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V , , MRS. WILLIAMS' LONG SICKNESS Yields To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Elkhart, Ind.I Buffered for fourteen years from organic inflammation, rrr ? f e m a i e weakness, 1 pain and irregulariti< The pains in : 9*^es were inWMTZx creased by walking J, W 1 or standing on my ; \ r feet and I had such y\' awful bearing down feelings, was dePresso^ !n spirits V ' 'hy^ji/:hI' and became thin and **-w/'. pale with dull,heavy - ?1???J eyes. I had six doctors from whom I received only temporary relief. I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have now used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thunks for what they Pave done for me. " If these lines will be of any benefit you have my permission to publish them." ? Mrs. Sadie Williams, 455 James Street, Elkhart, Indiana. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComTVHirwl mn/ln f ?*?\rn rint 1 1 1? 4iviu native i uuuvililU IltfTUH, contains no narcotic or hnrmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on lile in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to : prove this fact. If you have the slightest doubt that bydhi E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound will help you,write to Lydia K.Piukham MedicineCo. (coiitidcnt ial) Lynn.>Inss? for advice. Your letter will lie opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. PERFECT HEALTH.? Tu11'? I'll!* keep the ay .item In perfect ortler. They regulate the bowels und produce A VIGOROUS BODY. Remedy for alck headache, constipation. Tuff's Pills WINTERSMITH'S CHILL TONIC not only the old reliable remedy FOR MALARIA fftS general strengthening tonic and appetizer. For children as well as adults. Sold (or 50 years. 50c and S 1 bottles at drug stores. His Practice. ' "The lumber limn your district sent to congress ought to have an easy time getting his hills passed." "Why so?" "Because he knows all about logrolling." Somewhat Biased. "Tins your wife an economical turn of mind?" "She has where I am concerned." Hum i _ TUBiast What makes a 'S^mrt smokt'good? It isn't shape ? it's - y ?. i u: ^ cigar ? cigarette ? all are good if the tobacco is good. ^Svjg? The tobacco in Fatima Cigarettes is good?gloriously good 1 Get acquainted with /A. * its mild yet satisfy for. ing Turkish blend. II ][?<# ^ Jt<t*cco Gtx. MITCHELL'S EARLY DOUBLE PROLIFIC YIELD COTTON Tested and pmyen. Tho earliest, moat prolific and Urumi ylelj lino on reeofd per acre. I.fctn pounds | Double-jointed. boiled, limbed and yield?defies ; boll weoyll, Insects, disease and frost?to the groateat e?lent po?sihle. Mend for my booklet dceerlb- i llUT Lbn tlntlllK ti'irtlsMilii rls? ???.!?. i.. crop .if cmt?n o"h half the'aerc*. Price at all dls- ; tritintlna points $t |>cr ?nck. .HH bn ; freight pnld SUGAR COTTON FARM. YOliNGSVllI F. N. C. AGENTS- TAKE THIS TIP! Wn want ambition*. r?vt blooded nucule to bundle the now.-St Ortlon, More und Home lincmiiltjr oti the nurk.ll a. a tirotlt of "AHN Man neter yet been sold tn II. ft , .T.-rpt at I'nnaiiiii PaclBo KxpomllUn ' Helling experience unnecessary. Kverybody bnyh | on night lixcluslve territory, Caniculara J cent 1 a tump Maniple U cents. Add rest, C A l.K INS HALKS Co, er, CM.vruAi. HLnu.. u>s anoklms, cal BROOK'S CLEVELAND Ornp inu ...cil for Cotton h.aiory and wni prices on my Improved Cleveland Heed. My cotton ahead of all Cleveland at dtoryla Experiment Station Inat year ?. T. IIROOKS. AKI.INOTOnr. OA. Ui|||Vpn Men to learn barber trade, iff nff I Pll Few weeks required. ww " Steady position for comCtent graduates. tVunderfill demand for bar rn Wages while learning; freecatalog; writ* RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Va. He on th* Hts|fo? Vandevllle, Drama. Moving Plot urea. Riporlecre unneceaaary. I'an leulara fre*. a. c. > aaaT, ** llwrta airMl, k. r.XMtlailN, i? c, AUKNTn i all on uutoroohlle owners, ??e we-kly. Kxp. rlcnoo unncceksury, eaay aalra t'aiuc. fr??. Kt HO. IStyx U, Henderson, M, ( __________ SEEK CHARTER FOR " 60-MILE RAILWAY NEW ROAD WOULD CONNECT NORTH AUGUSTA AND CITY OF GREENWOOD. USE STEAM OR ELECTRICITY Two of Corporators Are Greenwood Men, Third is New Yorker, J. Peyton Clark. Columbia Having a minimum rap- j ital stork of $30,000 and a maximum , capital of $3,000,000. the Savannah. Piedmont & Western railway was i commisslosed by the secretary of state. The company proposes to con struct a standard gauge railway from j the town of North Augusta, on the Savannah river, opposite Augusta, to ' the city of Greenwood, a distance of ; 60 miles. The petitioners are J. Pey- ? ton Clark, S. II. McGhe? and Kenneth Baker. Mr. Clark is of New I York city. The other petitioners are j citizens of Greenwood. The road will J use steam or electricity. The cnnmiinv i> _ - .< i-iiri tilldor the commission "of constructing a line of railroad from a point on the Savannah river, or at or near the town ; of North Augusta, in Schultz town- ; ship, in the county of Aiken, shite of : South Carolina, thence through said , Schultz township, Langley, Gregg and Slmw townships in said county and state: thence through any or all of tin* following townships in Kdgefleld county. to-avlt: Merriwether. Wise, Pickens, Shaw, Johnston, Klmwood. Blocker. Collins. Colliers and Moss, and through any or all the following townships in Saluda county. Nos. 4. !?. fi and 7: and through any or all of the following townships in Greenwood county, to-wit: Brooks, Kinards. Fellowship. Ninetv-Six. l'hoenix. Cnl lison, Kirksey and Greenwood." The following statement appears in the petition for the charter: "That it ; is proposed tnat said railroad shall either be constructed to a point without the State of South Carolina, or to operate as an independent corporation in siirh states, or proposes to consolidate with some other road or company now incorporated or hereafter I incorporated, in accordance with the laws of this state and of the i'nited i States, and that it proposes to operate , [ said railroads as a common carrier of > passengers, freight. baggage, mail s and express." , i Live Stock Men Meet. { Greenville. The leading live stock i and agricultural agents of the South | mei nere to discuss live stock raising ! in the South and to consider plans for ? introducing this industry in this section of the country. Bradford Knapp, special agent of the federal department of agriculture for the Southern division, presided over the meetings a and \V. F. Callander, private secretary to the secretary of agriculture. D. F. Houston, acted as secretary of the gathering. The following state demonstration agents were present: C. R. Hudson, North Carolina: II. D. Tate. Tennessee; \V. \V. Long, South Carolina: Tt. S. Wilson. Mississippi: J. T. Watt. Alabama: J. P. Campbell. Georgia. In addition to these agricultural and live stock experts many high officials of the department were present, among them being R. II. Ilnwl. chief of the dairy division. H. M. Lemon chief of the poultry division, and others. Mill President Resigns. Rock Hill. W. W. Moore, president and secretary of the Wyniojo cotton mill of this city, has resigned, his resignation to be effective April 1!?. He will be succeeded by C. K. Hutchison of Charlotte, who will remove to mn'R mil rsoiIII HllPT uie nrst oi next ] month. Mr. Moore came to Hook Hill many years apo from Uiph Point. W C.. and since comlnp here has hern j connected with the (Jlobc and Man- j Chester Mills. He was one of the or- ' panizers of the Mvtnojo Company and has heen in charge of that mill since ' it was built several years apo. Batesburg School Issues Challenge. Batcsburp The pupils of the Hates- j burp Hiph School, Bateshnrp. are j anxious to meet the representatives of any other schools in Western Caro Una, in Joint debate on any subject J agreeable to tlie schools in question. ?t any time between April 16 and May . 20. The above named school takes this method of ehallenpinp any hiph school In the state as above mentioned. All schools interested are asked to take the matter up with the superintendent of the Bateshnrp school. :. Inspect Streets of Spartanburg. Spartanburg. Mayor J. II. (lodfrey of Anderso'.i heading a delegation of Anderson citizens, including nienibnrs of the street paving commission of that citv. visited Spartanburg to inspect t\e paving of this city. 1 hey wore received by Mayor Floyd nnd othera idontifled with the adminiatration apfl shown over the town. Anderson has recently authorized bonds for street paving and it is with a view to studying paving that has been done in South Carolina towns that the commission will visit several towns. ff= J?f healt EES' 1.?Dri ? food we] ESS it shortl i*?* disappeai Be sure < ~? 1 clean, kej =. W ' - The Wrij 7TX? help yoi * ficial, 1< breatli l**0*0~Sa%/e th Moving Pictures. 1 licks Did you go to the moving dctures last night? Wicks?No! My wife made ino stay it home and reining all the pictures n the parlor. CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL OF STOMACH REMEDY Sufferers Find Swift Relief by Use of Remarkable Treatment. Stomach sufferers iu the Southeast ind, in fact, all over tiie country have [ ound remarkable and efficient reu 11s from the use of Mayr'a Wonderul Remedy. Many have taken this remedy and ell today of the benetlts they rereived. Its effects- come quickly?the Irst dose convinces. Here is what wo Carolina folks have written: W. R. DAVENPORT. Parker. N. C ? 'For years 1 have suffered from a disease wbich puzzled doctors. I heard >f your remedy and one bottle gave ne relief. Your full treatmeut has j ibout cured me." J. E. ERWIN, Winston-Salem, N. C. 1 ?"I am satisfied through personal use >f the powers of your remedy. You iave saved my life." Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per- ' manent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it an an absolute guarantee if not satisfactory money, will be returned.?Adv. . | Ambition is all right if a man lias ! energy to Jmck it up. For calks use Hanford's Balsam. i Adv. At the ago of thirty n girl begins to realize that she misses the "Mrs." Hiddenl defects in Roofing If your roofing is not guaranteed by a responsible company you run the risk of finding out its defects after it is on the roof. It cost* no more to get a written onnmntm with h??t ?? Itpontibility behind it. Buy materials that last i Certain-teed Roofing ? Otir leading product- -Is miurnntced 5 vrnrs for 1 ply. 10 jears for 2-ply nn?1 15 year* for 3-ply. Ve also rinke lower priced routine j lute surfaced shingle*. building paper*. wnll boards. outdoor paints, plastic cement, etc. Ask your denier for products made by us. They ate reasonable in price and wc stand behind them. General Roofing Manufacturing Co. NarfcTa l<r?nl w^ii?/tvt?efr< of Aoojt"t? ami Builiilnp Itoper* New T?e% City Beetae CW??e PittiWarik PMUaWWa Attests Detrwt St. leak Ciadaaati Kuaaaa City NummIi Sea Fraadaea Seattle La ad an Haabart Sydaay Hm?? n An i } down these sit h: nk lots of water. 2.11. 4.?Have plenty o ? ? 1- ? y unci mctiis unci < rs. of the Perfect Gum ot clean, sealed agaii *ley Spearmen want to 1 remember these beneong-lasting aids to teeth, i, appetite and digestion, ley have done all the old W/W. WRIG 2313 |{eSn |p|p|y j| to CouponsJ Slight Absent-Mindedness. "How are you getting on as the presiding officer of your new club?" "Pretty well," replied the emphatic woman. "NTo trouble with parliamentary points?" "Not much. The only difficulty 1 have is to remember that you must hold on to the Ravel and hammer with it instead of throwing it." MISERY IN HEAD AND BACK A Lady Writes She Suffered So, Would Have To Stay In Bed For Days. Is Now Well. Cartersville, Ga.?Tho following Is from Mrs. Will T. L.awhon, of Cartersville: "1 am writing this because 1 want other women to know what Cardui has done for me. Before 1 commenced taking Cardui, I had headache ?r? had I I * "UU1V4 ua?D to stay in bed for days at a time. I suffered untold misery with my hepd and back. I saw Cardui advertised and decided to try it I took three bottles. After taking the first bottle, 1 could see a vast difference in my feelings, and decided to tuke the second, and took three in all. After tuking the third bottle, I felt like a new woman altogether, and 1 will always praise Cardui as a boon to woman's ills. 1 believe it saved my'life and I am now a well, healthy woman, and my husband joins me in my praise for Cardui. Mefore I began taking Cardui. I was Irregular, but since 1 began tuking it, 1 have been regular and without any pain. Everyone tells me I am the nicture of health since taking Cardui. I will recommend it to everv onffoi-ino. woman." If you suffer from any of the ailments so common to women, or if you feel the need of a pood strengthening tonic, why not give Cardui, tlie woman's tonic, a trial? Begin today. Your druggist sells Cardui.?Adv. The Kind. "The politicians are looking in the campaign barrel and licking their chops." "That's because they're pork chops." If You Can't Get It In Town. Someone in almost every town in the United States sells Ilanford's Balsam of Myrrh. If yo". can't get it, write G. C. Hanford Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Price 50c and $1.00. Adv. The statistician is the most successful of liars, as no one ever stops to figure up his statements. For hot grease burns apply Hanford's Balsam lightly until the fire is extracted. Adv Hut the man who says nothing seldom has tho wood-sawing habit. t 1 eminent pnysicis nple rules for be1 ?Eat slowly. 3.?Che^ f chewing gum on han chew until the "full5 in the Perfect Packaj ist all impurities: Mother Goose " stunts 9 *' tune " of the new jingles. Their book is 2 in four colors. It's free, for your copy today. Add LEV JR. CO. er Building _ |4?gg Get the Premiu Some Sprinter. She? I suppose the duke has lauded ' estates. He?Handed one every time he married, but he managed to run through 'em all. yot'R own nnrc.orsT wii.i. tki.i. tod Try Mtirlno Kyn Kctnovly for Rod. Weuk. Watory Kyo* iitul 4arutitilut?*d No MumInitf? just Kyo tMnnf. it. Write ft>r Hook of tin* Kye by uimiI Free. .?lurln?? Kye KouhhIj ( <>., Chicago. Battlefield trenches are now dug as quickly as desired by the use of explosives. J Head Stopped (Jpl Try the Vick Vap Applied in Salve Form Over Throat and Chest Relieves by Inhalation and Absorption. Vapor treatments are best for inflammations of the nir passages. The vapors carry the medication direct to tho inflamed 1 surfaces without disturbing tho stomach, as internal medicines will do. A very coni veuient vapor treatment is a pood application of Yiek's "Vnp-O-ltub" Salvo over the throat and diest, covered with a warm vrcrmssa ? ?? ' JL 0 +V0 Rheumati Muj "It is easy to use and quick 1 apply. It penetrates without Read What "Have uaetl your Linimant vary ne Good for Neuralgia, Scia All Deal Send four cent* in stamp* I I PR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. J t v your "TTrr. id. Use 9 feeling l?e?made ?? ' to the ? Wrigley " 8-pages ? ? Send mmmmmmm iress JzEzE? =F Vain Wishing. "Don't you wish you had a fairy godmother?" "All I want is a good plain cook. And that wish seem3 too fantastical to over be gratified." For lame back use Hanford's Balsam. Hub it on and rub it in thoi^ oughly. Adv. After a lively race for a husband many an heiress marries a run-down nobleman. } Can't Breathe? -O-Rub Treatment flannel cloth. The body heat releases vajxira that are inhaled with erory breath,' opening tho air passages, loosening the J phlegm, and healing tho raw surfaces.1 I For deep cheet colds, first apply hot wefc1 towels to open tho pores. Vick'B is then' absorbed through tho Bkin, taking out thai tightness and soreness. 25c, 60c, or $1.00i thlsTVadeW?3r*' SALVE wmmmmmmmmtmmmmm cm I9AA1 icle Colds to respond. No work. Just ; rubbing." Other* Say: cessfully in a case of rheumatism, and always have a bottle on hand in rase of a cold or nor* throat. I with to say I think it on* of th* host of household remedies. I would not have used it only it won recommended to mo by a friend of mine who, I wish to nay, is one of Sgf the best booster* for your Liniment Kja I ever saw."?J. W. fuller, Dtnetr, "Just a line in praise of Sloan's Liniment. I havo been ill nearly I ^7 fouiteen weeks with rheumatism, I gtf have been treated by doctors who I f did their best. I had not slept for ] the terrible pain for several ninSte when my wile got ma t email bottle I of tba Liniment and three applies- I cations gave me relief ao that 1 could I strep."?Joirph Tamhlj/n, 6 IS Co*- I terse Street, MeKeerport, fa. I icm tica, Sprains and Bruises. leri 25c. ;or a free TRIAL BOTTLE. Dept. B Philadelphia, Pa.