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m. F.EPORT OXEN "COMING BACK" Seems to Be Mo.e Than a Probability of Their Resuming Their Place in Farm Labcr. A generation ago the use of oxen f ?r draft purposes was common wherever agricultural operations were in progress, remarks the Louisville Courier-Journal. But the slowinoving oxen were replaced by more rapid teams of mules or hor9es. Nowadays an ox team is seen occasionally in a few counties, especially in those in which there still is "logging" to do. hut the sight is a novel one to a majority of residents of the state who have grown up within the last 30 years. According to the Breeders' Ga zette, the economic value of the 01 is bringing him back into favor. There arc, nowadays, steam and gasoline tractors which are advertised as a great improvement upon the everlasting mule, whose history is as old as that of man, and who will never be put out of business by any invention whatsoever. It is rather surprising, however, to hear of the use of ox teams being revived at a period in which the adage "time is money" is upon everybody's tongue, and when the fact that time is money was never more widely realized bv the agricultural community. NOW MONKEY HAS MEASLES Got the Malady From Boy Friend whom Me Mad Been Permitted to Visit. .Jnt, one of the big monkeys at the Avondale zoo here, lias the measles, says the Birmingham (Ala.) News. Pat's keeper has prescribed a dose of castor oil, and the monkey is expected to get well in a short time. l'at caught the measles from his friend, .Jack Allen, a nephew of the keeper. Oavton Allen. Pat and the boy are great friends. The boy caught the measles and was confined to bed. Pat got lonesome and insisted on seeing his friend. lie didn't show his insistence in the usual way, but Mr. Allen says he could not misinterpret the monkey's despondence and lack of appetite. IIo took the monkey to see the boy. As soon as Pat got in the door he broke away from the keeper, jumped ou the bed, and licgan a frolic with .Jack. Two days later Pat was all broken out with the measles and very sick. Mr. Allen didu't confine the two friends to the same bed, but he did take I'at home for treatment, and says the monkey is doing well. A BUSY DAY. "Mrs. (Judders tells me that she exhausted herself making calls today." ' "Why, she hasn't been out of the house." "I know it, but she called up six friends over the telephone and talked to each one not less than 45 minutes." BEATS NIBBLING BREAD. "There's nothing makes a dinner go like two or three cocktails," said Cluhson. "That's true," answered Dubson. "And they also help to while the time away if the dinner is slow in coming." A VERITABLE MARVEL. "Our new foreign editor is a marvel." "Yes?" "Why, he's able to add something to the announcements of Russian victories." UP TO THE MINUTE. Cranque?A wife is an ezpensire luxury. Blnnque?So is an automobile. C'rannue Slirp Rill vr?n nan nr.i* ?- - B"* a new model every year.?Judge. PRINCIPAL PRODUCT. Teacher?What is the elephant hunted for, Emerson? Bright Pupil?For magazine articles.?Puck. ' LIXERAL. "These youngsters lose so much time at school." "Don't I know it? I've just bought my boy his third watch." NATURAL BEVERAGE. "What's that old rooster you're treating, drinking?" ?, "What else do you suppose W4 W aider bat a cocktail f ^ 1 JUST TRICK OF THE MIND j l idianapoli* Man Had Allowea His Thoughts to Run in a Groove of the Past. George Kubens, who was for many years with a Jeading clothing house in Indianapolis, recently withdrew from the clothing business and associated himself with* an electric light company. One day recently he was standing in the door of the electric light company's office when he was approached by a well-known Indianapolis business man. "Hello, Rubens," said the man. 'I want von to have the collar on this coat changed for me. I'll leave it and you eon?" "Where do you think you are?" interrupted Rubens. The man looked at Rubens and* then up at the sign on the window anil laughed. "Well, if that doesn't just show what n scurvy trick a man's mind will play on him," he said. "1 left home with two things on my mind tins morning. 1 wanted to come here and pay my electric light bill and 1 wanted to go to your old stand and leave this coat. When I 3aw you I lost my geographical hearings and associated you, from long habit, with my clothes. Come on and have a cigar and forget it." Italians took the cigar, hut couldn't forget it. It seemed too good a joke to go up in smoke.?Indianapolis News. HOUSE HUNTING i KiSm'Tr II ' PL. J. Mr. Koach?How much will you charge to rent me a room in your house ? TO BE SURE. "When jou women get the ballot, what will you he wanting next, I wonder?" said Mr. Twobble, irritably. Why," Mrs. Twobble calmly replied, "in the natural course of events we'll be wanting a candidate." AT PALM BEACH. "Ilow do you like your hotel, Clara?" "Oh, line! The rooms are small and dark and the food is badly cooked; but the gossip is excellent." ?J udge. NO TROUBLE AT ALL. "You can't have your cake and eat it" li'l'.. 1- ???. * ? i i uk cuuugu, uui you run lake in the sights of a city and be taken in at the same tiufb." INCLINED TO EXPERIMENT. "1)0 you believe in telepathy?*' "Not exactly. But I have listened to so many long speeches that I'd like to see it tried." THE SPEAR OF SARCASM. "The whaling industry is dead." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. 'Throwing the harpoon is now classed as an indoor sport." NATURAL SUCCESS. "Ilow did the article on the itch tor wealth suit you ?" r noi ran', it CHine right Up tO the scratch." IN THE TRADE. 1 "I hail a woman to read my hand ind I'm to have a fine future." "Why not ? It stands to reason she'd promise you palmv days." LIKE CURES LIKE. i Doctor?You will have to he treated for the whisky habit. l 1'atient?What? That's how I acquired it. THE RESULT. ? "Did your wife's new dressmakers give her a good fit?" i "They did. I had to call in two Aactora." p; . - | NOT THE GIFT OF JOHN MUIR California Redwooo Forest Was Donated to Nation by Former Resident of Chicago. California numbers among its I many show places a redwood forest ! known as Muir woods, in honor of ! John Muir, who died recently. The j place is a national park, owned by ! the United States government. I Credit for this circumstance was i ascribed to the late naturalist in | many of the accounts of his life and J death. This, it seems, is a mistake. As ad- ' mirers of his have made plain in let- | ters to newspapers, the man who I bought the forest and presented it to the government in 1908 was Mr., William Kent of Kentfield, Cal., former Chicagoan, hanker, dealer in lands and live stock, civic worker and at present member of the national house of representatives for the Second district of California. Theodor^ T> li i.1 ? .1 - a. ' i ^ iwuseveu, iih.'ii presiuenr, is saia to have urged thai the tract be called Kent park, while the donor insisted on ihe present title, declining to "stencil his name on a benefaction." It is asserted further that except for the timely act of .Mr. Kent the forest would have been cleared away by a public utility corporation and probably not one of the giant trees in it would now be standing. CHECKS WORK OF THIEVES Simple Bicycle Lock Used in France Said to Be One of the Best Yet Devised. An excellent method for locking bicycles to prevent them from being > stolen is used in "rgpee, and it is one of the easiest to lit on by a clever i amateur. The device is applied to ! that part of the frame where the 1 front fork joins thejnain or upper horizon tube of the frame. On the head of the fork is placed a stout collar, riveted on to prevent turning, the eollar having a projecting wing at the back so that this projects over the horizontal l?;.r. On the bar itself is placed a second collar having n V'nrt iiMil nrniooi inn !o ?? IV t iiv.ut JHWJ. v.1 mil i? 1UV11 10 |/I*UIVU to the collar. The combination makes one fixed and one movable wing which can be brought, together, and a padlock is passed through holes in each. The trick of the device is that the first wing lies at a slight angle, due to the mounting of the collar, so that when locked, the front wheel 110 longer lies straight, but somewhat inclined, and in this way it is impossible to ride the machine.?Scientific American. IN A POLITICAL SENSE. "Why," exclaimed the angry of- 1 ficoholdcr, "the first thing we know, j you reformers won't allow a fellow to drink eoltee!" "There is already a movement on foot to prevent you from having a second cup," said the reformer, quietly. OF COURSE NOT. "I have a piano that I got with soap wrappers. Would you like to sue it?" "I don't mind. No injury can be done to the auditory nerve l>y merely looking at such a piano." COP'S SUGGESTION. Woman (separated from husband in crowd)?I'm looking for a small man with one eye. Policeman?If he's a very small man, maybe you'd better use both eyes. ' A MYSTERY. "It's always been a puzzle to me." I "What has?" "Where the man who first said that two could live as cheap as one got his idea." LIKES TO LINGER. "Plod son's manners are very deceptive." "Indeed they arc. Just when you think he's going he settles down for another hour." LAW AND LOVE. "I understand he won her hv quotations from Mrs. Browning's sonnets." "She got her divorce by quotations from the statutes." NATIVE ADVANTAGE "That little Irish girl fairly float* alien she dunces." "Well, yon know, she comes from Cark." ^ % ?* War Proof Ir j (The Financial With restless nights attendin lative securities, the holder of Mortgages sleeps soundly ir ! security is aud always will rem terest generally paid promptly what the Fates of War may ho ligerents. Particularly does the farm 1c rior worth during times of gi I The best security on c the earth itself. The real estate mortgage high grade, approved, seasoned earth and its fullness; the kind and throw the investor into a fi comes out. It is based on values of*land hancing, adding additional seen At present the leading life in own nearly $500,000,000 of far losses have been practically nil of other investments have been late years. I The Union Central has contir average jate of interest on its i for 47 years been managed in t surance at the lowest net cost, at your age, call on or write to BAILES Use Goo A coat of paint?good paint by protecting against weather Paint your house, porch an Quality House Paints. The; wood and the weather and p property better than any othe ACMFQD. ?our trade mark?on any p2 it's the best that can possibly We have paints and finishe barns, roofs, floors, carriages, he painted, enameled, stained any way, we have an Acme purpose. We will be glad to show yc or not. VERY LOW RA1 Panama Pacifi SAN FRANCISCO Opened February 20th, Cloi Panama-Califc SAN DIEGO, C Opened January 1st, 1915, C VIA Southern i Premier Carrier Tickets on sale daily and lim Good going via one route and Stop-overs allowed. Froa (Uund-Trip Fart Columbia, S. C $82.4! Charleston, S. C 85.1! Orangeburg, S. C 82.1! Sumter, S. C 8-1.11 Camden, S. C. - 84.1Aiken, S. C. 79.1! Chester, S. C 82.1k Rock Hill. S. C 82.91 Spartanburg, S. C 81.51 Creenville, S. C. 80.0< Greenwood, S. C. 79.21 Newberry, S, C 81.11 Proportionately low rates from otl trip rates to Seattle, Wash.; Portlar many other western points. Full information regarding the va schednles, etc., gladly furnished. A request. Let us help you plan your Why pay tourist agencies, when o S. H. McLF.AN, Division Pa S. H. Hardwick, P.T.M., H. F. Cary Washington. D.C. Wasliingt - " . " - *- . *. ^ i vestments. T World.) * K the investor in specuGood Real Estate are 1 the conviction that his ^ar ain sound, and his inter- ou,j at maturity no matter jas Id in store for the be- $7t tat >an emphasize its supe eat financial upheaval. ^ arth is considered of tat be^ represents the strictly tra I security based on the urn fhnl U i 1. nal wvjii i turn paie ;,v-' c every time a war extra in 1 which are steadily en- art irity from year to year. m um ~ | surance companies alone m mortgages and their (.or , whereas the shrinkage dis i very heavy during the ( inv sui we ch< h?' luously since the date of its or investments than any other life he interest of its policy-holders. For proof of these assertions a & LINK, Distric FORT^MILL, - - - S. C. I LirUKPUA. loses December 31st 1915. Railway, of the South. ited 90 days for returning, returning via another. * One way tta Portland, Orrfon 5 9104.24 ? 106.85 > 104.79 > 106.55 I ' . 105.05 >... 102.45 ) 108.82 ) 102.32 ) 101.00 ).. ..A - 101. oo [)... 101.00 )- 102.81 icr points. Also very low roundid, Ore.; Vancouver, B. C , and rious routes, points of interest, ilso descriptive literature upon trip. ur services are free? Address ss. Agt., Columbia, S. C. , G.P.A., W. E. McGee.A.G.P.A on.D.C. Columbia, S. C. d Paint :?saves ten times its cost and decay. id lawn fence with Acme y will stand between the rotect and beautify 3 jur r paint. AUTY lint or finish means that be made for the purpose. s for all surfaces?houses, In fact, if it's a surface to , varnished or finished in Quality Kind to fit the >u colors whether you buy ES ACCOUNT c Exposition, , CALIFORNIA. les December 4th, 1915* >rnia Expos'n i * in/MMiti ft HHSHMMV 4 The Investments of he Union Central Life Insurance Company ; in first mortgage loans on . j m lands distributed throught the United States. ^ _ These loans as shown in the a ^ t annual report amount to? >,484,480 secured by real es- / e worth $278,000,000. < Safety First. ^ The published statements of i various State Departments k Insurance which are authori- " a : .:_i T ivw uiiu impartial uemonsirate . ^ /ond question that Union Cei.I policyholders are receiving excelled insurance at a lower I ; cost than the policyholders H any other company. Cost Secofid. n ^ Die policies of the Company ^liberal and simple; you can I Jerstand them as well as your m /yer. The amount of the |d icy is paid to YOU if you be5- B ne totally and permanently | abled by accident or disease. | Consider well these facts and I estimate before taking in- | ance in any other company; are at your service and will jerfully refer you tuourpolicyders for their verdict. ganization realized a higher insurance company. It has and offers today the best innd foi; memorandum of cost :t Agents, MAKE YOUR OWN mm PAINT i * YOU will SAVE f 56 cts. PER GAL. * THIS IS HOW |u\. 7 yBuy 4 gala. L.?.M. SemiV Mixed Real Paint $8.40 j ?ji I And 3 gals. Linseed Oil I I f to mix with it at V% \ I estimated cost of 2.40 II n I Makes 7 gals. Paint for $10.80 \fk I \ I It's only $1.54 per gal. The L. A M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL the beat knows paint materials 1 or 100 year*. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint ! made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bailea. Fort Mill Lvillior Mow. Co.. Columbia W. W.[Cooaler & Sor , CI eater J. W. Copcland Co.. Clinton J. D Wood. Crier H Clean Em Why not have that last Summer's suit cleaned and pressed? <4 We call for and deliver goods in town on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special attention. Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed 40c to $1.25 Boys' 44 44 " 44 25c 44 $1.00 Ladies' 44 44 44 44 - - 50c up Palace Barber Shop TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must b^ produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72.? Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on al M classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Electric tbe heat tonic? ?*mmVi?C! Mild - Laxative, RITIEEO Family Medicine.