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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. The best price offered for cot-! ton on the local market today is , 19 cents. Mrs. W. H. Womble, of Glendon, N. C., is a guest in the home 4 of J. H. Sutton, of the township, j Mrs. Edwin Reid and children, ! of Chatham, Va., are guests in the home of Dr. J. B. Elliott, on Confederate street. Miss Bertha Massey, of the faculty of Linwood (N. C.) college, was a guest this week of Knr nnvnnfc in tVii'c nif., livt fStlAWAAlO Alt v A A A O V.1 . S. H. Sutton is this week at-1 tending the State Sunday school convention at Newberry as a representative of Philadelphia Sunday school. Mi ss Martha Richards came j up from Winthrop Saturday evening with Miss Esther McMurray and spent Sunday at the latter's home in this city. Miss Aileen Barber has returned to her home in this city after teaching in the graded school at Kline during the last term which has just closed. A local mill man, upon being informed that the stores would soon begin closing at 7 o'clock, remarked: "Wonder if the business men of Fort Mill are tired of doing nothing." It is stated that a number of young men of Fort Mill and the township have secured employment with the Southern Power company at its new plant at Fishing Creek and will leave for that point during the week. In a special meeting of city council Tuesday evening the time for payment of street tax without penalty was extended to May 15. Council also passed a gallon-a-month whiskey law to conform with the State liquor law. The Times is requested to say that the first meeting of the recently formed "Parent-Teacher" association will hold its first meeting tomorrow (Friday) af-! ternoon at 4 o'clock in the home of the president, Mrs. Jas. T. Young. . Dr. J. L. Spratt returned Friday from a trip of several days during which he attended the meeting of the grand chapter, Royal Arch Masons, in Greenwood and the meeting of the Shriners and music festival at Spartanburg. A 1_ ? 1- 1__ 1 /v nigniy appreciative audience attended the concert Thursday evening in the school auditorium by the Winthrop College glee club. It was thought that a larger crowd would have been present but for the carnival which was exhibiting in another part of the city. Report has it that the carnival which played in Fort Mill the last week came out big loser. The crowds assembling on the grounds each afternoon and evening were said to have been large, but little patronage was extended in the way of attending the performances of the various shows. Announcement has been made from the office of Fire Insurance Commissioner McMaster of the amounts to be paid to the various cities and towns entitled to the fire department equipment tax of 1 per cent, for the year 1914. The total amount to be dis-! tributed is $14,047.69, of which the city of Fort Mill will receive $37.29. The Southern's new schedule, affecting trains No. 31 and 32, became effective last Sunday. * No. 31, which arrived in Fort Mill formerly at 6:30 a. m., is now due here at 5:30 a. m. No. 32 is now due at 10 p. m., instead of 8 p. m., as formerly. The trains operate only between Savannah and Charlotte, the pullman cars being handled from these points by trains from other lines of the Southern. Mr. G. S. Thompson, of Greensboro, N. C. was among the visitors to Fort Mill Sunday. Information was received by telephone from the Pleasant Valley section yesterday of the death there of Miss Mary Parks, daughter of Joseph Parks, whose death occurred three weeks ago. Miss Parks was fifty-eight years of age and had been in declining health for several months. She made her home with Mrs. J. B. Patterson, a sister. It is under-; stood that the funeral will be held in the local Baptist church at 11 o'clock this morning. "Parent Teacher" Club. At a meeting in the auditorium Thursday morning of the teachers of the graded school and a number of the patrons which was presided over by Professor J. Pierce Coats, a "Parent Teacher" club was organized for the purpose of furthering the interests of the school. The improvement of the school building, the improvement of the grounds, and additions to the library are among the most important things contemplated and it is believed that cooperation in the accomplishment of these things will stimulate the interest of the patrons in the general work of the school. Mrs. James T. Young was elected president of the club, Mrs. A. O. Jones, vice president; Mrs. E. Z. James, secretary; Mrs. E. M. Belk, I treasurer, and Mrs. Sue Spratt, Mrs. S. A. Epps, Mrs. L. J. Massey, Mrs. R. F. Grier and Mrs. Hattie Mack an advisory board. The organization will be completed at a meeting called for next Friday afternoon. Our Gold Hill Letter. Every one in this vicinity is convalescent, we believe, excent Mrs. Lucinda Coltharp, who, it is reported, is quite sick at present. Gold Hill school children certainly did their part at Yorkville during Field Day. Only a small representation were there, but they managed to win three prizes. A crowd of young people attended the Observer school commencement last Wednesday night. A wagon containing eighteen of them made the trip. | All reports are to the effect that all was a success. There has been more plowing this week and last, than we have ever seen before in so short a time. Planting will soon j be over if pretty weather pre-' vails much longer. Hyperion. Gold Hill, Aprif 20. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. CATTLE ?I am agent for a cattle dealer now, to buy cows, yearlings or any kind of cattle and sell and trade. C. B. KIMBRELL. FOR SALE Several Milk Cows with young calves. A few pigs also. L. A. HARRIS & Co. FOR S A LECmTRXDE^w^CoIe Cotton Planters, two No. 8 Vulcan Turn Plows, one No. 6 Goober Turn Plow, two No. 10 Oliver Chattanooga Turn Plows. All nearly new. Will trade for any thing I can use. C. B. KIMBRELL. FOR SALE?Good White Seed Corn, carefully selected. Fresh Jersey Milch Cow. Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching. .las. F. Boyrl, R. 1., Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-4t FOR SALE?Early Anna, Livingston Globe and Livingstone Beauty Tomato Plants. Fred Nims, Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-tf DR. T. P. NISBET, DUNTIHT. Office in Telephone Building, WAXIIAW, N. C. - We are prepared to furnish you with first-class goods in the Fresh Meat and Grocery line at lowest possible prices. We are not new to the trade, and know just what you want. Call or 'phone No. 29 for your Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Vresh Meats, Etc. HALL'S MARKET, GEORGE HAI.L Prop. <$> I A New | Sweeps f. When in neec I in the Drug Hi | "Hutchinsonj t The New t All Pr^Qnrit^fir I graduate licer t All Paints sold at | Balance You are perfectly satisfied wit methods. Savings Bank I Special 1 10-cent White Crepe at I 15-eent Dress Linen at 15-cent Ginghams at 15-cent White Lawn, 40 inche I 9?\_n?inf TWnoo f rt ?* uu-wui. i7i coo uwua <ti 25-cent Hats at $1.50 Ladies' Dresses at $7.00 Silk Dresses at 75-cent Hand Bags at 9x12 foot Art Squares at 15-foot Hall Runners at Lots of other things at verj New lot Millinery and Wais Come see the New Goods ai L. J. IV I When You of eating just the I GROCERIES?the I ^ for sale at big profit i Come " Here you get somet 1 ceries that nut stren + that have lasting j ties?that must b? 'Profits to compete i ** Parks Grc ; Phon f Old newspapers for .sale at The Times office. KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS | The Pills That Do Cure. Broom | . Clean. I i of anything |j ne *^hone 91, | 5 Pharmacy " f )rug Store. ms filled by a | ] j I5CU uruggisi. ^ : a reduction. \ I j| r Bank Book I from time to time, and ^ take note of how your ac- I r count is growing. We I would like to have you do business with our house | because we believe it will I a be to our mutual benefit. Do not invest your cash in any wildcat schemes, | but leave it to us to grow | while it ^positive security. The shrewdest business men in the community :h our conservative banking I : of Fort Mill, l! bargains. ...71-2c _ 10c 10c s wide, at 10c I? 19c 10c 95c $5.00 50c $2.50 $1.25 r low prices, ts just received, id get the new prices. ft o o o Get Tired! ordinary brands of kind that are put up ts?it's then time to 'i to Us.I i hing different?Groigth in your body? '1 Bind building quali- + | 5 sold at SMALL * *1 jL I with inferior goods. f >cery Co., I e 1 16 | ?J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - . - S. C. J J SPRING V | Spec Another lot of New t>res Pretty Voiles, Crepes and and 20c values, for 10c tl t New Lace Cloth, Rice"Cloth Crepe and*Wash Silks at t Oxfords an Another shipment of Ladief and low heels, at~$2.50. "Mary Jane" Pumps at $1.? WhiteColonial Pumps at $ ? White "Mary Jane'\Pumps v Misses' and Children's Outi ? Sandals, 45c to $1.00. T Misses' and Children's Dres t Boys* CI We can fit your boy for Evflrrthinc in Bftwo' Waar + ?J O "J" " ??*l ? Overall up to an Up-to-date Cash goes a long ways w f with us you, as well as oui I Patterson's Drj I TELEPHONE NO. 85. T t A Fine, Sweet ] for you is the Wellington. With it, yoi of a cool, sweet, dry smoke. You w< slightest trouble keeping the Wellingtc tractable. Saliva can't get to the fin splutter. cWeU5ujfc is made on the correct pipe principl (oul and it can't clog. Come on in a shape you like hest ? every one a 25c, 35c, 50c. up. == *0^ The Superior Candy?the ce taste. Large or small pack Parks Drug The Dike I ^ | A f lain, Sti | You an't eat your pie you can t spend your n matter how blind we mig 'i truth remains the same? have money is to SAVE live, responsible ban*. like 1 remain and accumulate ai and it will be there when you save consistently ai '1 will have enough to inves WE PAY FOUR | The First Nat ? Fort Mill, - f EAT HjBi . > _-j.,-t ^,.^QHg^9^MgH^^^nHHflH s. Goods ju^^H^QBQBHHS . other Ife^HHB^^SBwjBiSS le " 25c the'yard. t. 51MSB sBKSI^Hi ^^HShHH td Pumps :PH i' Colonial Pumps, high Z 10 to $2.50. 1.50. i at'$1.50. j ing Shoes and Barefoot <; ^* I *%?& jn see, 25c and 50c. u tiling school, church or play. ; > , from the "Headlight" ; I Suit. *' * * jPa ith us, and if you trade J> selves, are better off. < '> ' ' r Goods Store I : "SELLS IT FOR LESS." X | | j can be sure /W >n't have the Im >n clean and / e to boil and |a IB ~2ss wi e. It won't BR the master-pipe. Made In America | indy that appeals to every ages. Company, . C?rv.A aight Fact ij and have' it, too; and loney but once. No <! ht be to the fact, the the only sure} way to money. Put it in a * ; this one, Tet it remain x nd earn liberal interest you want it. And if * id long enough, you t to good advantage. < PER CENT. {I * > < > ional Bank, j; ..?.c .