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" * p ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. Bulow Hutchinson and children, of Charlotte, are guests irf the home of Mr. and Mrs. j L. J. Massey in Fort Mill. Fred Kimbrell, of Columbia, ( rfns n visitor in tVic* Vinmo of Viis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 1 Kimbrell, the last week. Friends of Capt. J. VV. Ardrey will be pleased to know that he is able by the use of a rolling chair to be out again. Mr. Ardrey, it will be remembered, suffered a broken leg several months ago at his home and has since been confined to his room. Miss Nannie Lee Ardrev. a daughter of the late W. M. Ardrey, of Providence section, and a kinswoman of the Ardrey - families of Fort Mill, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her mother in Charlotte. Miss Ardrey had been ill for only four days, death being caused by blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Barber and children made an auto trip the laat week to Jonesville. Union county, where they visited the parents of Mrs. Barber. On the return home Saturday they were accompanied by Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Barber's mother, who will spend several weeks in the home of her daughter. John N. Carothers left Fort Mill the last week for Washington City, where he will take up electro-chemical work in the 1 _ i* ?1 _ 1il Dureau 01 sons unaer tne supervision of the department of agriculture. For several years past he has had charge of the plant at Nitrolee, of the Southern Electro-Chemical Company. The ladies of the Home Missionary Society of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church are making arrangements to improve the condition of their church by laying a new floor, improving and tinting the walls, and otherwise adding to the appearance and conveniencs of the building. The contract for the improvements will be taken by the Fort Mill Lumber Company. A petition, soliciting signatures of men who are in favor of State-wide prohibition and who pledge themselves to support the issue in the election next September, has been circulated in Fort Mill this week. It is stated that a large majority of those to whom the petition was presented willingly attached their names to the paper. Wtiat can be done by intelligent care and attention in raising tomatoes is shown in the ppsnlte nhtninprl hv Mr -I A Boyd from the large quantity of beautiful, smooth and evenly ripened fruit which he has offered for sale here for the past several weeks from his garden. His tomatoes run very evenly and the weight of each will average a pound. Announcement is made that Mr. C. M. Fite, of Charlotte, a former resident and business man of this city, will yisit Fort} Mill on Sunday, August 22, and at 3:30 in the afternoon will deliver an address from the stand in Confederate park. Mr. Fite is one-of the many people who were converted in the ChapmanAlexander meeting in Charlotte several months ago, and since that time he has delivered a number of strong addresses for the cause of righteousness. The public generally is invited to hear Mr. rites address hereon the 22nd of August. Reports from the Fort Mill militia company, now encamped on the Isle of Palms, say that the boys are getting along nicely with their work and are enjoying the trip, despite the hot weather, deep sand and mosquitoes which they have found in abundance on the Island. The company will return to Fort Mill Friday night or early Saturday morning. Store Robbed. The dry poods store of the < Mills & Young: company, on i Main street, was entered and1 * robbed sometime during: Tuesday i nipht of a quantity of shoes. i clothinp and a number of ladies' i readv-made skirts. Entrance i H to the building was made through * a scuttle hole, in the roof of the * building, which had* B6en left ? open Tuesday eveniug while the * i carpenters were at work on the ? building. The robbery is con- \ sidered one of the boldest yet * committed in the town. Two < young men were occupying a < bedroom in the adjoining build- 4 ing and just to the rear of the J Mills & Young store stands the Thompson Hotel. An overcoat ' taken from the store was found * Wednesday morning in the street < in Whiteville park, and this fact < gives rise to the belief that the , thieves left town in a northerly direction. Several skirts that had been left on top of the ' store building by the thieves were also recovered. Up to i Wednesday evening no clue had i been found as to who committed , the theft. A Proposition. Be it agreed this 26th day of July in this the Gold Hill section | of York county, that Owing to the fact that our good brother's columns are at , I times crowded with Gold Hill ; news, and On account of our inability to ' ! know which of the three are to I write and at what time; and Whereas, each of us Brother Splinter. Hyperion and I, like to I have a "finger in the pie; and furthermore, that On account of the above named conllicts the writer solicits the following remedy; That we organize under the ( I firm name of the "Great Trio," with Brother Splinter in charge, and that we take it week about in writing up the news. The above is open to discussion, amendments or ratification by the other members. What shall we do? Jay gold. Gold Hill. July 26. Mr. W. D. Kimbrell, of the i township will go to Chester I tomorrow for a short visit to relatives and friends. FOR SALE Best varieties of Winter Cabbage Plants at 25c per 100. W. D. Thrower. H)K JSAIiK Whole Wheat Flour cures constipation, aids digestion put up in fi-lb, 12-lh and 25-lb hags, rive me your orders. Osmond Barber, Wateroak farm. TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be [produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to ^2. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, MAKE YOUR OWN f I PAINT r YOU will SAVE v." > * 56 cts. PER GAL. this is how MkN. V J Buy 4 pals. L..CR.M. Semi} / Mixed Real Paint $8.40 ' ij And 3 pals. Linseed Oil r to mix with it at Va ' estimated cost of 2.40 ! J Makes 7 gals. Paint for $10.80 l/ \ '! It's only $1.54 per gal. The I.. A M. SFMI-MIXHi HFAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE I.KAD. ZINC and I.INSf F.D OH. Hie heal known paint materials for 100 years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint ' made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bnilea. Fort Mill Luther Hdw. Co^ Columbia 9 W. W. Cootfler Ok Son. Cheater J. W. Copeland Co. Clinton J.O Wood. Crior 1 I tKfjc Hytrin I [ of Jfort Capital and Surplus, Hundreds who are reminded of \ saved. Other then s< ,? < VOTEFor Your Fav< Big Majestic Pop On next Tuesday, August 3rt Popularity Contest to determine lady in Fort Mill or vicinity. 1 through Saturday, August 28tli, day at 8 p. m. the young lady ber of votes will be awarded tin $5.00 in This contest is open to every ity. The contest opens next T time a Ticket good for 100 Vote paid a amission to the Majestic 1 sions will count the same as 10 tickets bear a blank line on w! name of the young lady you wc $5.00 IN GOLD. The voting w evening and night at The Majes contestants will be shown on tl We guarantee a fair and sqm tering the contest, and no one c or related to the manager or cm ble to compete for the prize. Get Busj Make Your Be The Majesti IHHHHUHHBMflBKSiSHflSMEifHRHHHRi Crossett Fifty pairs of Men's Gun Me fords that must be closed out tl $4.50 Crosset 3.50 All Women's and Children's ; On Sati We will 10-pound buckets Swift's Pure 10-pound " Snowdrift La Arbuckle's Coffee, per pound. Best Roasted Coffee, per pound Best brands of Hams at cut pri E P P S , = J- Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, Ka Rock Hill, . . . S. C. Old newspapers for sale at The rimes office. Tl I riYC ! WUim ; t iWiU | - - $37,000,000 t II HHHI i f | see this sign t vhat they have * s will see? aive. ; ? - VOTE V A MmM jrite in the ularity Contest j # 1, we will put on a Great e the most popular young fhis Contest is to continue , and on the following Tueshaving the greatest nuni3 prize? t Gold. lady in Fort Mill and vicinucsday, as stated, at which js will be given with each Theatre. Five cent admisc admissions. These voting hich is to be written the >uld like to have win the ill take place each Tuesday itic and the standing of the i? i ic oliuuu iiiuiouity iiiguiB. ire deal to every lady enlonnectcd with the theatre iployc of the show is eligij Boys! st Girl Win! c Theatre Shoes. I :tal, Patent and Tan Oxhis summer, so here goes: s for $3.50 2.65 Slippers at big reductions. Lirday I sell Leaf Lard for $1.29 rd for 1.10 I, 19 2-2C I ces, rhe Cash Man. A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, itimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Old newspapers for sale at: ( \e Times. : For Si I'' ' qualities 1 ^/W^OTHER thing acid l.fe to th< ~ ^ ~ shoe. These c ced in the shoe with tt ^ same dine they are sty] hcadquarteis for the L jjj by and see the exclush 11 from $3.5.0 to $5.00 f *1 $4.50 for the ladies. can get better values el 11 ' I ^SaesSj^ESUBBB j Patterson's Di TELEPHONE NO. 85. : , Ente I Big Free Gue ? lwo I icl? I $1 Each C ^ Each 5c purchase at c to one guess. The one guessing the + hours that it takes cake melt gets a $1.00 Ticket. The lady guessing the I Hutchinson' Agents for N . j When You | of eating just the GROCERIES?the ^ for sale at big prof i Come Here you get some ? ceries that put strei that have lasting ties?that must b Profits to compete I Parks Gn ; Phor Times Advertising ! ummer I SHOEwlfhfl5 LOVE FIT WEAR SHOES, being mad? rm lasts, gives them fitting that insures comfort. that a perfect fit does, is to 2 wearing qualities of the two features arc pronounKi Bell Trade-Mark, at the lish ana graceful. We are .ONGWEAR line ? come styles we are showing at ' or the Men, and $1.50 to Your money back if you scwhere for less. / o i m i mi n i.jnf ry Goods Store | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." < > r Our * > issing Contest I; ;ts Worth I iiven Away | >ur Fountain entitles you * nearest to the number of ^ of Ice in our window to 4 nearest gets a $1 Ticket. s Pharmacy, | orris' Candies. & 4 1 Get Tired il < t ordinary brands of ! > kind that are put up its?it's then time to \ \ to Us.|| thing different?Grongth in your body? \ \ and building quali- <, ie sold at SMALL with inferior goods. , 4 4 ocery Co., le 116 < > 4 $> *" ?' " - ;$> . Brings Big Returns