Cotton, per lb 12Jc t"
Seed, per bu 50c
; Theo. Harris, of Charlotte was
a visitor to Fort Mill Sunday.
Mrs. Jennie Anderson, of Morganton,
N. C., is a guest of her
niece, Mrs. j. Jb. fclliott, in this
C. W. McNealy returned Sunday
from Tampa, Fla., where
he had spent a week as the guest
of his father.
During the month of September
according to the report of
W. M. Carothers, registrar,
there were six births to white
parents and one to colored
parents. During the same period
there were two infant deaths of
white children.'
Gov. Manning has appointed
the following delegates from
York county to the International
Peace Congress to be held at
Snn FVnnrMeon Orfnhpr 1(1 fr> 1!i- ,
W. J. Roddey of Rock Hill,
Oscar W. Potts of Fort Mill.
Walter B. Moore of York, W. B.
Meacham of Fort Mill.
F. Everard Ardrey left Fort
Mill Monday at noon for Florence,
where, on Tuesday, he was
to macrv Miss Blanche Lawrence.
Mr. Ardrey was accompanied by
Mr. W. F. Lewis, of this city,
who was to act as best man at
the marriage. Mr. Ardrey and
bride will tour the West, returning
to Fort Mill about Nov. 1st.
^ Wm. R. Timmons and Burton
Massey, of Rock Hill, spent several
hours in Fort Mill Saturday
advertising the York county
fair, which is to open at Rock ,
l Hill on next Wednesday, the;
13th, and continue through the
week. These gentlemen state J
that the prospects for the fair
Pt are more encouraging this year
than ever before.
Colored readers of The Times
* will be interested to know that
Bertha Whit, a negress, was con
victed Monday in the recorder's j
court at Charlotte for illegally
handling beer and was sentenced
to pay a fine of $50 and court
costs. The Whit woman was at j
one time a resident of Fort Mill
and was forced to leave the town
. on account of her persistence in
handling the spirituous malts.
# Second Lieut. R. A. Fulp, of ,
the Fort Mill militia organization,
asks The Times to say that j
the company has received an invitation
to attend the York county
fair at Rock Hill on the opening
date, Wednesday, October 13.
Free transportation and entrance I
to the fair will be furnished, and
Lieut. Fulp requests that all
members of the company who;
desire to attend notify him at'
once in order that he may make j
the necessary arrangemennts.
Friends of Lieut. Geo. Potts
and Sergt. Wm. Be!k, who won
places on the State rifle team,
now in Jacksonville for the national
.shoot will regret to learn
that they were ruled out of the
team, the alleged reason being
that they had not been members
for nine months of the State's
* National Guard. Cant. S. W.
Parks, the only member of the
local company with the State
team, is expected to return from
Jacksonville on the 23rd instant. 1
The election to name a man to
serve Fort Mill as mayor for the
ffiree months' unexpired term of
A. R. McElhaney, resigned, is to
be held on next Thursday, October
14, presumably at the stand
in Confederate Park. There are
up to this time two candidates
^ for the place, Messrs. W. M.
Carothers and B. E. Patterson.
The registration book shows that
? 220 citizens have qualified to vote
in this election, though for several
reasons it is not believed
that the vote will pass the 190
mark. . '
There was ginned in York
county to September 25th, 4,564
bales of cotton as against 5,054
bales up to the corresponding
date la.-', year, according to a
report received from Special
Agent Joe M. Taylor.
A large party of Charlotte business
men. constituting what is
known as the "Charlotte Sociability
Tour," passed through
Fort Mill on a special train early
this morning. A short stop was j
made at the local station, but on ,
account of a steady downpour of |
rain at the time, few Fort Mill
?1 il A * - i
jjeujjit; were mere 10 meet tne
tourists. From here the party
journeyed to Lancaster and Ker- i
shaw and are to return to Char- j
lotto this evening, making stops enroute
at Chester and Rock,
As a result of the visit to this
city Saturday afternoon of the f
county board of registration,
sixty-odd new names were added
to the list of Fort Mill
voters, while a number who had
lost or misplaced their certifi- j
eates obtained new ones. One j
member of the board stated to
The Times man that during form-!
er visits to Fort Mill he had never
been so busy passing out cer-1
tilicates as he was the few hours
spent here Saturday.
The annual cotton-picking of
the Flint Ilill and Gold Hill Baptist
Sunday schools, for the benefit
of Connie Maxwell Orphanage,
Greenwood, is to take place
on next Saturday. The Flint
Hill school will spend the day in
the fields of Mr. John Davis,
while the Gold Hill classes will
assemble in the fields of Mr.
Carl Faris for the day's picking.
I hose in charge request that all
who intend to take part in the
work assemble at the places mentioned
at sunrise Saturday.
An interesting game of foothall
played on the local grounds
Friday afternoon between the
high school teams of Fort Mill
and York resulted in a tie, the
score being 7 to 7. The two
teams were very evenly matched
and the game was well played
at all stages. York made a
touchdown in the first quarter
after about five minutes of play,
while Fort Mill's touchdown was
made in the first nart of fourth
quarter. The K<ime was witnessed
by a Rood sized crowd,
which evinced much interest in
the contest.? York News.
With a loud crash one section
of the wood approach to the
county bridge across Catawba
river went down Tuesday morning
about 10 o'clock, carryinR
with it Contractor Z. V. Bradford
ar.d a number of workmen
who were enRaRed in repairing
the structure. Several of the
men were sliRhtly bruised, while
Mr. Bradford himself sustained
a badly sprained ankle. The
section which fell had been detached
from the main structure
and was, it was stated, unable
to support its own weight. In
its present, condition the bridge
is closed and will not, it is presumed.
be open to the public for
several days.
Nitrolee a Failure.
We were told today that the
electrical machinery in the
fertilizer-from-air plant at Nitrolee
has been shipped to Mount
Holly, N. C., our understanding
being that the fdttilizer-from-air
plant at Nitrolee is to be abandoned
and one constructed at
Mount Holly owing to more
favorable atmospheric conditions
at the latter point. The Nitrolee
? 1 i. il . /? A P * 1 I 1 ?
piani was uie iirsL ox lis Kina in
the Western Hemisphere, and
considerable interest attached to
its workings. The fertilizer
manufactured at the plant, we
understand, has been of a high
grade, but the output has been
limited owing to unfavorable
conditions. The working force
has all left Nitrolee, with the
exception of a watchman. - Chester
I Your ?
1 Needs Nc
l When you eat our <
ness and genuine al
they have no equal.
You buy the real art
^ to us and your mor
: GULP'S c
O. T. CULP, Prop.
? ' - r - r ?>?
Specials fi
Imperial Flour. 98 pounds.
Diamond " 98 "
.. 24 Sugar,
25 pounds for
Best barrel Coffee at 7 pou
All Coffee sold at a big s
per pound less than regulai
swiit's fure Silver Leaf L;
*4 4 44 4*
Compound Lard, 10 lbs. foi
This is possibly your last
prices, so be wise. We wil
? Let US Serv
Good G
YOUR TABLE will be we
? market affords if you order
from us.
ni*innD nr? ^^
and Provisions of First quaii
YOUR HEALTH will be ai
? only goods of known purity i
groceries of the quality that
. nutriment, and are good to t
; TVE PAY YOU the high?
eggs and other country prod
I Parks Gr
; Phoi
| New Fa
Prices are lower than t\
We sold nearly half ou
were opened. When y<
$3.00 Hat selling for $1.?
for $2.50, it is hard to pa
We have a habit of cut
I Come let us show you.
L. J. ]
Times Advertising
appetite I
> Whetting I
C*rocerre8. For fresh- I
1 round deliciousness, ^
icles when you come
?ey goes a long way. ^
Phone No. 15.
4? ;4~V*
or Saturday I
$3.15 I
1.60 I
.80 I
2.90 |
ids for 1.00
wing. All fine Roods 5 cents
* price.
ard, 10ibs.__ $1.25
5 44 .65
chance to buy Lard at these
1 save you money on all your
"he Cash Man.
e YOU With f
rucenes. $
11 supplied with the best the your
Groceries and Provisions 7
will be safeguarded because our ~
ssible to put them for Groceries T
mply protected, because we sell *
ind excellence.
well satisfied, because we sell ^
possess an unususl amount of ?
he taste. 7
st market price for chickens, ^
uce. Bring us what you have. ^
? i
ocery Co., I
iell6 I
II Goods.
tey have been in many years. I
r Ladies' Hats first day they |
)u see a pretty up-to-date
>0, or a $5.00 Hat selling
ss it by.
ting the price in half.
Massey. I
Brings Big Returns.
I New Cl(
t New lot of Neckw
ana so on, just in.
$ If it's the correct st
If Pattersons Dry
| Have Your Pi
11 Filled
? Hutchinson s
t "The Licensed I
; tionery and
t Suppli
f With a I
Ahead of you on 1
yuu would save enr
supplies to surely ta
$ With Olc
Ahead of you, brinj
and loss of employr
going to spend all
you go along ?
1 < a Savings account i
welcome small dep
as large ones. 0<
regular interest qua
. i?
, , Savings Bank 01
athing |: 1
For M$n "$ 1
^ " r
< >
and Boys ||
100 suits for it
o -41
Men, just arrived it |
|> great values at | I
' $10 to $16 50 |
200 Suits for j
Boys, sizes 4 to : i I
18 years, at jj i
.. 98c to $8. I
ear, Shirts, Caps $
yle, we have it.
Goods Store 1
escriptions j
Pharmacy, I
)rug Store."
s for Sta- |
t School |
i >
es. I
< *
? ^ ... ,
/our journey }
>uph of your
ike you across H;
1 Age
?inp: sickness 'fsj
oent, are you jjf,
you earn as !ij,
'ini i
.vith us. We l^Sl
osits as well
:tober 1st, a "j|?