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I lE/VV 8 - DAY CASH SAL BEGINNING DECEMBER J CONTINUING 10 DAYS THROUGH DECEMBER I I Dry Goc Gio MILLINERY ALMOST OIVEPi AWAY We ut> offering a lot of Children's llats for 48c. Hats worth $1.00 to $0.00 .. ..$1.98 Hats worth $8.00 to $4.50 98c Hats worth $1.00 to $8.00 69c U'n r?W.o# onll < Tlctc fail to sop them. DRESS GOODS $1.00 Wool Dress floods 79c f?0c Wool Dress Goods 37c r>0c Wixil Dress Goods, 50-inch ..39c 25c Wool Dress Goods 19o SILKS i$l .00 Messallno 79c $1.00 Taffeta 79c $l.f>0 Crepe do Chine $1.19 50c Flowered Silks 25c 25c Suislne 19c SKIRTS $5.00 Skirts $3.98 $:',.r.O Skirts $2.49 SWEATERS $2.50 Sweaters $2.19 $2.25 Sweaters $1.98 $1.50 Sweaters $1.19 $1.00 Sweaters 79c 50c Sweaters 4lc SHAWLS, TOQUE AND ROOTIES SI III) Shawls 79c 60c Shaw la 39c 25c Shawl8 19c 50c Toques 39e 25c Toques 19c :>5c llooties 21 15c Bootiew 12c 10c Booties 8c WARNER'S It 11.ST PROOF CORSETS $1.50 graile at $1.19 $1.00 grade at 82c 50c grade at 41c HOSIERY $1.00 Silk Hosiery 82c 50c Silk llose 41c 50c L<isle Hose 41o 25c LiBle llose 21c 15c Indies' and children's Hose, 12c 10c Indies' and children's Hose..8c PURSES AND KELTS il r.ll Plirtno tl '>11 $1.25 Purses 98c $1.00 Purses 69c 75c Purses &9c 50c Purses 39c 25o Helta 21c 35c Tan Silk. Pongee 23<* 10c Oold-Plated foliar Buttons, 2 for 5c 12 initial l*ost Cards for 5c 1JM DEKSKIllTS $2.26 Silk Underskirts $1.89 $2.00 Silk Undorsklrts $1.29 $1.25 Saloon Underskirts 89c 50o Sateen Underskirts 39c IUSIIKS ALSO HO Dishes are included in this sale also. Our second floor is full of biir b? you need them most. IE. W. r. KII ~ The most sensatior ^ history of Fort Mil! ), 3,1915. Prices tl years. Read clos< II >ds, Drej ives, Skirl Clothii OUR D Friday Oct*. 3rd. 8 u. m. to 9 a. m.: 10 yards of 10c bleaching 60o 10 yards to a customer. 2 1'. M. to 3 l\ >!.: II) hn TV, nf (V'to ?r/M. 0???> nr o *?K??ewu dUL 10 bars to a customer. Saturday, Dec. 4th. 8 a. m. to 0 a. m.: 10 yards of 36-inch Good Outing, 50c 10 yards to u customer. Monday, Dec. 6th. To the first 10 ladies to enter our store we will give 6 yards of lOe Dress Ginghams. 2 V. M. to 3 P. M.: Will sell 20 yards of Gingham . .60c RAINCOATS $6.00 Raincoats $4.98 $3.T>0 Children Raincoats .. ..$2.98 $3.60 Children's Raincoats .. ..$2.98 $1.50 Umbrellas $1.29 $1.00 Umbrellas 79c RIG BARGAINS IN SUITS, LONG I OATS AND CHILDREN'S COATS < oats worth from $9.00 to $15.00 at $4.98 Coats worth from $5.00 to $9.00 at $2.98 Suits worth from $10.00 to $20.00 at $4.98 ouits worth from $6.00 to $10.00 at $2.99 Children's (Vats worth $3.00 to $5.00 at $1.98 Children's Coats worth $1.00 to $3.00 at 98c SHEETS \ND I'll. LOW CASES 75c Sheet 59c 50c Sheet 29c 20c Pillow Case 15c 12 M-c Pillow Case 10c $1.00 Linen Sheeting 82c :.0c Bleached 10-4 Sheeting .. ..24c 25c Unbleached 10-4 Sheeting . .21c BLANKETS $5.00 all wool Blankets $2.98 $1.00 all Wool Blankets $2.98 $5.50 half Wool Blankets .. ..$2.98 $1.50 Cotton Blankets $1.19 75c Baby Blankets 59c 50c Baby Blankets 41C LADIES' IN DEB WEAK $1.50 Combination Suits $1.19 $1.50 Gowns $1.10 75c Gowns 59c ..UO UOWIIH 4'Jc $1.00 Skirts .... 79c 7;">c Skirts 59c f>Oc Skirts 39c 50c I'ants 39c 50c Corset Covers S9o 25c Corset Covers 19c 25c Pants 19c ir^ains that we are unable to m< Every day there will be somet we will sell r KIM] Fort P VjBR nil CUT-PRICE SALE I will begin at Kimbrell's iat will be remembered ;ly the following list of b for yourself. 5s Goods ts, Shoes, lg and Mi All "AT" ^ ri aiL i or Tuesday, Dec, 7th. To tIn* lirst 20 ladies to enter our store we will nlve a handsome surprise present. IV >1. to :i l\ M.: 10 yards of tfood Curtain Scrim, 40c Wednesday, Dec. s. s a. in. to 10 a. in.: Any $ 15.00 Men's Suit $7.50 Any $10.00 Men's Suits $5.00 2 p. in. to .1 p. in.: 20 yards of 8 c,c unbleached Sheeting $1.00 20 yards to a customer. Thursday, Dec. 0. The first 10 ladies to onter our TAltLK 1.1NKNS $1.00 Table Damask 82c 50c Table Damask 41c 10c Table Damask 29c $1.75 pure Linen Doilies $1.29 $1.50 pure Linen Doilies $1.15 $1.25 Mercerized 1 lollies 89c 11 llll 1 k,?i11..w o ? %M. TOI1.KT I'OWDEK Sweetheart Toilet 1'owdor 4c TIKS AM) COLLARS 50c Windsor Ties line 25c Windsor Ties 19c 50c Collars 35c 50c Collar and C'lTf Sets 39c 25c Collars 21c I NDKKWKAIt 75c Knit Cnion Suit 59r 50c I'ants or Vests . 41c 50c Misses' I'tiion Suits 25c 25c ( hildren's Underwear 21c CKKI'KS \NI? 1.1 NIN US 115c Kiniona Cfrepe He 15c Duckling Fleece lie 2.1c Dross Linings 21 e lf.c Dross Dings 12Msc roitnritoY sr.c Corduroy 59c 50c Oorduroy 39c 25e Tootli Brush 10c (Joed Hie,'idled Cloth 4o >TKVS KI.KKC'K 1.INKII ANI> Rill HKI) I NPKIIWFAl( .".ho Shirts sale price 38c f.Oc Shirts, snlo prlco 38c $1.00 Union Suits 84c WKKJIITM* IIK.M/HI I MlKUWKAIt $1.00 Shirts 81c $1.00 Pants 84c Ij-miu i nion Suits $1.69 r.<V Ivory Flno Comb .. mtion. Now is your chance to ?0 ,hing new. Come, while the stock nany Groceri s at prices that will s BRELL dill, South Cai ELL ever held in the ~~ Friday, December and talked of for Bl i<? bargain?; and wp ' " ri Silks, 1 Underwe illinery ECIALS store Thursday morning wo will givo a set of plates. 2 P. M. to 3 P. M.: 1 sink of lied Brand Shorts or Ship Stuff Tor $1.10 Friday, Bee. 10tli. o (i. 111. iu ;> a. in.; 5 yards of 50c Wool Dress Goods $ 1.50 5 yards to a customer. 2 r. M. to :t r. m.: f> pounds good Coffee 50c ' 10 pounds to a customer. Saturday, Dec. 11th. y u. m. to 10 a. m.: 10 lbs. Sugar for 50c 10 lbs to a customer. (TKTAIN MATERIAL 2.">o < urtain Goods 21c 20c Curtain Goods 15c 15c Curtain Goods 12c 10c Curtain Goods 8c It A liV CATS f.Oc Habj Caps 30c j.'.c Baby Caps 19c DltKSS GOODS 10c 'Dress Ginghams 8c l'J'jc I'errales 11c 10c Percales Sr. 12 'ic Hickory Shirting 11 Vic loc Hickory Shirting Xc lf.c Suitings 12c lf.c Uoinpet Cloth 12c I Or Klannelutto 8c 10c Out in .- 8c ItAltHAINS ?N CLOTHS 110-inch I'ajama Chocks 8c I 1 f?c Cambrics 12o It?c Pleaching 8c 8 Vic Pleaching 7c lf.c Nainsook 12Vic 10c Kml?rcidery Cloth 7M-c 15r White Crepo 9c 2;"ic White Crepo 19c lf.c Diiniticg 12Vic 29c Madras 17c 20(> Madras 12 Vie 25c llatisto 17Vie lf.c Cannon < 'loth 11 Vic f.or Linen Lawn 2.9c 1 fie L ng < lot 1) 12 'ic 20r Long Cloth 15c $2.00 holt Nainsook $2.25 CHI NTKRI'ANKS $2.f?o Counterpanes .. .. . .$1.9X $! o Counterpanes $1.10 $1.25 Counterpanes 89c \\ III I I! I IWNFL 50c White Flannel 39c |0r White Flannel 29c :'0r White Flannel 24c t; Skeins Bmhroldery Floss .. . .5o 74 good Needles 5c L the greatest values ever offered ; is full and complete. During th surprise you. COM rolina col - DAY [ASH SALE | 1 MNINIi DECEMBER 3, rnilYUliiiur. in nn/o win i u\umu iu UfUd IHIH'lill DECEMBER 11 | I hosiery, ;ai% SillIMIMi AM) FLANNEL TV-.'C unbleached Shirting 6c Vise unbleached Shirting .. . .5Mio f>c. unbleached Shirting 4c II \ 10 >rill 10%c IUVjC Canton Flannel 10M?c II 10c Canton Flannel 8M?c I I be Canton Flannel 4M?c I I MEN'S HATS Men's Hats ranging in price from $1.25 to $4.00, all go at a big reducMEN'S SOCKS Men's 2:"?c Socka 15c 15c Socks 10c 10c Socks 5c Zffljja SHOES MM $4.00 Shoes, sale price $3.40 7r. ciuuus, suie price $3.15 $2.50 Shoes, sule price $2.90 VyjuA $3.25 Slices, sale prico $2.75 $3.00 Shoos, salo price $2.50 yt. $2.75 Shoes, saie price $2.35 LWJ $2.50 ShoeH. sale price $2.10 V/lr $2.25 Shoes, sale price $1.90 $2.00 Shoes, sale price $1.70 $1.75 Shoes, sale price $1.50 UiL |m $1.50 Shoes, sale price $1.25 |(MU *\] $1.25 Shoes, sale price $1.10 |4lS MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ffiH Ml | .Men's $20.00 Suits $12.93 jfltiff f Men's $10.00 Suits $9.98 Men's $15.00 Suits $8.98 II Men's $12.50 Suits $0.98 Men's $10.00 Suits $4.98 den's $8.00 Suits $9.98 HOYS' SUITS I Hoys' Suits also selling at a big reduction. MEN'S AM) HOYS' FA NTS Men's and Hoys' Pants Ko in this cut price cash sale, at very low prices. HOME-MADE WAITRESS A nico home-made Cotton Mattress worth $8.00 $9.98 mattim; at half-price A few rolls of Matting at exactly half former price, per yard .. 16c 6? Handkerchiefs 3 for 10c HOYS' UNDERWEAR 60c Hoys' Union Suits 42c 26c. Hoys' Shirts 21c 26c Hoys' Pants 21c SHIRTS ^ $1.00 Dress Shirts 79c 60c Dress Shirts 43c 60c Work Shirts 37c f>0c Hoys' Work Shirts 42o '.!.">< Boys' Work Shirts .. . . ..19c MEN'S \M> HOYS' CAPS A Mr line of Men's and Boys' Cai>s, ranging in price from 10c to $1.00. all go at this aale at a Me; reduction. BARGAINS IN GLOVES Gloves go at this sale at price* that will astonish the wise. , ===== IH in Fort Mill, and at a season is 8-Day Cash Sale PA NY |