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FORT MILL COTTON MARKFT. | Cotton, per lb. 11? Seed, per bu. ... .. .60 - ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. J ' - Tbe town of Pincville is this rweek entertaining a Chautauqua > company. * Mr. C. H. Kleuppelbei g, of "' Charlotte, spent Sunday with relatives in Fort Mill. There are many little sore arms in Fort Mill this week as a result of the wholesale vaccination of school children several days ago. Her many friends throughout this section will regret to learn that Mrs. J. L. Spralt has been ) seriously ill for some days at her home in Sprattville, this city. ^ Miss Margaret Bradford, of Columbia, spent the Thanksgiving holiday in this city, a guest in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bradford. Miss Belle Humphries, of Gaffney, spent Thanksgiving with Miss Lessie Epps, of Gold Ilill, returning Sunday to her school at Wiikinsville. From a letter received in Fort Mill a day or two ago from the office of Governor Manning it is learned that Mr. J. M. Gamble soon is to be appointed game warden for Fort Mill township. A report from York says that the Isenhower case from Fairfield county probably will be called for trial on next Monday. * Solicitor Hill, of Spartanburg, k to assist Solicitor Henry in pros-, ^ ecuting the case. The employees of the four York cotton mills were given a treat Thanksgiving night at the Goodwill I'ftmnnmiKr lw\ncii V,.J, ff *?I Wiuuiuiut/J IIV/UOV, Ul/ 1 UI l\. Bk Addresses and recital ions fealA ured in the program, and the repast served was one <>f the m< ^ delightful events of the <. veiling. According to ligures furnished The Times by Joe M. T.ylor, special agent, there were ginned in York county prior to November 14, 28,449 bales of cotton, as compared with 29,5 >'J bales up to the same date last year. The Fort Mill Lumber company announces that it it lias installed in its plant west of the railroad a modern grist mill and will do grinding for the people of Fort > mill and vicinity. For the present the rniil will be operated Tuesdays and Fridays of each # week. Thp nnlv Pool/ 1-1 ill ?. ? ..w vtuj illil [/CiOlUI L; ' leave the city as a result of the Conference appointments yesterday is Rev. D. H. Attaway, who has served the North Rock IIill circuit, including the Manchester church. Rev. Mr. Attaway goes to the Brookland church, Colum-1 bia. as supply pastor.?The Herald. Solomon M. Culp, a native of the Providence section of Mecklenburg county arid a brother of the late I). M. Culp, of Fort Mill, died rather suddenly at the home of a relative in Charlotte Tuesday. Mr. Culp was about 60 years old and had been a resile dent of Rock Hill for a number of years. The burial took pjace at Harrison church, five miles east of Fort Mill, yesterday after noon. Mr. Hafner Gits Calh A GafTney special or" Tuesday to the Charlotte Observer says: "The Rev. VV. A. Hafner of ^^'ort Mill preached two splendid sermons on Sunday to the congregation of Limestone Presbyterian church. Large congregations were present at both ^ services, and all who heard him were delighted. Immediately after the o. .I.V.I MifS oci vac <1 Lr> congregational meeting '.vashold. and Mr. Hafner was called to the pastorate of this church. It is not known as yet whether or m not Mr. Hafner will accept, but it is the earnest wish of the congregation that he will decide to come." An Ail-Feature Program. Manager J. E. Jones of the Majectic Theatre announces that with the present week he has changed service on his pictures from the former 3-reel show to an all-feature program of four to six reels. The shows each week will be given Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays. The new service will be furnished by the Paramount Pictures company, one of the largest film concerns in the country, and in this connection it may be stated that the pictures to he shown here are of the same class as those being shown daily in Rock Hill. I hosier, Greenville, Spartanburg and the larger cities. On the Paramount program will be seen such noted film stars as Mary Piekt'ord. Dust in Farnum, Pauline Fredetick. Ho hart Rosworth. Rlanche Walsh, Robert Kdeson. Margaret Anglin, William Fernuni, and numbers of other photoplayers of national reputation. The Paramount pictures. according to Mr. Jones, are secured at a cost about three til <>e oe * 1- - HO III cl.1 lllitl 1WI III" pictures which have heretofore been shown at The Majestic, and this class of photoplays is put on principally as an experiment. 11 is m deistood, says Mr. Jones, that some of the people of the town l ave complained of the pictures shown heretofore, saying that tiiey were not good enough, and it is his purpose to see if the P eple appreciate real first-class >icU:res and will extend sufficient patronage to justify the use ol the Paramount service, l'he first of the Paramount pictuns was shown at the Majestic Tuesday to a good house and was highly e< mplimented by a number who saw it. Will Not Haul Liquor. rp; . L* .. i 1. - T-1 i nt- r iuiuK-rn express cnmP?my, ilu- only common carrier ol' iquids in small packages in the .-'tale < . (ieorgia, will, according ioa j-uwikhetl report, refuse to ceept liquors for shipment into ;.al StaU after May J, 1J>1 (>. beennso of the stringent provisions of the li pi.ins Siovali aoti-shipl>ing bid. Y ne regulations regarding the ihipmeiH > ot liquor hi > so drastic that t o express officials say i.* nil"* v. .uieh could be charged i tra : porting the small quanil.> o; in] or permitted under the iaw would not justify the expanse ar.d trou'ole. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR 1916 Notice of Opening Books of Auditor tor Lifting Returns for Taxation. State of South Carolina County of York. Auditor's Ofllce, November 30, 1915. Pursuant to tin- requirement of the Statute on the subject, Notice is here^iven that inv books will be opened in mice i i \ ork Court House on Saturday, Jaiiuary 1. 1916, for the purpose of listinjr for taxation all Personal and Ib id Property held in York County, on ,!miliary 1. 1 DIG, and will he kept open until the 20th day of February, 1916, and tor the convenience of the Taxliiivi is of the ('< untv I will 1 >?? < ? ?v... c< - i-iiunii rated below on the dates i in n eel: At McGiii Mros.' Store, Saturday, .1 miliary !. 1916. At rim1 r, 1 ie: lay and Wednesday, Januarj i and 5, 1616. At I e;.hel, (Ford, Barnclt A- Co.'.s St or ) Thursday, .January ?, 1916. At i'oint, (at Harper's) Friday, January 7, 1'Jlti. At Bandana, (iVrry Ferguson's Store) Saturday, January H, 1910. At Sinvrna, Monday, January 10, tor:. At ll'.'kory Grove, Tinwiay and W t.i< i.iy, January il and 12, 1916. At "J.a.' n, Thursday anil Friday, J v uary i s and 14. 1916. At . lit1 -!;s l reek (Good's Store) Sat ' : . ' mary 16, 1916. At Tii r\ Monday. January 17, 1916. At Newirort, iuesday, January Ik, 115 i 0. A Fort Mil!, Wednesday, Thursday mid Friday, January 19, 20, 21, 1916. At MiC 'iiiKdi.vilie, Monday, January 2r>. Jttl ". At ORd- n, i ui 'iay, January 2f>, 1916. At ('? all i:*v. rn, (Hoddey's) Wedne-alay. Jr mary 2(5, 1916. At Bock 11 ill, 1 rem Thursday, January 27. to Wednesday. In lirunrw v 11? i At ['amah, Kriday, February I, 1916. A* Y? rk, fiorn Saturday, February r>, t?i February 20, 1010 All male:- between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except Confedi rate soldiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, ami all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROAD US M. DOVE, Auditor York County. \ Dikes Peros . t ? I A Neutral Stimulating Si ! , ... ^ complexion, non-irritating ing no shine or sticky at! t skin clear, soft and firm. ^ Applied before using yovvd skin clear. Will not cause ? hair upon the face. ? 25c and 50< Parks Drug * Th?* $JUI 'i ] SANTA 1 Has A | And as in the past 32 y> I L. J. MJ g Where you will find a bea Presents of the better and ? every day prices. Our si I Jewelry, Silver and Cut G1 Also Dolls and Toys for th< Have a $300.00 Harvarc taken in trade for an Autc Come see the New Good r J n ii m a A. x .. * : inaBBaaHBBaanmKRK! F ?.;- : U. S. Battleship " BIG DOING; Ct= di:ckmhi:k \m\ The Southern Commerciai Congress will be held at Charleston December 13th to 17th, 1915. : This is an Association ol' promij nent business men from all over ! the South and meetings are held j each year for the purpose of dis| cussing business welfare, both of ' the manufacturer and of the far! mer. Last year the Congress! was held at Oklahoma City and the year before at Mobile. This * i... - ? ? ? > 1 vtfu me 11ieei.11iit. 10 !)' IU IU III Charleston and very many men | of prominent business, social and public life have alrerdy accepted invitations to be present. At Jjpji Full value given ! &J| and Tobaccon. Fig S y miums on hand. C? 9JB Special welcome to ! jajj Ardrey's E | ;ogen Cream \ Hi M I 111 llit li IMHi III ? kin-Tone, excellent for the f and soon absorbed, leav- * :er-feeling. It leaves the Relieves chapped skin. * er, it aids in keeping the ? or promote the growth of c the bottle ; <s> ; Company, 'Iff A;*t. ^ o r^TtifiWiiw ftnwrmin' i. CLAUS rrived ears made headquarters at ^SSEY'S, utiful display of Christmas more substantial kind at j| took of Watches, Clocks, I ass is specially attractive, e children. i Piano at $90.00. It was >piano. /lassey. I ~n i iiiiri11 i l l , i iiaitfiri liiiniii ii ^ 1I -- ? I Tr , '' J~.t South Carolina." S AT I IABLESTOIN i TO 17th, 1!)IS. least four members of the Cabinet of the President of the United States will be present at the meeting. A squadron of the Atlantic Fleet, Torpedo Beats, Submarines and Torpedo Boat Destroyers. as well as Dreadnaughts, will he in the Charleston harbor for inspection of the public, December 14th and 15th, and visitors at this time will also have the pleasure of seeing a magnificent carnival. Southern Railway is arranging special fare tickets and excursion trains. :: lviyers v-igarettes 9 sP stock of their pre- gj| ome and see them, )rug Store ||J 1 agJ |i a 1 SLIP INTO ApH r SWELL, NEW'/W ; OVERCOAT ' 1 ; DO NOT TRY TO MAKE T ANOTHER WINTER. GIUE IT ? LOW WHO NEEDS IT AND Bl ; ONE. LOOK BETTER AND YC WE BOUGHT A BIG LINE OF AND PLEASE YOU. WE PUT : THEM TO SELL THEM FAST. WE CAN ALSO SELL YOU T I NEED AND EUERYTHING Y I FROM THE HAT DOWN. QtasnnBnHnMMHHi \ Patterson s Dry ; TELEPHONE NO. 85. | I Your Ap l3KVQK<ti^lFfl5?'HR30ii5SttBBBfi69flHS8BESi I Needs No 1 When ou eat our Groce T ness a d genuine all rou * they have no eciual. You buy the real articles i; to us and your money g \ GULP'S GR O. T. CULP, Prop. Let US Serve j Good Gro YOUR TABLE will be well sup ? market affords if you order your from us. YOUR HANK ACCOUNT will b ? prices are down as low as possible ? and Provisions of First quality. YOUR HEALTH will be amply * only goods of known purity and e> ; YOUR APPETITE will be well * groceries of the quality thai posse T nutriment, and arc good to ihe tas i WE PAY YOU the highest ma * eggs and other country produce. I Parks Groc ^ Phone 1 Fimes Advertising Jirir ML I HAT OLD SUIT "DO" I TO SOME POOR PEL- | IV VOURSELF A NEW 1 )U'LL DO BETTER. | :SUITS AND CAN FIT A SHORT PRICE ON | HAT OVERCOAT VOU OU NEED TO WEAR t II I < > Goods Store ii 'SELLS IT FOR LESS." >petite | Whetting j :ries. For fresh- 2 nd deliciousness, i| <' < < > ???????????? < * < when you come < > oes a long way. {> OCERY, 1 * > Phone No. IS. ;; < > YOU With I . ceries. iplied with the best the <> Groceries and Provisions < > < > 4 > e safeguarded because our < > to put them for Groceries < j protected, because we sell :cellence. X satisfied, because we sell r ss an unusual amount o, : te. \ rkct price for chickens, 1 Bring us what you have. ^ ery Co., jj igs Big Returns. JNfl