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THE FORT MILL TIMES. Democratic? PublUhod Thunnii?v?. ii?f I H. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proori?tor. rfnommoN RATWtr Ono Y?r ......... ...11.25 Si* Month* .86 ( The Time* Invito* contribution* on llvo nuhjrct* hot loo* not naroc to publish moro than 200 word* on any subject. The right is rrocrvcd to edit svarv communication submitted for nnblicntior. Oo aonlicntion to the publisher, ndvertining all)" are made known to tho?e interested P lonhone. loent and lonir diatance. No. 112. Filtered at the unatofTicc ut Fort Milt.S. C.. a* ( moll matter of the second clan*. THURSDAY. JULY 29. 19ir?. ' Wanted?A Roller Mill. j There is perhaps no enterprise | or industry more needed by the I farmers of Fort Mill today than \ a roller mill to take care of the 1 Krain which has been harvested ! in the township this year. Fort | Mill farmers, like the farmers i of other wheat-growing sections J increased their acreage to grain ( this year and have harvested < fairly good crops. The thresh- i innr i? olinnl nvprnnrl tho fnrmpr ( wants his grain made into flour. I5ut to get this done he is compelled to make a two days' journey to a roller mill over in North Carolina. Fort Mill has an ideal 1 brick building?the old White gin house on Academy street? ' for such an enterprise, and with k cheap power to operate such a ' plant, it does seem that should 1 anmo nno ;i Illicit n mill thprp ' he would find plenty of patronage 1 to make the investment a paying one. V The way the warring nations accuse each other of atrocities of every kind makes one think 1 of a lot of boys quarreling and calling out to each other, j "you're another." bonie lolKs spend so much time telling other folks how they would settle the European, Mcx-'1 ican and other muddles that they : forget to settle their account with the grocer, butcher, and i especially their home paper. < i The most sensible course theStateof New York can take with Harry Thaw is to abide by the decision of the jury and let the man sink as far as possible into oblivion. The odor of the has been rank and nauseating j;I1 the way through. At their recent great convention the Christian Endoavorers showed that while they believed in peace they did not b?-lieve n peace at any price. The unanimous vote of approval of and confidence in President Wibon for the way he is conducting the I horny international relations, clearly proves that, and thatj vote expressed the well-nigh j unanimous opinion of the nation. We all want peace, hut that peace which is gained at any ' price is apt to be a peace marked with dishonor. !l The Thaw case seems as though 1 it would last as long as the 1 celebrated case of Jarndyce v. Jarndyce so well known to all the readers of Dickens' "Bleak | House." Naturally poopie had J the idea that when the jury pro-j( nounced Thaw sane that would , end the matter, but they were mistaken. Prohahlv if Thaw were a poor man instead of being , wealthy his troubles would have ended one way or the other years ago. The expenses of the various trials and other pro- , ceedings have cost the public and the Thaw family a large fortune to the great henefit of the lawyers engaged on both sides. Sometimes it is a misfortune to be rich, although it is hard to get a rich man to admit it. ll mm Keeping the Record Straight. The following communication, Jated "Fort Mill, July 21," and signed "Record," appeared in Friday's State: "Just a word or two, if you please, to keep the record straight. In The State of today there appears a communication relative to the monuments in Fort Mill in which the writer has fallen- into error in stating I that 'this monument (the negro monument) was erected byCapt. White and is one of the four erected by him.' There are four monuments in the little park in this place?the Confederate soldiers' momument, the monument to the women of the Confederacy, the Catawba Indian monument and the monument to the negro , slaves who stayed at home and ; worked while their owners were j away fighting to establish the Confederacy. Capt. S. E. White nrprlpd frnm lii*; nrivntn inr.onc the women's monument and the slave monument. The Confederate soldiers. monument represents a considerable partnership. On the monument ".here are the names of a hun-1 ired or more veterans, and I am informed that each name was! out there in consideration of ?5 by the veteran himself or a kinsman. In this way perhaps more than half the cost of the monument was collected. Capt. White supplied the balance. Capt. White and the late J. M. Spratt jointly erected the Catawba Indian monument, each ?ontributing half the cost of it. I am told by one who knows." If It Be War. Within a few days or weeks the United States may be at war with the empire of Germany. It is a prospect that the people should be^in to face. Conflict mou Im oi'ovlnd I ?> lrv/1 V' nfAm IIUJ U VV 1 VVU. All VIUU o UY I" lence, we hope that our country nay be spared the necessity of resort to arms. The destruction of the Leelanaw aggravates a relationship already tense. In itself, it may ar may not bring on hostilities, rhat it is the last straw one can not yet declare. If war there shall be, let us ipproach it with full understanding of its seriousness. Let is look straight forward to the fact that it may last six months ? or six years. Let us not yield kf\ nlpocinnr fonnino fV>of irv Uvr |/? I liUV IV/O timi I IV I C III South Carolina necessarily we shall be free from war's sufferings; that by no possibility will >ur country be grievously wounded; that our people may expect to escape without hardship. What will befall no one can foresee. The German navy, except its submarines, is at [(resent confined. No human probability of early assauit on our shores cau be entertained- but hat is a consideration to be disnissed as impertinent to the gravity of our undertaking. If the United States be dragged into war with Germany, let it be the resolve of our people that their country will triumph. Let them emulate the example of the Germans themselves, of their >neness in the presence of danger, of their unselfish willing1 1 n r - - i ucr>n iu iiu/.aiu uiKir ait ior me Fatherland, of their complete forget fulness of private feud ind faction, of their intelligent Jnd terrific concentration of energy of arm and brain and property on the object before them, victory over their enemies. - The State, Tuesday. Ford Owners' Profit. The Ford Automobile company lias announced a refund of an proximately $15,000,000 to owners of Ford automobiles who j have purchased their machines j since August 1, 1914. On Aug- j List 1, 1914. the company made ihe announcement that if 300,000 machines were sold during the ensuing year each purchaser would receive a refund of from $40 to $00. The 300,000 mark was reached some days ago. The company says the refund is strictly in the nature of the profit distribution poilcy of the company. WANTED- You to rood th? ads on i back page of this issue. Awarded Clemson Scholarships. The following are those who have been awarded scholarships at Clemson ColleRe from York County: Four year scholarship. S. Plexico. Route 4. Clover: M. H. Kirkpatrick. Route 2, Sharon: E. B. Youiir. Rock Hill. One year scholarships. State at larjre. J. D. Brandon. McCon- j nelisville; G. W. Surrs, Route S. ! i York; \Y. F. Howell. Route .1 Rock Hill. One year agricultural: Ray Teamster. OMONEY" "i The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can seoure it at 6 for any legal purpose on approved real esj tate. Terms easy, tell us your wants | and we will cooperate with you. 908-9 Muniey Bldg., Baltimore, M. D. SWomans College Greenville. S. C. Affords complete advantages for a broad, liberal education. Trains its students for lives of fullest efficiency and responsibility. Equipment, faculty, courses of study, and cultural influences are entirely in harmony with presentday requirements. Administration, instruction and dormitory building * equipped along tbe most modern lin> .. f?,r roiiM-iilcnt. comfortable lift? a id oniclcut work. Eat ranee requirement* apor 14 -unit bttii. | > '' - 1HI.1I aiiiuumu iuuiM">n aulIlk' U) II. A.. H. L. and M. A. degrees. Literature, I Languages. Sciences. Practical train- I | lug in Domestic Science. BauncuCoant, lead 1 uk to diploma. Thorough course* lending to diplo mas I n Coaaarratary of Mane, department* H of Art. Eipraaaioo. Pkyaka I Cohort. Kindrrtarto. Normal Training Coara*. This institution aims to niTonl the bostoducational advantage* obtainable at a tulultnum COSt. For Catalofoe addrru | DAVID M. RAMSAY. D. D.. Pre*. Greenville. S. C. | Floors Li Marred and worn floors ar keep clean. Half an hour's changes your old shabby floe easy to keep clean and hard 1 ACME QL FLOOR PAINT is the hest floor paint to use. be walked upon, is ready for can do it yourself?and drie cover about 75 square feet, t\ Ask for a copy of our "He It tells you all about the us and finishes in the home. PARKS DRl | Kindly ( This Hank believ* ^ courtesy, not only as ; taneous, heart-fell pr r friiMuU tit iwwnc f n p I v ^ .w J t part with a pleasant t i $ to conduct itself so th 1 sav, "I have been cool i WE PAY FOU I The First Na ; Fort Mill. %> *? 1 1 ?? mnjiahWJMW |"The M IV/1 L115C 111CT w in our store everytl in order to keep cc going to offer a rec to-Wear/' I $7.50 Men 5.00 " All Straw I Besides the abcr I $4.00 Ralston Ox reduced in price tc Still Selling I KIMBRE FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. I* OK SALE Several nice, fresh Milk Cowb. L. A. HARRIS & Co. ke New c hard to clean and hard toj work with the paint brush >rs into new floors that arc to wear out. 54L/TY ( GRANITE) It is made especially to] use, easy to put on?you 1 s quickly. A quart will vo coats. >me Decorating** bookletA e of paints, enamels, stains] JG CO., Agts. Courtesy \ 11 I 1 :s in friendliness ar.d ;i policy, but asaspon- | inciple. It wants its , talk frank I v, and de bought. It resolved f at no man can ever * ly received .** i R PER CENT. * itional Bank, I ? s. c. * MI'I IMiBU'MI?'HI??I ll /ants of ants of a man are m; ling that a man wou x>l. And, for the n< Auction on everything n l n 1 n - r s raim Beach suits to ? u u u lats at 1-2 to 1-3 Reg ve, we have three do iords in Tan, Pater > $1.98. ariioe' 51 5lim .uuiuu yu unp| LL'S, "Where CALOMEL WHEN Bil MAXES YOU JIG "Oodson's Liver Tone" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugli! Cnloinel makes you Hick. It's horrible! Take a dose of Lhe dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the ls>nes. Calomel, when it conies into contact with sour Idle crashes into it, breaking 1*. U]>. This is when you fed that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and liorvols constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just tr_\ :> spoonful of harmless Hudson's Liver Tone tonight on uiy guarantee. CHICORA COLLD A Sdottftard College of Sefiuri EBusiness. For Catalogu Address Columbia, I (InAflKva Qnn IUUVUUJt UU1I You Must Go, R< 10c Chanibray,.. 10c Crepes, Ginghams, Lawns 15c Dress Goods, 25c Dress Goods, 25c Hats, 50c Hats, $4.00 Hats, $2.50 Pumps and Mary Janes $10.00 Palm Beach Suits, 75c Goway Bags, 100 Umbrellas. 25c Enameled Ware, Window Shades,. Wall Paper, per roll, BIG lot of NEW HOME S< They are by far the BEST M^ cannot live long enough to we We've been selling them here L. J.~~P any, but we have ild want to wear * ^xt week we are j in Man's "Readyr - $4.98 : - 3.85 1 iular Prices zen pairs of Men s I it and Gunmetal pers for 98c. Quality Reigns" | " LIQUS? NO! STOP! K AND SALIVATES Ilere'a my guarantee?Cio to any drug store and get a 50 cent Imttle of I>odson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and it it doesn't straighten you right tip and ntake you feel line and vigorous I want you to go hack to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because ^ it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or ' make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your liowels of that sour bile and constipate waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable, i guarantee that a laittlc of Hudson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling tine for months. Live it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. 3E FOR WOMEN unit, Distinction uuh (Tljarartrr luences. ' _ " _ *'?"~lTiwl urroundings. f JjflM nt-body. ' *?& ' of Music. irt, Expression and inner Goods, I jgardless of Cost. >, Etc., - 7 l-2c I 10c I 15c I 10c I 25c I ~ at $1.75 _ $5.90 I 50c 50c to $3.25 10 to lfc 25 to 50c 5c to 10c swintf Machines just arrived. lCHINES on the market. Yt u ar out a New Home Machine, for 30 years. vlassey.