University of South Carolina Libraries
Are You ?:-V.T * ' I*;." . - - . Gr GLORIOUS INAIIRIIRATIO "INTERNATIONAL WITH an attendance for the firs world's expositions at Chicag< claco has Btarted on a career exposition success. The exposition opened o tendance of one quarter of a of the world came critical visitors tb i They found nothing to criticize. Every to say that not a single visitor went uwa mouth, and by letters home and to frie tlon. In consequence the transportatioi Cisco both by land and water. Exceptionally low rates have been i States to San Francisco, offering many a pleasure journey to the exposition wit A feature of the exposition that hs exhibit capablo of operation by steam < A flood of Inquiries concerning rati of the exposition since the news of its given prompt attention. San Francisco the West has always had for hospitabl HANDSOME SIXTY-PAGE BOOK < Fl Those who are Interested in t* book of sixty pages, reproducing t the exposition, San Francisco, Caii Manager, Buroau of Publication, Pn WHEN A QUARTER OF A MILLICM , ^ s ^HE VAST PANA Transportation reports show that cv represented in the great throng of 2">0, San Francisco on Februarj' 20. This p tion n! the opening day throng, in lite the combined totals of the t'hicago antlonn nf the most BpeetnrHsr stircesr. fo DURING A LULL IN THE OPENING The Panama-PACiflc International ex Wilson at Washington, and caught on tl tion. Instantly the iiower was release'! opened. The scene 1b on the grand I.ane, Got. Hiram Johnson of California, exposition and a notable group of visit the proas box the correspondents are o :: r + * . . ? *; - . - v. Going to the eat Exp N OF WORLD'S GREAT! CELEBRATION ASSORES I t week greater than the combined attend > and St. Louis, the Panama-Pacific Inter that the moat conservative judgments p n February 20, 100 per cent complete e million people. From everytstate of the L >ass on the merits of the celebraticn th claim made by Snn FraneiBco and the e y disappointed. The result has been tlia nda?the most powerful form of advertise a companies report a constantly increase given by the transportation companies fr people an opportunity that could not o th a sightseeing tour through California i is called for universal comment 1b the "r >r electricity being shown in motion. ?b and hotel accommodations has been re successful nneninir was (Insheil arnunil tl and California are fulfilling their host dut e treatment for the stranger. ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA" REE OF CHARGE TO ANY ADDRESS. lis great exposition may obtain free of c he exhibit palace? in their natural colors fornla and the Panama canal. To obtaii inama-Paclflc International Exposition C.rc i OF PEOPLE INAUGURATED MA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXP ery state in the United States and most 000 people who inaugurated the Panainaicture, showing tho mighty South garden! first five days of its progress tho exi ositt 1 St lx?iis expositions and tho ratio ;;ont r the exposition. i DAY CEREMONIES AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC II l i J I > I 3 I ' ' -r ^WgwSjfffc*btJyjfitfi t'&^yJzZf'T,t?* f. auHK&flU^t|hA At jRWB^'^CMWMMWBlSr' 'A position was opened by a wifeless spark, tie tendrils of a wireless aerial on the lot in the mighty Palace of Machinery and ind after the oeremonies had ended. Sec; , Mayor James Rolph, Jr., of San Krancii Ing dignitaries being seen in animated dl pen flashing to the world the news thut I osition? , :ST CONTINUED SUCCESS ance foi the same period of the national exposition at San Franredict will breuk all records (or tructurally, and opened to an atFnited States and from the nations at had been so widely heralded, xposition was fulfilled. It is safe t the advertisement by word of nient?has been given the cxposiig booking for travel to San Franom all points within the United therwlse be taken, of combining and the West. iction" that marks exhibits, every sceived by the Information bureau :ie world, all such .Inquiries being ies and living up to the reputation riONAL EXPOSITION SENT harge a handsomely illustrated and giving essential data about n this book send a letter to the tunds, San Francisco, Callt. OSITION AT SAN FRANCISCC la-L v of the nattonR of the world were Pacific International exposition id ?. gives a glimpse of a small frao cu had an attendance larger thai inues In a degree to Justify prcdio I \ITERNATIONAL EXPOSITION dispatched by President Woodrow ! ty Tower of Jewels at the cxioaithe portals of the exhibit palaces retary of the Interior Franklin K. ' ?co, President C. C. Moore of the acusslon of the epochal event In he exi>o8ltion bad opened. ' % " 1 1 ???? 11 I TRA^ ARE They are given ciation of your tra They will pay f railroad in the col Start saving no^ have your fare pa n we will give you < bring. One mile in tra chase, 1-10 mile; If you spend $ 1 easy it will be to ? We give you qi certain vacation. Be sure to trad* MILLS wRntr | FORT MIL VERY LOW RA Panama Pacif SAN FRANCISO Opened February 20th, CI Panama-Calif SAN DIEGO, Opened January 1st, 1915, VI Southern Premier Carrie Tickets on sale daily and lii Good going via one route ant Stop-overs allowed. Fron RourJ-Trip F Columbia, S. C $82 Charleston, S. C. 85 Orangeburg, S. C. 82, Sumtw, S. C. ... 84. Camden, S. C. 84 Aiken, S. C. 79, f*\ *. O n viicober, o. rsz, Keck Hill. S. C 82 Spartanburg, S. C, .81, Greenville, S. C . 80. Greenwood, S. C. 79 Newberry, S, C. . 81, Proportionately low rates from o trip rates to Seattle, Wash.; Porth many other western points. Full information regarding the \ schednlea, etc., gladly furnished, request. Let us help you plan you Why pay tourist agencies, when S. K. McLEAN, Division I S. H. Hard wick, P.T.M., H. F. Cai Washington, D,C. Washin TWENTY-FIVE MILES OF DITCHE8. More than twenty-five miles of /I i lellou irnrA -1>"- ? A*..? a I 1 ...?vi>vo in.iv ,,l*K < > * era v. ruz under the direction of the United States army and navv surgeons in the most important victory gained by 1 the American forces iu Mexico?the vanquishing of disease. The hot spell in Vera Cruz extends from May to September, and during that period, under the American "occupation, with malaria made a reportable disease, the mosquito eliminated by a splendid draining system and the spraying of all dead water which mi* ..J a - ' . .t r ? ' /n ~V - - - _ r V -.- ?4 . . % s+*. /EL S IN FORT r by Mills & Young Cc de. or a trip or any part < intry. * *v and when summer \a r, r^r^r^l onxr firrto > v-? ->^?vy wv* utljr llliiv^a 1 ticket good for as m; vel for a dollar in trac 2 5 cents purchase, 1 -l 00 you get 1 00 miles yet a vacation this sun aality and service first 1 where it pays to trac & YOU] and Sell Everytl L, - - 4 TES ACCOUNT :ic Exposition, 0, CALIFORNIA. oses December 4th, 1915' ornia Expos'n CALIFORNIA. Closes December 31st 1915. IA i Railway, r of the South. mited 90 days for returning, i returning via another. are* One way via Portland, Oregon .45. . . $104.24 .15 106.85 .16 104.70 .15 105.55 .14. 106.05 15 102.45 .90.. 102.32 .90 _ 102.32 50 101.00 00 101.00 .20 , 101.00 .10 102.81 ither points. Also very low roundand. Ore.; Vancouver, B. C , and parious routes, points of interest. Also descriptive literature upon ir trip. our services are free? Address 'ass. Agt., Columbia, S. C. n OA lir P m-n. ? r. n i j. *jw.L.n., n . k. invuee, gton.D.C. Columbia, S. C. Clean Em Why not have that last Summer's suit cleaned and pressed? \^e call for and deliver goods in town on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special attentiou. Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Saits, cleaned aid pressed 40c tn $1.25 Boys 25c " $1.00 Ladies' " " " " - - 50c ?p Palace Barber Shop ' '""'"I LIPS I A ILL. , I >mpany in appre- g of a trip on any comes you will | t Bring to us and any miles as you le; ten cents pur\ mile, and so on. i in travel. How lmer. , plus a sure and * le. NG CO. Iiing." S. C. MAKE YOUR OWN f f PAINT I W*a V#0 win SAV8 rfrtl S6 els. PER GAL this is how /Buy 4 (til. L.C&M. SemiMixed Real Paint $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it at estimated cost of 2.40 Makes 7 gals. Paint for $ 10.80 It's only $1.54 per gal. The LAM. 8EMI-MIXFD REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL?Ike best known paint materials tor 100 years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bails*. Fort Mill Luther Hdw. Co., Columbia W. W.ICoogler & Son, Cheater J. W. Copeland Co., Clinton J. D Wood. Crier TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, A Estimates cheerfully furnished on al classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Electric ^Beat Ton,c' diSMSPOC M:,d * Native, BITTERO Family Medicine.