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?a ??I ? Tra< mamm?mmma?mm?mk II ^ You will fine progressive m< ling Dry Goods, ing, Shoes, Hec Groceries, Fruit; and Oils, Furnit Building Mate Books and Stati to-date 5c and ling Toys, Nove stores handling other depends dise. : : : Ill T Under U. S. =?i i FOR NERVES AND BEAUTY Proper Attention Given to the Diet la a Matter of the Greatest Imj portance. People need as imteh ami as varied a food for their nerves as for their bodies, and nearly everyone needs to i'Mimi 11]> iii-i vi'B e\I'll mure 111:111 odirs. Especially those persons who .re of a nervous disposition need 11 nourishing, nerve-build inn diet. Kfftjs served in various ways, milk nd cereals should be a standard oart of the diet. Supply your tabic with ipiantilies of fruit and fresh vegetables, and serve bran bread or biscuit frequently. It is well to read up on dietetics and keep the table free of unhealthf ill combinations and indigestible foods. This study is an interesting one, but beware of fads. A diet must l?e varied to be wholesome, and it is !?etter to use spices and condiments in moderation than to let your table lack tlnvor rrom over/eal in leaving out everything that is not pre-eminently wholesome. I'hvsicinns are often asked what advantage there is in drinking water and how much one should consume in a dav. The water-drinking habit is ? life-saver, lee water should, however, he tabooed, especially at mealtime. Also iee water inhibits the activity of the nerves of the stomach, and lowers the blood supply which is necessary to perfect digestion. PARTED HIS FACE BLACK Chinaman Who Slipped Paat the Inspectors Failed to Make His l.egs Match. Clinrlov Sop, n Chinese sailor on the steamship C. A. Cnnfichl, lying at Point Breeze, painted himself Mack in order that he might resemble a negro fireman, and walked ashore, making a direct course for Chinatown in a trolley rar, says the Philadelphia Record. After l>eing in the ear a short time the conductor noticed that, while Soe's face was black, his legs, which he had forgotten to paint, were of a different color. The conductor charged him with l?eing a deserter from ? ship. Soe assured the conductor Uk*t We ?ru oil ngWt H? S3T =d 1 deWi I ^ wh 1 in Rock Hill do ^rchants hand- loo Notions, Clothivy and Fancy CJ > s, Drugs, Paints I ? 1 ure, ttardware, rials, Jewelry, (j J onery, an Up- j3ar I Oc Store hand- ^ cities, Etc., and i ; all kinds of ^ ible merchan e wh( I HE PEfl Government Su E I =?l I-aid lie had been sent out tor a doctor for the captain of the ship, who was verv sick. lie jumped olT at 41.~ n i i? i * i iir nisi drug siore. ami was not seen ii f forward. The immigration officials heard of the escape and sent an inspector to the ship, who refused to permit the Canfu Id to proceed until Captain Fenn pays the $500 ffne due for violating the Chinese exclusion act. GREAT DEAL TO LEARN. "How do you get along with your landlord ?" "Oh, first rate. He never kicks ahout repairs, doesn't bother me about the rent and, in fact, treats me like a human being." "Does he rent much property?" "Xo. Only the house I'm living in." "Uinph ! I thought so. After he has had more experience with the usscdncss of human nature h?' will l>e just like other landlords." EMPHASIZING THE HOUR. "Don't you think that clock strikes the hour unusually loud?" asked Mr. Stayon. "Only eleven o'clock," answered miss (ladders, with a slight yawn. "It has a special attachment for striking eleven o'clock?a little scheme originated by father." 'Oh, I see. Well, I must he going." UNKIND Wifie?What makes mankind cynical ? Uabbj?Winahai bhhhh^* " thHr *\11 loyal citizens of Fo enever it is possible to not have exactly what k elsewhere to supply Xfhen you are unable I progressive merchants ieventy-five per cent, iking business with TT business they have gr we do not, neither do er community. T nr\ TT/-M1 r>or?? j wu cui i, vviicii y u IPLES N pervision. 1 3 ' 00G DECLARED A WONDER! Gre.-l Retriever, It ') Asserted, Will | Bring Horse Home If Ordered to Do So The ino>t remarkable characteristic of ihe Chesapeake is his rotriev mg. lie has been developed for re- j trieving ducks, and naturally should Wo well fitted for that purpose. Rut it is my firm conviction that he would retrieve a horse if told to do | so. bringing it to you in pieces if he couldn't boat it home. The one definite aim in breeding him has been to make the best possible retriever, and if ever a breeder's aim succeeded it has succeeded in this instance, savs a writ t in Outing. A Chesapeake will fetch anything on earth that is within his physical powers to move or handle. If you will take him to the water and do not throw anything in, for hi in to go after, he will bring you oysters on ! his own account, lie brings bricks and atones and clubs joyfully. Old Reaver, long a prize winner and now just about to leave us for the happy hunting ground, has worn his teeth down to stubs, like an old bear's teeth, carrying hard objects. | Almost any Chesapeake will show the same condition of mouth.?Exchange. UNIVERSAL FINGER PRINTING. In a recent letter to the New York Sun, Mr. Wladcniar KaeinptTert, formerly managing editor of the Scientific American, urges that the finger-print identification system be universally adopted. In the United States armv every private records his finger print when he enlists, (tanks are beginning to require thumb marks as well as signatures to validate checks. Painters have ^eriouslv proposed to thumb mark their canvases. The time will come, savs Mr. KaeniplTert, when finger prints will safeguard every lifeinsurance policy and every applicant for a civil service position will sign ( his examination papers in that way, as well as with his written name.' The finger print is the greatest aid to the identification of criminals ever devised. The lute Dr. Alphonse Bertillon declared that society needj ed Mrtjn Awt of "a dao^lwNfM |j lt^==E)I===== >me i % rt Mill community sh j _ __ ti uu so. i nere are m you desire to purcha your needs. :o buy at home, we e 5 of Rock Hill to trad< , of the mercantile est te Peoples National 1 ven us; naturally we ^ our merchants, expe rade at THRICE FOR A DIME. "Were the movies good?" "Naw! F had to stay through' three shows to get my money's worth." PERTINENT CURIOSITY. "Pa. will you tell me one thing?" "Yes, son." "Does it make the garbage man mad to get in the dumps?" THE USUAL COURSE. "Our boat's progress was arrested bv the invoming of the watei " 'What did you do?" "Bailed her out." STRATEGY. Officer?Why did .vou order your prisoner to sit down here? "Cos o' the thistles, sir."?Tendon Opinion. ONE OF A LARGE CLAN. "Has Jackson a good memory?" "Well, it's hotter for remembering what he's loaned than what he's tarrowed." HIS REASONS. "I heard Smith calling for help this morning." "Was be in danger?" u cannot we invite ATIONA i r ? * card catalogue of the human race." Police Inspector Fnurot, a disciple of Bertillon. recommends that finger u :i J L. 1 i in nun ui ruiiureii lie rccorueo, so that the children can he identified if thev get lost. I TRUE. "It's a wise child that knows its own father," quoted the idle philosopher. "Perhaps so," replied the cynical man. "but in these days of suffrage campaigns, uplift movements and high-brow societies, it's a wise child that has more than a speaking ac-! quaintance with its own mother." ? NEITHER GOING. lie?Jove! I wonder what time' it is? My watch isn't going. She?It mu9t he contagious.? J Judge. ?I ? 1lerch ould trade with their mes, however, when se. and then vou will -xtend to you an invit e with them. ablishments of Rock Bank, and we are gr; want to see them coi ct to get trade whic Home you to "Trade ir L BANK ROCK a? ? : CALOMEL DYNAMI1 MAKES YOU SIC "Dodsoi's Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Thai Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; l>e vigorous and full of ambition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into bout bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful* of harmless Hudson's Liver I ri tii n While the h\ and the sav If you contemplate the ereci barn, or outhouse, or the rerr present buildings, DO IT NO if you act at once, for you ca now than you can possibly do 30 or GO days, we verily belie\ I have passed. Labor will bei Building Material market is al know say that prices will be b We will supply you at close fij nish you estimates on what yc Take advantage of conditior Build Fort Mill 1 Phon lants ! 5555555555555555 ? ^ > home merchants your sto^re keepers probably begin to * ation in behalf of Hill transact their ateful to them for | ntinue to prosper, :h belongs to an i Rock Hill." r HILL, S. C. =< if== 1? - rES YOUR LIVER! K AND SALIVATES Tone tonight. Your druggist. or dealer solls you a SO cent bottle of Dodson's l.iver Tone under my personal moneyhack puarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning liecnuse you will wake up feeling tine, \our liver will Ik? working: headache and dizziness gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Doilfton'a Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Hudson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the salu of Calomel is almost stopped entirely here. > NOW lilding's good ing is great. tion of a new home, tenement, jodeling or repairing of your W. You will be the winner n do the work cheaper right it a little later. If you wait re the golden opportunity will lome higher, the Lumber and Iready firmer, and people who iack to normal in a short while. V ?ures and will cheerfully fur>ur work will require, is and ^ Now. Lumber Co. e 72.