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B11PS' -1 | ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Miss Mamie Goodson, of Allen-; dale, is visiting friends in this city. * Withers Massey, of Rock Hill, has taken a position with the Hutchinson Pharmacy. m Mrs. Gary S. Thompson and * children, of Greensboro, N. C., are visiting relatives in this | city. The census bureau's report of the cotton crop gives York coun ty 41,276 bales for 1914, against 40,997 bales for 1913. Prof. James H. Thornwell, of Winnsboro, was a guest Sunday in the home of his sister, Mrs. J. B. Elliott, in this city. Mr. D. M. Culp is reported ^ seriously ill a* his home in Sprattville. He has been in failing health for several months. Miss Sue Bradford, who has been teaching a class in music in the school at Norway, Orangeburg county, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs. Ella Goodson and chil-! dren, of Columbia, are guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rogers. Sr., in this city. The good old summer time has, apparently, arrived in dead earnest, and those who were successful is getting gardens started early now have good promises of early vegetables. The Argyle shows "blew into * town" Sunday night and are during the week giving daily exhibitions on the local ball lot. The shows came to Fort Mill by special train from Kershaw, where they had shown for two weeks. The Winthrop College glee j club will give a concert in the school auditorium this (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o'clock for the benefit of the local chapter < of the U. D. C. ^fhe public is cordially invited to be present. In the State Supreme court on Friday the decision of the York court in the case of E. W. Kimbrell company, appellant, vs. lftills"& Young company, respondent, was upheld. The opinion was by Chief Justice Gary. Commencement exercises of India Hook school, of which Prof. J. R. Harris is principal, will take place today. The exercises consist of recitations, dialogues, etc., and speeches are to be delivered by Hon. D. E. ' Finley, Dr. P. B. Wells and others. n . < ' commencement exercises oj the Pleasant Hill school, commonly known as the "Capps school," will be held April 19, 1 at 8 p.~m. A picnic will be held i on April the 20th, beginning at 10 a. m. The program consists of songs, drills, recitations and plays. All are cordially invited. ( The spring term of the court ] of general sessions for York 1 county convened at Yorkville Monday morning at 10 o'clock, < with Special Judge Halcott P. Greene of Columbia presiding The annual charge to the grand jury was delivered Monday, but ' with this exception little business ! J was transacted. In the municipal election in Charlotte Tuesday Thos. L. Kirkpatrick defeated Frank R. McNinch for mayor by a ma- . jority of less than a hundred ~ votes. Mr. McNinch is a brother ( of Mr. S. S. McNinch, proprietor of the Charlotte Brick company, * vwo miles soutn of fort Mill. i -v Records discovered at Green- ! ville, established the fact that ? Ann Austin. 104 years of aj?e, i who died in the county alms J house, was the oldest white i woman in South Carolina. The \ woman apparently was of sound ( mind at the time of her death J and possessed a remarkable j memory of the State's earlier 1 life. i T. H. Merritt, of Mt. Holly, j was a visitor to Fort Mill Tuesday. Mr. Merritt is just recovering: from an illness of several weeks. Hon. John L. McLaurin has, accepted an invitation to deliver an address upon the occasion of the closing of the Gold Hill school on Friday, April 30. Statements of those who have investigated, are to the effect, that Fort Mill blind tigers have raised the price of' "John Barleycorn" to $1 per pint, while the price of rye has gone to $1.50 per pint. This is a new record for tiger booze in Fort Mill and those who cannot afford this fabulous price are forced to go dry. Dr. J. B. Elliott informs The Times that a specimen of the city water of Fort Mill sent several days ago to State Chemist! Coward has been reported on as containing no evidences of contamination. This will be pleas- | ing news to many of our citizens who are using the water for ; domestic purposes. Informatitn is given out from the local offices of the Southern Railway that beginning with next Sunday there is to be a change in the running time of trains Nos. 31 and 32. Under the new order of things No. 31, now due here at 6:30 a. m., will arrive at 5:30 a. m. Train No. 32, after the change, will reach Fort Mill at 10 p. m., instead of 9p. m., as at present. Nolan Was Released. Thos. Nolan, charged with rohhimr Ssnvinrro R?j?Lr /-?+* Fort Mill in September of 1902, and who has been confined in York jail since last January, was released from custody Wednesday. Parties returning from Yorkville Wednesday evening stated that Solicitor Henry and Inspector Gregory, after investigating the charges against Nolan, concluded that the evidence in hand was insufficient to secure a conviction and decided to release the prisoner rather than put the court to the expense of a trial. It was also stated that a warrant was in the hands of the officers charging Nolan with a j crime at Enoree, but that the i authorities did not care to push the case owing to the trivial nature of the alleged otfense. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. CATTLE ?I am agent for a cattle dealer now, to buy cows, yearlings or | finy kind of cattle and sell and trade. C. B. KIMBRELL. FOR SALE Several Milk Cows with young calves. A few pigs also. L. A. HARRIS & CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Two Cole Cotton Planters, two No. 8 Vulcan Turn Plows, one No. 6 Goober Turn Plow, two No. 10 Oliver Chattanooga Turn Plows. All nearly new. Will trade for any thing I can use. C. B. KIMBRELL. FOR SALE?Good White Seed Corn, arefully selected. Fresh Jersey Milch Cow. Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs for latching. .las. F. Boyd, R. 1., Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-4t FOR SALE ?Early Anna, Livingston j Clobe and Livingstone Beauty Tomato Plants. Fred Nims, Fort Mill, S. C. j 4-8-tf FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from pure bred Buff Plymouth Rock chickens Write to or call on Zack Spratt, Port Mill, S. C. DR. T. P. NISBET, DKNTIHT, Office in Telephone Building, WAXHAW, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN Applications rereived for loans from $100.00 to $10,000 >ii improved and unimproved town j property and farm lands. Interest t '/t straight. Interest payable anlually or semi-annually. Time: one to len years. Applicants for loans will please give description, location and valuation of property offered as serurity for loan. State improvements ind valuation of same. We want County representatives to receive applications for loans, appraise property, ind serve as our exclusive representative. Attorney or real estate man preferred. Applicants for loans, and ipplicants for agencies positively re- i juired to furnish at least two character references and forward postage, five , !c stamps, for application blanks, full ' particulars, and prompt reply. Write Southern Office, Southeastern Mort- ' ?age Ix>an Assn., Fourth Nat'l Bank j I Kldg., Atlanta, (ia. I I I A New & I Sweeps * I When n need ^ in the Drug lir I " Hutchinson s The New D | All Prescriptio * graduate licen ; All Paints sold at t fit Is Ea To find securities sometimes seven or frequently encoui Panics come and h( a heavy loss. A Si The Savin: B Runs no similar ris draws 4 per cent qi on demand. Savings Bank W. B. MEACHAM, Prisident ? ???? J Special ] 10-cent White Crepe at 15-cent. Dress Linen at 15-cent Ginghams at 15-cent White Lawn, 40 inches 25-cent Dress Goods at 25-cent Hats at $1.50 Ladies' Dresses at $7.00 Silk Dresses at 75-cent Hand Hags at 9x12 foot Art Squares at 15-foot Hall Runners at IjOts of other things at very New lot Millinery and Waist Come see the New Goods ant I L. J. M jWhen You of eating just the < I GROCERIES?the k ^ for sale at big profit! j Come ^ Here you get someth ^ ceries that put streng that have lasting ai 1 i? 1 y lies?mat must be Profits to compete w ? Parks Gro J Phone Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. < KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS! The Pills That Do Cure. m f: Broom || Clean. i I of anything I < le phone 91, ; Pharmacy" f rug Store ns filled by a | 11 Q \ * sed druggist. | : a reduction. | ?? l|: ?3 2X J yielding five por cent? I eight. Such investments I iter great fluctuations, alders frequently sell at I ivings Account in gs Bank | k. It is absolutely safe, II iiarterly, and is available 11 of Fort Mill, I W. B. MEACHAM, Jr.. Cashier | flHHHBMW" bargains. - 7 l-2c A 10c | 10c i wide, at_ 10c 19c 10c - 95c $5.00 - 50c $2.50 $1.25 low nrices. s just received, d tfet the new prices. lassey. I ! Get Tired i ? ordinary brands of ind that are put up ;?it's then time to : J W T _ 1 IU US.i !|; ing different?Gro- t ; jth in your body? ^ < nd building quali- % < sold at SMALL |;i ith inferior goods. ^ j eery Co., I j i 116 ? i Jm Harry Foster, j, ATTORNEY AT LAW, < Rock Hill, - - - S. C. 4 ! READ ON, 1 ? New Spring Good I ?? ; Look at the Ladies' $2 Pat. Leather "Ma ? Ladies' $2 Gun Metal "Mai ^ Ladies $2.50 Pat. and Gun t Ladies' fine Colonial Pat. L * Misses' and children's slimi rr V New Pieci The prettiest we in Wash Silks, V< Flaxons, White Gc< Ne^sfr lot Ginghar atea, Kindergarten have big table of G Bleaching and Shee P> V l - ivun L idll IU SCC i t Ladies', Misses', I Patterson's Drj I TELEPHONE NO. 85. A Fine, Sweet ! for you is the Wellington. With it, yoi of a cool, sweet, dry smoke. You w< slightest trouble keeping the Wellingt< tractable. Saliva can't get to the fir splutter. ? ,V]t JOBS? is made on the correct pipe principl foul and it can't clog. Come on in i shape you like best ? every one a 25c, 35c, 50c, up. " <8^ The^Superior Candy?the ca taste. Largejor small pack; Parks Drug The Dike | A Plain, Sti ! ^ You can't eat your pie ? you can't spend your n matter how blind we mig r truth remains the same?I f have money is to SAVE live, responsible bank like ? remain and accumulate ai and it will be there when ? you save consistently ar ? will have enough to inves \ WE PAY FOUR [ The First Nat 1 Fort Mill, . SISTER! \\ s? Why certainly. | _ |;1 jse prices: * <> fi'> ry Jane" Pumps at $1.50 y Jane" Pumps at $1.50 1 Metal Pumps at $2.00 eather Pumps $1.50 up f, ers and pumps 50c to $2 ? b Goods I ll m ^ have ever shown | iles, Silk Crepe, | ne, Percales, Gal- f Cloth. We also | tinghams, Calicos, | ^ = mdy that appeals to every Company, ! Store. aight Fact jj and have'it, too; and j > loney but once. No ! I ht be to the fact, the the only sure| way to _ * * _ money. Put it in a o ? this one, let it remain id earn liberarintere9t you want it. And if < ?d long enough, you t to good advantage. \ \ ional Bank, *ting at 5c yard. | our line of <; I Children's Hats. M I Goods Store f "SELLS IT FOR LESS." I e to boil and |A ?v> Yjk I uid pick the master-pipe. Made In America