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| ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mr. Robt. E. Henry, formerly manager of the two local cotton pills, but now of Greenville, was a visitor to Fort Mill Friday. 4 Prof. D. G. Gillespie of the | ??.culty of Cornell University ^ has joined his wife, who is a guest here of Mrs. J. H. Lewis. Mrs. W. Mc. Culp has been seriously ill for a week at her home on East Booth street. Her condition this morning was reported as slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williamson returned Monday from their Driaai trip isortn and are at t home to their friends at their residence on White street. . There are varying opinions as I to the status of the fruit crop in this section as a result of the recent cold weather, but it is very likely that the crop will be short this summer. The many friends of Mrs. Thos. B. Spratt will be pleased to learn that she was able to return to her home in this city Monday from a Charlotte hospital, where she had been under treatment for several weeks. The report of W. M. Carothers, registrar for this township, to the bureau of vital statistics for the month of March shows that there seven deaths and four births, three of the deaths being among the negroes. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Massey Vhave issued invitations to a reception to be given this (Thursday) evening at 8:30 o'clock at their home on East Booth street in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hafner and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Williamson. The Barnwell Sentinel says that Dr. F. H. Huggins is being congratulated upon the arrival of Master F. H. Huggins, Jr., who arrived last Sunday. Dr. Huggins is a former resident of Fort Mill and is well knowTi here. There was something of a rush to the two banks here on the last day of March by the taxpayers who had put off the payment of their State and county taxes until the last mo * 4-1 1 1 U 1 I. * incut, tilt: luucti uauiva ucm^ county depositories. " The Times is requested to state that the Winthrop college glee club will visit Fort Mill the evening of Thursday, April 15, ' and will give a public concert in 1 the auditorium of the graded school. The concert will be given for the benefit of the local chapter of the U. D. C. and a small admission fee will be charged. While the cold weather through , the month of March has not j been favorable for early sown vegetables, yet boyond retarding somewhat their growth, it is believed that very little damage has been done, and with a few days of warm sunshine a ma- i terial advancement will soon be noticed. Mr. E. H. McLendon, an em- j ] pioyee 01 tne unariotte LSrick company, was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon when he J accidentally fell from a gang i plank in one of the company's : kilns at Grattan. Mr. McLen- ( don's right arm was broken at ] the elbow and it was thought that he suffered a slight fracture of the skull. He was taken to a . Charlotte hospital on the after- 1 ? noon train for treatment. $ NOTICE JI 3 On account of the rain ) 3 Wednesday evening pre- 4 4 venting many from at- 4 3 tending the show at The 4 3 Majestic, the playhouse - 4 j fijjb 3 will be open again this 4 3 (Thursday) evening from J j 7 to 11 p. m. 4 4 A Chaplin Keystone 4 4 and a big 2-Reel Western 4 3 is the program. 4 Information was received Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. J. B. Elliott of the death at Morganton, N. C., of her aunt, Mrs. Pattie Hague, who was well known in this city. Mrs. Hague was a sister of the late Dr. J. H. Thornwell, and is survived by a sister, Mrs. Anderson, of Morganton. The State Board of Health has designated Saturday, April 10, "Clean-up" day throughout the State. Every city, town, hamlet and school house in South Carolina is invited to co-operate in the big warfare against dirt and debris and the nests and breeding places of germs, flies mosquitoes. What is Fort Mill going to do. With a view to experimenting with the growing of Georgia ribbon cane, Mr. W. M. Carothers several days ago received a shipment of the cane seed which he will sow on his plantation west of Fort Mill. Mr. Carothers is of the opinion that there is money in other crops than allcotton and will give the ribbon cane a trv out. In a note to The Times, Supt. J. E. Carroll says that the Field Day exercises which were to have been held at Yorkville on last Saturday will be held on Friday, April 16, and every effort will be put forth by the committees in charge to make the day an even greater one than had been anticipated for last oaturday. The general program will stand as already arranged. It is probable that Mr. J. D. Withers, of Lower Fort Mill, will have an exhibit on the carnival grounds here next week in the shape of a freak calf which arrived in his barnyard about a week ago. The calf, which was;enjoying good health up to yesterday, is said to possess all the organs of two distinct animals except the head, tail and feet, and has proven a great . curiosity to the numbers who have seen it. r y p- i tpps specials For Saturday: 1-4 Sack best Patent Flour S8c 1-2 Sack best Patent Flour $1.98 1-4 Sack Half Patent Flour 95c 1-2 Sack Half Patent Flour $1.90 98 pounds Half Patent Flour $3.75 Morris' Supreme Hams, very line,.. 19c three 2 1-2 lb. Cans Tomatoes 25c Three Cans Corn 25c Two Cans Peas 25c One box Corn Flakes 05c Mx large Grape Fruit ... . 25c One dozen Nice Oranges 15c Five bars Laundry Soap 10c COFFEE Have you tried our Roasted Colfee, at 6 pounds for $1.00 Virginia Dare, whole bean or steel cut, at, per pound, 30c Capitol coffee, lb 30c Russell's Clover brand ColTee 35c Hygea ColTee, 3 lbs. for . 90c The above four brands of ColTee are worth 5c to 10c more, but must be closed out. Rest Home-made Molasses 50c Come where your money counts most. S. A. EPPS, Mer. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. FOR SALE?Good White Seed Corn, urefully selected. Fresh Jersey Milch Cow. Barred Plymouth Hock Eggs for hatching. Jas. F. Boyd, K. 1., Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-4t FOR SALE?Early Anna, Livingston [}lobe and Livingstone Beauty Tomato Plants. Fred Nims, Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-tf BOAR FOR SERVICE^-Trymy Big Lone Berkshire Boar for service. He's a dandy. Karl G. Faris, Lofty Pines Farm, Fort Mill, S. C. 4-8-11 FOR SALE- Eggs for hatching from [turn bred Buff Plymouth Rock chickens Write to or cail on Zack Spratt, Fort Mill, S. C. To the Citizens of Fort Mill and Vicinity. ? For fully thirty-five (35) years the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the United States and also in South ytmerica. They have therefore been subjected to the tests of every sort of climatic conditions?most successfully thereby proving their extreme durability ana superior value. See our advertisement on other page, telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. LONGMAN A MARTINEZ, Paint Makers, New York. # i| C O M WEE April 1 World's | Argyle | This celebrated Itertainments will e the week beginnir 1 2, under the aus benefit, of the Fori ment, and is offici Firemen's Will exhibit dc on the ball groun Livery stable. Don't fail to hee I bier brass band. an< I attractions each af ing.NOTE?Chief S. W. Pa partment visited the A Charleston and says it is kind he has ever seen. I Special ] 110-cent White Crepe at 15-cent. Dress Linen at 15-cent Ginghams at 15-cent White Lawn, 40 inchei 25-cent Dress Goods at 25-cent Hats at $1.50 Ladies' Dresses at $7.00 Silk Dresses at_. 75-cent Hand Bags at 9x12 foot Art Squares at 15-foot Hall Runners at Lots of other things at very New lot Millinery and Waisl Come see the New Goods an , ,~T, j " " " | When You of eating just the I GROCERIES?the I 4 for sale at big profit Come Here you get sometl 4 ceries that put stren 4 that have lasting ? ties?that must be Profits to compete \ * 11 Parks Grc : Phom r | Old newspapers for sale at The Timea office.'s NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. ING! K OF 2 to 17 Famous Shows aggregation of enschibit in Fort Mill ig Monday, April pices, and for the l Mill Fire Departally known as the : Carnival lily, rain or shine, d, rear of Harris' ir the music by the d see the big free ternoon and evenirks of the local fire dergyle Shows recently in the best attraction of the gar gains. .7 l-2c 10c 10c s wide, at 10c 19c 10c 95c __ $5.00 50c : $2.50 .$1.25 low prices, s just received, d *ret the new prices. Iassey. i t 1 READ ON, ! New Spring Goodi \t 9 Look at the Ladies' $2 Fat. Leather "Ma] Ladies' $2 Gun-Metal "Mar i Ladies $2.50 Fat. and Gun Ladies' fine Colonial Pat. Lc Misses' and children's slipp< : New Pieci * The prettiest we I in Wash Silks, Vc Flaxons, White Goc ; New lot Ginghan ; atea, Kindergarten ^ have big table of G ! 4 Bleaching and Shee ; Don't fail to see c I Ladies', Misses', I j Patterson's Dry I TELEPHONE NO. 85. ? A Fine, Sweet I for you is the Wellington. With it, you of a cool, sweet, dry smoke. You wo slightest trouble keeping the Wellingtoi tractable. Saliva can't get to the fire is made on the conect pipe principle foul and it can't clog. Come on in ai shape you like best ? every one a i 25c, 35c, 50c, up. ~ The Superior Candy?the cai taste. Large or small packa Parks Drug The Dike | A Safe fan r Perhaps you have saved up a J + you wish to invest where the pri cure, always available, and at th rate of interest. ^ Deposit your money with us, Certificate c : t Your principal will be well sec t demand when you need it. The interest is more than you t ment Bond and the money is jusi WE PAY FOUR I The First Nat t Fort Mill, ^ Under 3trict supervision of U. Get Tired I ordinary brands of and that are put up s?it's then time to to Us.: liing different?Gro 1 a a gtn in your body? | ind building quali- + sold at SMALL vith inferior goods. >cery Co., I e 1 16 I i J. Harry Foster^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, I Rock Hill, - - - S. C. v v> >a SISTER! | 5? Why certainly. ]\ se prices: ry Jane" Pumps at $1.50 < > y Jane" Pumps at $1.50 ^ Metal Pumps at $2.00 + mther Pumps $1.50 up ers and pumps 50c to $2 ? # < 3 Goods ?> have ever shown | )iles, Silk Crepe, ? >ds, etc. ie, Percales, Gal- 1 Cloth. We also | inghams, Calicos, | ting at 5c yard. f )ur line of Children's Hats. f ? t J Goods Store ! "SELLS IT FOR LESS." f I >ipC / can be sure AW n't have the tm a clean and / to boil and | _ 1 l*Ji Made In America ===== ndy that appeals to every ges. Company, Store. * 1 J vestment j few hundred dollars which ? ncipal will be absolutely se- + le same time pay you a fair ^ taking: an interest-bearing ? ?f Deposit. | :ured and subject to your ? would-receive on a Govern t as safe. PER CENT. | < 4 ional Bank, !j - - s. c. i: < S. Government. (4! <