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a^w 7 - 8 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. W. H. Irby, of Laurens, has [ accepted a position in the prem 'sgription department of the Ardrey Drug store in this city. W* At a meeting of the city counF oil Tuesday evening, Mr. A. C. Lytle of the Parks Drug store ** was appointed city registrar for the ensuing year. 8 Monday, last, was Labor Day f w throughout the country, but Was not crpnprnllv nhcprvn/l in the South. The day was not observed in Fort Mill other than by the postoffice force and rural mail carriers, who took the day off. Mr. G. L. Norman, an employe of the E. W. Kimbrell Co., is placing lumber on his lot in Whiteville Park for the erection of a nice cottage. Mr. Norman and family it is understood will occupy the house when completed. iAlex E. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young of this city, left Monday morning for | Chapel Hill, N. C., where he! will enter the university to study chemistry. Mr. Young has been employed for the last year or more in Jordan's Pharmacy in Charlotte. Miss Margaret Warlick, of Charlotte, arrived Monday to assume her duties as head milliner for the E. W. Kimbrell Co. Miss Warlick is well known in this city, having served as milliner for a local concern ^ several seasons some years ago. The 1915-16*'session of Win-1 throp college at Rock .Hill will begin on next Wednesday, and it is understood that Fort Mill will be represented in the student body by a larger number of, young ladies than have attended the institution for a number of years. The Times is requested to an- ' nounce that a meeting of the local Parent-Teachers' Associa-, tion will meet at the school auditorium tomorrow (Friday) 1 * afternoon at 4 o'clock. All 1 interested in the work of the association are requested to attend. < ! < - The Fort Mill graded school J Monday began what promises to be another successful year. Prof. J J. D. Fulp, the newly elected superintendent, is in charge. A large attendance of scholars and numerous patrons were present at the opening, and work for the session is now on in earnest. Mr. A. C. Lytle, of the Parks Drug store, some days ago received from the manufacturers of rtuyler's candy a check for | d?i A /? - 1 ' * *iw, as nrst prize in the monthly contest for the best written and most attractive advertisement for this well known candy. The i advertisement which won the r prize appeared in a recent issue ' of The Times. . Members of the Ladies' Home ^ Missionary society of the local r Presbyterian church will con- v duct a food sale on Tuesdav, the t 14th instant, in the room on Main street until recently occupied by the Crescent Cafe. The proceeds from the sale it is < understood will be used in furthering the work now being done on the church, and the public is cordially invited to help ^ out in the undertaking. At a meeting Monday morning of the board of trustees of the Fort Mill public school. Mr. \ i R. F. Grier, who has been a member of the board for about fifteen years, tendered his resignation. Mr. Grier has act- "* ed in the capacity of chairman of the board during his membership ' ^ of the body, and upon his resig- 1 nation J. B. Mills was elected to ' the chairmanship. It is stated that the board will name a member to fill^the vacancy in a meeting to be held on the 20th inst. ' Former Chesterite Loses All. Mr. R. R. Hafner is in receipt of a letter from his brother, Mr. B. VV. Hafner. who was in the mercantile business at Newport, Ark., that the levees there had broken and he, along with many others, had lost everything they possessed. Mr. Hafner left Chester about twenty years ago. The breaking of the levees occurred August 23. Thousands of people in this district have been rendered homeless bV the recent floods, which broke the levees in numbers of places.?Chester News. York County News Items. (Yorkville Enquir<*r.) Rock Mill Herald, Saturday: The Herald understands that a number of local farmers are considering the erection of storage warehouses for cotton, the same to be operated under the State warehouse low. The details of the plan as to the size or number of the buildings have not been given out. Miss Lillian Hand and Mr. Wallace Still were married at Ebenezer Sunday night, Rev. J. T. Dendy, pastor of Ebenezer Presbyterian church officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. A. S. Hand, of R. F. I). No. 2. The groom was formerly employed in a garage in Rock Hill but now holds a position in Statesville, N. C. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Still left fortheir home in Statesville. President I). B. Johnson of Winthrop college, returned to his home in Ilock HfN last Saturday night, after an absence of several weeks, at the Panama exposition. President Johnson had quite a pleasant trip, but was glad enough to be home again after such a long journey. When congratulated upon the additional honor that had come to him as president of the National Educational association, he freely acknowledged the satisfaction he felt in having helped to bring the distinction back to the South, he being only the third southern educator to be elevated to the position within the last 50 years. SANITAItY TAX DIJK. Notice that sanitary tax of $1.00 is tue and payable without penalty on ach privy within the eorporate limits ti nit1 1*1 w11 01 rori mm <mi or before )ctoh? r 1st, 10! r,. A. R. McELHANKY. \ttost: Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. It Is a Tight Roof f covered with our Shingles, nade by the best of machinery ind from selected stock. Our Doors, Sash, Blinds ire great values for the monev ind we assure you that you eanlot do better, probably not so veil, elsewhere for anything in ; he line of Building Material. Fort Mill Lumber Company, ViAKE YOUR OWN f ?jQjg. PAINT I " W"1 SAVE 50 cls-PER tAITms ,s HOW '4p\ ' /Puy 4 pals. L.c&M. ScmL / Mixed Heal Paint $8.40 f And .$ pals.Linseed Oil j , to n'?x with it at i* i ' estimated cost of 2.40 Ik Makes 7 pals. Paint for $ 10.80 l\ i It's only $1.54 per gal. Tlie L. A M. SEMI-MIXED AA1. PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. 'IN'and I.INSI.f.D OIL -the bent known tnint mutcrlula lor 100 years. Tse a gallon out of any you >uy and if not the best paint nade, then return the paint ::d get all your money back. J. J. Bailee. Fort Mill Luther I'd w. Co.. Columbia W. W. Cooglcr A Son. Cheater J. W. Copeland Co, Clinton J. D Wo?4 Crier TAX LFVIES FOR I9ir,. I c< I si Re it ordained bv the Mayor ami Alder- k nii'i'. the Town Council* of the Town of Fort Mill. S. C.. by authority of , the same: Section 1. T hat a levy of ten mills on each and every dollar of real and personal property, not evmpt from taxation, held, owned, or liable for f taxation within the town of Fort Mill, ' y | S. C., on the lirst day of January. ' '. 1915 be. and the same la hereby mi J f m the following purposes: For ordinary purpose" 3 mills " Int. on waterworks bonds 2A mills Sinking Fund. 1} miils i L' Fire protective equipment 31 mills | ? See. 2. That said tax? s shall become due and payable at the office of '11 the city treasurer ?>n the first day of j " November, 1915. Tax.-s may l?< paid f up to and including the If th day of November, 191 f>. Thereafter anil up to 11 the first day of January 1910 a penalty y of 15'. will attach to said tstyes not ! ' paid by November 15th, 1915. Sec. 3. After the lirst day of .hum- \ ary 1910 executions will issm against i t all delinquents for the amount of taxi s. { ' ! penalty, and co-fs i:i accordance with , the laws of the Stat" of South Caro- ' lina and the municipal ordinances. Done and nil .P...I m regular session assembled in Fort Mil!, I S. this 7th dav of September l'.Ma. 1 A. K. Mclyldl A N KY. " Attest: Mayor. . C. S. I,INK. Clerk. * . * NOTU'K OK UKOISTUATI*. >N. Notice is hen by ^i\en that the;! ; Hooks of Registration ot the t? wn of t ! Kort Mill will bo open daily tit Parks' 1 1* Drug store from Friday, October I, , I'.tlb, until January I, Ibid. tj J Arthur I.ytit is the duly ap; pointed registrar. n By onler of enured. this 7th day of i September, 11U5. 1 i A. K. MeKI.H ANKY, A tie d: Mayor. ] V | C. S. KINK, Clerk. V 'fry a J e adv. in Th? Times. ^ a NOTICE OF 1 I.F.C TION. ' , 1 , , St?\te of South Carolina-Coun- v, ty of York. 'Vtt'NCK is ??iven that an \ I tilection will be held on the I IT 11 ! DAY OK SKl'TKMliKll, A. 1).. 1SU5, | .wwui^ |m? aiiivip l>\ ijiw iii 1 raid county, upon the question as to ^ I whether tin- manufacture and sale of I alcoholic liquors and beverages shall S( I Ik- prohibited or continued in this State, as provided by Act No. 7<">, to submit j to the qualified electors the question of the prohibition of the manufacture and ^ sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages j in the State and to provide for the car- ,| rying of these provision? into effect, j i approved the llith day of February, A. ! w : I).. 1915. The qualifications for suffrage are as j> i follows: Residence in State for two years, in j, j the County for one year, in the polling precinct in which the elector offers to .,| i vote, four me nths, and the payment six months before any election of any p| poll tax then due and payable. Pro- ,jt vided, That ministers in charge of an ( organized church and teachers of pub- fj. lie schools shali be entitled to vote after six months' resilience in the State, otherwise qualified. Registraticn. Payment of all taxes, .. I including poll tax. assessed and col- ' | lectihle during the previous year. The , |fiuuuvuwu in t\ Li'i iiiicuic or ine re-| j SERIES I Of the Perpetual Bui t Opens S Subscriptions to this stock ^ Sgcretary and Treasurer now # to the above date, at which t 50 cents per share will be < . - " T ments tnercalter. Wow nic vited to join us. ^ Since our organization scv enabled our members to save I $ 100,01 J. L. SPRATT, S We Sell You Gro Specials for Soap Sp "Swift's Pride," "Santa CI "Lenox." Any of these brand "Polo" Soap, 5 bars for 10c. A good Toilet Soap at II bars "Kneedit" Lard at 10c per p 10 lbs. Silver Leaf Lard, $1.2 Jute Cotton Sheets, II for $1.( 100 pounds of I log Feed for 3 eppsti <>ipt of the officer authorized to collect ^ jch taxes shall be conclusive proof of ic payment thereof. ^ before the hour fixed for opening ^ ie polls. Managers and Clerks must ike and subscribe to the Constitu > n il e i(!. The Chairman of the ? oard ( : i\l unagei s can administer the ith to the other Managers and to the lerk; a Notary Public must adminis- I r the oath to the Chairman. The lanagers elect their Chairman and lerk. | 1 'elis at eaeh voting place must be pened at 7 o'clock a. rn.. and closed *. I o'clock p. m.. except in the City ^ I Charleston, where they shall be i rn ) at 7 a. in., and closed at 6.p. m. The Managers have the power to fill ^ \ aeanev: and if none of the Managers ttend, the citizens can appoint, from IT mong ilie ipiaiilied voters, the Man- ^ gers. who, after being sworn, can $ i. .? < l l .1.. > v in- eieCllOIl. T At tie close i)t" t)i?' election, the + lanagers and Clerk must proceed ubticly i< open the ballot boxes and * mini the ballots therein, and continue + ithout adjournment, until the same is Liinpleti <1. and make a statement of In result, and sign the same. Within ^ lii'ee days thereafter, the Chairman of lie Hoard, or someone delegated by 7 ie Hoard, must deliver to the Commis- + loners of Election the poll list, the x. containing the ballot, and state- 7 lents of the result of the election. * Managers of Election. The following * ! an age rs of Election have been ap- ; oil.ted to hold the election at the va- + ions precincts in the said county: ? Aragon Mills I*. B. Parks, .1. II. 1 iollis, W. Hopper. . Bethel W. W. Stanton. E. N. Mil- ? 1 T. t'. Barnet t. j Bethany W. I'ursley, D. T. juinn, J. A. Katterrce. ^ BlairsviBi S. I.. Blair, .1. E. War- 4 touth, I.. Duncan. Bullock* Creek R. I.. V inson, I.. H. < lowdle. .1. I). (Jood. 4 Clover W. I). Moore. .1. A. C. Love, t". B. 1 lagans. * ('o.ates's Tavern W. S. I.esslie, R. 4 V. l'atton. .1. T. Spencer. Kbenezer E. R. Black. .1. Hope Ad- * ins. .1. i!. Neelv. 4 Fort Mill A. ('. Lytic. S. W. Barks. 11. Windie. * Forest liill .1. D. B. Currence, (5. 4 t*. Martin, t*. T. Brandon. Hickory Grovt S. W. Leech, T. G. | IcGill, K. M. Whitesidesi 4 McConnellt ville A. C. McK night, J. Ashe, .1. < >. Moore. * Newport .1. A. McFadden, .1. A. 4 teeh", R. A. Jackson. < tgdeti W. II. Dunlap, .J. A. C.arri- 7 hi, S. 11 Simpson. 4 New Zion School House A. C. White, 7 v r it *? * *.? ?? A . IN. UOglie, \> . A. IN ICIIOIIS. Rook Ilill V. I!. MeFadden, Jesse ? I. Moore. M. (I. Bryant. Sharon \\ . (I. Hayes, S. B. Pratt, * . M. Sims. > Smyrna S. I.. Caldwell, II. I). Darin, N. F. tjuinn. f Tirzah T. M. Dates, F. E. Smith, + . It. Allison. Yorkville li. I,. Wilkerson, S. N. * thnson, K. M. Dickson. 1 The Managers at. eaeh precinct named ; >ove are requested to delegate one of ? leir numher to seeure boxes, ami ! lunks for the election which will be livered from Yorkville by Mr. .1. K. arroll, Clerk of this Board, on Satur- '' ly, September 11, 101 i>. I. .1. CAMPBELL, Chairman, W. B. KELLER, 1 .1. BROWN NEIL, innmissioners of State and County : Elections for York County, S. C. + August 2f>, li>ir?. NO. 5 |j Iding & Loan Assn. I ept. 18 |j will be received by the ^ or at any time previous + * ime the first payment of + due, with usual install- f mbers are cordially in- T en years ago, we have 4 over 2 <l> t i tec'y & Treas. ? ? ...,.? i cerses for Less. Saturday [ ecials. \ laus," "(iold Band" and s so 7 bars for 25c. ? for 10c. ? ound. 5. Five lbs. same for (>5c. K). f a. 90. 44 THe Cash Man. ? T ? <$ NEW FJ COAT : We are now shov Fall Coat Suits to re You are cordially in and see them. We are also showi est St i "eet Hats for 1 New Hop," in black bination. It's the re ; will be good all fall. : School Boy: Our line of Boys' plete. You will hi | suit you want, whet ' some Norfolk Serge Overall suit, we ha' and see them. Pattersons Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. Have Your Pi Filled Hutchinson's "The Licensed 1 Headquarter tionery anc Suppli I .pt I Good Grc YOUR TABLE will be well su market affords if you order your from us. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT will prices are down as low as possibh and Provisions of First quality. YOUR HEALTH will be amply only goods of known purity and c YOUR APPETITE will be well groceries of the quality that poss nutriment, and are good to the ta WE PAY YOU the highest m eggs and other country produce. Parks Gro< Phone J 4.. 'iines Advertising liri ? * ' ^ 'T;',] +< +< *-?*<?> ? ? <? t?? ? ??i? \LL SUITS 1 dng the first new $ ach our city. ;; ; > \ invited to come 4 4 4 4 > 4 ng the very new- :; this season, "The I ft and white com- ;: ige just now and $ V o < t.' < Clothes < Clothing is com- | id here just the $ her it be a hand- -I or a Headlight t ve it. Come in % ?i Goods Store | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." f | N rescriptions I i At < > < Pharmacy, Drug Store." .< | s for StaI School I < I % es- ij i: < + $+$+$+!>? ?+ ?' I YOU With || series. pplied with the best the <> (iroeorins nnd Pr?viaiftr?cj ? ~ I he safeguarded because our < > ? to put them for Groceries < < > protected, because we sell ?> ?xcellence. < satisfied, because we sell ;ess an unususl amount of < > iste. \ I * arket price for chickens, \ * Bring us what you have. :ery Co., i 16 ; M >?? ..? ? ? ?>?[?? ngs Big Returns. ?