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? FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb 11$ Seed, per bu. 55 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. m /*> Mrs. T. B. Hough, of Kershaw, was the guest the last week 01 m Mr. and Mrs. VV. M. Carothers. Mrs. A. Theo. Neely and little daughter returned several days ago from an extended visit to relatives in Charleston. Mr. John T. VVindell, of Yonkers, N. Y., is a visitor in the home of his brother. W. H. iri TTnnnv \/T i 11 M MIUVII, III V*? 1 W1 I if I illa On account of Thanksgiving, the local public school will have Thursday and Friday of the present week as holidays. After a six weeks' visit to relatives in Shelby and Charlotte, N. C.. Mrs. Azile Harris has returned to her home in this city. The business houses of the town will take the Thanksgiving holiday, closing at 9 o'clock this morning for the remainder ot the day. The statements ol' Fort Mill's two hanks, published in this issue, would seem to indicate that these institutions are in first-class shape and enjoying prosperity. The census bureau's ginning report issued at 10 o'clock Monday shows that 8,777,794 hales of v . cotton had been ginned up to iNovember 14. as compared with ii cao u~l ] mi \ lJL,UUO,?.1U &111UCU 111 li'LI. ^ Fort Mill friends of Rev. J. T. Dendy, pastor of Ebenezer church of this county will be interested to know that he has received a call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at ^ , Belmont, N. C. Mr. Dendy has ^ the call under consideration. Osmond Barber and family, of ? Barbersville, Lancaster county, are this week moving to Fort Mill and will occupy the Barber dwelling on Booth street. Fort Mill people in general will extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Barber and his excellent family. Dr. J. YV. Frizzell. of Washington, D. C., whose likeness appears on page 1 of this issue, will conduct a special union Thnntreorivinrr corviPA tliic niniT. inp: at 11 o'clock in the auditorium of the graded school. The pub_ lie is cordially invited to attend. Miss Fannie Lewis, in charge of the music department of the local graded school, gave a recital in the auditorium of the school house on Friday night at which a number of the friends and patrons of the school were entertained by a splendid musical programme. Announcement is made that a change of schedule will be made on next Sunday in the running time of northbound passenger train No 28, now passing J" Fort Mill at 10:01 p. m. The train is to be operated slightly more than an hour earlier, and after Sunday will pass Fort Mill -a _ 1 x r? rr m ai aooui e:4n p. m. The friends here of Mr. T. B. Meacham, of Greenwood, brother ^ of Messrs. W. B. and S. L. Meaeham, of Fort Mill, will be interested to know that he is soon to engage in the drug business in Greenwood, being one of a company which has been formed for that purpose. The capital stock of the concern is upmed at $10,000. 't* Following the appearance of a casj? of smallpox in a negro ^ house near the old white ginnery, ^ on Academy street, Mayor B. E. Patterson has requested a gener^ al vaccination of the citizens of Fort Mill. Something like 2,000 vaccine points have been received from the State Board of A Health and already a large number of the citizens have been vaccinated. There is no charge for the vaccination where the party is unable to pay. The residence of VV. F. Harris, | I on East Booth street, was dam-' , aged by fire Tuesday afternoon' to the extent probably of $100, ' with 110 insurance. The tire, of unknown origin, was discovered in the roof by a passerby and. with the sounding of the alarm, the fire company was ?n' i the scene within a very lew j minutes and with but little effort ! succeeded in extinguishing the' blaze. The damage to the house was principally from water. - No Hunter's License for York. Pililiir t'ni't Mill 'I'ii.iDC' | ? J MIIVO, In last week's issue of The | Tirues, page 1, there appeared I an article from the Dillon Herald relative to the hunter's license; law passed at the 19 lo session of the (lonerai Assembly. Those who did not follow the passage 5 of this act through the General Assembly conclude from read-' ing the article that the law is Statewide in its scope. Such is j not the case. A number ot counties, one of which is York, 1 are not included in it. In Yorkj j county no license is required of J the resident hunter. The hunt-1 ! ing laws for York County were' not changed at the 191 o session! of the General Assembly. I imagine that this is a matter in which a considerable number ui uui i ?v i /1 MI ail/ niifH'Mt'u cuiw j i woui'l therefore thank you to ! publish this card in I'he Times p this week. W. R. Bradford. November 22. Again Declared Unconstitutional, j At Spartanburg Tuesday Judge John S. Wilson held South Caro-! I lina's galion-a-month law un- j constitutional in its application to intrastate shipments of 1 itjuor. I ; The trouble is in the title of the ct, according to the court's r j ruling and is one that legislative] ; amendment will cure readily. ; i i'he court held that the title of] the act does not con 1'orni to i articles, section 17 ot the Con- j' stitution, which provides that's i . I every act or resolution having1 I I lie force of the law shall relate ; to one subject and thai shall be 1 expressed in the title. The title j of the gallon-a-inonth law slates the subject of the act to be that!1 of the regulation of the shipment! ! of alcoholic liquor into the State! ' but makes no reference to ship- j ; ment entirely within the State. Convict Stii! at Lagre. Will Crosby, the negro convict who escaped from the county chaingang last Thursday while a i portion of the gang was at work : on the Hock Hill road near White j Hill church, is still at large, says 1 j the Yorkville Enquirer. A re| ward of $25 is offered by Superi visor Boyd fcr his capture. Cros: by is said to have been seen at a j r.egro house on Mr. M. L. Thorn-1 asson's place Thursday afternoon and he managed to cut the shackles there wi th the aid of a har- , row tooth. It is also said that the negro was seen in the Filbert I community Friday afternoon. 1 A "HELPINC HE Our purpose is to s< to hand you as a 1 haul "the turkey and the trimming; An account in this rich quick, but to bocc will shall dilate. If you already belor of tlio f.-rt that systematic will make each Thanksgiving If you are not yet a positing any sum you ch Your account here 1 built up steadily it will bridge you over times of trout Act on this suggci THE SA Vlh " * 1 I "WHERE IS MY Wi T\ AIT /A bUY (U If you love your childn fit Lome at night, you mu lor them. A PlaTtr Piano or Edi 3 long way toward solving Let us help you to mak We seil the best instrui ! L. J. ] ^o. 9941 REPORT OF THI THE FIRST NATIONAL ii iin- ,-iunt' ?>i ,-miuiii * nroun :n me RESO .nans anil discounts (notes held in ban >verdrafts, secured $ ; unsecured * [I. S. bonds deposited to secure circuit Subscription to stock oi' Federal Rose Less amount unpaid furniture and Fixtures Met amount due from Federal Reservi Met amount due from approved res Chicago, and St. Louis Met amount due from banks and ban 10 or 11). Other checks on banks in the same cit Outside checks and other cash items i'raetional currency, nickels. and cent Motes of other national banks Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certificates Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with IL S. Treasure of circulation) and due from ILS Total LIAR Capital stock paitl in Surplus fund Undivided profits. Less current expenses, interest and Circulating notes I 'emand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less th Cashier's checks outstanding Rediscounts with Federal Reserve ban iNotcs aiul lulls rediscounted elsewhe Bank Total STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Co I. T. M. Spratt, Cashier of the ab :he above statement is true to the In s Subscribed and sworn to before me tin Correct Attest: W. R. Ardrev, .1. V FOR THOSE LLP THEMSELVE irvc you, every business day ii ksgiving "helping* a suggestion all the t?oorl things^#!! through life bank holds fortrf^o you an o itno well-to-do and independen jg to our great lainily of clepo saving will help you reach your J Day better than all in the past. depositor, we invite you to o] oose it need not be large. will safeguard your money froi eventually give you whatever ] >l?r anrl make you comfortable in later ye ilion and you II have real cause JGS BANK of F )RT MILL. SOUTH CAROLINA r nrn >' I La V ."J 'I '-'fTTTrrV Tw MWMBM??I J-. 'MSliJ? \NDERING R GIRL) TO-NIGHT?" en and want to keep them st provide some amusement son Phonograph will go a this problem. :e your home attractive, menls at very low prices. viassey 1 e: condition of BANK, AT FORT MILL, close of business, November 10, 1**1 i*. liRC'KS. k) $ 105,540 84 1 *K7.21; ST. 21 it ion (par value) 25,000 00 ' rve bank $1,800.00 00". oo $900.00 900 00 j 2.475 00 | ' bank 2,207 51 i'rvc agents in New York. 222 50 kers (other than included in ?. 151 SI! y or town as reporting hank 120 25 $750. (MI Is. NO.(MI Nil!) 00 57 00 2,054 15 i 2.200 (Kl ) r (not more than 5 per cent . Treasurer 1,050 00 $151,125 14 IWTIKS. $25,000 (HI 5,000 00 .$ 20.000 00 I $2,021.15 taxes paid, 1 1,112 < ! j 2").(MM) 00 I $70,705.8-1 an 20 days 0,628.87 187.48 77.722 19 k $10,676 88 re than at Federal Reserve 0,613 73 $161,126 41 unty of York, ss: ove-named bunk, do solemnly swear that t of my knowledge and bolie'f. T. H. SPKATT, Cashier, is 1 sth day of November, 1016. W. R. MEACH AM. Notary Public. ! II. Mills. J. I.. Spratt. Directors. - WHO WILL S. i the year, so we want that should hrini? you pporlunit))?not to get t as certainly as your own sitors, never lose sight ?oal and regular deposits pen an account by de- I n fire, thelt or loss, li I ^ou want most. It will I for Thanksgiving. I OR T MILL. I t: | 1 r . 1 P8* : /CdfiU ; t *>- .' r-V : /? ' . T#" . / H -fV6- ' ^ ' ? '// 4 fay / M '--t'-'s V* 1 F { ^ : ' if V' * r / ' r< t t YOU SPEND HALF YO AND BEDROOM. HAUE IT WARM BLANKETS AND DO I LIGHT YOU. NOT ONLY I TIRED HEAD INTO YOUR I DAY LONG. i WE HAUE A SPLENDID Lll | FORTS AND EUERYTHINI I BEDROOM AND BATHROOI LET OUR STORE BE YOt I THING ALL THE FAMILY Nl I Patterson s Dry I TELEPHONE NO. 85. \ Your A; | Needs No When you eat our Grc t ness and genuine all r< they have no equal. You buy the real articlf 1 to us and your money \ GULP'S CI O. T. CULP, Prop. Let US Serve Good Gri VOIJR TABLE will be well s market affords if you order you from us. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT will prices are down as low as possib and Provisions of First quality. YOUR HEALTH will be ampl; ? only goods of known purity and I YOUR APPETITE will be wel groceries of the quality that pos Z. nutriment, and are good to the t ^ WE PAY YOU the highest r eggs and other country produce. r* 1 r rarKs uro ^ Phone i rimes Advertising Br 4 ONT YOU NEED kRM BLANKETS ^ ND BED THINGS ^ ^ ^ " I ' w "0^ :: j UR LIFE IN YOUR BED i; PRETTY. OUR SOFT. ! WNY QUILTS WILL DE- ? JVHEN YOU SINK YOUR \ PILLOW. BUT ALL THE | NE OF BLANKETS. COM- $ j YOU NEED FOR THE * M. - I JR STORE FOR EUERY- $ :EDS. | Goods Store jj i; "SELLS IT FOR LESS." j; ?> o *???????????????????i ppetite | Whetting j ? | >ceries. For fresh< ound deliciousness, 2! I o < > < * < ???? o < < when you come o J < i i goes a long way. x < > *OCERY, I Phone No. l|p. | <?> YOU With || < 3ceries. applied with the best the <> ir Groceries and Provisions < > 4 > I be safeguarded because our < > le to put them for Groceries ) I ? 4 > y protected, because we sell <> excellence. \\ II satisfied, because we sell tsess an unususl amount of ' > aste. \ > i > narket price for chickens, Bring us what you have. < I J I eery Co., 116 <> < ings Big Returna,