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Rock 1 A Gor Home, a????! The Fair this year not will rank firs The attra< and each an clean and of SP! c l c IOtllsailOIiai O famous Hippod I guideless wond( vices, play-grou Parades ever | I 5,000 childrei B $2,000 in prem Carolinas will c< head of best liv< J "Sos I C I fl TALKS OF SUBMARINE AUTG Investor Has Idea of Submersible Which He Believes Will Prove to Be Wonder. An improved submersible which he id confident will revolutionize even the comparatively new science of undersea fighting is being worked oui by Simon l.?akc, inventor of tl?o evenkeel submarine. Lake's new invention is nothing more nor less than a submarine auto, a submersible craft that will run for many miles on tin sea's bottom. To prevent pounding by ground swells, the wheels are suspended on swinging arms with a cushioning cylinder. One hundred of these craft on the Atlantic const, fifty on the Pacific and fifty to guard our colonic and to undertake aggressive warfare in the enemy's own country would be sufficient, believes the inventor, to render the United States impreg- j gable from attack. It is Lake's idea that we must put our navy un1 * uer water Ix-fore an invader does it with shot and shell. The submarine auto would l>e equipped with a diving hell, kept free of water by compressed air, as are caissons used in constructing the foundations of bridges and high buildings. From out of .the liell, divers would operate to lay mines directly under the vessels of a hostile fleet. LAn auxiliary system of undersea supply stations is also contemplated 1 innoBinraHHBHHHHi Sill, Oct. geous Display. o/ Farm and Industi management annc : only eclipse all fc >t among the fairs ;tions have been s d every one is ? the highest class t ECIAL AT mithson's Whirl of 7 e rome performances, stc *r, horse racing, a colle< nd demonstrations, ath y day, also music by i will participate in iums offered in variou jrnpete daily for purses ^stock and cattle will b Reduced Rates o mething Doing 1ILL. S.C., < in Lake's new system of national defense. WAR AS IT IS'NOW CONDUCTED h Very Different From the Old Days When Men Met in Conflict Hand to Hand. "Where, then, is the army?the 81 men who are fighting?" "Over there, underground in the trenches." "Where are the reserves, the re- ti en forceinents ?" "Hidden and masked in the vil- (j lap's behind the first line." "And the commissary?" "Concealed in the woods waiting for nightfall to accomplish its duty of feeding the army." n "And all these civilians, stirring about, disputing, chattering, going I * and coming, lugging hags, bundles, bandboxes and umbrellas?" "They are photographers, dealers in underwear, peddlers of all sorts of ^ things, wives, sisters, mothers, worn en who are none of the three, all with tho very best reasons for going to the front and all carefully B equipped and prepared accordingly. 01 They are easy to recognize, these, he- H cause the weight and rolume of the 't'j j luggage they carry is alwava less than T the weight and volume of the papers, P1 credentials and identification cards with which they are arnied for the a task of penetrating into the zone of ^ military operations. b, "For, happily, between all of them ^ and the front there are still the po- 'u 13,14,1 Yor^ County's rial Products ?unces that the >rmer York Cour of the State, elected with the: guaranteed to b( hat money coulc LRACTIOI Tror\ celebrated Aei inding horseback anc ction of celebrated si letic events. two of the best ba Educational Day pi s departments. Bes ; of $ 100 each. S e exhibited. n all Railroads. ; Every Mine OCT. 13, V mmammmaamsmmBLmammmmm HIS EXPERIENCE. J Ciles?Marriage is a failure. Miles?How do you know? You ave never been up against the mat- ' imonial game. Giles?That's how I know. You ?e, the girl refused me. CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE. "This clock will last you u lifeline." "How can it when 1 see already liat its hours are numbered." HIS QUALITY. "The Minnehaha had a coralander of spirit in Captain Claret." "Yet he didn't show any of tho rhine about him." TAX NOTICE 1915. 'ffice of the County Treasurer of York County. York, S. C., Sept. 15, 1915. Notice is hereby given that the Tax ooks for York County will be opened a Friday, the 15th day of October, tin. itnrl rumnin * i? o?_. - - , ...MMI V^VII until tilt" t^lSl ay of December, 1915, for the collecon of State, County, School and Local axes, for the fiscal year 1915, without cnalty; after which day one per cent, enalty will be added to all payments iade in the month of January, 1916, nd two per cent, penalty for all paylents made in the month of February, )16, and seven per cent, penalty will e added to all payments made from le 1st day of March, 1916. to the 15th ay of March, 1916, and after this date 11 unprid taxes will go into executions FAIR j 15,16. 1 Varied I exhibit will ity fairs, but i ; Q greatest care s absolutely 1 secure. I] MS. *ial Artists and i chariot races, lows, riding dends obtainable; rogram Friday, t horses in the everal hundred r !! Lit, 16 and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. ' For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville, Friday, October 15. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 28. At Hickory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October 29 and 30. At Sharon, Monday, November 1. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, November 2. At Tirzah, Wednesday, November 3. At Clover Thursday and Friday, November 4 and 5. At Yorkville from Saturday, November 6, to Tuesday, November 9. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, November 10, to 8 o'clock p. m. At Yorkville, Thursday, November 11. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 12 and 13 At Rock Hill, from Monday, Novemiruv, KT : 1 - ' ? Ai/vn, navuiun) , nuvt'iiiurr ?UT.n. At Yorkville from Monday November 22d, until Friday, the 31st day of December, 1915, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note.?The Tax Hooks are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. SANITARY TAX DUE. Notice that sanitary tax of $1.00 is due and payable without penalty on ench privy within the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mill on or before October 1st, 1915. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK. Clerk. HIT Try a 26c adv. in The Times. _ L \ |=ll =11 IB F= LIFE INS Look at T1 Under present ule the net secon are as follows FOR $1,000.00 1 ?AGE21 years 23 44 25 44 28 " 30 44 :35 40 44 45 44 50 44 GO " We will be glad to quote shown above. These are Old Line rate; America?The Union Centr Your life is insured from delivered to you. These policies may be con surance written by the C without medical examinatio No cost to you for medics else, except the premium. Bailes & I =11. =11 1=11= VERY LOW RA Panama Pacif SAN FRANCISC( Opened February 20th, CI Panama-Calif SAN DIEGO, I Opened January 1st, 1915, I VI Southern Premier Carrie Tickets on sale daily and lii Good j?oing via one route anc Stop-overs allowed. From Roubd-Trip Fi Columbia, S. C $82. Charleston, S. C. 85. Orangeburg, S. C. 82. Sumter, S. C. 84. Camden, S. C. 84. Aiken, S. C. 79. Chester, S. C - 82. Rock Hill. S. C 82. Spartanburg, S. C. 81. Greenville. S. C. 80. ereenw >od, K. C. 79. New! ry, S, C. 81. P. portionately low rates from o tr;,. rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portli rr an/ other western points. Pull information regarding the v * .lednles, etc., gladly furnished, quest. Let us help you plan you Why pay tourist agencies, when S. H. McLtAN, Division 1 W. H. Tayloe, F. T. M., H. F. Car] Washington, D,C. Washin] BUILD While the bi and the sav If you contemplate the erect barn, or outhouse, or the rem present buildings, DO IT NO^ if you act at once, for you car now than you can possibly do 30 or 60 days, we verily believ have passed. Labor will bee Building Material market is al know say that prices will be b We will supply you at close ftp nish you estimates on what yo Take advantage of condition Build Fort Mill ! Phon . ===1 EH= II =3E URANCE tiese Rates dividend sched- * d-year premiums J M: LIFE INSURANCE. 1 o-1 ear lU-Year 20-Year Term Term Term $ 8.071 $ 8.22 $ 8.63 L 8.22 8.40 < 8.89 V 8.39 8.60 9.17 8.67 8.84 9.70 8.82 9.21 10.15 C 9.60 10.10 11.76 \= 10.87 11.54 14.50 0 12.46 15.11 19.10 f 15.79 18.66 26.52 * 31.22 38.64 you rate at any ae:e not s in the best company in al Life of Cincinnati. the minute your policy is [f verted into any form of in- fl ompany within five years n. i! examination or anything -^1? District Agents -miv, Fort MU, s c =11=3 I IE= H=jj TES ACCOUNT ic Exposition, ^ D, CALIFORNIA. oses December 4th, 1915' ornia Expos'n j CALIFORNIA. * Closes December 31st 1915. A n .1 t^aiiway, r of the South. r nited 90 days for returning:. I returning via another. ires Ore way sia Poidand, Orffon 45 _ .$104.24 15 106.85 15 ... 104.79 15 105.55 14 105.05 15. 102.45 90. ........ 102.32 90 102.32 50. 101.00 00 .... 101.00 20 101.00 10 102.81 tin r points. Also very low round?nd, Ore.; Vancouver, B. C, and aric us routes, |>oints of interest. Also descriptive literature upon r trip. our services are free? Address'ass. A^t., Columbia. S. C. /, G.P.A., W. E. McGee, A.G.PA sjton.D.C. Columbia, S. C. 1 NOW lilding's good ing is great. ,ion of a new home, tenement, odeling or repairing of your ^ iV. You will be the winner i do the work cheaper right it a little later. If you wait e the golden opportunity will :ome higher, the Lumber and ready firmer, and people who ack to normal in a short while^ rures and will cheerfully furur work will require. s and * Now. * Lumber Co. e 72.