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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. April 1st?"All Fools' Day." Miss Amy Garrison, of Steele Creek, is spending a few days \yith her aunt, Mrs. Mary Kendrick, in this city. if John B. Erwin, a well known resident of the town, sustained ^ tfkinful injuries to his left leg V Tuesday afternoon in a fall on White street. *' Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Kimbrell, of Charlotte, were week end guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kimbrell, of Gold Hi!!. Dr. J. B. Elliott, a well known physician of the city, was notified several 'days ago of his appointment as local surgeon for ^ the Southern railway company. Announcement is made that a carnival company will exhibit in Fort Mill during the next week and will donate a portion of its earnings to the local fire department. Fort Mill jurors drawn to serve the first week of the approaching term of York court a1 e: S. L. Boyd, N. L. Carothers, R. M. Hood, W. L. Ferguson and H. H. Windle. J. Harry Foster. Esq., of Rock Hill, who was in Yorkville this morning, said he had heen appointed a special judge by Governor Manning:/ to hold court in Lexington county, beginning the third week in April. ?Yorkville Enquirer. Some sixty stitches, it was stated, were required to close up the gashes which a colored man named Johnson received Sunday in a difficulty near the southern edge of town. The negro was very weak from the loss of blood when the attending physician reached him. At a meeting in Union the last week of representatives of the fair associations of several of the up-State counties, Che date for holding the York county fair at Rock Hill was fixed for October 13 to 16. The Union county fair will be held the following week. After today, (Friday) only five more days remain in which York county citizens can pay their taxes without rinnalfu Something like $40,0(X) yet r< mains to be collected. Th?' total receipts of the treasurer's office up to March 15, were $174,828.91?Yorkville Enquirer. W. W. Long, State demonstration agent, is urgent in his plea that top dressing for oats and wheat be supplied with dispatch. Mr. Long thinks this especially advisable this spring in consequence of the excessive rainfall, which has depleted the soil of its nitrates. He advises that nitrate of soda be used, both because of its ready availability as a plant food and because the prices this spring are not unreasonatue. The board of trustees of the Fort Mill graded school has mailed out statements to the parents of all scholars who are delinquent in the payment of fees for incidental purposes, accompanied by a statement to the effect that all scholars who fail i to pay up in full all such dei linquencies by April 5th will be \ suspended from school until 1 such amounts are paid. It is I understood that quite a number of the scholars have paid no fees for several months. The Times is in receipt of a program for the Field Day ex1 ercises to be held in Yorkville next Saturday, but on account nf lonlr r\ f cnon /v * ? wi lav i\ v/i opawc v,nunut f I lilt It in full. Among the most important events of the day will be a parade of the pupils of t he various schools of the county, mental and athletic contests, and addresses by Governor Manning and State Supt. Swearingen. A special train will be operated between Fort Mill and Yorkville for the event. Under a general order from the postoffice department, every postofhce in the country will begin on April 1 to check the parcel post business that passes through it. On the same date the business of each rural route will be carefully counted. The check of the rural routes will * give the government a basis for estimating the amount of business being done on each rural route and the volume of the parcel post mail. The checking of the parcel post pieces will he tedious work because the weight, postage and zone of every package must be recorded. I i r Oldest Citizen Passes. After an illness extending over several weeks, Joseph Parks, ! Sr.. Fort Mill's oldest eiti/.en and probably the oldest man in the county, died Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of his daughter. Mrs. John YV. . Patterson, five miles east of Fort Mill. Mr. Parks had been in extremis for several days and KJc 1-1- c 4 out-din was. iMfrt'iorf, 1101 imexpected. The burial is to take ! place during the day in the Fort i Mill cemetery. Mr. Parks was 91 years of age and a native of Fort Mill. having1 been horn in the upper part of the township February 25, 1821. He was married four ' times and from these marriages 124 children were born. 12 of j whom, with a large number of grand and great-grand children survive. His oldest living son is W. H. Parks, of the township, who is now (55 years of age. Joseph Parks was a faithful soldier of the Confederacy, serving throughout the war as a member of Company B, Sixth South Carolina volunteers, and was at Appomattox when Lee surrendered. Jordon-Hafner. A marriage of interest to the people of upper South Carolina was that of the Rev. W. A Hafner of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, and Mrs. Elizabeth Beaty Jordon, of Winnsboro, which was solemnized Tuesday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock at the home ? . __ ^ in* ui im r> 11*1 rtSIllJS i\l r. rind Mrs. Beaty, in Winnsboro. Immediately after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hafner boarded the afternoon train and arrived in Fort Mill at (5:30 o'clock. : Later in the evening they were i tendered a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kimhrcll. on Booth street, at which a large number of the minister's j congregation and friends were present. M rs. Hafner was one of Winnshoro's most popular and accomplished young women, and entirely deserved the admiration in which she was held in her home city and section. Mr. Hafner is one of the most prominent and able ministers of upper South Carolina, and his P i 1 n r\ f ...ill *"!? , .. .v..v. nivit kii i i it'iiun win vviMi for him and his bride much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Hafner are at home to their friends at the manse in this city. Found Dead in Bed. The five months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Drawdv, boarders in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thrower, was found dead in bed Tuesday morning. The baby had been ill with a old for about three weeks and I)r. T. Neely who examined the body staled that the child i evidently contracted pneumonia in both f ides during the night and choked to The child had a deep cold i Monday night when the parents I retired. The baby slept in bed I between the father and mother. They arose Tuesday morning and when breakfast was ready reI turned to get the baby. It. was ; cold in death, its chubby hand clutching the cover. It is not I known how long it had been 1 dead. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. FOR SAI.E Eggs for hatching from pure bred RulT Plymouth Rock chickens Write to or cail on Zack Spratt, Fort Mill, S. C. To the Citizen#* of Fort Mill and Vicinity. For fully thirty-five (.'i.r>) years the I.. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the ! United States and also in South j America. They have therefore been | subjected to the tests of every sort of j climatic conditions most successfully thereby proving their extreme duraj bility an?i superior value. See our advertisement on other page, j telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. ?_V-? 1 -M Vj IV1 /% 1> OC 1VI A K I I IN h. Paint Makers, - New York. MONEY TO LOAN Applications received for loans from $100.00 to $10,000 on improved and unimproved town property and farm lands. Interest 8 'r straight. Interest payable annually or semi-annually. Time: one to ten years. Applicants for loans will please give description, location and valuation of property offerer! as security for loan. State improvements and valuation of same. We want County representatives to receive applications for loans, appraise property, and serve as our exclusive representative. Attorney or real estate man A IJ ' - - runi. /i|"|iinitni? jor loans, and applicants for agencies positively required to furnish at least two character references and forward postage, five 2e stamps, for application blanks, full particulars, and prompt reply. Write Southern Office, Southeastern Mort;"age Loan Assn., Fourth Nat'l Bank Bid#., Atlanta, Ga. I A Rem Ii o tell you a would requir space, hence to let you kno I Mills & 1 I will place any at your door ii time. Our qi be questionec Price ^lght. | Phone us any line. We' Mills & Yo aMBHBHHHBBBKBBBBBBjll | Easter Come see the ne | we ean employ a 111 3 for a few weeks for cost of employing o | This means up-to-t ' about half t he usua coming in every <1; first choice. L. J. IV I llll II I? ? ! I ! ill I IWhen You of eating just the GROCERIES?the ^ for sale at big profi t Come Here you get somet ^ ceries that put strer that have lasting ties?that must hi Profits to compete 1 Parks Gr< ; Phon Old newspapers for sale at The Times office. Kig&s HEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. % bout our stock e too much I this reminder w that foung Co. I of their goods I i_. 1 1 -i n aouDie-quicK lality is not to 1, and "The your orders in | 11 do the rest. | SBaBBHU ?% ' a E ung lump y I * Hats. : w styles. We find illitioi* in Itti It i m< *! /> about one-tenth the | >ne here for a season, he-minute styles at 1 prices. New <>oo<ls ay. Conic and get iassey. Get Tired: ordinary brands of kind that are put up ts?it's then time to to Us.i hing different?Groigth in your body-? ^ and building quali- c e sold at SMALL with inferior goods. >cery Co., e 116 I J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. .. r.-y&m v ., riSBS ! Are You Looking! ; v | :a-,v ' Bfl. V >' V*~ M I For the Best? ! I I | ?> |f cn incif Poft/^vr>^?-> ? ? *-1~ *' AX uu, v lOlL 1 dLLd 5> wncre z * I t you get Quality Merchandise, I r new and snappy, at living I I prices. We sell nothing but I /> ^ * nr^t-class Dry Goods, No- I t tions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, ? ; etc. We give these lines our | t> A' * whole attention; no side-line 0 1 or outside business to look I * after. We watch for the best i o t at lowest possible prices. . I * r- c * | rvrv>rv 4-^ ^ ^ ?.1-1 v^wmc: bcrt; ub oiien. % 1 I Pattersons Dry Goods Store ! TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." ? | <e> i????> ??? MM? I Convey Your Easter Greeting * ; With a Box of | t:=::=::::= ===:::=: I 1 he Superior Candy?the candy that appeals to every % taste. No one has yet said "HUYLE'RS is not the ? ? very best ever." It is the Candy of all Candies. ^ None other equals it in goodness or popularity. In * this city only at our store. + o ? Parks Drug Company, The Dike Store. ; J SUbscri ntionN takrn fnr "11 M I i + ; +.+ i 4, *+*+*+*+ 4 4*>4*>4^4<ft+t+Q+<?>??>+S+<&+* ?? ? -, i A Safe Investment 1 4 - ^ ^ Perhaps you have saved up a few hundred dollars which 4. you wish to invest where the principal will be absolutely se- 4 cure, always available, and at the same time pay you a fair |> rate of interest. Deposit your money with us, taking an interest-bearing ? I Certificate of Deposit. Your principal will be well secured and subject to your % ? demand when you need it. t tv.** *i _..u 1? -- - ^ i uv. 13 mule man ywu wuuiu receive on a tjovern- X t ment Bond and the money is just as safe. x WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. | ; The First National Bank, \ ? Fort Mill, - - - S. C. ^ Under strict supervision of U. S. Government. x See The Majestic "Movies" Saturday 2:30 p.m.