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? ? THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thursdays. * - 7^ ^ a - -.r R. W. BRADFORD - - Editor nnd Proprietor. t rMJSORIPTION Ratks: One Year ....". tt.2r Six Month* ... ....... .BP The Time* Invite* contribution* on live subject* hut <lo*s not ajrree to publish tnore than 200 words on anv subject. The riirht is reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. On anplication to the publisher, advertising: rate* are mndo known to those interested. Telephone, local and lone distance. No. 112. Entered at the postofhee at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. AUGUST 12. 19ir>. The late Eastland tragedy in Chicago river was so stupendous that even the war was forgotten for the time being. As to the tragedy itself with the awful loss " ? " - i i . i oi me, tnere is pernaps uui one sentiment, which is that it would never have happened if some one or more persons had not put profit far above human life. It is of course for the coroner's jury and the Federal investigators to determine what particular persqn or persons are responsible, and it is to be most , earnestly hoped that when the guilty ones are discovered there may be no whitewashing. That has been too often the case in times past. When the Iriquois theatre disaster occurred in Chi cago som& years ago, there was great indignation and it was conclusively shown that the managers of the theatre were to blame, but no punishment was awarded them, and the same is true as to many other disasters -A. 1 I ! ; i 1 causeu uy criminal careiessm ss. Militiamen throughout tin country are interested in th< prospect ?of Congress passing legislation at the next sessioi in behalf of the National Guard. With the active support of President Wilson assured, it is more than probable that Con gress will not only provide for a material increase in the strength of the National Guard, but will also make an appropriation to compensate adequately tin militiamen for their attendance upon drills. National lawmakers seem to have at last come to i realization of the fact that how over patriotic the average ciiizei who is willing to enlist in tin National Guard may be, it h nothing short of imposition to < xpcct him to sacrifice liis personal interests wit h.tut com pensatfon from the goven.mer in o.'der that he may lor thg neral good learn to be soldier. There is one const lution . b -tr the weather this summer; it has been so variable that as a topic fr\t* /tAneiii*'"ihiin it io i.rtoeiL'<i lo ? isi v \mi > v i oai it in I ucnn;.\; \\/ use it without wearing it threadbare, and that is something that cannot be done where the wi ather is of even quality from day to day. It is a grand thing to count up one's mercies and advantages. The European governments now at war are cheerfully piling up debts for posterity to pay, if it ever will. Perhaps those governments feel that if their predecessors incurred debts for this generation to pay, they are justified in following the ex-j ample set. What future gen- j erations may say gives them no concern. . There is good prospect that the controversy between this nation and Germany may be settled some time during the next three years. It would be Hazardous to make any other guess. The best price offered for cotton on the local market today is 83-4 cents. ????????????? Barn and Nules Burned. Report reached Fort Mill yes- e terday about noon of the burning v early in the morning of the barn s and mules of Mr. Walter Kim- h brell, a farmer living in the 0 Concord section of the county. a The barn was fired by lightning b during a storm. it could not' be learned whether Mr. Kimbrell ^ i: lost anything more than the barn * and_mules. It was also reported '? that the old Plexico mill, in the ^ adjoining section of Clay Hill, t was struck and fired by light- fi ning during the same storm and was reduced to ashes. \ Mr. Kimbrell is a son of Mrs. I t ? i.ri im:ii i l<riu.y miuuicii, ui run itiiij, j and his many friends here will j regret to learn of his heavy loss. _ Can Have Three-Teacher School. * A Trustees of the Gold Hill school have received from the State ^ superintendent of education the following self explanatory note: 11 "The reports from Bethany, Gold Hill and Mt. Holly have just been read. "For the session 1913-14, Bethany reported an enrollment of 87 with an average attendance of 63. This report for 1914-15 places the enrollment at 93 and the average attendance at 77. I am glad to see that these figures insure the status required for a three-teacher rural graded school. Conditions at Bethany for the session 11)1516 ought to be more satisfactory than ever before. "The Gold Hill community has the opportunity of maintaining a strong three-teacher school. It is a pleasure to note that all the difficulties formerly operating against this school have oeen completely adjusted.". OUR STAND. By B. C. B. Editor Times: We have beeft criticised very bitterly in regard .0 some of our "war" views and would appreciate very much your consent to print the following: Let us say in the beginning, .ve are not exponents of *ar, >ul a Ivocates of peace. No, we lon't want war, for "war is icil," but we do admire the Gernan spirit that supports their government solidly against a foreign foe?counts not the odds ?and who is there with soul so dead who does not? The German white soldiers light for their country. The .iybrid troops of England fight or a day's pay. The patriot will vin over the mercinary. No, we lo not want war; neither do we .vant peace at the price of star/aiion and national dishonor. No man has a right to condemn is for taking sides w ith Germany icainst England It' nxpiixe \vm? needed, here it is: Germany s .1 European coi.n ry, peopled ei.irely by while people. In art, music, science, letters, finance, c mmeice, industiialism, agrcultjre, etc., it is admittedly tie foremost country ot the eniirt world?the highest point in civilization ever reached l>y any age of man. In all these respects it st.ihds head and shoulders above those who today are striking at icr vitals. England is entirely lifferent. Her possessioi s, great ind small, exist in every clime, 'order every sea, and are com>osed of every known species of man of all races, sub-races, of mixed breeds, all religious sect , and of all degrees of civilization, barbarism and savagery. All these different races and conditions of men are found within the British empire, and each exercising a certain amount of influence which must be reckoned with when dealing with the whole. The German empire in its entirety renresents the hitrh est type of civilization and pure Caucasian blood. The higher civilization and Caucasian blood of the British Isles, Canada, Australia. New Zealand and South Africa is largely counterbalanced by the Mongrel hordes of Asia. 1 Africa and the islands of the seven seas which constitute the vast majority of the British empire and serve to reduce civilization to a minimum average. We have chosen the best. Gold Hill, August 2. The condition of Mr. Richard Fulp, who has been ill since returning from the encampment ait Charleston some days ago, , is very much improved. < m - * ? Between the drought and the xcessive heat of the pant two t eeks, crops in tfiis vicinity have utfered greatly. Corn seems to lave suffered most. Many fields f corn were literally burned up, nd the yield has without doubt ieen greatly cut down. Practically every ArfieHcan cit sen in three southemrnQSt coun- I ies of Cnmp*"on. Hidalgo i I nd Starr, is resting under arms h fear that the overwlretffifng" /lexican population of that secion may break out in a racial light. . ' Navy department officials at Vashington are wondering what tear Admiral Caperton is going o do with the Haytien gunboat 'acifique, which he captured at 'ort Au Prince on Saturday. FOR SALE 400 bushels of pure q>pler Seed Oats, and 30 bushels of ibruzzi Rye. Fort Mill Lumber Co. FOR SALE Two "White Hickory" Vagons, sizes 2 3-4 and 3 inch, at ictual cost for cash. Also lot of ew Rubber Tiro Buggies. W. F- Haris & Sons. I Greenville Womans College Greenville, S. C. A fiords complete advantages for n broad, liberal education. Trains its students for lives of fullest efficiency and responsibility. Equipment, faculty, courses of study, and cultural influences are entirely in harmony with presentday requirements. Administration. Instruction and dormitory buildings ? <inl|slung the most modern llues. for convenient, comfortable life aud efficient work. Entrance requirement* apon 14-unit bad*. [ High standard courses leading to B. A.. B. L. and M. A. degrees. Literature, H Languages, '.'deuces. Practical training 1 u Domestic Science. Bndac** Course, llj! Icadlug to diploma. Thor gh courses leading to dl|>lo- I ' I mas I It Conservatory oi Miuic, departments H G Bof Art. ExprtHion, Phytic* I Culture, Kiadcrjar- 1 ( ten. Normal Traiaiac Coarta. II ^ litis Institution alms to nlTbrcl tho II t bestoilucallotinl advaiitnjpe?ol>taluablo tt at a minimum cost. ForCatalo?a# addreaa I jj DAVID M. RAMSAY, D. D-. Pre*. 1 Greeavllle. S. C. l"? Vacation Ti Your vacation is inco j During1 the hot Summ I FRESH SHIPMENT of Parcel Post or Express. When you give "Her" C "just cau'ly," give her 1 I -r=Parks Drug Huyler's Chocolate r i i 1OO ?|o ! + t First Natic | ; [Under Supervision I | * 4 % Inl -y ? * ''Cr Spe ON 31 All 25c Lawns an All 20c and 1 5c L All 1 0c Lawns an [ orlioo \Y/ oiofo /J L-iUVilV^O TT atoio uu Baby Caps reduce 50-cent Silk Hose, See our New Dut< Gingham Dresses Few pairs of Chile Still Selling I KIMBRE OR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. "MONEY" ~~ The mint makes it and under the terms if th;- CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 60 for iny le^al purpose on approved real es ate. Terms easy, tell us your wants md we will cooperate with you. 108-9 Muntey Bltlg., Baltimore, M. D. (INC'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. me mplete without a box of Chocolatesand Son Bons. ? er months we receive a Huyler's every 10 days by Candy do more than send the "Very Best," and that's Company s and Bon Bons. ?*<$" 5 4 9 ? ? Safety >nal Bank jj < > J. S. Government.] I t terest | I | V riqI ^ V1U1 V jSViMER G< lg Crepes, special sale .awns and Crepes, sald Crepes, special sale ring this sale at 98c ai d to 2 1 c and 41 c. , now going for only 3 :h Collars, latest style, and Wool Skirts at 1Irens Sox, two pairs f Ladies' $3 Slipt CALOMEL WHEN Bll MAKES YOU SICI "Godson's Liver Tom" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! 'Jake a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose n day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea'and cramping. If you are slug and "all knocked out,** if your iver is torpid and bowels constipated , or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight on uiy guarantee. CfflCORA COLLE( A &tauburb College of Sefttteu ?? . ^ Christian Infli K 1 Select Studer Be College of I V Sciences. R Conservatory j Schools of Ai B I Business. An Ideal Coll 1 9 For Catalogue Address I RFV. S. C. I Columbia, I Goodbye Suni IYou Must Go, Re 10c Chambray, 10c Crepes, Ginghams, Lawns, 15c Dress Goods, 25c Dress Goods 25c Hats, 50c Hats, $4.00 Hats $2.50 Pumps and Mary Janes s $10.00 Palm Beach Suits, 75c Goway Bags, 100 Umbrellas, 25c Enameled Ware, Window Shades, Wall Paper, per roll, BIG lot of NEW HOME Se They are by far the BEST MA' cannot live long enough to wet We've been selling them here l. jTa m rr*i ^aie ; 9 OODS I price, I 5c yard. jj e price, 1 Oc yard, price, 8 l-3c yd. id * 1.98. 9c. at 25 cents. 3 price, or 15 cents. iers for 98c. Quality Reigns" < JOUS? NO!STOP! ( AND SALIVATES Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Godson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go book to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. ?-? I guarantee that one spoonful of Godson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your lK>wels of "~" that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. 1 guarantee that a l>ottle of Godson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling tine for months. Give it to your children. It id harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. je for women trnt, fiietiurtiou artfc tKljarartrr^ uences. f mounding*. I Vwsjp1 ** iflB \ t-body. Jberal Arts and i rt. Expression and { tge for Women ( t and Information |H| iUHfiBaHri imer Goods, I gardless of Cost. , Etc". , _ J 7 l-2c I . 10c I ic- 01 IOC . IOC I 25c I 96c I it $1.75 I $5.90 I 50c 4 50c to $3 25 I 10 to 15c I 25 to 50c 5c to 10c winp: Machines just arrived. CHINES on the market. You I ir out a New Home Machine. for 30 years. /lassey. I