These mules were se- I lected with care and we p can suit you both in I quality and price. Come to see them. Mills Live Stock Co. | NOTICE Of the Openi-g cf Broks of Subscription to The Mills Live S ock Company's Cap:tal S;o:k. Notice is hert by Rive i that l>ook.-> of s bscr ption to the Capital Stock of .i.e Mills LiveStock Company wil' be r? ened at the office ?' Mills Yo"njf C in Fort Mill, S on Friday, D cember 17, 191f?, at 12 o'clock, neon, i he Cap:t ?l ^tock to le One Thousand ($1,000) D 1 ars, divided into ten (10) shares of the par value of One Hundred ($300) per share Subscriptions payable in cash. J B. Mills, J. T. Younfj, Geo. P. Wadsworth, A. T. Neely, Frank P. McGinn, Board of Corporators. Fort Mill, S. C., Dec. 14. 1916. FOR SALE. WANTED. LOST. FOUND. FOR RENT- Nice 7-room Cottage on Confederate street. Apply to Oscar T. Gulp. FOR QUICK SALE?Two-acre city lot, with house. For terms, apply at once to Bailes & Link. FOR SALE?Just received n car of Horses and Mules. Also a fresh car of Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Come see us. S. J. Kimball, Rock Hill, S. C. County Commissioners. Annual Meeting to be Held on January 6, 1916. York, S. C., Dec. 7, 1915. Pursuant to the law of 1912, notice is hereby triven to whom it mav con cent, that the Annual Meeting of the I County board of Commissioners of York county, will be held in the Odice of the County Supervisor at York, on Thursday, January 6th, 1916. commencing at 10'o'clock, a. m. Under Section 993 of the Civil Code all cla ms against the County not previously presented, must be filed with the Clerk of the Hoard on or before January 1. 1916, n id holders of claims will take n t'ce that if the same are not p'e-eot< d hi. 1 file I during the year i i wi i h the,1 a e contracted or the ye .r tollowing, such claims will be fo ever I arred. All claims against York county niisl bo itemized, and they must be accompli i< 1 by affidavits of the claimants s. tting forth that th<f amounts claimed are just, true, due and o.-. ing, and that no part thereof has been paid bv discount or other-1 wis"1. A;1 persons authorized by law to administer oaths, are required to pro- | bate claims against the county free of charge. Bv order of the Board. 1HOS. W. BOYD, Supervisor. Annie C. Wallace, Clerk. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1916 Notice of Opening Cooka of Auditor for Listing Retui na for Taxation. State of South Carolina?County of York. Auditor's Office, November 30, 1915. Pursuant to the requirement of the Statute on the subject, Notice is hereriven that mv hooks will be opened in office in York Court House on Saturday, January 1, 1916, for the purpose of listing for taxation all Personal and . Reui Property held in York County, on " 1 ntuiary 1, 1916, and will be kept open until the 20th da> of February, 1916, i ind for the cor . nience of the Taxpayers of the County I will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named: At McGill Bros.' Store, Saturday, 1 January 1, 1916. At Clover, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 4 and 5, 1616. ( At bethel, (Ford, Harnett &Co.'s Store) Thur.-day, January 6, 1916. j' At Point, (at Harper's) Fiiday, ' J anuury 7, 1916. At Handnna. (Perry Ferguson's i tore) S, Ja .uar^ X, 1916. i; At Smyrna, Mo d:;., Jnnu ry 10,.! 1916. At Hickory G '.>v<*, Tuesday : nd Ved lesday, January 11 an . 12. 1916. | At Sbar? n. 'I ay and Friday, , ! Ianuary 13 all i 14 I9i6. A1 bu.locks Creek Good's Store) iaturJuv. January lf>. 11)hi. At I ii7. h, M>? iday. Jar i ry 17, lvlG. At Nu'.vpor', In S'lnv, January is, 1916. At Fort Mill, Wrdnrsstey, Thursday mil Friday. January 11), ilt?, 2!. 11)16. At McOo ineli villi', Monday, .hinu- | ry 2S, 1L16. , At Ogd-n, Tuesday, Januirv 25, 1916. At Coates Tavern, (Roddey's) W.d- , tscadav, January 26. 1916. At I lock liill, front Ihursday, Jan- | uarv 27, to Wednesday, Pebiuarv 2, . (916. * * , At I'amah, Friday, February 1, 1916. j At V> rk, from Saturday, February . >, t'> February 20, 1916 All males between the aires of twenty-! .ne and sixty years, except (ion- . federate soldiers over the age of lifty, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00. and all persons so liable are especially ! requested to ir've the numbers of their ' respective school districts in milking . their returns. , BROADUS M. LOVE, . Auditor York County. I jl Any Boy Wil ii Can start a Savir this bank. Even sav< even thouj little at a lime, boys' accounts - a fill Department teac pays. 4 . Interest i Savings A f!{ J 1 m ~ ,| L Savings Bank Change v/ii a See and rea< week telling of in the big Chai at Patterson's 1 This sale be /-\1 4- /JriTTrt IcigiiL die gain days for Never before h; Mill to even comp; makes this announ not now in positioi change, will say th low as possible by So, read careful see us, we will sav TAX NOTICE?1915 Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Vork, S. C., Sept. 15, 1915. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for York County will be opened on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1915, and remain open until the 31st day of December, 1915, for the collection of State. County, School and I .real 1 axes, for th< Si-eel year 1915, without i penalty; after which day one per cent. \ pi nalt\ wdl l>e adui <; to ull pr.vmcnlsj m de m the month of Janu: ?*y. 1916, an I two per c. nt. penalty for all paymi nts made in the month of February, 1! .5, and s ven p? r cent, wiil i 111 Mwue m .11 1'iiyu iris nade lrem ih 1st ria\ of .March, 19i6, to the l.Vh lay of March, 101 >. anil Iter this dnte rtl unpaid Ux?s will go into i xecutions and all Single I o:ls will ho tuned over to tin several Magistrates for proHccut on in accordance vnth law. For the co ivenit ncc of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the lays named: At Yorkvitle from Mon?iu> Novon ber zJd, until Fr:dny. tl.o 31.-t day if Dec mbi-r, 1915, after which date th pemdths wili attach as stated above. Note.?The 'lax Hooks aire made u|> by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties ere loeat d. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. NOTICE ?We have installed an upU-date Grist Mill in connection with >ur lumber busi less and are ready to of- | fer our service to the public. Until fur-' ther notice the mill will he operated Tuesdays and Fridays. Fort Mill Lum- ; ler Co. I Ih a Dollar igs Account in / boy ought to ?h it's only a We want more nd our Savings hcs thrift and t Paid On 1 ccounts. of Fort Mill < ;. i r. rt,-ai t.;-, of - Businc . n .. t ratters d the Big Posters the terrifhc explo nge-of-Business 5 Dry Goods Store, gan yesterday an< going to be whop _n _._i _ an wno come 1 as there been a mecani are with this Sale. Ch cement necessary, am i to make known the at the stock must be closing time Decembe ly the big two-page cir e you big money on y / / In our drug store we ha1 \ ? We could not list all of v page. Only come in and ? buy and save time, troubl * % \ Hutchinson's C Prescriptions a K SPEC From this date u Swift's and Mc at 20* 25 lbs. Sugai Everything else at 1 EPPsTsi sss Sale 1 son's j j put out this I sion of prices | ale now on *N flM d these next I * ping big barto this store. 1 tile event in Fort ange in business J while we are i nature of this reduced just as r 24th. I cuiars, come to our purchases. TlZZf * tr .9 -v y/e Gift Goods galore. them on this whole ^ see them. You will ? e and money. % J. Pharmacy, \ Specialty. jjj . it \ , IAL I intil January 1st irris' Hams c lb. r for $1.60 ' like reductions, i Cash Man. \