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I I1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. W. M. Culpleft Saturday j morning for a visit to her daughter, Mrs.'Gary S. Thompson, at Greensboro, N. C. ^ Mrs. H. C. Ammons, of Little- ( ton-sN. C., is a guest this week in the home of her. grandfather, . Mr. R. S. Torrence, of Upper Fort Mill. W. A. Roach, assistant cashier of the First National Bank, is * spending the week at the home of his parents near Smyrna, York county. Dr. J. F. Smith, who for several months has had charge of the prescription department of the Ardrey drug store in this city, has returned to his home in Florence. Miss Ren 1 ah Parks returned t? her home in Port Mill Thurs-j day afternoon, after spending the week in the city the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Frances M. Phillips.?Rock Hill Record. Among the Fort Mill people who expected to attend the | picnic at Tirzah today are Representative W. R. Bradford, exRepresentative J. R. Haile and Messrs. W. H. Windle and W. H. Jones. An excursion train of negroes, ' en route to Rock Hill from Gas-; tonia, N. C., passed through Fort Mill Monday morning about 10 o'clock. There were 14 cars in the train, and it was thought by some that the train must have carried at least 1,000 excursionf ists. Carpenters on Tuesdav began the work of renewing the in terior of the Fort Mill Presby- j terian church, plans for which have been going on for some time. Among other things, the house is to be given a new hardwood floor. Having been granted a month's vacation, the Rev.- S. P. Hair of the Fort Mill Baptist church, left Tuesday evening for the Pacific coast. Mr. Hair was joined en route by Prof. J. P. Coats, _ former superintendent of the | local public school. The two will visit the exposition and other points of interest in the West before returning home. The Rev. W. A. Hafner, pastor of the local Presbyterian church, has been given a vacation for three weeks, and left Tuesday for Winnsboro to join his wife for a visit in the home of the latter's parents. It is presumed that there will be no further preaching in Mr. Hafner's church until his vacation expires, no announcement to the contrary having been made. Officers of Company G. the local militia organization, were highly pleased with the records made by members of the company in the preliminary shoot held on the company's range Thursday under the si^ervison of Capt. E. B. Cantey, instructor of small arms, N. G. S. C. The men are practicing regularly and it is expected that several from the local company will be selected in the competitive shoot j at Styx, S. C.. September 13, to; represent the State in the1 national shoot in Jacksonville next October. The Mills & Young company are this week moving their big stock of general merchandise from the buildings formerly occupied by the firm to the two handsome new buildings which have just been completed on the north side of Main street. The * furniture business which has been conducted in the Stewart building on the south side of the street is being moved to the building in which the grocery department has occupied and the several departments 01 the con* cern are now combined. The new home of the firm is of modern construction and is one of the prettiest stores of the town. Boy Sconts on "Hike." Seventeen of the boys of the , local troop of Boy Scouts left I Fort Mill Monday morning for a 1 two-weeks' stay in the moun- > tains of North Carolina. The boys are under the care of Scout- i master W. M. Carothers. According, to the plans of Mr. Carothers. the party will visit Chimney Rock and other points . of interest with A'sTieville, N. C., as the terminal point of the "hike." A notice posted at the local postoffice says that parties wishing to correspond with the boys should address their com- j munications to Rutherfordton, N. C.. until today, the 12, and after this date up to and including the loth to Hendersonville, N. C. Following are the boys who compose the party: Billy Mack, Luther Belk, Fred Crayton, Stephen Epps, David Gaston, James Gaston. Porter Gaston, Harry Bradford, Alfred Jones, Heath Hafner, Andrew Hafner, Robert Erwin, William Erwin, William Ardrey, Joe Nims, Robt. Harris, Haile Ferguson. 'Electric Line Through Fort Mill? Of more than passing interest to the people of Fort Mill and] Rock Hill was an article printed in the Charlotte Observer Tuesday morning telling of the development of the electric railway of the Piedmont and Northern company. It is not unlikely, according to The Observer, that the time is not far distant when the lines of the Piedmont company will -be extended south from Charlotte, touching in all probability, Pineville, Fort Mill, Grattan and Rock Hill. It is believed by some who are well informed on the general situation that the developments now under way around Charlotte mark the beginning of an extension of the lines to Rock Hill. Seeking Beauty Queen. The York News received the following explanatory letter from the publicity committee of the State fair: "Dr. L. A. Griffith, mayor of Columbia, has sent out a letter to the followinir vnnna Inrli^s in your section notifying them of the fact that they have been nominated candidates in the Statewide contest for a beauty queen to reign over the Harvest Jubilee at Columbia, October 25-30: "Miss Ola Allison, York; Miss Frances Finley, York; Miss Frances Allein, York; Miss Ella Lee Byers, Sharon; Miss Lucile Barber, Fort Mill; Miss Mary Boyd, Fort Mill; Miss Susan Bradford, Fort Mill; Miss Mary Carothers, Fort Mill; Miss Dora Grier, Fort Mill; Miss Isabel Grier, Fort Mill; Miss Alice Harris, Fort Mill; Miss Willie Hoke, Fort Mill; Miss Isabel Massey, Fort Mill; M iss Ruth Meaeham, j Fort Mill; Miss Margaret Spratt, Fort Mill. The young ladies mentioned above are requested to send their photographs at once to the editor of the York News. The Tirzah Picnic. It is interesting to recall in connection with the annual Tir7an urtiinli io 1?1-1 ..V... ,/.v.uv TTIIIVH 10 IICIU today that something like a score of years ago this was one of the most widely advertised and largest gatherings of the kind held anywhere in South Carolina. It was here that Senator Tillman is said to nave made his first political speech, in the latter '80s, and for several years following that incident public men \ of more or less prominence in the State, especially those who were interested in the success of the Farmers' Alliance, made it convenient to attend the pic- > nics. These picnics are still a matter of county-wide interest, but it caunot be said that as great crowds or as much general , interest attaches to them as1 formerly. '' / ^ 3P \ I C/V O c/i > '' > d H *3 . . H 0 < o I 2 ; ' 3 ?^Z ! S?i H c/i 0 i; ? ~ -o ^ t- sjk 7 d ^ 7 > P 2 |r 5 2 > < *> Specials fo 100 Pairs c Made by "Crossett," in Blacfc that must be closed out re^an we do not run this business 1c you see we must sell all sumrr 200 F Of Women and Children's sho Groc? 15 pounds of Sujfar for 10 " 44 "Snowdrift" La 10 44 Swift's "Silver Lea 5 44 We will save you money on i? n n o J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 Rock Hill. - - - S. C. OKI newspapers for sale at The Times office. ' f ' / J m 5 3j (t h o ohz ^ 3' x 3 en x g h m |lr ickj |?tje H>ateti of Jfori Capital and Surplus, Hundreds whc ; are reminded of saved. Othe ? then i / FOR SALE-Whole Wheat Flour^ ures constipation, aids digestion ? nit up in <?-1d, 12-lb and 25-lb bags. ?ive mo your orders. Osmond Barber, iVateroak farm. (ESRRmil) TALK IS CHEAP ind is alright in its place, but it von't run the furnace nor bake ^read. If you have hot air in four house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard ind Soft Coal and our prices are -vay down. Phone orders to 72. j_I; c/uiuiv ueiivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, make your own e ? $& paint i YOU will SAVE E 50 c,s-PER GAI this is now jTjfikV ^ J Buy 4 pals. L.CK.M. Scnii\) Mixed Keal Paint $8.4' J /^r And 3 gals. Linseed Oil ? , to mix with it at VA estimated cost of 2.40 ll Makes 7 gals. Paint for ? 10.C: \(hl\ It's enly $1.54 per gal. The L. A M. SKMI-MIXF5 REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE 1.1 Ah, ZINC iiuil LINSEED OH. the best known paint materials lor lOO years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best pain made, then return the pain and get all your money baci.. J. J. Bui lea. Fort Mill Luther Hdw. Co.. Columbia W. W. Coogler A Son. Cheater J. W. Copeland Co.. Clinton J. D Wood. Crier itgs iBank\ t iWiU t - - $37,000,000 }. > see this sign what they have irs will see? | >ave. i r Saturday I if Oxfords Tan and Patent Leather, rlless of cost, as you know >nper than January 1st. So ler poods now or never. 'airs >es to po the same way. iries. $1.00 rd for 1.00 if" Lard 1.29 .66 your proceries. The Cash Man. A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Old newspapers for sale at The Times. I Men and 14 I I $' We are heac I Men's Work 1 ; Boy's Outing CI Big New lot < ; tough kind] just looking for anotl t of Headlight C I week. ! M?I x vung iv?t;ii: i| see our new | wear. WashT I Ties, 25c and 5( If it's to wear I I Pattersons Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. II I ___ | Hutchinson's Agents for Norr It Prescriptions wor Phone I || ================= I I When You If of eating just the or 11 GROCERIES?the kin ^ for sale at big profits ? ICome 1 Here you get somethin ceries that put strength f that have lasting and ties?that must be i Profits to compete witl JL C4I VII VII + Phone 1 i {Times Advertising Bri Boys! [ 4 > _ 4 -r DHESWaHOKOnBBBBBHHHBK SSSSSSSSSSSSSaS 4 4 > 4 * > Iquarters for : Clothes and ?> othes. :>f Pants [the |j received and j her shipment i; < > Overalls this | You should t le of Neck- | ies, 25c; Silk \> Oc. I , we have it. I Goods Store j "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | V . II Pharmacy, is' Candies. '' if k a specialty. <: 91- ij < > < i; ;; ? i: ' ? Get Tired il dinary brands of v \l d that are put up -it's then time to J | :o Us.i! g different?Gro- < i in vour bodv? T I building qualilold at SMALL j; fi inferior goods. {I 4 > 4 4 4 zery Co., LIB ;; < i > ngs Big Returns.