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"Teas otyhe Storm C THE FOBT MILL TIMES. Democratic/?- Published Thursdays. B. W. BRADFORD - - F^litor and Proprietor. lOBSciurrioN Rates: Ons Year 11.26 Six Months ........ ......... ........ .66 The Times Invites contributions on live subjects bat does not agree to publish more then 200 wort!a en any subject. The right is reserved to edit every communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those Interested. Teieohone. local and long distance. No. 112. Kntered at the oostolllce at Fort Mill. S. C.. ss mill matter of the second class. !. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1915. Encourage Hog Raising. We notice from the Anderson Intelligencer that one of the banks of Anderson?the Farmers and Merchants?has offered to lend money to young men on easy terms and long time and at a low cost of interest to encourage the young men of the county to raise hogs, says the Newberry Herald. The money is to be used in the purchase of hogs to begin the raising and the bank will lend money on the same terms to vonntr farmers who are willing to engage in cattle raising. We take it for granted also that the bank will let this money to the young men without endorsement and without a long string of mortgages because otherwise it would not he of much help. It is to be loaned on the personal integrity and manhood of the young men w l.o aie to engage in hog and cattle raising and for the purpose of encouraging such industries. That is the spirit our money institutions should exhibit. It is worth more to the county ano the building of the faims than supervisors and agents of un> or all sorts. In addition to the financial help and encouragement which it gives to the young farmers of Anderson county, there is another side to the proposition if it is as we understand it; that the money is loaned on the individual integrity of the young farmer. It will give him to understand that his individual integrity ana mannooa is an asset and a valuable one and that is a lesson he should learn early in life and it will be worth much alway. We have gone so far in the direction of not being willing to trust any one that the idea is prevalent that the only thing that counts is material money or its equivalent. Here is the proposition of this bank and the plan is worth while considering by other financial institutions. It is better than prizes or gifts. It helps the young man to start and gives him encouragement and opportunity. That is what we need, encouragement and opportunity. "In order to encourage hog raising in Anderson, The Farmers and Merchants bank will be pleased to loan money to young farmer boys to buy a pair ot hogs of good strain of blood and and in this way enable you to l _ * - nuiKe a oeginmng at raising hogs. We will also be glad to aid you in gelling cattle of good stock to raise from.. We will also aid you as far as we can in finding and purchasing the hogs and cattle. We will loan you this money at a very moderate rate of interest. The business if properly looked after will be self-sustaining in a little while and then will become a source of profit." Watch Your Grain. We hope our farmers will not get panicky over the fact that their cotton is a little grassy and w Country," Five Parts, thus neglect the grain crop that they have already made. Gather the grain crop first and then take a chance on the cotton, for it is a chance only that you are taking with it as a crop and to the price, too. Your gsain is already made j and you do not have to take any j chance at all on it. House it now, and then get after the cotton. You can hardly keep cotton from making a crop, no matter what the circumstances are, but j if you neglect your grain, it's gone.? Rock Hill Record. The Ford Kept A Chuggin. Old Zeke Perkins sold his hogs one day, and the gosh darned fool threw his money right away. ne rode into town .sitting on a board, and he came riding home in a darn little Ford. When he came to the house and up to the gate, he shut down the throttle and put on the brake, he grabbed for the reins, got the throttle instead, and the darn little Ford kept chugging ahead. Zeke jerked on the levers and he turned on the gas, he kicked at the pedal and he broke out the glass, he cut all the wires and he pulled off the top, but the gosh darned Fordjust wouldn't stop. He pU^fcheut his knife and smiled s<^^Hpe~ cut a hole in the tankT^Wfne^ out the gasoline, he pulled 75ut his gun and shot the tires full of lead, but the gol darn Ford kept a chuggin'ahead. ?Ex. The News of Gold Hill. Times Correspondence. 1... ?<?i. ? i uuauijr mc >;i I'aitM to any community is a band, or in orchestra. This fact has been a contemplation to many >f our young people since the dd "Gold Hill Brass Band," 'busted." This idea will soon become a reality, as many of the aspirants have purchased instruments and engaged an instructor. We hope many of our people will take advantage of this opportunity. Mrs. Ellen Bailes, and her little daughter and granddaughter, left for Louisville, Ky.. where she will visit her son, Porter. Mr. Bailes will soon complete his course at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will then enter Vale, which is to terminate his scholastic course. Miss Lula Thcrrell, a recent graduate of Winthrop college, is spending a short vacation with her sister, Mrs. Edward Bailes of Gold Hill. Miss Therrell will soon make an extensive tour of the West, in order to visit the exposition and other places of renown. Hyperion. Gold Hill, June 7. ' The condition of Sam'l Boyd aiul Davp r.ihunn'u ^?V?il/-l i-nm;.-.o unchanged for the better. Mrs. May Coltharp Epps and little son, McNeel, of Carrollton, Texas, are visiting relatives in this section. W. H. Windle has purchased a new Frick threshing outfit, and will wait on his neighbors at the right time. The farmers are quite busy now harvesting their wheat and oats, and we would Suggest that if you town idlers have any respect for your country cousins, that you set aside your calte and wine, arm yourselves with hoes and go to their assistance. Their corn bread and buttermilk will suit you better than i cake and wine. And now. if there is any danger of us little one-ox towns catching that Yorkphobia, we would like to he warned of the fact, or we may wake up some day to find ourselves with a Fine without a ville, a Fort without a Mill, and a Rock without a Hill. | Splinter. (iold Hill, June 8. FOR SALE Fifty bushela Whipporwill IVaa at 81.75, a quantity of reavine Hav at $1.00 per cwt, fine lot of Fodder at $1.75 per hundred. These j prices at my barn. S. P. Biankuahip , with Mary Pickford HiNOERED BY CLAY STRATA Cut Atlantic City Contractors Are Still in Fair Way to Earn Bonus by Hard Fighting. It seemed a safe bet that you cuulu bore a hole anywhere en the beach at Atlantic City 500 feet deep and find nothing but sand. The unexpected?a thin layer of clay?was struck bv the men who were putting down the foundations for the new Trayniore hotel. That seeming trifle now bulks up in the shape of $57,000. The contractors, as 1 am informed, were to forfeit $1,500 a day for every day after a certain date that the big hotel should remain unfinished. They were also to get a bonus if it were completed on time. That unlooked-for stratum of (day made a difference of 38 days in getting" down the piles upon which the huge concrete structure will rest. In the spirit that everylii-i * ? oouy ukos m soi- a Morse win a race in the face of handicaps, so I trust the builders will yet heat old Father Time in spite of that clay, and so win the bonus. And it looks now as if they will do it.? Philadelphia Ledger. THE WEDDING. "This poor girl was simply sold to u rjeh husband." 'tWb you're mistaken. I was .thcrefr fanl saw her father give her D 1 T TV1 n i\uau i a a nuw uuc. 'I he attention of all concerned is ca\pd to the fact that the Commutation Road Tax of Three Dollars is now due and payable on or before July 1, 1915, after which date no Coinmutati jn Tax moneys can be accepted under the law. Ft s ns failing to pay the Commutation Tax on or before July 1, will be liable to Five Days'service on the road. H. E. NEiL, Trc:.} -?rer of York County. CALOMEL DYNAMIT MAKES YOU SIGI "Dodsoo s Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work Liven, up your sluggish liver! Keel fine and" cheerful; make your work a pleasure: hg vigorous ami full />f ambition. nut* take no nasty, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which oauses necrosis of tne bones. Calomel crashes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver und liowel cleansing you ever experienced just takes a spoon full of harmless Hudson's Liver Hail In* You" crops insured again: best fire insurance agency The Home o V 1- ? x oi k county sunered tie past few years. Don't le Let The Home pay it. J. L. SPRA' I Specials foi Dunlop's best Flour, $3.85 pe * Fancy Patent^Flour, $3.75 pe Ik.ii4i;i fiiic Helms ai ij eenii Best Breakfast Bacon at 25 c< Good Salmon at 10c per can. Frankfort Sausage at 20c per Nice Fresh Mackerel at 5 cen Best Cream Cheese at 22c pei Ice Tec We have tho Tea at 10c pac the best. Ice Creai We have the Powders, in al Huyh?r's Chocolate 10c. turn 15c and 25c. I EPPS, ppf 'ww?* - 1 ' # * , I, at the Majestic Th< pHotW* ? We ow have the big shades and patterns. A $6.00 Hammock What is more enjoyal We have just receivec est shades and designs, wi Ladies' and IV Ladies' best $1.50 value and Black. ' A dandy 50c Silk Hose, Blue, Sand, 1 an, White an Pretty 25c Silk Hose, th< Fc Extra value Nainsook, s< also plain. Several new pieces f Pc New shipment of Long < bolt of 12 yards. Don't fail to see our 5c f \ IV KIMBRE ES YOUR LIVER! ( AND SALIVATES Tone tonight. Your druggist or dcaler sclls you it SO cent bottle of Dodson's l.iver Tone under mv personal moneyback guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver lietter than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dod son's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning Is-causc you will wake up feeling tine, your liver will l>e working; headache and dizziness gone> stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Hudson's Liver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give it to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will toll you that the sale of (Julomcl is almost stopped entirely here. durance st damage by hail in the j in the United States, f New York avily from hail in the it the next loss be yours. TT, Agent. r Saturday I r hundred, r hundred. ? per pound, ents per pound. pound, two lbs. for 35c. ts each, r pound. i Time ika^e, or 50c the pound, for m Time. II flavors, at 10c or 3 for 25c. Lowney's Cocoa 25c. PosThe Cash Man. I ' . s ' ' iatre Monday, June 14tl eather Spe Hammocks gest values in Hammocks we have ev< : at only $4.48 A $5.00 Hammock'a 1*. 1 .1 ii jie tnese not days tnan a niGe riammo Fancy Parasols. I another shipment of those pretty Par th the new long handle. fisses', 50c to $1.98. Chlldrens', 25c ai Ladies' Silk Hose. * , Silk Hose only $1.00, in Copenhagen * looks as good as some $1 Hose we 1 d Black. e "Wearever" kind, in Light Bl ue, Pin! >r Summer Underwear Dmething nice, only I 5c to 25c the yar jjama Checks, special price of oply 10< Cloth just in, only 65c, $1.25, $1.50, 3 md 10c counter of pretty Summer Dress Goods 1any new pieces and many regular 25 ILL'S, "Where Qu BBHn "A Daugb of the D A Western Comedy-Dr i Auditorium Friday ^ : Synopsis of Pre Act I?Clarence and Lucy have an ad kiss a helpless girl. sir?" Return of Ri cret. "I must avenge the murder < charge. "Your father was killed by < confesses he is the son of the accused, kins dotes on custard pie. News of th ton goes to the rescue of his men. "If name." Act II ?Lucy in tears. "It's not my papa." White Bird brings news of the Clarence wounded. The return. Silv ton's arrest on a charge of robbery, breakfast. A toast to Lucy and Clarcn and custard pie. Ruth defends the po Morton. White Bird's avowal. "We justice." Act III- Jim Parker, a gambler, "wl duces himself. How Silvera trot a soar "I put it there with my sticker!" Silv threat. "If you monkey with me or m hand, but yer liver!" The plot to resci make his escape." "I am a man < is my bond." Morton's innocence A missing witness. "We must carry h we would hope to save him." The resc Ruth has the upper hand. "Now off t< like h-e-1-1 !" Act IV?Mrs. Ogden and Lucy disci men. "My husband ate two lemon pies indigestion, not pies. Hopkins makes 1 pies have gone through my stomach an< rival of Ruth and Morton. White Bird the identity of the slayer of Ruth's fat! | in the back." Silvera returns on a mis kill your lover at your feet." Jones an< game. Silvera cornered and shot. Ru zona. Everybody happy. Benefit Parent Teache i i?' ?* .11 * by bort Mill Orchestra. Play begins at 8:00 p. 1 0c and 20c. Remembc Your "Little Sweetheart," At The Majestic next Monc Watch for the heralds telling the si 1 li. 10c and'20c trials. I o _ II er had, all beautiful * i :* ' it only $3.44 f ck. . asols in all the newrid 50c. lave seen, in Ligh* k, White and Black. d, in the new checks, 11.75 and $2.25 per c values in the lot. ality Reigns" | p Ill 'B iter esert," ama in 4- Acts. , June 11th. >gram. venture. "How dare you ilh. The story of her se if my father!" Silvera's 0 Charles Morton!" Morton The avowal of love. Hope Apache outbreak. MorI die, clear my father's ' stomach, but my heart, t victory over the Indians, era has warrant for MorStory of the fight. At ce's bethrothal. Flapjacks or Indian. The arrest of shall bring the guilty to \o is on the squar'," introon the back of his hand, era recognizes Parker. The y friends, I'll slice, not yer le Morton. He refuses to if honor and my word established by Parker, im to the Mexican line, if :ue of Morton by cowboys. 0 the Mexican line and ride ? jss the effect of pie upon 3 and died!" Death due to ove to Mrs, Ogden. "Your <*. 1 captured my heart!" Arclears up the mystery of ler. "Silvera shot him in ssion of revenge. 4 'I will i Parker take a hand in the th the richest girl in Ari' r^l.-L A A - i3 v>iuu. iviusic m. Admission, ? ir Mary Pickford, lay. lO and 20c. tory of this groat picture