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I SIGNIFICANCE IN DEATH RATE Stat'stlcft Show That an Undue Proportion of American* 8uccumb to Diseaae at Middle Age. At middle life and later the American of today shown a diminished vitality as compared with the American of thirty years ago. Registration statistics and life insurance statistics show that the death rate in this country is increasing at the later age periods, and that the death rate from diseases of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys, which affect chiefly those at middle life and later, has increased during the last thirty years. This is not merely an apparent increase, due to improvement in diagnosis, dut an actual increase, as these diseases have been followed back as one group, and thus errors in diagnosis or changes in reporting are necessarily kept within the group. In England and Wales there has been no such increase either in the death rate from these degenerative diseases or in the death rate at the later age periods. The expectation of life in this oountry has not increased at the ' older ages, although a decided increase is apparent at the youngest apes, due to the conquest of the communicable diseases. Strong and self-reliant as we are as a nation, let us rejoice that what we arc does not constitute the pinnacle of strength, and that if we take heed future development may give us reason for even greater confidence in our power to endure and to prevail. ETIQUETTE OF HAT WEARING ! Somewhat of a Puzzle as to Whether ' wii> miuuiu os iiovirea or Uncovered. The news from Petrograd is of tin dismissal of the appeal of the inun who was sentenced to h year's lortress imprisonment for wearing his hat during the playing of the national anthem. This hat triek is intricate etiquette! One recalls, for instance, those Sussex dames who raised their bonnets to Richard Jeff cries as he wandered through their village. And Joffories, too, noted an even greater example of politeness as practiced i with the hat by a man of the soil who found himself in the hunting field with the prince of Wales. lie ! raised his hat with both hands and blushed at the graceful recognition of the homage. The plight of Hooker, too, is noted by his biog- j raphcr. For the "Judicious" one, j wrote lzuak Walton, was of "so 1 mild and humble a nature that his | poor clerk and he did never talk but with )>oth their hats on, or both nil*, at the same time."?Londoa Chronicle. ASTUTE POLITICIAN. "Congressman Blowster seems to j have a severe cold in his head." "Yes, he has been suffering for a week or more, but he has u clever way of explaining his affliction to his constituents." "How is that ?" "Ho gi vcs them to understand i that he caught cold by continuously keeping his ear to the ground." MUST GET A REST SOMEHOW. Doctor?You must go away for a long rest. Overworked Merchant?But, doctor, I'm too busy to go away. Doctor?Well, then, you must Stop advertising.?Boston Kvpnini* O- ? Transcript. THOUGHTFUL MILKMAN. "See here, milkman, I don't think the milk you are giving me is pure." "Madam, to the pure all things are pure."?Life. A TRIFLER. I Maud?Is Jack a talkative man? Marie?Not on the subject a girl naturally expects to hear from one who's been keeping company with her for two years. j MAKES HER RE8TLE8*. "The confidence Mrs. (ladders rej>oso* in her husband is wonderful." "My wife says she has confidence iu -me, but 1 fear it is not the re% ((useful kind." "No?" "It's the kind that keeps her awake at night until she finds ??tj DAY OF "DOLL" WOMAN GONE Men Now Are Showing Prwference for Mental Qualifications in Their Wives. There used to he a time when ^ men preferred the "doll" type of woman as a wife, to any other variety. Fortunately that period has I passed, or, rather, there /ire so few men with these preferences today ' that they need not be considered here. Of course there will always he husbands who prefer to bare all, the brains in the matrimonial partnership, who look upon their wives o< playthings to be excluded from .all their real interests and the real issues of life; as clotheshorses to Be dressed up and shown off as an advertisement of the owner's prosperity. Few men nowadays want, and fewer women nowadays consent, to be this sort of a wife. Mutual attraction plays as big a part as physical attraction in the selection of a mate. How else can he develop his future if at the head of .1 A;- U i .t uie uumesuc neim mere stands a woman who cannot meet hint on equal mental grounds, who cannot understand and appreciate the ideas he expounds? The average wife of today must have mentality if she is to hold her husband, and the average man, realizing this, perhaps better than the woman, looks for a fair amount of mentality in the girl he selects to be his wife. BAD, BAD BOY Mr. Hug?Now see what that fresh kid brother of yotirs did! While I was taking that kiss he tied our feelers together. NEW FIELD FOR MEN. The perfect thirty-sixes are not nil women. We also have men models. This fact was brought out when a New York woman suing for a separation said her husband was a fashion plate. "He changed his clothes at least fifty times a day," ^as her parting remark. And the husband admitted the impeachment. He said he was a man clothes model. It has long since been found that real clothes shown on real js'ople are the H'st advertisements for said clothes i hat can l>e found. Designers of women's costumes knew it all the time, but it is comparatively a new Held for men. There are only six of these Adonises in the business, and they command good pay. They are a very valuable ami important adjunct to the men's clothes shop, and particularly to the manufacturers of men's clothes. Fxr.tiRARi r ppono "How many people came over originally in the Mayflower?" "I believe the latest estimate is something like J>,<8perrons." "Nonsense. The vessel eouhl only carry a few hundred." "The estimate was based, A believe, on the apparent number of their descendants in this country." THE PLACE. "That faddist is certainly putting lots of honey in his public ap peals/' "Naturally. He gets it from the bee in hi# bonnet." GREW POINTED. "Ami why ?1i?l he indulge in such pointed remarks concerning you?" "1 think it wa# because I called him a pinhoad." AFETY FIR8T. "Do you believe in being perfectly frank with your friend#?" "Only with those that are smaller than 1 am." NATURALLY. "Do you know where little boys go who don't go to Sunday school t" "Yes, ma'am; dey go fishinV-? JiiclijfU UarjojU. ^ INCREASES OUTPUT OF SILK Valuable Discovery of Japanese Scientist Given ,to His Country by Patriotic Citizen. A new method by which silkworms may be cultured ten times a year instead of twice, as at present, is reported to have been perfected in Aichi Ken, Japan. The rc;thod is very simple. Egg cards are immersed in hydrochloric acid for fire to ten hours just before they are hatched. Tn a fortnight or twelve "days after the immersion the eggs are perfectly hatched, and worms that are stronger and more healthy than those hatched in anv other way may he seen coming out of the shells. The silk produced by the worms thus hatched is better and longer than that produced in any otner way. As the inventor of the process tells in a local paper, the silk produced bv the worms bred in the newlv invented way measures 1,200 feet, whereas the thread produced by the worms hatched in the ordinary way measures only 100 feet at the longest.The inventor further states that anyone may make use of the new process, which, although worthy of being fully protected, will not be patented, as the inventor's sole desire is to strengthen the country's position as a silk-producing country," The inventor i9 Director Kawahito of the Aichi Ken sericulture experimental station. WORTH STOOPING TO PICK UP Aged Miner Picks Up Nugget on Mojave Desert While Out for a Pleasure Stroll. Thirty-five hundred dollars' J worth of gold in one chunk?a nugget weighing 10% pounds?has been found near the head of Ifed ll-- 1 ni? iv liiiiHin, ?mi 1110 aiojave tit's- i rrt, by Dave Bowman, an old-time placer miner, according to Tjance I 'nderwood, who arrived in Bakeraliebl, Cal., from Mojave. Mr. Bowman was not prospecting I when lie found the nugget, accord- | ing to Mr. Underwood, hut was merely going into the canyon when ho saw tile great lump of gold. This nugget is very nearly the largest ever found in this vicinity. Mr. Bowman had no scales with which to weigh the gold, hut rigged up a ha In nee with a ten-pound hammer on one end, and the nugget at the other end proved threefourths of a jmund heavier. RAILROAD EXONERATED. A railroad company is held not negligent in the Arkansas ease of St. Ij., 1. M. & S. R. Co. va. Waggoner, 5 * h. II. A. (X. S.) 181, in leaving an empty alcohol barrel on the platform at destination, although it has a caution notice upon it, if the notice was put on the package when lull, i and its rules did not require such notices on empty packages, so as to j render it liable for injury to a child who removes the stopper and places a lighted match at the vent, causing an explosion of gas formed from the small amount of liquid left in it. PRACTICALLY NOI8BLESS, ANYHOW. "For once the drummer in this moving picture orchostra is nonplussed." "How do you account for that?" "Why, the picture on the screen shows a political steam roller in action and he has nothing with which to imitate it." EGG8ACTLY. Friend?I've noticed Cutts, the tailor, going tip to your studio every day for a week. Is he sitting for you ? Artist?No; he's laying for me. BOYHOOD. Mamma?Ami you actually ate a little toad? What in the world made you do ho ? Little I jester Livermorc?Willie Kickover bet 1 dassent.?Judge. SOLAR PLEXU8 BLOW. lie said to her thusly: "If you don't marry me I'm afraid I'll go to the dogs." And thusly she spake back: "Well, 1 feel sorry for the dogs." DEFINITIONS. "Dad, darling." remarked little Kolla, "what doe* conservative really mean?" "Beloved son," replied Holla, Sr., "it means hidebound." War Proof In\ (The Financial W< With restless nights attending t lative securities, the holder of G Mortgages sleeps soundly in tl seo<0pity is aud always will remain terest generally paid promptly at what the Fates of War may hold ligerents. Particularly does the farm loan rior worth during times of grea The best security on cat the earth itself. The real estate mortgage rej high grade, approved, seasoned s earth and its fullness; the kind t and throw the investor into a fit e comes out. It is based on values of land wl hancing, adding additional securit At present the leading life insm own nearly $500,000,(XX) of farm losses have been practically nil, v of other investments have been v< late years. -0The Union Central has continue average rate of interest on its inv for 47 years been managed in the surance at the lowest net cost. I at ^our age, call on or write to ? BA1LES < F Use Good A coat of paint?good paint?i by protecting against weather an Paint your house, porch and 1 Quality House Paints. They v> wood and the weather and prot property better than any other p ACME QUAL ?our trade mark?on any paint it's the best that can possibly be We have paints and finishes fc barns, roofs, floors, carriages. I] b? painted, enameled, stained, vs any way, we have an Acme Q purpose. . We will be glad to show you < or not. VERY LOW RATES Panama Pacific SAN FRANCISCO, C Opened February 20th, Closes Panama-Califor SAN DIEGO, CAL Opened January 1st, 1915, Clos< VIA Southern f v Premier Carrier of Tickets on sale daily and limitet Good Roing via one route and ret Stop-overs allowed. Ftmb R?bH Trip F?m Columbia, S. C ..$82.45... Charleston, S. C 85.15 Orangeburg, S. C. 82.15 Sumter, S. C 84.15 . Camden, S. C. 84.14 .. Aiken. S. C. ... 79.15... Chester, S. C .. 82.90. . Rock Hill, S. C 82.90... Spartanburg, S. C 81,50... > Greenville, S. C 80.00 ... Greenwood, S. C. 79.20 Newbmy, S, C 81.10 Proportionately low rates from other trip rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portland, ( many other western points. Full information regarding the variou schednles, etc., gladly furnished. Also remiest. Let us help you plan your trij Why pay tourist agencies, when our s S. H. Mrl.EAN, Division Pass. S. H. Hardwick, P.T.M., H. F. Cary. G. Washington, D.C. Washington,i V ^ restments. >rld.) 1 ;he investor in specuood Real Estate are le conviction that his *ar i sound, and his inter- 0Uq maturity no matter jas| in store for the be- $76 tat i emphasize its supe- ? t financial upheaval. *th is considered of ] tati bej Dresents the strictly tra ecurity based on the une hat won't turn pale Pet very time a war extra in { rI lich are steadily en- are y from year to year. unc 'flnpp wmnanioa alrtno 1 aW ?.W..V j mortgages ana their con ,'hereas the shrinkage disj ?ry heavy during the C inv sur we che hoi iusly since the date of its or; estments than any other life interest of its ffolicy-holders, ror proof ofjthese assertions a o_ i imv lx. i iiv, Lysine ORT MILL, - - - S. C. i i j Paint saves ten times its cost d decay. awn fence with Acme rill stand between the ect and beautify 3 jur ainL :/7Y : or finish means that made for the purpose. >r all surfaces?houses, n fact, if it s a surface to irnished or finished in uality Kind to fit the X)lors whether you buy i ACCOUNT Exposition, ALIFORNIA. December 4th, 1915* nia Expos'n IFORNIA. es December 31st 1915. Railway, the South. i 90 days for returning, liming via another. 0m way via Partial, OrtfM _ $104.24 106.85 ... 104.79 105.55 105.05 102.45 102.32 102.32 - 101.00 101.00 101.00 102.81 ?oints. Also very low round re.; Vancouver, B. C , and s routes, points of interest, descriptive literature upon >. lervices are free? Address Aj?t., Columbia, S. C. P.A., W. E. McGee.A.G.P.A D.C. Columbia, S. C. X ?,>! * f\-< 2f'; ' ????????????? The Investments of he Union Central Life Insurance Company in first mortgage loans on . m lands distributed throughthe United States. 'hese loans as shown in the t annual report amount to-*? ,484.480 secured by real es- I e worth $278,000,000. Safety First. 'he published statements of various State Departments Insurance which are authorise and impartial demonstrate rond question that Union Cenl policyholders are receiving sxcelled insurance at a lower cost than the policyholders iny other company. O ? uosi second. t "he policies of the Company liberal and simple; you can lerstand them as well as your ryer. The amount of the ^ icy is paid to YOU if you beie totally and permanently abled by accident or disease. Consider well these facts and estimate before taking inance in any other company; are at your service and will lerfully refer you to our policyders for their verdict. ganization realized a higher insurance company. It has and offers today the best innd for memorandum of cost t Agents, Ekl " ' ~ MAKE YOUR OWN pAJNT ' wW YOO will SAVE i 56 ds. PEE GAL. , THIS IS HOW ImL\x * /Buy4gals.L.(&M.Semi- ^ f Mixed Real Paint $8.40 J ?j\ V And 3 gals. Linaeed Oil I ^ I I to mix with it at va 1 I estimated coat of 2.40 || 1 I Makes 7 gals. Paint for $10.80 4 l/Wl I It's only $1.54 per gal. The L.4M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC ai< UNSEED OIL-the beH loowa s paint material* lor lO* years. -? Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bails*. Fort Mill ** Luther Hdw. Co, Columbia W. W^Coogler 4k Son. Chester J. W. Copeland Co, Clinton J. D Wood. Crier Clean Em Why not have that last Summer's suit cleaned and pressed? We call for and deliver goods in town on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special attentiou. Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Sails, cleaned and pressed 40c to $1.25 Boys' " " " 25c 44 $1.00 Ladies' - 50c *p Palace Barber Shop TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must We produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 7$. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, * CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. . Telephone No. 30 ELECTRIC The Ueet Tonlc? bittehB family MedicUie