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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. ' I Miss Pattie Frost, of Kissimmee, Fla., is a guest in the home ( of B. F. Massey in Lower Fort va., is a visuor in uie nome 01 his father, L. J. Massev, in this city. Mrs. W. R. Smythe and children returned to Rock Hill Sunday, after a week's visit with relatives near Fort Mill. Bethel Presbytery is to convene with'the Fort Mill Presbyterian church on Tuesday, the 14th, for three days' session. Rov TTrlwr Q Raa\mc urwl A* V V JLJU TV Itjt AVV.U V V>0 UI1V4 family arrived Tuesday by auto from Honea Path and are visit-! ing relatives in this city. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Garrison, of Booth street, has all but fully recovered from a recent attack of dyptheria. It is rumored that a new bank will be opened in Rock Hill about October 1st, with a well known Rock Hill man as president. Mrs. W. T. Sellers and daughi ter, Miss Mary Sellers, of Monroe, N. C., have for several days ! been the guests of relatives in j this city. Mrs. J. A. Shaw, and little | son, John, of Graham, N. C., is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Hughes, in this city. A. C. Lytle, S. W. Parks and C. H. Windle have been appoint ed managers of the Fort Mill box in the referendum election to be held Tuesday, September 14. * + Miss Lucile Moore has been notified that she is the winner of | the scholarship to Winthrop college, offered this year by Ridge 4 District U. D. C.?York News. Second week jurors from Fort Mill for the approaching term of York court areS. H. Hutchinson, I L. S. Patterson, B. M. Lee, E. R. Patterson and J. M. Gamble. Quite a number of Fort Mill people have been heard to express the intention of attending the home-coming in Yorkville, beginning today and continuing through tomorrow. On account of repairs being! made to the interior of the church, the class meetings of: the local Presbyterian Sunday school are being held Sunday ! mornings in the auditorium of ; the graded school. Loma Reid, the negress who was charged with having seriously cut Annie Parrish, another negress, with a pocket knife. was committed to York jail on last Wednesday, after a hearing before Magistrate R. P. Harris. Mr. Joe Wooten, for a year or more overseer of weaving in plant No. 2 of the Fort Mill Mfg. pompany, on Tuesday resigned the position and is succeeded by j T. G. Moser, who has engagejl in the mercantile business near the mill for some time. Invitations have been received ? in Fort Mill to York's first homecoming and chautauqua, which is to be held this week. The invitations read: "The York News | cordially invites you to attend York's first home-coming and chautauqua, September 1, 2 and ^ a. 1915, York, S. C." Cotton prices broke violently on the cotton exchange Monday upon publication of the governments cotton report. December Mill. * Mr. T. B. Meacham and family, of Greenwood, were guests ' ^during the week of relatives in 1 this city. 1 Mrs. C. H. Klueppelberg, of Ashburn, Ga., is visiting rela- ( . tives in Fort Mill. , The September term of court 11 for York county will convene on i Monday, the 13th. i B. H. Massey, of City Point, ' Tf- - - ?- - _ ii i r cotton fell .$1.70 a bale within three hours. October cotton broke 32 points, selling from 10.02 down to 9.70. This was a ; Irop of $1.00 a bale. Dates for "World's" Series. With. Thursday,. Friday and 1 Saturday. September ninch, tenth and eleventh announced as { the dates when the champions j 3f the Western North Carolina League will meet Red Springs, | Champions of the Eastern North j \ Carolina League, the eyes and . i minds of the fans over this j | section drift towards Charlotte 11 and they begin counting the j' days. , This will be the third year of "North Carolina's World's Series." In 1913 Red Springs and | Morgan ton divided the two : games played, the third being tied, while last year Morganton defeated Raeford two out of 1? three. This year leagues were formed on the two sides of the Queen City, it being the understanding that the winners should meet in Charlotte for the Amateur Championship of the State. Red Springs has won the Eastern title while the winner in the West is still undecided. Gastonia is the winner of the j second half. Statesville and i Morganton are now playing off ' their tie for the lirst season, the winner of this series to meet Gastonia to decide who makes the trip to Charlotte. The Part of the Letter "E." The letter "e" is very impor iaru, as me iouowing lrom tlie (laffney Ledger will testify: A friend recently handed us the following: "Someone has advanced the opinion that the letter V is the most unfortunate character in the English alphabet, because it is always out of cash, forever in debt, never out of danger and in hell all the time." For some reason he overlooked the fortunates of the letter, so, we will call his attention to the fact that 'e' is never in war and always in peace. It is the beginning of existence, the commencement of ease and the end of trouble. Without it there would be no meat, no life and no heaven. It is the center of honesty, makes love perfect, and without it there would be no editors, devils nor news.? Orangeburg Times & Democrat. It Is a Tight Roof i if covered with our Shingles, < made hy the best of machinery < and from selected stock. Our Doors, Sash, Blinds < are great values for the money < and we assure you that you can- < n At /)f\ Iwd kltf t nui, uu ui.uci, (uuunui.y nui, bu j ^ well, elsewhere for anything in j the line of Building Material. Fort Mill Lumber Company, MAKE YOUR OWN f PAINT I YOU will SAVE -hft 56 ets. PER CAL. s'x/.-jh this is now :W V >/ *?? <* /H'jy 4 pals. Semi/ Mixed Kcal Paint $8.40 * An I .? gals. Linseed Oil ^ j to mix with it at estimated cost of 2.40 \ j\ Makes 7 gals. Paint for $ 10.80 \ ?1 It's otily $1.54 per gal. The l? A M. SEMI-MIXFb ' tr, iwrvt is rtiRE white lead, 7I.VC anil linsi ir.D OIL the tn si known .saint uiel?rluls lor 100 years. Usg a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint made, then return the paint "d get all your money back. J. J. Bnilea, Fort Mill Luther F'dw. Co.. Columbia W. W. Coogler & Son, Cheater J. W. Copeland Co. Clinton J. D Wood. Grior POOR 8PORT. 8 tl "Look here!" cried the angry 11 farmer. "What do you mean by lish- t ing in this creek? Don't you see J the property's poster?" 0 "Yes," replied tha. discouraged C angler. "If I had been posted my- ^ self, I never would have tried to q catch anv lish here." FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. * o FOR SALE?Two-foot Oak and fiiekory Wood at $3.00 per cord. u Stove Wood, ready for stove, 12 to 18 a nches long, $2.50 per load of 1-2 cord. a t. O. C. Pigs. 7 to 8 weeks old. $4.0(1 a lelivered. Osmond Barber. Wateroak c Farm. . J FOR SALE-Red Rust-Proof Seed J Oats. Apply to F. M. Mack. y FOR SALE ?Whole Wheat Flour? t ;ures constipation, aids digestion? t put "Up in 6-lh, 12-lb and 25-lb bags. t Five me your orders. Osmond Rarber, t VVateroak farm. a FOR SALE ?Oak Lumber, suitable r for bridges, sizes 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, at 51.00 per hundred at my farm. Osmond j Barber, Wateroak Farm. FOR SALE 400 bushels of pure Appier Seed Oats, and 30 bushels of 1 Abruzzi Rye. Fort Mill Lumber Co. FOR RENT?Six-room Cottage, opposite Methodist, church, at $5.00 per month. See A. C. Lytic. 8-26-21 ' J. R. Huile. r FOR REFT Two Brick Stores and ' one Warehouse on Main street. Fort Mill, lately occupied by Mills & Young * Co. Occupancy Sept. 1, 191.5. Apply to W. S. Stewart, Box 96, 807 North ^ College St., Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE OF ELECTION. State of South Carolina?County of York. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that an Election will be held on the 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A. I)., 1915, at the voting precincts fixed by law in 1 said county, upon the question as to c whether the manufacture and sale of w alcoholic liquors and beverages shall be prohibited or continued in this State, 8 as nrovided bv Act No 711 fr? siihmlt to the qualified electors the question of * the prohibition of the manufacture and . sale of alcoholic liquors and beverages in the State and to provide for the car- . lying of these provisions into effect, approved the ltith day of February, A. I)., 1916. * The qualifications for suffrage are as follows: * Residence in State for two years, in the County for one year, in the polling *' precinct in which the elector offers to vote, four months, and the payment 1 six months before any election of any J poll tax then due and payable. Pro- 1 vided, That ministers in charge of an ( organized church and teachers of pub- ' lie schools shall be entitled to vote 1 after six months' residence in the State, otherwise qualified. Registration. ? Payment of all taxes, including poll tax, assessed and col- ' lectible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or the TeI SERIES Of the Perpetual Bu Opens S Subscriptions to this stocl Secretary and Treasurer no\ to the above date, at which 50 cents per share will be ments thereafter. New m ^ vited to join us. J Since our organization se enabled our members to sav I $100,0 _____ E J. L. SPRAT r, I We Sell You Grc Specials foi 15 pounds of Suprar for 10 " " "Snowdrift" Lat 10 41 Swift's "Silver Lea 10 " Lard "Kneedit" ... 98 " Melrose Flour, ... 48 " " " 98 " Imperial " 48 " " " 24 " " " We will save you 2c the pou miums and Morris' Supreme. 7 pounds Best Barrel Coffee... "Cut Short" Tobacco 5c pluff. Several Two-horse Plows ch season. EPPS, eipt of the officer authorized to collect } < uch taxes shall be conclusive proof of ? he payment thereof. 1 Before the hour fixed for opening ^ he polls. Managers and Clerks must ake and subscribe to the Constitu- ^ iotial oath. The Chairman of the ^ loarif of Managers can administer the ath to th*' other Managers and to the < 'lerk; a Notary Public must adminis- | 4 er the oath to the Chairman. The ' lanagers elect their Chairman and < lerk. 4 Polls at each voting place must be < pened at 7 o'clock a. m.. and closed ^ ,t 4 o'clock p. m.. except in the City f Charleston, where they shall be i ? pened at 7 a. m., and dosed at 6 p. m. ^ The Managers have the power to fill 4 , vacancy; and if none of the Managers ttend, the citizens can appoint, from ! ^ niong the qualified voters, the Man- : 4 gers, who. after being sworn, can ' < onduct the election. | * At the close of the election, the 1 4 lanagers and Clerk must proceed lublicly to open the ballot boxes and * ount the ballots therein, and continue 4 rithout adjournment, until the same is ' ompleted, and make a statement of * he result, and sign the same. Within 4 hree days thereafter, the Chairman of < he Board, or someone delegated by i he Board, must deliver to the Commis- 4 ioners of Election the poll list, the j < >oxes contatning the ballot, and statenents of the result of the election. 4 Manager* of Election.- The following < Managers of Election have been appointed to hold the election at the va- < ious precincts in the said county: Aragon Mills?P. B. Parks, J. H. lollis, E, W. Hopper. Bethel ?W. W. Stanton, E. N. Miler. T. C. Barnett, Bethany ? J. W. Pursley, 1). T. juinn, J. A. Rntterree. Biairsville?S. L. Blair, J. E. War , V. I I Ik IIUUlll, O . U. 1'UIM "till. Bullock's Creek R. L. Vinson, L. L. )owdle, J. 1). Good. Clover?W. D.'.Moore, .1. A. C. Love, j V. B. Hagans. Coates's Tavern?W. S. Lesslie, R. I rV. Patton, .1. T. Spencer. Ekcnezcr F. R. Black, .1. Hope Adims, J. R. Neely. Fort Mill ?A. C. Lytle, S. W. Parks, X H. Windle. Forest Hill .1. D. B. Currence, G. ! V. Martin, C. T. Brandon. Hickory Grove?S. VV. Leech, T. (I. rlcGill, K. M. Whitesides. McConnellsville ?A. C. Mcknight, J. j *. Ashe, J. O. Moore. Newport?J. A. McFadden, .1. A. Jteele, R. A. Jackson. Ogden ? W. H. Dunlap, J. A. Garri- j on, S. H. Simpson. New Zion School House ?A. C. White, ! . N. Hogue, W. A. Nicholls. Rock Hill V. B. McFadden, Jesse J. Moore, M. G. Bryant. Sharon?W. G. Hayes, S. B. Pratt, M. Sims. Smyrna?S. L. Caldwell, E. D. Darvin, N. F. Quinn. Tirzah ? T. M Oates, F. E. Smith. I. R. Allison. Yorkville ?R. L. Wilkerson, S. N. lohnson, E. M. Dickson. The Managers at each precinct named il>ove are requested to delegate one of heir number to secure boxes, and j ilanks for the election which will be j ielivered from Yorkville by Mr. J. E. Carroll, Clerk of this Board, on Satur- ' lay, September 11, 1915. I. J. CAMPBELL. Chairman, W. B. KELLER. J. BROWN NEIL, Commissioners of State and County Elections for York County, S. C. August 25, 1915. NO. 5 j ildinp & Loan Assn. t iept. 18 j k will be received by the ^ v or at any time previous ^ time the first payment of + due, with usual install embers are cordially in f ven years ago, we have 4 e over + no 00 I % : 5ec'y & Treas. : t I >cerses for Less. r Saturday I $1.00 d for 1.00 f" Lard.. 1.25 1.00 3.35 1.70 ...._ _ 2.95 i; 1.50 .75 nd on Hams?Swift's Pre* $1.00 ; or pound for .25 < ieap, to >?et them off this \ l < The Cash Man. i | NEW Fj \ COAT i t I We re now show > Fall Coat Suits to re< > You are cordially in and see them. t We are also showii est Street Hats for t t New Flop," in black ? bination. It's the ra f w 1 be good all fall. I Cnh nl Dnun ounuui Duya Our iine of Boys* plete. You will fir suit you want, whet! some Norfolk Serge Overall suit, we ha\ and see them. Patterson's Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. * * i Have Your Pi | Filled I Hutchinson's "The Licensed 1 bbh % t Headquarter I tionery anc | Suppli f t I sWmm ?$> <? <?> I Let US Serve r?-.j n. . : uooa lire YOUR TABLE will be well su Z market affords if you order your from us. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT will Z prices are down as low as possibh and Provisions of First quality. YOUR HEALTH will be amply Z only goods of known purity and e I YOUR APPETITE will be well groceries of the quality that poss Z. nutriment, and are good to the ta t WE PAY YOU the highest m eggs and other country produce. f \ Parks Gro< ^ Phone 1 i Times Advertising Bri \.LL SUITS I lng the first new i: ach our city. 1 | i inviicu IU I^UIIIC X < ng the very new- :; his season, "The I i and white ccm . * ge jusc now and | Clothes j Clothing is com- | id here just the | ler it be a hand- $ or a Headlight | fe it. Come in $ Goods Store I SELLS IT FOR LESS." | rescriptions ij. 4 i At !j Pharmacy, j Drug Store." f s for Sta- I I School | es. < ? ^ YOU With j| iceries. < > pplied with the best the <> Groceries and Provisions \1 o < be safeguarded because our < i to put them for Groceries {1 < < protected, because we sell < > xcellence. \1. < I satisfied, because we sell J | ess an unususl amount of < ste. < > arket price for chickens, Bring us what you have. _ < > * > < :ery Co., L10 j; 4 * > ngs Big Returns.