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?gBeaag=a=.! . FORT MILL COTTON MARKET. Cotton, per lb 11J Seed, per bu 52$ ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. t-? M^. Mattie Stewart, of Charlotte, spent several days of the last week with friends in Fort Mil!. James H. Patterson, a well known resident, has been ill for some days at his home on Booth street. W. F. Lewis and J. E. Williamson, officers of the Fort Mill Mfg. company, attended the Textile Exposition in Greenville the last week. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright of this city died Sunday afternoon and was buried Monday in New Unity cemetery. A report yesterday from Winnsboro stated that the condition of Mrs. Jas. H. Thornwell, of that city, showed no improvement and that she was still very ill. Wm. Jennings Bryan has accepted an invitation to deliver an address at Winthrop college. Rock Hill, on next Monday night. Mr. Bryan will pass through Fort Mill on the noon train. The census bureau report Monday showed that 7,38-4,871 bales of the 1915 cotton crop had been ginned to November 1, as against 9,826,912 for 1914. Theginnings for South Carolina were 772,481 * bales, and 408,056 bales for North Carolina. f County Treasurer Harry E. Neil will spend tomorrow jand Saturday in Fort Mill for the purpose of collecting State and county taxes for 1915. Parties who care to pay up now can save ? some little inconvenience by see' ing the treasure^ while he is here. During the month of October there occurred 9 births and 6 deaths in Fort Mill township, according to the report of W. M. uarotners, registrar ot vital statistics. Of these five births were to white and four to colored parents. Four deaths were among white and two among colored people. The children>of Fort Mill have found a new source of interest ^ and amusement in the last few days in the peculiar way in which Engineer Bob VVaites. f running the local freight train between Charlotte and Columbia, blows the whistle of his engine, livery child of the Community is delighted with the odd sound Mr. Waites is able, perhaps after much practice, to produce and many of them look forward to the coming of his train as an event of no little moment. Automobilists report that the country roads are getting in bad snape on account ot the heavy dust which the dry weather of the past several days has per' mitted to accumulate. Often when a car passes another or a buggy or wagon it is necessary for the second vehicle to stop ^ and wait until the dust settles before proceeding, on account of both the unpleasantness and the danger of continuing when " the driver is unable to see. Messrs. 0. T. Culpanel Richard A. Fulp, two well known young business men of Fort Mill, left the town Monday morning each on a happy mission. Mr. Fulp jotjj;neyed to Orangeburg, where on Tuesday he was -to marry Miss Ermine Brunson, while Mr. Culp went to Santuc, Union 4T courtly, where on the same day t he was to marry Miss Kathleen Jeter. Both of these young pp women formerly taught in the local graded schools and are well known and popular in Fort Mill ^ and vicinity. The Times was unable to secure an account of the marriages for this week's issue. ? > Fort Mill is among the South Carolina towns which have com| plied with the requirements of the firemen's fund act and is1 entitled to 1 per cent, on the fire insurance premiums collected on propertv within the incorpo! rate limits. Through the operation of this act Fort Mill will ! get about $50 annually. Speaking of the election of, county officers next fall, the Yodcville Enquirer says: "It is saia that a number of persons have their eyes on the office of county supervisor, among them , being C. P. Blankenship, of Fort Mill. Joseph W. Smith, formerly county commissioner. ; and J. E. Latham, present county \ commissioner. The season for hunting quail and other game in South Carolina opens next Monday, the 15th. I uame in me section surrounding Fort Mill is said to be growing scarcer with each succeeding year and hunters are not near so numerous as they were some years ago. Then, too, the nonresident license law keeps a great many of the North Carolina hunters from entering this section as formerly was the case. R. G. (Peg Leg) Graham, of Pineville, sends TJie Times $1.50 subscription, along with the information that he will attend the Tom Faulkner anniversary dinner in this place in the near future. Mr. Graham says he is not especially fond of chicken fry, but that turkey roast is his long suit, and hopes that "Uncle Tom" will take the "hunch" from this statement. FOR SALE. WANTED. LOST, FOUND. WANTED To hear from party having fur sale nice Brown Leghorn cock or cockerel, latter preferred. State price. Box A, Fort Mill, S. C. FOR RENT?Two Brick Stores and one Warehouse on Main street. Fort Mill, lately occupied by Mills & Young Co. Occupancy Sept. 1, 1915. Apply to W. S. Stewart. Box 96, 8<J7 North College St., Charlotte. N. C. FOR SALE?80-Acre Farm at Catawba River bridge, near Fort Mill and Rock Hill. Fifteen acres of line bottoms, all necessary buildings. Easy terms. J. R. liaile. Fort Mill, S. C. NOTICE OF ItEG I STRATI ON^ Notice is hereby given that the Books of Registration of the town of Fort Mill will be open daily at Parks' Drug store from Friday, October 1, 1915, until January 1, 1910. Arthur C. Lytle is the duly api pointed registrar. Bv order of council, this 7th Huv #?f j September, 1915. * A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. NOTICE. The attention of all drivers of automobiles, motorcycles, and other motor | vehicles is called to the ordinance requiring them to turn all corners within the town of Fort Mill at a low rate of speed and to sound their alarm horns before doing so under penalty of arrest and fine. B. E. PATTERSON, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE. Prohibiting Theft, Buying, Receiving or Concealing Stolen Goods. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Fort Mill, and by authority of the same. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for anv person or persons within the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mill to steal, take and carry away any goods or property of another, being within the corporate limits of the town with intent to convert the same to his, her or their own use. Sec. 2. In all cases whatever, where , any goods or chattels or other property, of which larceny may be committed, ahull hotrn hflon ? i>cru iriuMldUHiy litKCIl OT ' stolen l>y any person or persons within i the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mill, any person who shall buy, receive or conceal any such goods or chattels, or other property, knowing the same to have been stolen, shall be i prosecuted therefor and upon conviction shall be punished us hereinafter , provided. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm, or corporation within the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mill to take or receive any money or other valuable consideration in settlement or compromise of any | of the offemes set forth in Section One and Section Twoot this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance, upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment of not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 5. All ordinances inconsistent | with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in Council assembled this 2nd day of November, 1915. B. E. PATTERSON, Attest: Mayor. C. S. lank. Clerk. SAVE - We have been selling NEW here for 30 years. None of them I is no other machine like it. Thei good. Our economical way of sel We do not peddle them, hut sell save you all unnecessary expense Why should you take chances w machine? People who can afford the best Intelligent people buy the NI H know it is the best at any price. . see the new models and save $20. I L. J. M I Your Aj I Needs No When VOll Pat r?nr rr>r w ' " ness and genuine all roi they have no equal. I You buy the real articles ^ to us and your money j II CULP'S GF A I I. o. T. CULP, Prop. 3> I We'll Save Y With only GO days left to clo5 MUST GIVE BARGAINS. FOR SATURDAY Swift's Pi of buying Pure lard at the price is because the party could not c time, so he gave us the pure lar Snowdrift, 10 lbs. for $1.1? Tomatoes, 10c. Sweet Pears, 1( Pink Salmon for 10c. 2 pounds pounds nice Cracked Rice for $ Head Rice for $1.00. 10 lbs. Best Cream Cheese. 22 l-2c. Just come on, we will save yo spent with us. It! ^ _ 1 - ?? * 111 s a sname to sen uiotninp J but they must go. Try us. EPPS, = ? Let US Serve j Good Grt YOTJR TABLE will be well su f market affords if you order your j from us. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT will T prices are down as low as possibl i f anfl Provisions of First (juality. YOUR HEALTH will be amply ? only poods of known purity and c ; YOUR APPETITE will be well ; proceries of the quality that poss t nutriment, and are pood tcTthe ta I WE PAY YOU the highest rr ? eprffs and other country produce. | j Parks Grew ^ Phone ! < tVi t ? m? | Times Advertising Bri i - * x .*/* . * t 4 ' ? ' V /''* HRn N ^* $20.00 HOME Sewing Machines are worn out yet. There e is no other Machine as ling them saves you $20.00. direct from the store and ith strangers and a strange buy the NEW HOME. CW HOME, because they Thinlf thl'a nvoi' onrJ nnmn ....... ?v VIIIU Vf I UIIU VUIIIC 00. assey. <? jpetite Whetting f :eries. For fresh- i und deliciousness. I when you come goes a long way. 1 'OCERY, i Phone No. 15. ou Money I ? se out this business, we ureLard atl21-2c. Think of Compound. And this ieliver the compound on d at the same price. >. Three pound cans of )c, 15c and 20c. A good good Coffee for 25c. 25 1.00. 8 pounds of Best Hudnut's Grits for 25c. u money on every dollar and Shoes at our prices, Cash Man. YOU With series. \ pplied with the best the Groceries and Provisions ,? I he safeguarded because our e to put them for Groceries 7 protected, because we sell jxcellence. satisfied, because we sell i jess an unususl amount of iste. - Z larket price for chickens. ^ Bring us what you have. :ery Co., f lie ; ings Big Returns. f I I WE CAN SUIT VOU I WE CARRY THE RIGHT t FEEL GOOD. TOO. WH ; SLIM LASTS FOR SLIM Fl $ FORTABLE LASTS FOR ; SHOES WEAR. SO DO OUR HOSE WE I THEM AND VOU'LL COME I =============== !| PattersonsDr 4 TELEPHONE NO. 85. :-: A VIC ':v Over extravagai tained by makir th ; ly deposits to y< Savings Bank, o Your account i vited. 4 vi Interei Savings / , I Savings Banl JL= Loans on Cotton at 6 per cent Last year the First National Rank loaned money to EVERY farmer who offered warehouse receipts for cotton as security, and hy means of these loans hundreds of bales of cotton were stored and sold later at higher prices which put thousands of dollars in the pockets of our farmer customers. We do not advise the farmers to store their cotton this year nor do we advise them to sell at the present prices. This is a matter which should be decided by each individual farmer according to i his needs and circumstances. We are prepared however to make loans, secured by warehouse receipts for cotton, to those farmers who may wish to hold their cotten at Six Per Cent Interest. First National Bank, VE CAN SUIT YOU :: vfi WITH SHOES I I AND HOSE |J WITH SHOES BECAUSE | STYLES. OUR SHOES | V? RPr^ncr me out/ i Mi>viiwwk **u uw r & . 1 :et and broad, com- | broad feet. our * * :ar. buy them. try % again for them. " < > < * ij 'J v Goods Store i | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | TORY I u u I ' nee is best obig regular weeknur credit in the . - ?1||1 f Fort Mill. s cordially in| at Paid On m Accounts. | [ of Fort Mill ?>JL Vrf'j 1 J 4 IPH.M Now is the Time # to do your repairing. You will need LUMBER for your fences, road bridges, repairs on your house, barn and outbuildings. We are in position to offer special inducements to early comers, giving you the best possible material, at prices that defy competition. Fort Mill Lumber Company, Phone No. 72.