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Are You ( 1 Gre< INSIDE INN AT PANAMA-I View of architect's perspective of huge bote great world's exposition at St. Ixtuis in 1001 wi similar large building at San Francisco, with a en building is within the exposition grounds, near t SUPERB NIGHT ILLUMINATIC A v^l | ^ H^flBs^tiiD^^..? \ i^-* M J 8f ?l i?? ? S"?4d HBKBfMHWffwimi. Jttrl .g | y:./-. .** fty* y -a sSIttf^iMrtiHiHHBi^^BfflHBPy^fi^wBSfe 7 > _iB At night the vast glass dome of ihe Palace projectors set withir< the building. The globe, mitj ui me many marveis 01 me greai ranama-i rainbow. This photograph shows the great bul of the Zodiac over Its gloaming surface. ^refined"beaIjty shi Details of colonnade In the Court of the Unit dors arc Illuminated by the new Indirect lighting lighted ih tho same manner., Panama Pacific Int TYPICAL SCENE IN Detail showing the rich nud Oriental sugges IntArnktlonal Rvnoslhoa Snn k'ranplarn 4 joing to the * I it Exposition? _____ ^AGIF^ IN^ ^ ^ ^ j 1 on the exposition grounds at San Francisco. Visitors to the ill remember the huge Inside Inn a* 'nat exposition. There is a ipaclty of accommodating thousands of people The location of the he great Palace ot Fine Arts The Inside inn is a city in t'jtelf. IN OF THE VAST PALACE OF HORTICULTURE of Horticulture is played upon by rays of gigantic searchlight which is the largest hemispherical glass dome in the world and is r'aciflc International exposition, then assumes all the colors of the tiding at night with the rays of the searchlights casting the sign OWN IN SCuLTfuRAlTA^NMiNT 1 ferae, showing frieze adornment and sculptured figures. Those corrlsystem, the whole vast area of thin court?900 by 500 feet?being ernational Exposition, San Francisco. ONE OF FHL FOUR INNE R COURTS ^ ^ j tlon in the embellishment of the Court of Abundance, at the PanamaIn thin court are orange trees in full bearing and rare,flowers. . TRA\ ARE I 1 hey are given ciation of your trac They will pay fc railroad in the cou Start saving nov I have your fare pai we will give you a bring. One mile in tra^ 1 1 1 A 1 r cnase, I -1 U mile; i If you spend $ I easy it will be to g We give you qu certain vacation. Be sure to trade n/riT t c 1YI1LjL.O "Buy e FORT MIL! SNOW WADE THE DIFFERENCE What Was Ten Feet of Land to Tired Man at Work Shoveling "the Beautiful?" "Weather like this," said Briefer, the eminent barrister, "reminds me of an early ease of mine. It was a real estate case, a contention over the ownership of a certain ten feet of ground, and I was confident that we should win, for all the facts and arguments were on our side. . "Hence I was amazed when my client, at the beginning of the crossexamination, was asked if he had not stated, as lately as the previous month, that the disputed ten feet of ground did not belong to him, 1 but to his adversary, the next door neighbor, who was now fighting his claim." "'Yes,' my client answered, 'I did state that/ "'this admission amazed me more than ever, and I leaned forward in my chair wondering what, would come next. "'In the presence of witnesses,' said the cross-examining counsel, 'you declared that these ten feet belonged, not to you, but to Mr. Parka. Is that not right?' " 'Quite right. Quite right, sir,' said my client. " 'Then after such an admission/ shouted the counsel, 'how dare yon? how dare you, sir?come into this court and claim the strip of land as your own ?' "'Well, said my client, 'it was just after a heavy snowstorm that I said the ten fee.t Ivlonged to Neighbor Parks. We were both shoveling off our sidewalks at the time."?Ixrndon Titbits. DISCREET. "Have you a careful chauffeur?" "Very. He never runs over anyone unless he's sure he can make a getaway."?J udgc. i THE USUAL WAY. "Did the looker-on at the fight go home in the interim?" | "No, sir; he went honte in die ambulance." i i ? . T | i i wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamam iEL Si IN FORT K by Mills & Young Co le. >r a trip or any part c ntry. / and when summer d. Good any time, ticket good for as ma /e\ for a dollar in trad 15 cents purchase, 1 -4 00 you get 1 00 miles ;et a vacation this sum lality and service first, % where it pays to trad & YOUI 1 O _ 11 17 - Ll ii iu acii cveryir L, - - HISSED AS WELL J Knight Stands?In the second scene of the second act I say "Hist!" Wood by Booth?Did you forget to say it? Knight Stands?No, I said it and 1 was. INTERESTING ENEMIES. In the* American Magazine apjK-ars a story entitled "Ilempfield," by (trayson, author of "The Friendly Kond." Following is a little extract: "It is one of the absurd contrarieties of human nature that no sooner do we decide that a man is not to be tolerated, that he is a villain, than we begin to grow tremendously interested in him. We want to see how he works. And the more i deeply we get interested the more 1 we begin to see how human he is, in I what a lot of ways he is exactly like ; us, or like some of the friends we 1 love best? and usually we wind up liking hi in, too." I \ SHAME ON YOU, BILL! ( Ida Wcdd?I suppose you have your own ideas as to what a wife should Ik?? , Will Knott?Sure. My idea of a wife is a woman who has a luishand. hi8 variety. "That fellow over there looks like a bird." 1 "lie is. The j>oliceman just told | me he's a stool pigeon." LIPS I Nti * 1ILL. I * jk mpany in appreI. >f a trip on any * comes you will | ^ Bring to us and g my miles as you e; ten cents purmile, and so on. in travel. How mer. plus a sure and s e. \ ? MG CO. ling." I S. C. I m HAKE YOUR OWN f * PAINT I YOU will SAVE Jb&mf? EP 56 ds*PER CALr? THIS IS HOW ^/Buy 4 gals. L.C&M. Semi s mixeu ivcai rami ftt.40 I And 3 gals. Linseed Oil 'If to mix with it at \ | estimated cost of 2.40 A I Makes 7 gals. Paint for $ 10.80 /1 ft It's only $1.54 per gal. The L.4 M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT IS PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL?the heat known paint materials lor lOR years. Use a gallon out of any you buy and if not the best paint made, then return the paint and get all your money back. J. J. Bailee. Fort Mill Luther Kdw. Co., Columbia W. W.;Coo?ler & Son, Cheater J. W. CopeUnd Co., Clinton rr TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in /our house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. ^ We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, ? ^ A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on al i classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Dlipif! cute IS THE ONLY GENUINE hmm salve f * " J