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e ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. The best price offered for cotton on the local market today is 9 cents. W Miss Clara Culp, of Charlotte, ^ is spending a few days with her ^.parents in this city. ^ Miss Bertha/ Mas-ey of the faculty of Linwood (N. C.) College, returned to her home in * ' this city Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Pegram, of Gastonia, N. C. is a guest in Fort Mill this week of Miss Ella Stewart. Mrs. E. W. Kimbrell and children left yesterday evening for m a months' visit to relatives at Syracuse, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Stewart, of Conover, N. C., are guests in the home of Mr. J. A. Boyd in this city. Misses Mollie Alexander and Nellie Dixon, of Steel Creek, snpnf tVio wpplr.onr) \xrifVi Micooo #rv>av v??v. ?f vv? V1IU ?T 11/11 ATI IOOV. O Bessie and Eva Armstrong-, of this city. Richard F. Bridges, a switchman employed in the yards of the Southern Railway at Rock Hill, lost an arm in an accident which occurred Friday afternoon. Mrs. Ella Goodson returned Saturday to her home in Columbia, after spending several weeks in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rogers, Sr., in this city. - Mrs. J. T. Young paid a short visit the last week to Mrs. C. M. Brown, of Salisbury, N. C., * who is seriously ill. Mrs. Brown is pleasantly known in Fort Mill, having frequently visited Mrs. Young i? this city. Miss Alma McWhirter, a pop^ ular young lady of Pineville, died at the home of her mother Safclirdnv nicrht nff-pr an illnocc ? of several months. The burial ? was made Sunday in the Pineville cemetery. Misses Kathleen Jeter, Bessie Brown, Gwineth Bratton, Meta m Gulley, Blanche Lawrence, and Ermine Brunson, teachers in the local public schools during the term which closed Friday, left Tuesday for their respective homes. Sunday, May 30, being a national holiday, the local postoffice will, instead, observe Monday. Sunday delivery hours will ^ be observed at the postoffice and there will be no delivery or collection of mail on the several local rural routes. Thp Rpv R. P Hair nf the Fort Mill Baptist church, left Monday at noon for Great Falls, Chester county, where he is this week assisting the Rev. J. R. Moore in a meeting. As a consequence of Mr. Hair's absence there will be no services on next Sunday at either the Fort Mill or Flint Hill churches. On account of unavoidable circumstances, the play "A Daughter of the Desert" which was to have been presented by local talent in the auditorium tomorrow evening, the play will not be given until two weeks later? on June 11. The secretary of State has issued a charter to the Matthews company of Ebenezer, in York county, with a capital stock of d* J AAA mi AC r* T T ^*,uuu. me omcers are: ?. n. Matthews, president; A. T. ^ Neelv, vice president, and C. B. Matthews, secretary and treasurer. A. T. Neely is a practicing physician of Fort Mill. In a wind storm Monday afternoon one of the big oak trees in front of the Thompson Hotel was blown down and completely ^ blocked Faulkner street. The top branches of the tree struck the Indian monument in Confederate park and stripped the " figure of its arms and bow and arrows. The telephone cable of the local exchange was also broken down when the tree fell. Mrs. Rebecca Hotchkiss Dead. Mrs. Rebecca L. Hotchkiss, j whose illness was noted in The Times of last week, died Friday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mattie Stewart in Charlotte. The remains were brought to Fort Mill on the noon train Saturday and the interment was in new Unity Cemetery. Mrs. Hotchkiss had been confined to her room since January, at which time she had a fall which caused injuries to which her death was attributable. For weeks she has been hovering between life and death. The end came as gentle sleep. Mrs. Hotchkiss was the youngest and last living of five children. Her parents were Reuben and Elizabeth Thrower Blount. She was born Nov. 10, 1831, near old Waxhaw, this State, and was twice married. Besides her two children. Mrs. Stewart and Mr. James W. Steele, of Rock Hill, Mrs. Hotchkiss 'Jeaves two step-children, namely, Mrs. Carrie M. Truesdell, of Heath Springs, J. D. Hotchkiss, of New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Hotchkiss was a life long meihber of the Methodist i church and the prime mover in the formation of the Fort Mill Methodist church. After Mr. Hotchkiss' death! some thirty years ago, she moved to Charlotte to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Stewart, and had lived there ever since except during intervals spent in New Haven, Conn., with her son, the late Dr. N. R. Hotch- j kiss. %i, narry roster^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND, j WANTED ?I will pay highest market price for Calves. A. R. McElhaney. FOR SALE Several Milk Cows with young ealves. A few pigs also. L. A. HARRIS & Co. FOR SALE Two fresh Jersey Milch Cows, with young calves. Osmond Rurber, R. No. 2, Fort Mill, S. C. PALM BEACH SUITS ~Dry cleaned by the Model Steam Laundry. Price 50c per suit. It. F. Grier, agent. LOST?Between my home and Kimbrell's ssore one Gold Cuff Link engraved Reward if brought at once to Kimbrell's or my home. M. S. | Young. FOR SALE Berkshire Pigs, Iron ' Peas, aijd good white Seed Corn. Jas. j F. Boyd, R. No. 1, 'Phone 77-b. THE CRESCENT CAFE, Fort Mill's Sanitary Caf*. Every convenience, and supplied with the freshest of Meats, etc., that the market affords. MEALS, LUNCHES, COLD DRINKS. The Crescent Cafe, Carey Patterson, Mpr. We are prepared to furnish you with first-class goods in the Fresh Meat and Grocery line at lowest possible prices. We are not new to the trade, and know just what you want. Call or 'phone No. 29 for your Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Meats, Etc. HALL'S MARKET, GEORGE HALL. Prop, i 1 It Makes No | Who Your Doctor Is ;; Take your Pres ;> inson s Pharm; I get "just what \ ders. All Pre I graduate, licens ! Hutch nsnn'i! Agents for Nc ? - - ; j wS> If you will place them in ou You will be surprised how crease. They grow into dc then add more cents and so < Start an account now?adc Some day you will need a su it ready for the opportunity. Savings Bank COME Our New Oxl and Mary Ja ceived. A bought at a in price. I L. J. IV I When You I of eating just the I GROCERIES--the 1 1 for sale at big profit Come ^ Here you get sonietl ? ceries that put stren tthat have lasting a ties?that must be Profits to compete v __________ ! Parks Grc | Phon< Difference j ; i >cription to Hutch- ; acy and you will ; your Doctor or- ; scriptions filled by ^ ;ed men. I K 4 ?. Pharmacy, 1 rris* Candies. 4 >u can leach if your OLLARS TO HAVE ^ MORE >ENTS r bank at 4 per cent interest. r rapidly the cents will in>llars in a short time and 3n until your money doubles. I to it from time to time, m of money and will have of Fort Mill. - SEE . Fords, Pumps, mes, just relot that we I big reduction | lassey. UMBMMBHHnBBMa Get Tired! ordinary brands of tind that are put up 8?it's then time to " j_ _ ? T i to us.: fling different?Grogth in your body? ^ ind building quali sold at SMALL vith inferior goods. >cery Co., s 116 I i M??? j Big Special ( I For Ten ; Beginning Sat f ing, the 29th, w some money q is your chance merchandise at; price, for cash. Good quality yarc 7 1 -2c per yard. All I Oc and 12 for only 7 1 -2c. Anv niPPP rrrvrvdc f * ?*?J KWUC cost. Men s good heav ; Big stock of Shoes at wholesale price. Watch for our C ; with the Cash. : Patterson s Dry TELEPHONE NO. 85. % % I <at> ' ^ ~ A Plain, Str You can't eat your pie a you can't spend your m< matter how blind we migh * ^ truth remains the same?tl have money is to SAVE r live, responsible ban like remain and accumulate an and it will be there when y you save consistently am I will have enough to invest WE PAY FOUR 1 I The First Nati ^ Fort Mill, - \ m Sale { Days. | r urday morn- | e must raise I uick, so this I to buy new | a big sacrifice I 1 wide Percale at | I-2c Ginghams | 5 at and below | /A 11 J 1 ^ y Overalls, 43c ? 5, Clothing, Etc., I irculars. Come | Goods Store I "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | aight Fact | J nd have it, too; and < > >ney but once. No , I ?> t be to the fact, the le only sure' way to noney. Put it in a < I <? this one, let it remain \ \ d earn liberal interest ; 'ou want it. And if + 1 long enough, you t to good advantage. < | < i [ :'ER CENT. :: * > I , ional Bank,