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i . 80UL MATERIAL HA8 ENTERED TrtE BANK VAULTS OF THE NATION. Tha Bank a Financial Power Houaa to the Community. By Peter Radford. One of the greatest opportunities fh the business life of the nation lies In practical co-operation of the country banks with the farmer in building agriculture and the adventure is laden with greater possibilities than any forward movement now before the American public. A few bankers have loaned money to farmers at a low rate of interest, and ofttimes without compensation, to buy blooded livestock, build silos, fertilize the land, secure better seed, hold their products for a betetr market price, etc. The banker in contributing toward improving the grade of livestock; the quality of the seed and the fertility of the soil, plants in the agricultural life of the community a fountain of profit, that, like Tenny on'g brook, runs on and on forever. Community Progress a Bank Asset. The time was when money loaned on such a basis would severely test the sanity of the banker; Buch transactions would pain the directors like a blow in the face. A cashier who would dare to cast bread upon waters that did not return buttered side up In time for annual dividends would have to give- way to a more capable man. This does not necessarily mean that the bankers are getting any better or that the milk of human klndnesss Is being imbibed more freely by our financiers. It indicates that the bankers are getting wiser, becoming more able financiers and the banking industry more competent. The vision of the builder is crowding out the spirit of the pawnbroker. A light has been turned on a new world of investment and no usurer ever received as large returns on the Investment as these progreaolifn hnebn-n n.krv A ~ lAAMn * /> Taking the community into partnership with the bauk, opening up a ledger account with progress, making thrift and enterprise stockholders and the prosperity of the country an asset to the bank, put behind It stability far more desirable than a letterhead bearing the names of all the distinguished citizens of the community. The bank is the financial power house of the community and blessed is the locality that has an up-to-date banker. POLITICAL PRAYER MEETINGS It is a sad day for Christianity when tlie<:hurch bolls call the communicants together for a political prayer meeting. Such gatherings mark the high tide of religious pdrittcal fanaticism, put bitterness into the lives of men; fan the flames of class hatred and destroy Christian Influence in the community. The spirit actuating such meetings is anarchistic. un-Christllke and dangerous to both church and state The success of the nation is la the hands of the farmer. Work for the best and the best will rise up and reward you. Tenant farming U jest one thdc attar another sittheet a gmj hf. ni ic uanrvrio, ?nw uiuue iuhun iu uplift Industry. The bankers have always been liberal city builders, but they are now building agriculture. A Dollar With a Soul. It is refreshing In this strenuous commercial life to find so many dollars with souls. When a dollar is approached to perform a task that does not directly yield the highest rate of interest, we usually hear the rustle of the eagle's wings as It soars upward; when a dollar is requested to return at the option of the borrower, ft usually appeals to the Goddess of Liberty for its rontractural rights; when a dollar is asked to expand in volume to suit the reqqiy$3ieuc? of Industry^ J?_ * talks solemnly of rw?redeemer, oui soul material nan entored into the vaults of our banks uud rate, time and volume have a new basis of reckoning In so far as the ability of some of the bankers permit them to co-operate In promoting the business of farming. God Almighty's Noblemen. These bankers are God Almighty's noblemen. Heaven lent earth the spirit of these men and the angels will help them roll in place the cornerstones of empires. They are not philanthropists; they are wise bankers. The spirit of the builder has given them a new vision, and wisdom has visited upon them business foresight. The cackle ot the hen. the low of klne and the rustle of growing crops echo in every bank vault in the nation aud the shrewd banker knows that he can more effectively Increase his deposits by putting blue blood in the veins of livestock; quality In the yield of the soil and value into agricultural products, than by business hundshakes. overdrafts and ? gaudy calendars. """ OUR PUBL I?Intro Through the Pre** Service of Agriculture and Commerce, the mbster minds* of this nation will be invited to the public forum and asked to deliver a message to civilization. Men who achieve seldom talk, and men who talk seldom achieve. There is no such thine as a noisv thinker, and brevity Is alwayB a close companion to truth. It will be a great privilege to stand by the side of men who can roll in place the cornerstone of industry; to associate with men who can look at the world and see to the bottom of it; to commune with men who can hear the roar of civilization a few centuries away. Too often we listen to the rabble element of our day that cries out against every man who achieves. "Crucify him." Mankind never has and probably never will produce a generation that appreciates the genius of its day. There never will be a crown without a cross, progress without sacrifice or an achievement without a challenge. This is an. age of service, and that man is greatest who serves the largest number. The present generation naH uone more 10 improve me condition of mankind than any civilization Hince human motives began their upward flight. The OreekB gave human life inspiration, but while her orators were speaking with the tongues of angels, her fanners were plowing with forked sticks; while her philosophers were emancipating human hought from bondage, her truffle FREE PORTS BUILDERS OF COMMERCE CONGRESS SHOULD GIVE THEM PREFERENCE IN APPROPRIATIONS. By Peter Radford. This nation is now entering upon an era of marine development. The wreckage of European commerce h&H trifled to our shores and the world war is making unprecedented demands for the products of farm and factory. In transportation facilities on land we lead the world but our port facilities are inadequate, and our flag Is seldom seeu in foreign ports. If our government would only divert the onergy we have displayed in conquer-4lg the railroads to mastering the oommerce of the sea, a foreign bottom would be unknown on the ocean's highways. This article will be confined to a discussion of our ports for the products of the farm must pass over our wharfs before reaching the water. We have in this nation 51 ports, of which 11 are on the Atlantic and 10 are on the Pacific Coast. The Sixty-second Congress appropriated over $51,000,000 for Improving otir Rivers and Harbors and private enterprise levies a tuli of approximately $50,000,000 annually in wharfago and charges for which no tangible service Is rendered The latter Item should be lifted oft the hacks of the farmer of this nation and this can he done by Congress directing its appropriations to ports that aro free where vessels can tie up to a wharf and discharge her cargo BUILE While the bi and the sav If you contemplate the ercc barn, or outhouse, or the rer, present buildings, DO IT NC if you act at once, for you ca now than you can possibly dc 110 or BO days, we verily belie have passed. Labor will be Building Material market is a know say that prices will he 1 We will supply you at close fi nish you estimates on what y Take advantage of conditio Build Fort Mill Phor I . > ic forum] ductory | moved on two-wheeled carts driven, and oftlimes drawn, by slaves; while her artists were painting divine dreams on canvas, the streets of proud AthenB were lighted by firebrands dipped in tallow. The genius of past ages sought to arouse the intellect and stir the soul ' but the master minds of today are j seeking to serve. Civilization has as- | sicnpri to Amnrlpo fha I of the greatest age. and the greatest men that ever trod the greatest planet are solving It. Their achievements have astounded the whole world and we challenge every age and nation to name men or products that can approach in creative genius or masterful Bkill in organization, the marvelous achievements of the tremendous men of the present day. Edison can press a button and turn a light on multiplied millions of homes; Vail can take down the receiver and talk with fifty millions of people; McCormick's reaper can harvest the world's crop, and Fulton's steam engine moves the commerce of land and sea The greatest thing a human being can do is to serve his fellow men; Christ did it; Kings decree it, and wise men teach it It is the glory of this practical age that Edison could find no higher calling than to become the janitor to civilization; Vail the messenger to mankind; McCormick the hired hand to agriculture, and* Fulton the teamster to industry, and blessed is the age that has such masters for its servants. free of any fee or charge. A free port is progress. It takes out the unnecessary link in the chain of transactions in commerce which has fcr centuries laid a heavy hand upon commerce. No movement is so heavily laden with results or will more widely and equally distribute , its benefits as that of a free port and none can be more easily and effectively secured. ! CINEMAS ON THE 8EA. It has been remarked before now that only a salmon stream or a golf course is neces ary to add to the completeness of the equipment of the upto-date modern liner, with its swim1 tiling baths, theaters, tennis courts and other aVnenities, but it has been left apparently to the Orsova, of the Orient line, to receive the first board of trade permit to carry a cinema. Tor tli" purpose of the Bhow a stage, including a pretty drop scene, is rigged up on deck, where seating accommodation for some 1,500 spectators is provided, and noniuHammable films are used, so that there is no danger of fire. In addition to the ordinary "subjects," special films showing Australian scenes and events are provided for the lienefit of emigrant passengers, and in this way serve educational as well as recreative purposes. HARD LUCK. "Terrible predicament Jones was in." "What was that?" "(*ot in hot water anil couldn't get anybody to bail him out." Reporter?I hear you have had trouble in your museum. Manager?Yea. I had to diacharga one of the Siaine&t Twina.-?Puck. > NOW 1 ! f l uuaing s good ing is great. lion of a new home, tenement, nodeling or repairing of your >W. You will be the winner in do the work cheaper right ) it a little later. If you wait ve the golden opportunity will come higher, the Lumber and ilready firmer, and people who sack to normal in a short while, gures and will cheerfully furour work will require, ns and Now. Lumber Co. te 72. * War Proof In (The Financial \ With restless nights attending lative securities, the holder of i Mortgages sleeps soundly in security is aud always will re ma terest generally paid promptly a what the Fates of War may hoi liferents. Particularly does the farm loi rior worth during times of grt II he best security on cc the earth itself. The real estate mortgage r high grade, approved, seasoned earth and its fullness; the kind and throw the investor into a fit comes out. It is based on values of land \ hancing, adding additional secui At present the leading life ins own nearly $500,000,000 of farn losses have been practically nil. of other investments have been Into VOIfO J VMi O. The Union Central has contim average rate of interest on its ii for 47 years been-managed in U surance at the lowest net cost, at your age, call on or write toBAILES Use Gock A coat of paint?good paintby protecting against weather i Paint your house, porch anc Quality House Paints. They wood and the weather and pr property better than any other ACMtm ?our trade mark?on any pai it's the best that can possibly b We have paints and finishes barns, roofs, floors, carriages. 1 \ 11-* d? paintea, enameled, stained, any way, wc have an Acme purpose. We will be glad to show yoi or not. VERY LOW RATI Panama Pacific SAN FRANCISCO, Opened February 20th, Clos Panama-Califo SAN DIEGO. C> Opened January 1st, 1915, CI VIA Southern Premier Carrier Tickets on sale daily and limi Good Koing via one route and r Stop-overs allowed. Frta Trip Fan* Columbia, S. C $82.45 Charleston, S. C 85.15 Orangeburg, S. C 82.15 Sumter, S. C 84.15 Camden, S. C 84.14 Aiken, S. C 79.15 Chester. S. C. <*> Rock Hil), s. C.. ~.1111"is'. 90 Spartanburg, S. C 81.50 Greenville, S. C 80.00 Greenwood, S. C 79.20 Newberry, S, C 81.10 Proportionately low rates from oth trip rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portlani many other western points. Full information regarding the var schednles, etc., gladly furnished. A request. Let us help you plan your ( Why pay tourist agencies, when or S. H. McLEAN, Division Pa* W. H. Tayloe, P. T. M., H. F. Gary, Washington. D.C. Washing!) vestments. -pi Vorld.) 11 : the investor in specuSood Real Estate are . _ _ *? tne conviction tnat nis iait in sound, and his inter- 0Urj it maturity no matter jggj d in store for the be- $76 tat in emphasize'-its supe- ^ ?at financial upheaval. irth is considered of ] tat . , epresents the stnctly tra security based on the um that won't turn pale Pet every time a war extra 111 5 1 vhich are steadily en- are ity from year to year. unc urance companies alone ii mortgages and their con whereas the shrinkage dis; very heavy during the ( inv sur we ch hoi uously since the date of its or ivestments than any other life le interest of its policy-holders, For pi oof of Jthese assertions a & LINK, Distric FORT MILL, - - - S. C. I Paint > ..? ?saves ten times its cost and decay. i lawn fence with Acme will stand between the otect and beautify ) our ; j paint. uirr i nt or finish means that e made for the purpose. for all surfaces?houses, In fact, if it's a surface to varnished or finished in Quality Kind to fit the i colors whether you buy ES ACCOUNT c Exposition, CALIFORNIA, es December 4th, 1915* rnia Expos'n ^LIFORNIA. oses December 31st 1915. Railway, of the South. ted 90 days for returning. i eturning via another. 0m w?t ii? PmIIumI, Orttta $104.24 106.85 104.79 __ 105.65 j 105.05 102.45 102.32 102.32 101.00 101.00 101.00 102.81 er points. Also very low round1, Ore.; Vancouver. B. C , and ious routes, points of interest, Iso descriptive literature upon -rip. ir services are free? Address is. Af?t., Columbia. S. C. G.P.A., W. E. McGee. A.G.P.A Columbia. S, CL tk^hvSIMHB Isfc^ ie Union Central | Life Insurance Company I in first mortgage loans on I m lands distributed through- I the United States. | *hese loans as shown in the | ; annual report amount to g aqa /<or> ^- v... 1?i ^ >1VT,1UV ocvui^u y V ICttl tfbe worth $278,000,0QQ. Safety First. 'he published statements of i various State Departments Insurance which are authoriive and impartial demonstrate rond question that Union Cen1 policyholders are receiving jxcelled insurance at a lower i cost than the policyholders any other company. Cost Second. 'he policies of the Company liberal and simple; you can ierstand them as well as your ryer. The amount of the icy is paid to YOU if you bene totally and permanently abled by accident or disease, 'onsider well these facts and estimate before taking inance in any other company; are at your service and will erfully refer you toourpolicyders for their verdict. ganization realized a higher insurance company. It has nnH i . - ? ~ ? >v. uiivio buuajr tllC uesi Hind for memorandum of cost I MAKE YOUR OWN f ??-ft* paint;' von wni save Xj&fjkff t 56 cts. PER GAL. THIS IS HOW ISi^,, -/Buy4gill.L.AM.Semi1// Mixed Real Paint #8.40 / ?tt I' And 3 gals. Linseed Oil C ^ I I to mix with it at K I 1 estimated cost of 2.40 1 | I I Makes 7 gals. Paint for $10.80 I Vkll I It's only $1.54 per gal. The L. A M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC aa4 UNSEED OIL?tAe Seat kaewa palat neater lata lor IN years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint 1 made, then return the paint | and get all yQur money back. j J. J. Ballea. Fort Mill v lij . iu>r. v.u., wpiumma W. W.Xoogler A Son, Chester J. W. Copeland Co.. Clinton J. D Wood. Grier Clean 'Em Why not have that last Summer's suit cleaned and pressed? We call for and deliver goods in town on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special attentiou. Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed 40c to $1.25 Boys' 44 44 44 44 25c 44 $1.00 Ladies 44 44 - - 50c up Palace Barber Shop TALK IS CHFAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hardand Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. * Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 ELECTRIC Tbe ***' Tonic? BITTttS Family