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FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb 12J Seed, per bu 60 % I ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. J. L. Norman and family have i ? m this week moved to their new home in Whiteville Park. A > Fred C. Black, whose home is about two-and-a-half miles east ' of Yorkville, had his right arm cut off at the elbow last VVednes- j day evening while feeding a1 corn shredder. The Fort Mill chautauqua is said to have been a losing venture from a financial standpoint. Could this have been due to the fact that "it was not properly advertised?"- York News. ^ J. L. Spratt. L. M. Massey, J. M. YVhite^and R. A. Fulp, of Fort Mill, are among the York county men appointed by Governor Manning as delegates to the Southern Commercial Congress in Charleston next wpo'* Mrs. Mattie Rogers, of this city, on Saturday received a tel egram saying that her son, Roy ' Rogers, was in a hospital in Danville, Va., as a result of having lost an arm in a railroad accident in that city earlier in the day. No details of the accident were given. Rogers is about lb years of age. An enjoyable event of the last week was the annual banquet of the local military company given in the armory Wednesday night. A number of invited guests, tor gether with the members of the company, were present and. after supper, listened to short addresses by Capt. S. W. Parks, Mayor B. E. Patterson and Capt. T. B. Spratt. The Rev. W. H. Hafner, of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, announced from his pulpit Sun* . day morning that he had not up to that time leached a decision Ok5 f A 1\.\H \w? HTvebl n/i/w\r\l no \,\j \? 11v 11 m i u\j ? uuiu cu i vjji the call given him recently to the church at Gaffney. Mr. Ilafncr stated that this call was the third he had had from the GalTney church since entering the ministry. Peter Karas, a well known Rock Hill restaurateur, was in Fort Mili Tuesday and completed arrangements for opening in this city an up-to-date restaurant and fruit and candy store. It is understood that the Stewart building on Main street will he occupied by the new business and that the necessary arrangement of the interior of the build ing and the installing of fixtures will be made within a few days. ; The firm of which Mr. Karas is a member operates restaurants in several different cities. Community Day was observed by patrons and friends of the Fort Mill crfldpd school Fridav A large crowd of both men and women gathered at the school building early in the morning and labored untiringly throughout the day in renovating the building and improving the school grounds. As a result of the day's work, and work which has since been done, one would scarcely recognize the place as the same. The work on the grounds is to be continued at intervals until the walks and driveways mapped out have been completed and made permanent. Will Serve Dinner. The following dinner, at the prices named, will be served next Thursday tt- in the Ardrey building. Main street, between the hours of 12:30 and 2:30 * p. m., by the ladies of the Home Missionary Society: Oysters, pickles, crackers and coffee, 25c. Roast beef, candied yams or creamed potatoes, 15c. Roast turkey, cranberries, dressing and rice, 15c. Chicken pie and rice, 15c. Macaroni, 5c; baked beans, 5c. Mince pie, 5c. ice cream and cake, 10c; coffee, 5c. The Farmers' V\ arehouse com- ]! pany, of Tirzah, has been commissioned with a capital of $2,000. The petitioners are T. M. Gates. T. B. Glenn and Henry Massey. On account of the meetinp of the Southern Commercial Con-1 press in Charleston December 1317. the Southern Railway offers tickets Fort Mill to Charleston and return for the rate of $6-.25,-! tickets to be sold December, 11, 12. 13 and 11. with final limit, returninp December 22. The Mills Live Stock company, of Fort Mill, has been commissioned by the secretary of | State, with a capital of $10,000. The petitioners are .1. B. Mills, I T ... .1 I.1 n M.O: (i. i. i uum); (.11111 r. r. 1V1CV.T1I1M. As indicated by the name of the firm, the company will operate a sales stable, dealing in mules and horses. Clovf. Went "Dry." Clover, \ork county, the "Last Chance" stand for the morally stuntrA of Gaston county and of,.er adjacent Tar Heel territory, is no longer an open port of entry. As a liquor depot for North Carolinians it is no more. For the last two weeks the number of Gastonians who have traversed the highway from Gastonia to Clover formerly such a popular road has been negligible. The attraction is gone. There is some liquor in the Clover depot consigned to North Carolinians but it is likely to remain there until it is shipped back to t he manufacturers. This condition of affairs came about as the result of a ruling made by .Judge Rice who was holding court at York. He i 1 _ _ i ^ I resurrected an Old dispensary law which says that non-residents cannot come into South Carolina and ^et liquor which has been shipped to them there. He produced the law and there you are. The Clover people tire triad and the North Carolina peoph .hat is some oi them I are mad. NO l ICR OK ELKCTlON. Nol 'i'c i - hi i* by idveii an election wiil l>e held in ihe town of tort Mill, S. C . between the legal hours f r elect it >i. . on I nesday, January 11, l.hlti, t or ttiree ! rustees I or School District No. 2S, to ser^ c for six year. . I'rcso dation ot County Rcgistratio: ' ' itiiuati wiil he necessary to voti Hi : i i- el on. Ira G. .-I y.lit. I). A. !.< ? ant! T. I). | 1'i.uiktii I" re i | |ioil.le(. n;ai a, ? is lot - ii t ? 1 ction. 1 Jy ordei of hoard of Trusti er t!ii. Ml; ,.i\ oi i m comber, lain. J. It. vt I Chairman. \V. It. M r.1 A( HAM, (berk. ANN'JAL AS5LSSr.ifc.Hl I-OK 1916 ! Net', e of Opening Cooks of Auditor j for l.islinu ketui nt tor I nvali. n State of S< uth Carolina County ?>t York. Auditor's Olllce, November 30, 191.r> Pursuant to lite requirement ol' th< Statute on the subject, Notice i.s her. jriven that inv hooks will he opened it; office in York Court House on Saturday, .January 1, 191(5, for the purpose ol listing for taxation ail Personal and Ileal Property held in York County, on January 1, 191(5, and will be kt pt open until the 20th nay of February, 1916, and for the convenience of the Taxpayers of the County 1 will be at the places enumerated below on the dates named: At McGill Pros.' Store, Saturday, January 1, 1916. At ('lover, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 1 and 5, 161(5. At Bethel, (Ford, Harnett & Co.'s Store) Thursday, January (5, 191(5. At Point, (at Harper's) Friday, . January 7, 1916. At Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store) Saturday, January X, 1916. At Smyrna, Monday, January 10, l 191(5. ! At Hickory Grove, Tuesday and I Wednesday, January 11 and 12, i916. 1 At Sharon, Thursday and Friday, 1 January 13 and M. 191(5. i At Bullocks ( reek (Good's Storei I Saturday, January 15, 1016. < At '1 irzah, Monday, January 17, 1016. A At Newport, Tuesday, January IK, 1916. ! At Fort Mill, Wednesday, Thursday ? and Friday, January 19, 20, 21, 1916. At MeConnellsville, Monday, Janu-; 1 ary 25, 1916. At (jgd"n, Tuesday, January 2a, 1916. \ At Coatea Tavern, (Roddey's) Wed- j ne day, January 26, 1916. At Rock Mill, from Thursday, January 27, to Wednesday, February 2, 1916. | ] At Ramah, Friday, February 1, 1916. j At York, from Saturday, February j 5, to February 20, 1916 ] All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Con- , . federate soldiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, < and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their i respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVK, Auditor York County. 1 i Dike's Perox ^ r 'm&s&ja&r&EK esob^sh r A Neutral Stimulating SI ^ complexion, non-irritating ing no shine or sticky aft slvir> clear, soft and firm. + Applied before using yowd skin clear. Will not cause hair upon the face. I 25c and 50< t Parks Drug The $>111 SANTA Has A Arid as in the past 32 y L. J. M4 Where you will find a bea Presents of the better and every day prices. Our si Jewelry, Silver and Cut G1 I Also Dolls and Toys for tlv I Have a $300.00 Harvarc taken in trade for an Autc C nm O con f ko Wot4r I^v/iaiv. uw 1IIV i ^ V tY \iUUU L. J. ? 1 he Hank is the one s; Not only is your money our thick walls and str i?et it when you want it. is often hard to i?ct hack ly depositing is the only richer. FIRST NATIC NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an oleci n will i ? held ?n the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours For elections, on Tuesday, January 11, 191 <?, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and six Aldermen and one public vorks commissioner to serve said town For the years l(.ilt>-l!>17. The polls will >pen at X o'clock a. in., and close at 1 p. m. J. Y. Starnes, Herbert Harris, J. N. MeAteer are ap ointed managers of lection. By order of couii il this 7th day of December, l'Jlfi. It. E. PATTERSON, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. Notice is hereby iriven that the fJooks of Registration of the town of i Fort Mill will be open daily at Barks' Drug store from Friday, October 1, 1915, until January 1, 191<>. Arthur C. Lytic is the duly appointed registrar. By order of council, this 7th day of September, 1915. A. R. McELHANEY, \ttest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. Old newspapers for sale at The fimea office. V j ogen Cream 1 jsz&zmsai ? i kin-Tone, excellent for the t and soon absorbed, leav- ? r-feeling, il leaves the Relieves chapped s-kin. ? er, it aids in keeping the 4 or promote the: growth of * 4 4 z the bottle ? * Company, < ? 'Iff A*. ? lWm?Tt3 CLAUS rrived ears made headquarters at \SSEY'S, utiful display of Christmas more substantial kind at lock of Watches, Clocks, ass is specially attractive. | p rKiMrpn I Piano at $90.00. It was >piano. s. lassey. NATIONAL - n fS A MEM OF J~^-ES\TH? FEDERAL i '-.Am RESERVE >f SYSTEM **+: a | tic place to keep money absolutely safe behind one locks, but \ on can .m>nc\ loaneu lo I ricutis . The hahit of regular-i sure way of becoming )NAL BANK. Now is the Time to do your repairing. You will | need LUMBER for your fences, road bridges, repairs on your house, barn and outbuildings. We are in nosition to offer special inducements to early coiners, irivintf you the best possible material, at prices that defy competition. Fort Mill Lumber Company, Phone No. 72. ? ? *+?+?+<$+Q4 & I r COME. ^ % ?' ^ " \w - SLIP INTO A # I SWELL, NEW^flj I OVERCOAT ' } I DO NOT TRY TO MAKE ANOTHER WINTER. GlUE I t LOW WHO NEEDS IT AND I ; ONE. LOOK BETTER AND ' WE BOUGHT A BIG LINE < AND PLEASE YOU. WE PI ; THEM TO SELL THEM FAS1 WE CAN ALSO SELL YOU : NEED AND EVERYTHING t FROM THE HAT DOW/N. ?ajTarTIT' IB Uli \TIW\ -p-illMni | Patterson's Dry t TELEPHONE NO. 85. > \ Your A I Needs No > \\ hen you cat our Gr< ness and genuine all r > ? they have no equal. > > You buy the real artich * 1 to us and your money I GULP'S GI f O. T. GULP, Prop. Let US Serve Good Gr< VOUK TABLE will be well s ? market a fluids if you order yoi from us. YOUR RANK ACCOUNT will f prices are down as low as possib and Provisions of First quality. YOUR HEALTH will be amp) ? oidy goods ol known purity and ; YOUR A1TETITE will be we groceries ol the quality that pos . nutriment, and are good to the t ^ WE i'AY YOU the highest i ^ eggs and other country produce. rarks Ciro ^ Phone Times Advertising Bi 11 . I . i THAT OLD SUIT "DO" | IT TO SOME POOR FEL- | SUV YOURSELF A NEW YOU'LL DO BETTER. OF SUITS AND CAN FIT IT A SHORT PRICE ON | I THAT OUERCOAT YOU | YOU NEED TO WEAR | 4 Goods Store I x "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | <? ppetite i Whetting ! Decries. Tor fresh- jt ound delicionsness, X | i I when yon come goes a long way. J ^OCERY, I Phone No. 15. | YOU With I! oceries. upplied with the best the <? ir Groceries and Provisions o I he safeguarded because our <' le to put them for Groceries !! y protected, because we sell < excellence. J \ II satisfied, because we sell x isess an unususl amount of ^ 98CR ? market price for chickens, X Bring us what you have. ? eery Co., I 110 1 ings Big Returns