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PAY WAY THROUGH COLLEGE Large Percentage of Young Women at Oberlin Are Practically Dependent on Own Resources. The special committee in charge of loans to students in Oberlin college reports that a very significant percentage of the young women enrolled in various departments of the institution depend either entirely or *in part upon their nrrn resources for their college education. There arc about- four hundred young women registered in the college of arts and sciences who returned answers. Of the 80 women classed as wholly or partly self-supporting, seven are working for all of their room and board; 14 for part. The price for room, board, heat and light paid by those who are working for part, averages approximately $2. The cost to those who paid all in money is practically double this amount. It is significant that only one student reports that she is lioarding herself, and one that she is preparing the lighter meals. Thirty-seven have borrowed money; 3G are earning money while studying; f?7 arc using or have used money earned and saved. The industries reported are: School-teaching, 40; housework, 18; office work. 11; with a scattering distributed among canvassing, nursing, teaching music, artist, market gardening. library assistant, post otfiee assistant, playground work, seamstress and curio saleswoman. ODD ANIMAL ON EXHIBITION National Museum at Washington Has a Prize in Its Recently Aoquired Gerenuk. The National museum at Washington has put on exhibition a mounted gerenuk. This animal was secured in British East Africa by the Smithsonian African expedition of 11)09-10, under the direction of Colonel Roosevelt, and is the first specimen of this odd gazelle to be exhibited in the collection of the museum. lu appearance the gerenuk is a peculiar mammal, resembling an antelope, and yet having such a long neck and such long, thin legs aR to cause the layman to believe it must be related to the giraffe. However, it is a gazelle, scientifically termed it.. T 111 * ... me uunocranius waileri, or Waller's gazelle. The l>ody and head arc like those of a gazelle, hut the legs and nock are greatly elongated. Its natural hahitat is in British East Africa. In the hook. "Life Histories of African (lame Animals," issued by Colonel Roosevelt and Edmund 1 Teller, it is said that this animal is universally distributed in the region north of the Tana river and throughout Somaliland, where it is well known to every traveler. KEEPING WIFEY DRESSED. "Money isn't everything." "No; there are ways of getting along. Take my ease, for instance. I married into a family where there is a dressmaker. You have no idea what a help that is." BAD HABIT. "My little son began writing poetry when he was very young," said the proud mother. "Well, why didn't you punish him then for it?" was the neighl>or's only reply. ( THEIR HOPE. "I see where Great Britain has i put a Fisher at the head of the ! < navy." j "Yes; I suppose she thinks it if time for it to make a good eateh." DOWN ON HIM. Betty?I noticed you didn't even j rise when Borely entered. Netty?Oh, f can't stand for him under any circumstances!?Judge. TACT. "They tell mc you think liard of me." "Well, since you ask mo, I must say I do think you arc a brick." CUT OFF. "I understand Bodies is connected with some of the best families." "He was until recently. They severed the connection " 1 THblR SORT. "Coronation robes are generally magnificent affairs." | "Yea, and they're only reign coats, after alt* '! 0 ECONOMIC SYSTEM TO 8LAME That So Many People Need Hospital Treatment Is a Result of Unwise Ordering of Things. We are very proud of our hospitals, but we must not be blind to their shortcomings. Nor must we bo blind to the fact that there are altoi. ' ' * j^vnici iw fiiHiiy people in nospiraiS. That, of course, is largely flue to rrur had economic and industrial systems. Bad housing, preventable occupational diseases, alcoholism and many other opprobria of the present social order acco'nnt for many of our sins against the laws of health. The hospital itself often falls short with respect to the care of venereal eases, the insanities, decent privacy, the social service spirit, the spirit of charity, in the ease of those for whom the hospital receives no pay from the city or relatives, the segregation of I'll ilrl ri?tt linforo if .? r* iwi,. UUIIIICS^IV'II 111 I III' wards until the incubation periods of the infectious diseases arc passed, the care of contagious eases when they do develop, considerate and humane reception and tactful, kindly and private interrogation of applicants, the character and pay of orderly sendee, and ' on many other counts. Keallv we are still in the dark apes with respect to the hospital. Hid every year sees a nearer approach to what should he. and the ideals are not lost sight of by anyone.?Medical Times. HIS PREFERENCE. Kankin (in art gallery)?Do you like still life? 1'hyle?Not particularly; I'll take the movies for mine.?Voungstown i cic^ro 111. THE REASON. "Your flias such a winning personality." Yos; that islhe reason you don't want t'tplav poker with him often." Taking the Steps to * Do it today bring ME MILLAR / it will open you a savings where it will earn 4 per cent in Then make it a duty to save : ings or spending money regula and by the time you have read: tidy liitle sum ready for use. , And, better still, ytu will ha\ of saving money. No one can i learned to conserve his resource Take the first step toward sr w ith us today. Savings Bank BUILD While the bu and the savi If you contemplate the erecti barn, or outhouse, or the remc present buildings, DO IT NOV if you act at once, for you can now than you can possibly do i 30 or t>0 days, we verily believe have passed. Labor will bec< Buildimr Material market is alt know say that prices will be ba We will supply you at: close fig nish you estimates on what yoi Take advantage of conditions Build Fort Mill I PHon< - - - - - /- : ; - W. FICKLE SUMMER MAID | I Howe?Man at the seashore discovered diamonds in the surf. Hid you ever discover any jewels when you were there? Wise?1 thought I discovered a jewel last summer, hut nftpr she iilt account in this strong bank tcrest, compounded quarterly, a small portion of your earn- I rly and put it in this bank, ed manhood, you will have a i ' X I ,e learned the valuable lesson t (iiJme a success until he has s. * ccess by opening an account m of Fort Mill. _ i NOW! lilding's good ng is great. i un ui ri new norne, tenement, )deling or repairing of your V. You will be the winner do the work cheaper right it a little later. If you wait j the golden opportunity will lme higher, the Lumber and ieady firmer, and people who ick to normal in a short while, ures and will cheerfully furir work will require. * and Now. i .umber Co. e 72. * < <1 me 1 came to the conclusion that she was only an imitation. A FAIR AVERAGE. "Poos your wife believe all you tell her?" "No; hut wo have an amicable! working basis. She accepts about j <>0 per cent of it at par."?Louisville i Courier-Journal. SEEING AMERICA THIRST. "The distillery was burned to the ground." "Didn't they save anything?" "Yes; they snatched a'few brands from the burning. ? Philadelphia Enquirer. ! j REAL OFFENSE. Blondinc?Doesn't Chester Bullion get on your nerves when you * dance with him? Brunette?Yes, but 1 could for- j give him if he would keep otT mv < feet. | ] r j| War Proof In I . (The Financial > | With restless nights attending fj lative securities, the holder of < tj Mortgages sleeps soundly in (security is aud .always will reraa terest generally paid promptly i what the Fates of War may hoi ligerenta: Particularly does the farm lo; rior worth during times of gn The beat security on ci the earth itself. The real estate mortgage r high grade, approved, seasoned earth and its fullness; the kind and throw the investor into a fit comes out. I It is based on values of land \ hancing, adding additional secui I At present the leading life ins own nearly $500,000,000 of farn losses have been practically nil. of other investments have been late years. -OThe Union Central has con tint average rate of interest on its ir for 47 years been managed in th surance at the lowest net cost. Iat your age, call on or write to? BAILES Mo. 9941 REPORT OF THE CO THE FIRST NATIONAL Bi [n the State of South Carolina, at the clise RESOURC1 Loans and discounts (notes held in bank) .. Dverdrafts, secured $ ; unsecured $4.2E LI. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation subscription to stock of Federal Reserve b Less aniouut unpaid banking house ($? ? ); furniture and fixtur 3ue l'rom Federal Reserve bank Due from approved reserve agents in Nt St I -onia Duo from banks and bankers (other than ii Checks on banks in the same city or town a Dutside checks and other cash items fractional currency, nickels, and cents,... "Jotes of other national banks. lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certificates Legal-tender notes . -tedemptiorf fund with U. S. Treasurer (not of circulation) Total 9 LIABILITI Capital stock paid in Surplus fund, Jndivided profits, Less current expenses, interest and taxes Circulating notes . Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 ( Cashier's checks outstanding tediscounts with Federal Reserve bank Total sTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA -County c I, T. B. Spratt, Cashier of the above-ni he above statement is true to the best of m subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd W Correct?Attest: W. B. Ardrey, J. B. Mi VERY LOW RATE: Panama Pacific SAN FRANCISCO, < Opened February 20th, Closes Panama-Califor SAN DIEGO, CA1 Opened January 1st, 1915, Cloi VIA Southern 1 Premier Carrier ol Tickets on sale daily and limite Good Roing via one route and rel Stop-overs allowed. Kr*a Trip Fun Columbia, S. C .$82.46.. Charleston, S. C. 86.15.. Orangeburg, S. C 82.16, _ Sumter, S. C 84.15 Camden, S. C. 84.14 Aiken, S. C 79.15.. Chester, S. C. 82.90.. Rock Hill, S. C._ 82.90.. Spartanburg, S. C . 81.50. Greenville, S. C 80.00.. Greenwood, S. C 79.20.. Newberry, S, C. 81.10.. Proportionately low rates from other trip rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portland, many other western points. Full information regarding the varioi schednles, etc., gladly furnished. Alsc request. Let us help you plan your tri| Why pay tourist agencies, when our i S. H. McLEAN, Division Pass. W. H. Tayloe, P. T. M., H. F. Cary, G. Washington, D.C. Washington, wwrcsjSfr- -t -v-^ ,--i, v .; .-*.v * >- AS-"; -v,C vestments. T Vorld.) Aj r the investor in specuGood Real Estate are A_ 1 i I. - ^oi? mc cuuvicuun tnac nis "" in sound, and his inter- 0Uq it maturity no matter d in sto*e for the be- $76 , tat in emphasize its supe- _ ?at financial upheaval. irth is considered of 1 tati bej epresents the strictly tra security based on the une that won't turn pale pet every time a war extra in 1 1 vhich are steadily en- are ity from year to year. unc urance companies alone i mortgages and their con whereas the shrinkage disj very heavy during the C inv sur we che ?????? holi lously since the date of its orj ?ve3tments than any other life ie interest of its policy-holders. For pi oof of^these assertions ai & LINK, Distric FORT MILL, - - - S. C. ND1TION OF \NK, AT FORT MILL, of business, June 30, 1915. ES. $ 91,754 57 >; __ 4 25 (par value) 25,000 00 >ank$l, 800.00 900.00 $900.00 900 00 es_. 2,475 00 2,422 63 >w York, Chicago, and 463 52 icluded in 8 or 9) 2,460 37 s reporting bank 32 60 $252.53 160.63 413 16 254 00 1,687 00 3,000 00 more than 5 per cent 1,250.00 $132,117 10 ES. .A $ 25,000 00 5,000 00 18,886.47 paid 2,555.56 830 91 25,000 00 $57,525.38 lays 6,939.42 76.59 64,541.39 11,744 80 . . $132,117 10 i >f York, 88: ^ imed bank, do solemnly swear that t ly knowledge and belief. , T. B. SPRATT. Cashier, day of July, 1915. 1 '. B. MEACHAM, Notary Public, ills, J. L. Spratt, Directors. j _ I 1 5 account : Exposition, :alifornia. i December 4th, 1915* 'nia Expos'n JFORNIA. tea December 31st 1915. Railway, F the South. d 90 days for returning. -urninf? via another. a One wjj fit P*rtUa4, Ortpn V $104.24 fc 106.85 104.79 y 105.66 J] 105.06 102.45 102.32 a 102.32 v 101.00 r - 101.00 v 101.00 102.81 points. Also very low roundOre.; Vancouver. B. C., and is routes, points of interest, > descriptive literature upon p. E services are free? Address Aprt., Columbia, S. C. P.A., W. E. McGee, A.G.P.A 1 D.G. Columbia. S. C. J ? The Investments of | he Union Central I Life Insurance Company i i in first mortgage loajis'on. . . m lands distributed through- f fVtO TT^t fori I KUV Ulllttu kJiaiCf. ?hese loans as shown in the t annual report amount to ? ',484,480 secured by real es- * e worth $278,000,000. Safety First. 'he published statements of various State Departments Insurance which are authoriive and impartial demonstrate rond question that Union Cenl policyholders are receiving excelled insurance at a lower OAof f Urt ** *1- ? ' ' 1 * 1 mull me poucynoiaers vf my other company. Cost Second. 'he policies of the Company liberal and simple; you can lerstand them as well as your yer. The amount of the icy is paid to YOU if you bele totally and permanently ibled by accident or disease, lonsider well these facts and estimate before taking inance in any other company; are at your service and will erfully refer you toourpolicyders for their verdict. ionization realized a higher insurance company. It has and offers today the best innd for memorandum of cost t Agents, MAKE YOUR OWN! PAINT J WzM VOl> will SAVE frffsects. PER GAL. KAj THIS IS HOW /Buy 4 gals. L.C&M. SemiMixed Real Paint $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it at estimated cost of 2.40 Makes 7 gals. Paint for $ 10.80 It's only $1.54 per gal. The L.& M. SEMI-MIXED Dr AT D*varr - . mm ?riiHt. WHITE LEAD, ZINC and UNSEED Oil.-the bent known paint materials for lOO years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint * made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bailee. Fort Mill ^ Luther Hdw. Co.. Columbia W. W.'Coojjier & Son, Cheater J. W. Copeland Co.. Clinton J. D Wood. Grier Clean 'Em Why not have that last Sum-' Tier's suit cleaned and pressed? We call for and deliver goods in own on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special atentiou. - Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed 40c to $1.25 Joys " 25c " $1.00 adies' " " " " - - 50c up Palace BarberShop vi> rfu m TALK IS CHEAP ,nd is alright in its place, but it yon't run the furnace nor bake read. If you have hot air in our house or oven, it must be iroduced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard nd Soft Coal and our prices are /ay down. Phone orders to 72. *luick delivery. 4 Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, '.stimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 ElECTBIC _ Ss?' BITTEftS