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THE FORT MILL TIMES Democratic? Published Thursdays. I. VV. BRADFORD - Editor end Proprietor looaoitiPTioK Rates: One Year S1.26 Six Months ... .66 The Times invites contributions on live subjects bat does not agree to publish more than 200 words in any subject. The right is reserved to edit ?vary communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising ' tan ara mtile known to thoao int^raatad. Talwohona. local and lone* Imtanca. No. 112. Entered at tlie no^lolTlco at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. DECEMBER9. 1816. All Must Register. Have you obtained a registration certificate to vote in the municipal election to be held in Fort Mill early next month? If so, you are one of the very few voters of the town who have done so. Up to the present time less than 30 voters have j applied to the registrar for certificates, and the time draws near for the closing of the books, i The slow registration seems due principally to the belief with many voters that the certificates taken out for the mayor's election last September will entitle them to vote in the general municipal election next month. : This is not the case. The certificates issued for the special j election last September were for I use in that election only and are ; worthless for the approaching! election. The renuiremerit tr> register is the presentation of a county registration certificate and tax receipt, the latter for the year 1914 being acceptable. The registration hooks close on January 1, 191(>. Working Together. Many of the largest chambers of commerce and board of trades that had for years confined their efforts to city affairs have of late years reorganized or have established departments for the purpose of cooperating with the people.on the farms near by. A few years ago these organizations would have scouted the idea that there was a fieid in which merchants and farmers might profitably work together for the upbuilding of the community. Now, however, the merchant, who often is in fact a farmer, also is as much interested in improving farm crops and farming methods as is the farmer himself. Intelligent citizens of all classes have begun to see that, while a large field must be left free for the exercise of individual initia. tive and enterprise, there are a great many things that must be done by the community as a whole. There may be some selfishness in the merchants' | wanting the farmers to raise! bigger crops, but the farmers are nevertheless the biggest gainers by the improvement. The example that merchants; have set in helping the farmers to better themselves might well be followed by the farmers in helnincr the merehnnts tr? themselves. They can do this most directly by buying at home everything they can, and if they can not buy the goods, quality or class of goods they want they can best help their community by making their complaints to the merchants themselves. It certainly is a doubtful expedient to send away from home for an article the merchant doesn't carry without first letting him know that he has not stocked I goods for which there is a de-1 rnand in his community. Don't fail to attend the Mass Meeting at the school auditorium ; ?' tomorrow night. Nr. Peeples Explains. I notice in your issue of the 28th inst., under Greenville date line of November 27 in news item in regard to my opinion of the 19th inst., the following: "The decision of the attorney general is to the effect that the law is violated when a laborer's machine operates more than the legal ten hours in the 24 of the day." In reply to this paragraph, I will say that the opinion referred to says no such thing and is not to that effect. As far as the law is concerned, the mills may run their machinery the entire 24 hours of the day, but in so running their machinerv it is unlawful for anv one laborer to work more than ten hours per day or 60 hours week, and no hours of a single day shall exceed 11 hours.?The State. War Hero Buried in York. Following the production in this section of what is now a picture known all over the United States, dramatized from Dixon's "Clansman," people of York have made the discovery that the "little colonel" a famous figure in both the novel and photoplay, is buried in Rose Hill cemetery in York. This information has been obtained from a York woman, who secured it by writing to the author of "The Clansman." The "little colonel" in this famous play was Col. William McAfee, a native of Shelby, N. C., and a colonel of the 2bth North Carolina regiment. He was married to a woman of Fairfield county, this State, and made his home here, being one of the prominent organizers of the Ku Klux Klan. His second wife was living in Georgia at the time of her marriage but was originally from York. Only a slab erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy marks his grave and it is said a movement will be launched to erect a monument. - York special to The State. Hog-Killing Time at Hand. The arrival of early winter makes preparations for hog killing in order and the death rate among South Carolina porkers may be expected to increase amazingly from now on. Clem- j son college experts advise to kill hogs on a clear, cold day. The carcass must cool quickly and if the day is somewhat warm, the' butchering should be done in the afternoon, as it is usually colder at night. Bleeding should be rapid and complete. As soon as the hog is dead it should be scalded and scraped and the internal organs removed. Keeping the hog in hot water (about 150 deurrees temDerature) for some tiling more than a minute should make the hair loosen and slip easily. Hang up the carcass and wash it with clean cold water. Remove the internal organs as1 soon as the hair has been completely taken off. Spread the carcass wide open, wash it out clean and hang it in a cool place till the next morning. Two 12inch sticks inserted crosswise in the opening will help to keep the carcass open and let it cool out more quickly. The News of Gold Hill. Times Correspondence. A serious accident occurred Monday which almost resulted in some fatalities when an automobile collided with a wagon driven by Messrs. Edd Bailes 1 c? o \ij:i 1? auu o. x . vviiaun. it cippi'ahs that the car was running in "low" when the mishap took place but the warning signal, by the driver, was not given therefore allowing the above gentlemen no time to pull to one side. Neither party saw the other, due to a large embankment and a steep hill, until the automobile was driven under one mule throwing it to the ground. Beside a few bruises to this animal no other damage was done. The many friends of Hon. S. H. Epps, Sr., are glad to learn that he is considerably better. Mr. Epps has been sick for nearly a year. There will be an oyster and hot supper combined at Gold Hill academy Friday evening, December 10, beginning at 4 o'clock and lasting until 10 o'clock. Hyperion. Gold Hill, Dec. 7. ' FOR SALE. WANTED. LOST. FOUND. FOR SALE?Nice Xmas Tu keys. 'Phone No. 62, Massey Farm. NOTICE ?We have installed an upto-date Gsist Mill in connection with our lumber business and are ready to offer our service to the public. Until further notice the mill will be operated Tuesdays and Fridays. Fort Mill Lumber Co.* FOR RENT?Nice 7-room Cottage on Confederate street. Apply to Oscar T. Culp. FOR QUICK SALE?Two-acre city lot, with house. For terms, apply at once to Bailes & Link. FOR SALE?Just received a car of Horses and Mules. Also a fresh car of Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Come see us. S. J. Kimball. Rock Hill, S. C. j FOR SALE ?Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey 11 Pigs at $5.00 each. Registered for 11 $1.00 extra. AI30 a few nice grade pigs for sale. White Wvandotte Cockerels at $1.00 each. filmwood Farm, S. E. Bailes, Prop. TAX NOTICE 1915. Office of the Countv Trea?urer of York County. York, S. C., Sept. 15, 1915. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Books for York County will be opened on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1915, and remain open until the 81st day of December, 1915, for the collection of State, County. School and Local Taxes, for the fiscal year 1915, without penalty; after which day one per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1916, and two per cent, penalty for all payments made in the month of February, j 1916, and seven per cent, penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1916, to the 15th day of March, 1916, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. r or tne convenience ol taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville from Morniay November 22d, until Friday, the 31st day ! or December, 1916, after which date the penalties will attach as stated jabove. Note.?The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matI ters if they will mention the Town- j ship or Townships in which their property or properties are located. I HARRY E. NEIL, 1 Treas-urer of York County. ! ?> l Mass IV wmmmm ; There will be a rr ~ residents of School I t auditorium Friday t to discuss the advise Compulsory Educati The ladies especi< t Good Speakers I "Wisdom is the therefore get wisdon ? I A VIC i 1 ^ Over extravagani tained by making ly deposits to yoi Savings Bank of Your account is hA I . . I vited. : J 4% Interest Savings A< i <; L Savrngs Bank j | Barg Bargaii The Big Cu Christmas. Special Bar Clothing Frida KIMBRE L z CING'S NEW LIFE PILLS | Tho Pills That Do Cure. leeting j M ; 11 lass meeting of the District 28 at the | night, Dec. I Oth, * ability of securing } ion. ally invited. Good Music. principal thing; | a. t ! s, TORY im ze is best ob regular weekir credit in the Fort Mill, cordially in: Paid On ' ccounts. of Fort Mill '' ' * - HBHHHnmMMHMi ;ains= ns for Ever) t-Price Sale will gains in Men's ys and Saturdays ( LL'S, "Where C a* r ? r * ? ?\ ^ If in doubt about wh; H ?,?o ?~ -? nui.T, lvmiiu iu uur aruj^ ^ will vanish- You will fin \ "unexpected" gifts. A * you to buy them from us, I \ Hutchinson's ^ Prescriptions a I " Slaughter of This Clothing stock must be gardless of cost. Men's Suit! $1.00 up. Men's Shoes at about Half F drens' shoes, the same. BLANKETS -8 or 10 pairs V kind for $1.90. The $3.50 kind Special For 5 Pure Leaf Lard, 121-2c lb. Sn COFFEE ?We have too mucl Saturday close out all our 35c < I This is one chance you have of cheap coffee prices. REMEMBER-The McElham January 1st, 1916. EPPS, 2: rbody. contiue until ||X ** * and Boys' each week _? Quality Reigns" 1 8 ? '? ? ^ I 'orue u?L$ Presents- jF L ^ ?rfu.uies. Toilet" iSt ? Lrticles and 'f u.iidreds' of: ex aisitro, pleasing I I'pCPnfc wliioli ? . I oul can. buy tor . Small Su.rrv> A ^ ? **? ?:* jfjW^ t ^ "Finest KrojJMj soaprl at to tfive for Christ- ? store and that doubt V c id scores of beautiful Z nd it won't "break" ^ either. f Pharmacy, \ Specialty. 5 If ? y wf-w'-wr-wrw-w r rv Clothing. I sold by January 1st. res, $6.00 up; Boys' Suits, rice. Women's and ChilVool Blankets. The $3.00 ; $2.25. $4.00 kind, $2.75. | v Saturday. owdrift Lard, 10 ibs, $1.15 B i fine Coffee, so we will on I Coffee at 25c the pound. I buying the best brands at jy stock must be closed by : Cash Man.