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THE FORT iuILL TIMES. Democratic ? Published Thursdays. . . 15. W - - TiUliuj AIIU I IU?>IIC?V? . Ina-caiPTinN Hatfh: y Onn Year *1.28 Sir Month* .... .... The Time* invite*contributions on livesuhjectr but -loo* not airroe to publish more than 200 words an any subject. The right is reserved to edit t avsrv communication sr.bmitted for publication. On aoDllcatlon to the publisher, advertising > rate* ar" made known to those interested, e.tenhone toeal and lone distance. No. 112. Entered at the nostolllce at Kort Mill. S. C.. ns mall matter of the second cluss. THURSDAY. JULY 15, 1915. Why We Missed. It is generally known locally why The Times failed to appear last week, but for the benefit of our readers at a distance it may he stated that the publisher of the paper was sick a-bed for four days, and as we haven't an assistant to take up the various duties which fall the part of the publisher, it was impossible to irot the paper out. We trust that such a condition will not pass this way soon again. What some people call principle is nothing hut opinion held with a good deal of self-conceit. Bad habits begin with all the softness of a cobweb, but they | attain the strength and un-1 bieakableness of a massive chain. What a lot of trouble and scandal would be avoided in this life if fewer family affairs were told across the fence to the, neighbors. It is rathe? incongruous to! er? ct a costly monument over the remains of a ten-cent husband. hut perhaps it is out of gratitude for a timely deliverance. If you are doing something goon ior your town uon i imagine that you are doing everything. There are others who are also putting their shoulders to the wheel and doing their j>art. It is popularly sup|>osed that some nations have mole courage than others, but in the present conflict each of the wairing nations has shown equal courage and the tenacity and porseverence of each has been no less marked. This country, mure than any other country perhaps, is founded upon the common people, and it is to them it must look for the conduct of affairs, ar.d for the stability and permanence of its j institutions. This demands that1 the people be intelligent, educated and well balancad. It is therefore reassuring that every year thousands of well trained and educated young people are graduated from the high schools and colleges of the land to enter - .. upon life's duties and prepare ihomaolt/pr tr? in t im?> t'lto tVin place of their elders in business, politics and other walks of life. When some celebration is-to' take place in a town, a church be built, a free library to be established, or some new enterprise started, the business inen of the place are always looked to for financial help, and they1 invariably give it. Whoever heard of a mail order house doing it or contributing in any way to the upbuilding of the place? All they care about is to take as much money out of it as possible and give nothing back beyond the goods sold. That is something patrons of those houses ought to think over and act accordingly, but usually folks j that habitually buy of mail or-i i I der houses care little a3 to whether their home town sinks or swims so long as they think they can buy of such houses an , article a fraction of a cent less: than they can buy of their home merchant. Two women were charged in a municipal court with theft. One was-a little .nasi middle a?e mid her crime was the stealing of $6 worth of finery. It was her first offense but she received a sentence of four months in the county jail. The other woman, young and beautiful, was charged with obtaining $40 from thelocal bank under false pretenses. It was not her first offense by any means; in fact she was wanted in other cities for the same offense. But an exemption was made in her favor, in that she was enabled to appear through her attorney and not in person. She received a sentence of eleven months but was paroled to a county institution for a small ur/iol/lu cnm A n/i irof if- ie coi^ ?? v v?\i j uuiu. rxuu j vt it 10 poivi the law is no respecter of persons and that all are equal before the law. That is true in theory but not always in practice. When one is young and pretty as a woman, or, if a man, has influential friends, justice sometimes has one eye closed instead of seeing openly and impartially, and favor is shown. Railroad Crossing Accidents. Mr. Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern Railway Company, has had printed for distribution amonir the neonle throughout the territory of the Southern's lines, a placard giving warning of the danger constantly to be encountered at the grade crossing. Mr. Harrison has compiled a list of iccidents occuring td automobiles at grade crossings during the year ended June 30, and the result ought to make the public- take pause. In Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Tennessee and Virginia there were 09 grade crossing accidents, North Carolina leading with 27. Twelve people were killed. 58 were injured and 69 machines were demolished. Largest Crop Ever Produced. The United States cotton crop for 1914, the largest ever produced reached 16,134,930 equivalent 500 "pound bales, according to the government's final census report, announced Thursday. in addition. the linters amounted to 791,464 bales. Texas produced more than one-fouth the crop, Georgia onesixth 2,718.037 bales. These States with Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Mississippi produced more than four-fifths of the entire crop. South Carolina's total was 1.533,810 bales, and Mississippi 1,245,535. Ellis county Texas, was the banner cotton county with 134,714 bales. Their Salaries Reduced. The postoftice department at Washington has just announced its annual re-adjustment of salaries. In seven cases salaries have been decreased, while in twenty-three others they have been raised. An increase in the salary of the postmaster means the business of the office has been increased during the year. A decrease in salary means that the business of that office has decreased during the year. Two York county offices, Rock Hill and Fort Mill, suffered a decrease in salary. The pest- | master at Rock Hill received $2,700 la^t year and will be paid only $2,000 this year. Fort Mill's postmaster received a salary of $1',400 last year and will receive only $1,300 during the present year. The salary of the postmaster at Blacksburg has been reduced from $1,200 to $1,100. ? Yorkville Enquirer. J The best price offered for cotton on the local market today is 81-2 cents. * W MRS. MEEK. Mrs. Gotham?I met Mr. Meek and his wife on the street today. Mr. Gotham? Oh, did you? Meek is clever, isn't he? "Clevei ? Whv, he never opened hi? mou\h!" "That's why he's clever." 4 ' THE REASON WHY, "'Ow did ver git that Wack eye, Pnt" ~ J "Oi slipped and fell on me back.' ''Hut yer faee ain't on yer back." "No, nayther was Flannigan." A CASE IN POINT. "Do yon believe in heredity?" "I certainly do. 'Pake those Wright brothers, aviators: their father was a sky pilot, wasn't he?"?Boston Evening Transcript. PROVIDING. "Do von believe in love in a cottage?" "Oh, yes, if the cottage is a tenthousand-dollar one in a fashionable suburb." CORRECT COUNT. "Why did the ladies of old give their suitors their gloves?" "Because then they could tell what L-nitrMa I.O.I 1 1 " tV" " "" !?? ? . ' I YVomans College Affords complete advantages for its students for lives of fullest efficiency and responsibility. ' Equipment, faculty, courses of ^ study, and cultural influences are entirely in harmony with presentday requirements. I I Administration, instruction and dor- ' mttory building8 equipped along the most modern lines, for convenient, 1 1 comfortable life uud efficient work. Entrance reqairrmenU upon 14-anit ktiii. R 1 I High standard courses leading to li. A., I I, II II I , li it M A ? ! I < I.nn?uAKOs. Sctenws. Practical training! n DomesticScience. BoaincaaCanra*. I leading todlplOUlU. 1 | Thorough courses leading to diplo- I ? inns InCoaacrrataryaf Mane, departments |B , (if Art, Eiprtuim, PhrucilCiNirc, Kindcrfar- | ten. Normal Training Coaraa. Ill This Institution aims to afford ill a | best educations I ml vantages obt^^ua Me 91 I at H llllultnum cost. Far Catalogue addreit DAVID M. RAMSAY. D. D.. Pre*. 9 1 Grrtavllle, S. C. 1 1 CALOMEL WHEN BIL MAKES YOU SICK MD?dson's Liver Tone" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish liver and Bowels. ! I Ugll! cniomci make* you sick. It's f horrible! 'lake a dose of the dangerous i drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose i a day'a work. t Calomel is tgercury or ouicksilver r which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it cornea into contact withaaour Idle crashes into it, breaking | it up. Tliin is when you feci that awful t nausea and cramping. If you arc slug- ^ pish anil "all knocked out," if your i liver is torpid and liowols constipated n or you have headache, diudnees, 'coated \ tongue, if breath is l>a?l or stomach sour, i just try a B|sM?nful of harmless Dodaon's | Liver Tone tonight ou uiy guarantee. j Now is A Good 7 Do your Painting no I too hot. LINSEED Paint may be highe complete stock of N1 ity kind) and PENIN prices are RIGHT. Parks Drug Huyler'a Chocolate III' I !! PTW Is the helpless plea that has ^ VI a U1 lill^'UICU Ma If you take advantage of the going to offer you, beginnin; Saturday Night, July been materially reduced, ma est values we have ever offe Men: 50 pairs of the famous Rals price $4.00, our price dur 40 pairs of the celebrated F< ular price $3.50, sale prio Ladies' 37 pairs Pat. Pumps, beautil 24 pairs of Pretty Tan Pum 12 pairs of Button Tan Oxfi 1 2 pairs Pretty Gun Meta! f 48 pairs Pretty Lace and Str 24 pairs White Canvas Pun 12 pairs of White Nu Buck Listen: We are going of Irving Drew Oxfords, reg Other big bargains in Cf Slippers. Come look over t KIMBRE CITATION. Slate of South Carolina, York County. 3y L. R. Williams, Esquire, Prohate Judge of York County. Whereas J. B. Erwin hus applied to tie for Letters of Administration, on ill and singular, the goods and chattels, lights and eredits of J. W. Erwin, ate of the county aforesaid, deceased. These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all an 1 singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to lie and appear before rr.e at our next Probate Court for the rfaid County, to :ie holdcn at York Court House on the Hh day of July, to shew cause, if any, why the saici Administration should lot be granted. Given undi r my Hand and Seal, this 24th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and in the lH9th year of American Independence, L. R. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge of York county _ I0US7-N0! STOP! [ AND SALIVATES ( Here's iny guarantee?Go to any drug itore and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod- > ion's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and ' f it doesn't straighten you right up md make you feel fine and vigorous I vant you to go hack to the store and ' jet your money. Dod son's Liver Tone s destroying the sale of calomel because t iB real liver medicine: entirely vegeable, therefore it can not salivate or nake you sick. 1 guarantee that one spoonful of Dodion'8 Liver Tone will put your sluggish iver to work ami clean your bowels of hat Hour bile and constipated waste vhicb is clogging your system and makng you feel miserable. I guaranty that i liottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will teep your entire familv feel imp tine for nonttiH. (tivc it to your children. It ia larmhtta; doesn't gripe ami they like it >!ea?*iit taste. ime w, before the sun gets OIL is advancing and r by Fall. We have a EW ERA (Acme QualISULAR Paints, and our Company s and Bon Bona. ? - * "1- * * '?v* .+* < AS DRW been made by countless thousand: :ed mind. But you will ke No Mistak ; extraordinary Oxford E g Friday Morning, July 9th, 17th. The price of every Oxford my less than half-price, and you w ;red. s Ralston Oxfor< ton Oxfords, in tan, gun metal an ing Sale, only $2.44. dlowcraft Oxford, in tan, gun mete e only $1.98. Irvina HrAw v m m. jur jl v/ *T V/il Pul value at $3.50, Sale price only ps, regular price $3.^0, our Sale pr ords, special value at $3.25, price c 3umps, a dandy at $3,50. price du ap Oxfords, regular price $2.50, sal ips, sell for $2.50, during sale only Button Oxfords, a splendid bargai to offer also during this record-bn ular price $3.00, think of it, at onl} lildren's Barefoot Sandals and P hese handsome values. Prices are lus7 "Where Q CfflCOM COLLEGE A #tanhar2t taller of Hrftttrmrttl Q Christian Influent Home-like Surrot Sciences. Conservatory of f Business. An Ideal College For Catalogue ant j Address Columbia, OIJR ST AH The First National Bank calls < >f Condition at the close of busi ished by order of the Comptroll he information of its depositors Make OUR bank We pay 4 per cc FIRST NATIC* Free Co Introducing the AUTOP You are invited to attend every afternoon from I L. J. Masse If you enjoy good music, wonderful instrument, your feet whether you kn music or not. Times 'Advertising JBrii ' - ' y. , v .. ?BB? i I ! ? MM s of good men for the I ^ e I bargains that we are * , and continuing until mentioned below has ill find these the greatis. d Pat. leather, regulafr *1, kid, and Patent, reg:fords | $2.24. ice only $1.75. II"-' luring sale only $1.75. ring sale only $2.24. e price $1.75 and 1.98 $1.70 pair, n at only $1.98 pair, saking sale one big lot r 98c pair. disses' and Children's for Spot Cash. uality Reigns" | ^ FOR WOMEN t, Distinction anil <?i|arartrr indinga. I ,jjjl Arts | dusic. xprcssion and m for Women | Information rEMENT attention to its Statement ness on June 30th, publer of the Currency, for and the public. fOUK bank, interest. JAL BANK. i ncerts I ; Famous IANO. the Free Concerts 5 to 6 o'clock at ? 9 iy's Store. I come and hear this I You play it with ow anything about ugs Big Returns.