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fjHJtST/. **> . Je$y" '" * * ' The Fort Mill Times. Established in 1891. FORT MILL, S. C.. THURSDAY. JULY 22 ims = ~ SI.25 Per Year. YORK FMMERS TO fliVE BIO PICNIC 4T EBENEZER I An event of great interest to all farmers in York county is the picnic the farmers are going to give the members of the Rock Hill chamber of commerce and their families Friday, July 30. The locotion decided on for the i picnic is the grove just back of the residence of T. A. Barron, j in iLDenezer. Much enthusiasm is being manifested by the committees in charge of the event, and it is believed that a vast throng of people will be in attendance, j Those in charge desire it to be known that they want every farmer in York county to be on hand with a la/ge and well-filled basket. This is not to be a "stag picnic," but every farmer is expected to bring his family and all members of the chamber of commerce are expected to be ac compamea by tneir iamines. Among the prominent men who have accepted the invitation to be present and make addresses are President Harrison of the Southern Railway, Senator E. D. Smith, L. A. Niven, editor of Southern Farming; D. R. Coker of Hartsville, and Congressman D. E. Finley. These gentlemen will not make long, summer-time political speeches, but 20-minute addresses on topics of interest to both farmers and townspeople.. Big Slump in Tag Tax. The fertilizer tag tax for the year ending June 30, 1915, was $155,859.76, more than one hundred thousand dollars less than the amount collected during the year ending June 30, 1914. This final report was made-by * the president of Clemson College to the recent meeting of the board of trustees. President Riggs stated that the tax had fallen to such a low amount that it was due only to a surplus of $67,192,84 from the year before that the college was able to get through the year without borrowing money. mi # . ? i .i ine iertuizer tax ana tne balance on hand at the beginning of the year together amounted to approximately $223,000 and with this sum, together with the amount received from other sources, the college was able, with the strictest economy and curtailment of expense, to get through the year without borrowing. War to End in October? The German Emperor, according to the London Times, in a speech to a deputation of bankers who had insisted on an interview to point out the financial difficulties of the situation and grage risks attending the pursuance of the campaign through another winter, stated that the war would end in October. The banks are alleged to have declared even if the war were brought to an end immediately and an indemnity obtained, Germany's position would be difficult, but that if the war Agere prolonged the German Empire would become utterly bankrupt. .Remarkable Record of Southern. ** 1.1 a. 1 - t 11 iuuic vuuii sixteen ana a nan million passengers ? a number greater than the combined population of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, * Tennessee and Kentucky?were transported by Southern Railway during the year ended June 30 with only one fatal injury to a passenger while on a train and that one was standing on a car platform in direct violation of tto company's rules. Off to Encampment. < Company G of the First regiment, N. G. S. C., left this city cany luesuay murmug ui*on a special train for the Isle of ^ Palms, Charleston, where for f the next ten days with other [ companies comprising the First regiment it will participate in the maneuvers at the annual \ encampment. There were 55 ^ men in ranks and the company ? was under command of Capt. i S. VV. Parks, First Lieutenant J. M. White and Second Lieuten- 1 ant R. A. Fulp. The Rock Hill i company joined the local coin- 1 pany in Rock Hill and other 1 companies making up the com- i plement of the First regiment boarded the snecial train at. various points. c Lieutenant George Potts ac- i companied the local company, ^ having been assigned to the > Winnsboro company during the 1 encampment. 1 Company G is expected to return to Fort Mill the morning 01 Saturday, July 31, the 10-day 1 period ol' instruction being ex- ' elusive of the time consumed in ' transit. ( Dry in Texas. t Mr. Thos. D. Faulkner of this city, is in receipt of a letter from his nephew, Mr. J. F. Faulkner ; of Eddy, Texas, in which the * latter states that there has been ' no rain in the section around ' Eddy for a number of weeks. * Mr. Faulkner adds that the ^ weather .there is dry and hot; that the corn crop is light, but that the acreage is about double that of last year and the yield will be about normal. The acreage to cotton is about 25 per cent less than last year. He says that the farmers of his ' section have "worlds" of feedCl t . fV OtUlL. Mr. Faulkner was a visitor to ( Fort Mill some weeks a^o. , Thaw Gains Freedom. Supreme Court Justice Hen- ( drick, of New York, on Friday upheld the decision of the jury [ which declared Harry K. Thaw ] sane. Thaw was then tfiven his freedom on $35,000 bail. As scon as Justice Hendrick ( announced his decision, counsel 5 for the State be^an an argument * on appeal. The State immediately served { no ice of apj e il and Justice ( Hendrick put Thaw under bail to insure his presence at future piu^ccuiu^o. n ouicij ^um^jany j was ready to give the bond and 1 Thaw was taken from the court ; house to the judge's chambers I so details might be arranged. < . ? . j Baby With Two Heads. i The body of a baby with two j perfectly formed heads was . brought to Charleston yesterdav | to be embalmed for preservation The child was born in the interior and brought here by a physician from the vicinity. It ] was taken to the South Caro- ' lina Medical college laboratory, where it wid be embalmed. It 5 is stated that the baby had two s perfectly shaped heads and ' necks, which joined the body as in normal cases, and that the re- < mainder of the body was perfect. 1 The body weighs about nine and ] a half pounds. -News & Courier, i ' Why Be Neutral? If you favor war, dig a trench ( in your back yard, fill it half full j of water, crawl into it, and stay there for a day or two without i anything to eat, get a lunatic to shoot at you with a brace of i revolvers and a machine gun, ; and you will have something just as good, and you will save ] your country a great deal of expense. -Appeal to Reason. 1 >TATE NEWS ARRANGED FOR QUICK READING. Hob Dobson, a Spartanburg vhite man serving a sentence 'or burglary, lias been paroled >y Governar Manning. A legal test is soon to be made; li Quo id n?il\in?ir 4 r\ /Lit ; ;ne power 01 establishing city courts was established in a derision handed down by the supreme court in the case of the rity of Greenville vs. William j Poster, decided last Thursday. Governor Manning: is in receipt if a circular from Pennsylvania | isking his aid in locating: James jlass, a four-year-old boy, lost from his home in Greeley, Pike County,? Pa. A $500 reward: (with no questions asked) is ifTered for the boy's location. Spartanburg farmers have already marketed about 5,000 bushels of wheat, estimated as j about one-sixth the total which the county will produce. This crop is one-third to one-half greater than last year's crop in the county. Instead of receiving from 75 cents to 1M) cents a. bushel as last year, the farmers ire getting from $1 to $1.12 a bushel. Attempt to Kurder Leo Frank. Saturday night near the midnight hour William Creen, a life term prisoner at the < ieorgia State prison farm, made an attempt to murder Leo M. Frank, serving a life term for the murder of 14-year-old Alary Phagan. Creen and Frank were occupying the same room and about midnight Creen secured a butcher knife and stealing up to Frank's bed plunged the knife into the sleeping man's neck. The left jugular vein was severed, but the windpipe escaped injury as did the spinal cord. Frank was immediately moved to the prison hospital, where physicians soon 3ewed up the gash and stopped the flow of blood. Late reports say mat the wounded man has I a f'.g iting chance for recovery. Creen stated that he ws solely responsible for the attempt on Frank's life; that no one else had anything to do with it. ? k;j/cn iiuiuu i ^ iv? uvtivi mint vhether it is a violation of the | State law to playgolf-on Sunday. ' Coroner R. F. Spencer of Chertee county, died Saturday mornng after several weeks' illness. ! de was (58 years of age and had j leld the office of coroner for ibout two years. Samuel Kemerlin, a member i >f the Edisto Rifles, Second regiment N, (1. S. C., was killed by J i train at Cameron Friday night fchile returning to his home from he encampment at Greenville, de was 2S years of age. The Iowa Firemen's association has offered to pay the Swamp Fox Hose cbmpany of Marion, j ?1,000 to bring its wagon and lorses to Iowa City, la., for the ircman's tournament to be held there this week. Former Governor Blease has iccepted an invitation to address he conference of governors to be held at Boston next month, (lis subject will he "Duty of the Phief Executives in Dealing With Prisoners." Governor Manning has been lotified by W. S. Benson, acting secretary of the navy, that iivisions of the South Carolina laval militia, having complied ,vith law, will participate in the innual allotment of federal funds J for the fiscal year 1D1G. That the legislature of South j Carolina has the constitutional, -ight to delegate to city councils York County News Items. (Yorkville Enquirer.) Dr. M. J. Walker, registrar of births and deaths for the town (Yorkville) reports the occurrence of two deaths and seven births during the month of June. Four births were to white parents and three to colored, while one of the deceased persons was white and the other colored. Acting upon the recommendation* of the York county delegation in the Legislature, whose choice was made public through the columns of The Knouirer n few days ago, Governor Manning j has appointed Mr. D. T. Woods of this place, a member of the county hoard of registration, to succeed the late R. M. Wallace. York county has made more progress educationally during the past twenty years than has any other county in the State. This, of course, does not mean that York county has accomplished anything like what she should have accomplished. But nevertheless, York county under most excellent leadership is steadily moving forward. At its final presentment at the April term of. court, the grand jury cited Supervisor Boyd to snow cause why he had not complied with a recommendation in the 1913 presentment of that body to the effect that he make provision for the proper education of the McMackin children, who are inmates of the county home. In his return last Wednesday the supervisor set forth that the grand jury was mistaken in thinking that it had given such instructions in its 1913 report. He went on. however, to show that he had done everything in his power in behalf of these unfortuate children. ?00000000@?<2)0< 1 ?-4-'^ . I 11 S IU< Come in and let g Wear Garments. Nice lot of House Dresse ? New lot of White Wash Woolen Skirts in Cream Q5 only $2.98. ?5 Other Skirts in Serges, P ? Ladies' and Children's IV only 50c snd $1. a Cnildren's Dresses in wh 5S Boys' "Oliver Twist'' Suil (?5 Boys' White Blouse Suits w Call on us for anything i 1 s ?We still have a few Men PRICE. Just think of buy for onlv Half Price! C ome fc* be sold, as we mast have r< famous "Star Brand" and y 1 Cal1 on us for a ^ ware or f urniture. ^ thing you may nee | Mills & 1 "Buy < it THE ENORMOUS COST I OF MAKING A PAPER ' At a dinner given in honor of s Charles R. Miller, editor of The New York Times, who has been c connected with thnt nnhlir?nfinn ? ? c for 40 years, Adolph Ochs, the j publisher and principal owner of , The Times, gave some surprising i figures as to the expense of \ making a great newspaper. c "We must earn $75,(XX) every t week," he said, "before there c is a cent for the owners and 40 | per cent of this amount goes for ^ salaries and wages. We are consuming over 500 tons of white i paper every week, and about a * ton of printers ink a day." The Times gets out seven . issues a week. That means an \ average production cost of a little more tuan $10,714 a day or J $3,900,000 a year. Mr. Carnegie j once described the steel business j as being either a prince or a;i pauper. The designation is as j fitting to the newspaper. In no J great line of endeavor is success 1 so dependent upon one dominant j mind. When Mr. Ochs purchased The Times the paper had sunk to so low a state that one of the other New York news- , papers, in commenting on the ] sale, remarked that Mr. Miller ^ was sold with the rest of the ( junk. Within 20 years it has ( risen to rank with the foremost v daily publications of the world < and various of its prosperous ] neighbors of two decades ago t have dropped back in circulation and in financial worth. < Speaking of newspaper costs brings to attention a paragraph ' printed in The Campellsville, r 90? 0? 0?000000C . U-x x. j nui u : us show you our 1 s, made of Amoskeag Gingham, Skirts, made of good Suiting, onl Serge with black Stripe, a special oplins, Etc., at $2.75 to $4.50. liddy Blouses, made of good i lite and colors, 50c and $1.00. ts, sizes 2 to 6, only 25 cents the t, sizes 2 to 6, only 50 cents the s n Ready-to-Wear Goods. PECIAL s and Boys' Low Cut Shoes tha iny a oair of oonrl ".Star Rranrl' ' : and get yours before they are al )om for our f all Shoes, which v\ ou know "Star Brand Shoes are E % nything in Dry Goods, In fact, we can furn id. Young( and Sell Everytl Cv\, News-Journal, which the ditor published as having been eceived by "an editor," preumably the one of The Newsfournal. It read as follows: "Please send me a few copies ?f the paper containing the >bituary of my aunt. Also pubish the enclosed clipping of the Marriage of my niece, who lives n Lebanon. And I wish you ?:? ? iuuiu inrilllUII in yuur local olumn, if it don't cost anyhing, that I have two bull :alves for sale. As my subscription is out, please stop my japer. Times are too bad to vaste money on newspapers." The letter may be genuine or t may be the satirical proiuction of a newspaper maker jut, who ever the author, it represents admirably the mental ittitude of a vast number of Dersons toward the newspaper. The average man or woman hinks the charge for an adverisement, no matter what it may 3e, is too high. The generul idea s that the newspaper has to fill ts columns and that any one who lelps in any manner in the filling s doing a favor to the editor. fo the country editor the colection of subscriptions is the jane of his life. Soldier Boys Reach Charleston. Charleston Tuesday afternoon welcomed 800 members of the First regiment, N. G. S. C.f ,vhich reached that city, under :ommand of Col. E. M. Blythe, >n three special trains from the ipeountry. The citizen-soldiery ;mbarked at once for the Isle of Palms, where they will remain mcamped ten days. A harbor excursion and field lay exercises for the men and a jamjuet for the officers are a part of the programme for the mtertainment of the guardsnen. ) Sew. I ine of Ready-to- ? fr?r" r?r?lvr 5 1 fMP V-. " y $ 1.00. * that we are running at X Suiting and Galatea, for 09 suit. X t we are selling at HALF ihoes, or Excelsior Shoes, 09 II gone. Every pair must Jc re can give you in the a better." ^ , Groceries, Hard- @ ish you with any- ? "omp'y I ling." 1