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. - . HOW TO CHOOSE PO! DUGTION OFElj Characteristics of Chickens Tha General Purpose Breeds?V Plymouth Rock Mosi Breeds of poultry can be content- 1 ently divided Into two classes: (1) the egg breeds, and (2) the genoral purpose breeds. This division is like that of cattle into beet and dairy types, and of horses into light and heavy classes. In the egg breeds of poultry tbe primary requirement is the production of a great number of eggs of standard size. The fowls are not expected to be prime table specimens, but they must lay throughout the year, except when they have to rest and recuperate. They do not sit and hatch chickens and they lay whitea ihelled eggs. The more popular egg breeds are leghorns, Minorcas. Anjonas and Camplnes. The most popu'.ar variety of these breeds is the Single Comb White Leghorn. All large egg farms are stocked with White I/eghorn pullets and hens, because it Is possible to obtain oreeatng stork in thin variety that tias blood lines of heavy egg production behind it. Pullets from a heavylaying strain are Tietter layers than pullets of no special breeding. egg type lert white eoc& ffoffftl tters i I ! V y y) How can one detect heavy laying characteristics In a mature pullet or hen? Notice the illustration of the egg type hen. Note how her body resembles the wedge shape of the dairy cow. Narrow and trim at her neck and wide and deep at the rear, ahe has the greater part of her body behind her legs. A good layer has a large, soft, flexible rear end. dropping down between tier legs and so wide that the legs are set far apart to accommodate It. The rear end of the hen corresponds to the udder of the dairy cow and must be large and yielding, not small and hard. DO NOT NEGLECT TOOLS rarmers suner Large Losses by Fall- \ ure to Care for Implements That Are Not in Use. The farmer who puts away hla farm machinery without oiling and ,-lenniug it is certain to lose in the deterioration of the machinery many times ?- what the time to care for it would have been worth. Failure to take cars of farm machinery is a source of large Ipss to the American farmer annually. Most farmers realize that they would save money by raking good care of their machines, hut neglect to do so, either through carelessness or Indifference. The most important step toward having efficient machinery Is keeping it in good repair. In spare time, each machine should he carefully inspected and all missing, broken or overworn parts noted. Write th? names and numbers of missing parts on tags and fasten these tags to ths machine. All machines should have a general inspection at least once a year. A rainy day in late fall is very good for this purpose. , Exposure to weather injures both wooden and metal parts of machines and a machinery shed should by all uivwh iiu |jan 01 iup rarm equip- . meat. Every machine should l?e cleaned. oiled, and housed after it has been ! uaed. Painting aida greatly in Improving the appearance and prolonging the life of machines. It protects both wood and metal from the weather. Paint ehouid be used freely when needed. One of the beet paints for all farm implements is made with red lead and linseed oil. Tho use of good farm implement is increaeing rapidly in South Carolina and farmers owe it to themselves to be more careful of their tools. In the year that ha? gone, they have learned aorife Important lessons in economy, but there is probably no more practical way in which a farmer con economize than by taking the proper care of his farm implements? -repairing them, oiling them, housing them, and painting them. SIDNEY S. KITTENKERfl. Agricultural Publicist, f CJwaaaoa AgctcaJtaral OaUag*. 0 JURY FOR PRO- = GSBR TABLE FOWLS ,t Make Them Good Laying or Thite Leghorn and Barred b Popular Varieties. A aim pi* test of a good laye.* is to measure the dUtan<-? from tlie two pelvic bones (one on each side of the vent) to the rear end of the breastbone. This distance should be as wide as four fingers when the hen is layIn v Wihon t Via Hon Hi a a thin Hontli and is also wide across her rear it proveB that she has an abundance of room to manufacture eggs constantly and particularly the egg shells, which are formed in this part of her body. Such a hen will lay well when properly cared for. Hens with a small distance between the pelvic bones and rear of breastbone and tight or unyielding rear body are not good layers. Put bands on the legs of your layers and note how many consecutive days they lay without resting. That will show how long each hen can maintain her egg flow an dthe better layers are those which can continue laying for longer periods. CsEJVTRAL PUFtPQiK TTPE urS jsHoHvsatf sits int xrzzn znc+jZ The general purpose breeds have been selected primarily for the production of table poultry. They are good layers of brown-shelled eggs. They hatch their chicks and are the most satisfactory for those who want one flock of purebred chickens for uuiu uiuul huu egg purposes. line more popular of the general purpose "breeds are Plymouth Rocks. Rhode Island Reds, WyandotteB and Orpingtons The most popular variety is the Barred Plymouth Rock. This is recognized as the best chicken for market as it is large and well-meated and fattens profitably when confined in orates. FRANK C. HARK. Kxtenalon Poultry Husbandman, Clem son Agricultural College. DESTR0Y CORN STUBBLE Farmers Can Reduce Damage from Corn Stalk Borer by Turning Under Stubble ifi Fall. Corn stubble -should not he allowed to stand in the field all winter undisturbed. The corn stalk borer' is one of the "reasons" for this. This insect la one of the most notorious corn posts of the South and evidence of its work can lie seen in practically any oom field at harvest time. It is the couse of the holes that may occur in aiit imrimu ui ii muiK. The corn stalk borer remains as a larva, or worm, in the base of corn stubble beneath the around during the winter. Farmers do this insect a great favor, therefore, when they let their corn stubble stand undisturbed In the field during fall and winter. Destroying corn stubble is not very easy, except on modemly equipped farms where there Is sufficient horse power and the stubble can be turned under thoroughly. There is. therefore. some temptation to leave it undisturbed. But the advantages of turning stubble are auch that a farmer cannot well afford not to do it. Turning It under helps very much In reducing the corn stalk borer for the next season. W here thorough turning cannot he tra-tlccd, there are other methods ruuii iu iiiip 11 ll K (Mil I 11 * MLIIIIIIIP 111141 hauling It to the compost heap for rotting. By another method, after the corn is feathered, stalks, stubble, and everything: else may be "busted out," raked Into heaps and. after a few weeks for drying:, burned. In experimental work a very large percentage of corn stalk borer larvae (worms) was destroyed during winter where the stubble was plowed out and left xposed to the weather. But whe.i these methods are practiced by farmers only here and there. It will not help the situation very much. The control of the corn stalk borer depends upon the co-operative acrtlon of the farmers of a community. The fact must also be borne in mind that it is an extravagant practi< o to let com fields lie idle and exposed during the winter months, not only on account of these insect pests, hut also on account of the loss from washing and leaching of soils. A. T. CONRADl. Professor of ?r?t one logy. Ctoaaoa Agricultural Uoihca. I ,. CALOMEL DYNAMIT MAKES YOU SICI "Dodson's Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; lie vigorous and full of ilinhition. Hut take no nasty, dangerous calomel la-cause it makes you sick and you may lose a day's \\^?rk. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the hones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take u spoonful' of harmless Dodson'a Liver Statement of Public KECE ivci-t'ipis ironi ss?; c?i Lionels Water Rents c<!'? ctcd Amount collected for insralling systems Amount recovered from bondsmen. ? Loan frcr bank . Loan froi.i hank to B. F. Roberts (adva > Interest on bond money. i Overdraft - Total \... disburi j Cost of lot and w ater tower complete.. Legal advices ..... Cost of water system and all other worl Total JC Supplemen RECK j July 8, water rents August 1st, water rents August HOth. Loan from First Nat'l Ban September 18, water rents ... October 8, water rents j Total disburs: May 80, overdraft at bank Gen'l Fire Extinguisher invoice. July 8, S. L. Meacham acct., power, etc i S. L. Meacham, commission, S. L. Meacham. rnadinor mi.t/i-o .Inly 29, Pittsburg Meter Co., invoice S. L. Meacham, commission, water rent S. L. Meacham, conimiseion, water and In'?.rest ?>n b an from First National Ba Rent on weils for v.ater supply General Fire Extinguisher's invoice [SeptS, S. L. Meachar . commission.. S. I.. Meacham, power bill j ?. L. M<>acham, plumbing Lee Hall,.-. Fort Mill Times, printing Balance in bank ... .... Total ... ^ NOTE ?The above statement was sul I DliCl.MHKR l;H The Southern Commercial Congress will be held at Charleston December 13th to 17tb, 1915. This is an Association of prominent, business men from all over the South and meetings are held each year for the purpose of discussing business welfare, both of the manufacturer and of the farmer. Last year the Congress was hold at Oklahoma City and the year before at Mobile. This year the meeting is to he held at Charleston and very many men of prominent business, s- rial and public life have airerd> accepted I invitations to be present. Atl SBaM )me and see our big and you'll realize H Coupons and Tags IS rers Cigarettes and ? pecially invited. f?| )rug Store. || ES YOUR LIVER! K AND SALIVATES \ lone tonight. Your druggist. or dealer sella you a .r?0 cent l>ottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money- j hack guarantee that eneh spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a d' se <>f nasty calomel and that it won't "tmike you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning j because you will wake up feelinp line, j your liver will 1m; working; headache | ami dizziness pone; stomach will be i sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vege- | (able, therefore harmless ami can not j salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver l one instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of Calomel is almost stopped entirely lrerc. Works Commission Fort Mill, S. C., May 30th, 1915. IPTS. $14,550.00 i . 28.75 1 in residences 129.08 i 479.56 1 400.00 need) 1,000.00 | 166.70 - $16,743.69 j ZZ9.82 I $16,978.51 I SEMENTS. - .$ 4,248.19 100.00 < ? 12,684.67 ....$16,973.51 tal Report. IPTS. $ 52.38 --- 29.08 ik 500.00 22.56 --- 13.48 - $617.40) EMENTS. tWI B<> __ 14.74 39.16 _ 9.35 .50 46.44 s ... 3.15 power rents 10.16 nk ... 23.00 75.00 5.51 2.50 8.80 18.06 1.25 129.96 I .$617.40 $617.10 imitted to Citv Council Nov. 2. 1915. B. E. PATTERSON. Mayor. '/V; I h TO 17th, 1915. least four members of the Cabinet of the President of the United States will be present at the 'meeting. A squadron of the Atlantic Fleet, Torpedo Boats, Submarines and Torpedo Boat Destroyers, as well as Dreadnaughts, will be in the Charleston harbor for inspection of the public, December 14th and 15th, and visitors at this time will also have ! the pleasure of seeing a magnificent carnival. Southern Railway is arranging special fare tickets and excursion trains. j=li ==31 =11=11 = LIFE INSU1 Look at Thi Under present d ule the net secondare as follows : FOR $1,000.00 L1F ?AGE=J 21 years 23 44 25 44 28 44 30 44 ...IIIi; m 35 ? uj 40 1 45 " 50 44 60 _T =1 We will be tflad to quote yo shown above. These are Old Line rates i America - The Union Central ! J Your life is insured from th 3 " delivered to you. These policies may be convei surance written by the Com without medical examination. No cost to you for medical < =| else, except the premium. Bailes & Li Li, ?I, 1=11 VERY LOW RATE Panama Pacific SAN FRANCISCO, Opened February 20th, Close Panama-Califoi SAN DIEGO. CA Opened January 1st, 1915, Clc VIA Southern ] Premier Carrier c Tickets on sale daily and limit P 1 ! * A i vjuou going via one route ana rc Stop-overs allowed. From Round-Trip Farts Columbia, S. C..., $82.45. Charleston, S. C 85.15. Orangeburg, S. C. 82.16 Sumter, S. C 84.15. Camden, S. C. 84.14 . Aiken, S. C 79.15. Chester, S. C 82.!H> Rock Hill, S. C 82.90. Spartanburg, S. C 81.50. Greenville, S. C. 80.00. Green'v ,od, S. C. ... 79.20. Newh ry, S, C. 81.10 P portionately low rates from oth? trv rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portland rr my other western points. Full information regarding the varii i s.jednles, etc., gladly furnished. Ah .quest. Let us help you plan your ti Why pay tourist agencies, when oui b. H. McLEAN, Division Pass W. H. Tayloe, P. T. M., H. F. Cary, C Washington, i),C. Washingtoi BUILD WTY.ll. il 1 ?l vv line me duu and the savin If you contemplate the erectior barn, or outhouse, or the remod< present buildings, DO IT NOW. if you act at once, for you can d now than you can possibly do it i QA Cft ,1 ~ . r ~ II? uv ui \ru utxyo, wc veriiy ueueve t have passed. Labor will beconr Building Material market is alrea know say that prices will be bact We will supply you at close figur nish you estimates on what your Take advantage of conditions a Build 1 Fort Mill L Phone 3 SI 11 "Sjjl ; XANCE L ese Rates [ - filividend schedyear premiums Hb -* -S E INSURANCE. 5-Year 10-Year 20-Year Term Term Term $ 8.07 $ 8.22 $ 8.63 L 8.22 8.40 8.89 f 8 39 8.60 9.17 8.67 8.84 9.70 8.82 9.21 10.15 9.60 10.10 11.76 M r> in or 1 1 r jl 1 < r~r\ III XV. OI 11.OH 1H.DU LU 12.46 15.11 19.10 15.79 18.66 26.52 r 31.22 38.64 u rate at any age not n the best company in Life of Cincinnati. ie minute your policy is L I ted into any form of inipany within five years * ?xainination or anything l-^l? District Agents mtV, Fort Mill, S. C. 3B I -IE Jj :s ACCOUNT : Exposition, CALIFORNIA, is December 4th, 1915' rnia Expos'n a L1FORNIA. M >ses December 31st 1915. Railway, f the South. ^ ed 90 days for returning, iturning via another. Ore W1V via I'orflanil Dihb? ..$104.24 106.85 104.79 106.55 105.05 102.45 102.82 . 102.82 101.00 101.00 . 101.00 102.81 r points. Also very low round, Ore.; Vancouver. B. C, and jus routes, points of interest, o descriptive literature upon ip. services are free? Address ? . Agt., Columbia, S. C. I.P.A., W. E. McGee. A.G.P. A a,D.C. Columbia. S. C. NOW I [ding's good ig is great. ^ i of a new home, tenement, ding or repairing of your You will be the winner lo the work cheaper right a little later. If you wait he golden opportunity will le higher, the Lilmber and idy firmer, and people who : to normal in a short vJhile. es and will cheerfully fur^" work will require, nd Now. j umber Co. 7g.