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^j of locaI^terest. | ! The best price offered for cottoi? on the local market today is 9 cents. I Friends of Mrs. Jennie Spratt will regret to know that she is ill at the heme of her sister, 1' Mrs. Elizabeth Withers, on Booth street. . 1 Road taxes are now due, notice to this effect from "Treasurer tyeil appearing in The Times. If 1 not paid by July 1, the penalty ^ is five days on the roads. After spending several weeks here in the home of her parents. Mrs. J. J. Stewart has returned i with her children to her home in Conover, N. C., accompanied by I her mother, Mrs. J. A. Boyd. During a thunderstorm Friday night about midnight lightning , struck the home of Misses Addie ' and Dovie Harris, on Ardrey ' Hill, but did no damage more than to slightly shock the inmates of the house. President Wilson several days ago appointed Mrs. M. E. Nichols ^as postmaster at York. This was a recess appointment and became necessary on account of the election recently to change! the name of Yorkville to York. The Southern Railway eomnnnu Viae a fnwo /if linn/Vo of punj IIUU 11 iv.'I W VI I 1(1 I IViO CXX | work here raising the level of the passenger landing about eight inches which will be a considerable improvement npon the present arrangement. The Sunday school of the Meth-1 dist church here celebrated Children's Day Sunday morning, the church being crowded to its capacity for the occasion. The program, composed chiefly of music #nd recitations by the pupils, was highly interesting. The Southern Railway has announced excursion rates from all points in this section to Columbia on Friday (tomorrow) | June 18. The excursion train going to Columbia will pass Fort Mill at 6:34 a. m., and the round trip fare will be $1.75. Up to yesterday nothing had been learned as to the whereabouts of James Steele, the, negro who killed Ceph Stafford on the morning of the 6th about two miles west of Fort Mill, ] although the negro is said to have remained in the towhship for several days after the shooting. Tuesday a military examining board, consisting of Maj. Walter B. Moore, of Yorkville; Gapt. T. B. Sprat t, of Fort Mill and Capt. i Lindsay McFadden, of Rock Hill, met in Rock Hill for the j purpose of examining L. M. Massey, of Fort Mill, who was elected recently as First lieutenant of the First Regiment, having the j rank of battalion adjutant. * The members of the Catawba Rifles, of Rock Hill, spent Friday at the rifle range of the Fort Mill company on Catawba river in practice for the annual encampment to be held on the Isle of Palms, Charleston, early in July. Records of each man shooting were kept and it is said some excellent scores were made. Announcement has been received here of the marriage Thursday morrfing of Miss Marguerite Douglas Link to Clifford E. Abernethy, the ceremony j taking place at Hickory, N. C. Miss Link is well known in Fort Mill as for several years she has spent the summer months in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Link. The people of Fort Mill were ^ furnished an evening's excellent entertainment on Friday when a company, composed of 15 yonng people of the town, produced a comedy-drama on the stage of the auditorium, music being supplied by the Fort Mill orchestra. The affair was well attended and the proceeds will be devoted to the use of the Parent-Teacher club. An unusually large congregating assembled at Confederate, Park Sunday evening for the open-air service. The sermon 1 was delivered by the Rev. Mr. j1 J^jnes, of the Methodist church, and his discourse was highly interesting and instructive throughout. Services will be held at the Park again Sunday evening, the Rev. W. A. Hafner, of the Presbyterian church to do , I the preaching. Daniel Starnes, an employee in mill No. 1 of the Fort Mill Mfg. company, was stricken with paralysis Monday at noon and LJ ies seriously ill as a result at his home near the mill village. Mr. Starnes had eaten his dinner ind had started back to his work when attacked by the disease. Last reports were to the effect that there had been no ehange in his condition and that! u:~ ? ma recovery was ueemea very doubtful. First Bloom of Season. Editor The Times: The firsttotton bloom We have seen this season appeared on Dave Gibson's farm on the 10th inst. The sick, Mr. Sam'l Boyd and the infant of Dave Gibson, are no better at this writing. Up to this time there has been j no response to the call for hoe hands. Never mind, we may have a game of "bridge" this summer, if our old ones wash away, and you may come to j that. Splinter. Gold Hill, June 16. Look Out for Them. An exchange says that from , different parts of the country come stories of a swindle sue- ' cessfully worked on farmers who < thought they were going to get cheap groceries. Two smooth ; strangers w ent through the com- j munities taking orders for a house in Chicago, pretending to ; sell a standard brand of sugar i and Hour so cheap that every ' farmer visited took $10 to $00 worth, and other things besides. Because of the low prices the Hour and sugar had to be "paid : in advance." It is alleged that in one con)munity the swindlers j picked up some $3,000?and no groceries delivered. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. FOR RENT Five-room cottage next to gradt d school building. AQKply to J. L. Spratt. FOR SAFE?Corn Sheller, hand machine. Apply to B. W. Bradford. FOR SAFE?Six ftesh Milch Cows. C. B. Kimbrell, R. No. 15, Pineville, N. C. WANTED ?You to read the ads on back page of this issue. FOR SALE Berkshire Pigs, Iron] Peas, and good white Seed Corn. Jas. F. Boyd, R. No. 1. 'Phone 77-h. Threshing. Notice is hereby given that we have received our new Threshing machine and will as heretofore do public threshing throughout tne township. iParties desiring our services will please notify either VV. H. Windell or 8. H. Epps, Sr. Windell & Epps. 1785 1915 College of Charleston, South Carolina's Old* st College. 131st Year Begins October 1. Entrance examinations at all countyseats on Friday, duly 2, at 9 a. m. Full four-year courses lead to B. A. and B. S. degrees. A two-year firemedical course is given. A free tuition scholarship is assigned to each county of the State. Spacious buildings and athletic grounds, well equipped laboratories, unexcelled library facilities. Expenses moderate. For terms and catalog, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. THE CRESCENT CAFE, Fort Mill's Sanitary Cafe. j r 1 ?.. !i v !<P;:.* ; ys ^ "fir' I f; ftl W 'v Jf ! ! I Every convenience, and supplied with the freshest of Meats, etc., that the market affords. MEALS, LUNCHES. COLD DRINKS. The Crescent Cafe, Carey Patterson, M*r. J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rock Hill, - - - S. C. gin <s> j It Makes No t Who Your Doctor Is Take your Presc t inson's Pharma I get "just what. I ders. All Pres ; graduate, licens< l Hutchinson's Agents for Not Taking the Steps to Do it today bring UMU MILLAR / It will open you a savings where it will earn 4 per cent int Then^make it a duty to save ? ings or spending money regulai and by the time you have reach tidy liitle sum ready for use. And, better still, you will hav of saving money. No one can r learned to conserve his resource Take the first step toward sui with us today. Savings Bank Special-! 10c Hats 25c Hats 50c Hats $1.50 Hats _ AA II..*" Mj hjo.w i taia $4.00 Hats 25c Dress Goods 15c Dress Goods 10c Dress Goods $2.50 Pumps and Mary Janes Tennis Shoes and Sandals 75c Go-A way Bags $1.25 Rugs Wall Paper, per roll, New Goods coming in every New Goods and New Prices, something you don't want. L. J. M I When You of eating just the i ; GROCERIES?the k ^ for sale at big profits I P rk m ? ^ ^ AAA Here you get someth 4 ceries that put strenj that have lasting a ties?that must be Profits to compete Parks Grc | Phone ?*$-? < ?* >7 - V j Difference f * zriotion to Hutch- ? JL 4 cy and you will \ your Doctor or- ; ;criptions filled by J ^d men. ; Pharmacy, ! *ris' Candies. tL gB 'ih ; SAVINGS account in this strong bank crest, compounded quarterly, i small portion of your earn ly and put it in this bank, ed manhood, you will have a e learned the valuable lesson nake a success until he has s. ceess by opening an account of Fort Mill. UQHMBBBI - vntt^c^r. ~ \r~? ** ?argamsrj $L90 171"2c I 71-2 to 8 l-3c I 40 to 50c I ,r>c to 12 l-2c week. Drop in and see the I We won't worry you to buy I [assey. | <Sb Uet Tired: ordinary brands of ind that are put up i?it's then time to '1 to Us.I ling different?Growth in your body? ^ nd building quali sold at SMALL rith inferior goods. >cery Co., ! 116 I t _ i | Vacation! <s> * Men s Palm Beach t dark colors, regul spot cash, for onl Save 2 5 Der cent or Suit cases, Tra\ New lot just rece | Trunks, $! Suit Cases I Travel Bag \ Sale F ; On all Silks fc j PattersonsDrj I TELEPHONE NO. 85. DoYoi For You For the hair there's tonic line as DIKE'S Qu pound. It cleanses the dandruff. Besides it gi\ necessary food to produ< low in contents of alcoh hair of its natural oil, health and hair growth, tonic will not discolor th< $1.00 the bottle at Parks Drug Huyler's Chocolate I Kindly C This Hank believe: ^ courtesy, not only as a tancous, heart-felt prii ^ friends to come freely, part with a pleasant tli ^ to conduct itself so tha say, <kl have been cool I | WE PAY FOUK I The First Nal / ^ Fort Mill, ! Times Advertising 1 X i I Suits, light ana \\ ar $6.75 values, y $4.98. H * more on Trunks, I reling Bags, etc. f ived. 1 I i S to $10. 98c to $10 ;s, 98c - $9 ! I ft it ) * rices i * >r Saturday. < m > < ' Goods Store 1 "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | i Care r Hair ? none so good in the ^ linine and Sage Com: scalp, removing all res the hair follicle the ce hair health. Being ol it does not rob the so necessary to hair This delightful hair e hair At 50c and Comoanv s and Courtesy 1! < < > < < 4 s in friendliness and ;; policy, but as a spon- ;; nciple. It wants its j; talk frankly, and de- \\ ought. It is resolved | it no man can ever ;; V received." \\ <> ' \ * > 4 > ** 4 , PER CENT. :: 4 ' * ' tional Bank, i - - S. C. ;; brings Big Returns.