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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. The best price offered for cotton on the local market today is g 1-4 cents. ucoo tuaii L VYU W JCftS IdllcllU A in which to pay State and county taxes without penalties. Friends of Sam W. Merritt ^ are pleased to see him on the streets again, after an illness of pneumonia Mrs. S. M. Garrison, of Steele Creek, and Miss Cora Edwards, of Pineville, are visiting Mrs. Mary Kendrick, of this city. Mrs. W. L. Boyd, of Charlotte, spent several days of the last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Culp, in this city. Announcement is made from w the comptroller general's office in Columbia that the time for the payment of the State income tax witnout penalty h&s been extended to July 1st. W. M. Carothers and family are arranging to move to the dwelling next to the one they now occupy on White street, the latter to be taken in a short time by J. E. Williamson. Construction work was commenced Monday morning on a new store room on Main street to be occupied by L. J. Massey. The building is to have a modern front and inside fixtures. It is reported on the streets J A* T7< \IT l-> II tuaL iui. cillU 1Y1IS. Hi. VV . IVUSM.'II will move in a few days to the McGinn plantation, in Harrison church neighborhood, which Mr. v Russell has rented and will cultivate this year. Mill No. 2 of the Fort Mill Mfg. company, which had been closed down for several months, began operations Monday morning. It is stated that a majority of the employees who were formerly engaged in the mill were present Monday and took up their old jobs. Sam W. Parks and J. H. Patterspn left Fort Mill Monday at noon for Charleston, where fHey are spending several days as representatives of the local Woodmen lodge in the biennial convention of the State grand lodge. The services of a night policeman for the town of Fort Mill were dispensed with at a meeting of city council the last week. The position of night officer was created by council early last fall and Mr. Frank Hunnisuck has efficiently filled the place since that time. It is stated that a large number of puckages containing two or more gallons of whiskey, have been returned to the shippers collect from the Fort Mill and Rock Hill express offices since the gallon-a-month law became effective on last Friday. The next 10 or 12 days temperatures will decide the fate of the fruit crop. The average date of last killing frosts in this vicinity is March 31, this being the average for 37 years. For the past 10 years the average date of last killing frost is about 10 days earlier, there having been two years in that time on which the last freeze occurred in February. Jury notices, which will be followed 10 days later by the drawing of petit jurors and 12 grand jurors for the next term ^ of court were posted Saturday. Court will convene on April 12, with Halcott P. Greene, of Columbia, as special judge, presiding. Mr. Green was appointed special judge to hold court here in January which, however, was v in session only one day.? York ^ News. rori miii inenas oi Kev. .John I. Spinks, a former resident of this city but now pastor of a church at Rock Hill, will regret to learn that he had the misfortune to lose his barn and its contents by fire Monday night. / l-V: ?A. I I ? i In the building was stored a quantity of feedstuff and a i Studebaker automobile, all of ; which was burned. There was a small amount of insurance on the burned property. i The Southern Railway is ad j vertising a special train to be run April 3rd from Fort Mill to Yorkville and return on account of Fieid Day exercises at the latter place. The special train will leave Fort Mill the morning of the 3rd at "8:30 o'clock and th^ round trip fare to Yorkville will be: Children, 40cents; 1 adults 75 cents. It is expected that a large majority of the pupils of the local school and a 1 number of others of this city i will make the trip. The News of Gold Hill. Times Correspondence. The party given by Miss Kath- i leen Biankenship last Saturday , night was the most pleasant we have attended in quite awhile. Over thirty couples were present in which Fort Mill, Steel Creek J T"? ? TT-n auu hock mil were well repre|sented. Mr. G. C. Blankenship, with | Misses Ethel Bigham and Lillian Harrison, spent Saturday and ] Sunday with his parents in Gold i Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardner of Steel Creek, spent the day in Gold Hill Sunday. It seems that rain is playing sad havoc with the farming industry of this community, but, we are glad to say, it has caused our Supervisor to take advantage of this fact and many of the idle hands and teams are being used now to transform the rough, impassable road into a modern "pike." Hyperion. Gold Ilill, March 15. FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from pure bred Buff Plymouth Rock chickens Phone, write or call on Zack Spratt, Fort Mill, S. C. MONEY TO LOAN? Applications received for loans from $100.00 to $10 oon on improved and unimproved town property and farm lands. Interest 8 '/c straight. Interest payable annually or semi-annually. Time: one to ten years. Applicants for loans will please give description, location and valuation of property offered as security for loan. State improvements and valuation of same. We want County representatives to receive applications for loans, appraise property, and serve as our exclusive representative. Attorney or real estate man preferred. Applicants for loans, and applicants for agencies positively required to furnish at least two character ri'terences and forward postage, five 2c stamps, for application blanks, full particulars, and prompt reply. Write Southern Office, Southeastern Mortgage Loan Assn., Fourth Nat'l Rank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Clean 'Em Why not have that last Summer's suit cleaned and pressed? We call for and deliver goods in ! town on short notice. Parcel post packages will receive special attention. Panic Prices as Follows: Men's Suits, cleaned and pressed 40c to $1.25 ; Boys 25c M $1.00 | Ladies' " " " " - - 50c up Palace Barber Shop STATEMENT Of the condition of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the cloae of busineaa March 4, 1915. \ RESOURCES. ! l,oans and Discounts $62 972 37 Overdraft* 74 88 Furniture and Fixtures 2 J.'Hi til Due from Hanks and Hankers H 424 17 | Currency * _. .. 3 000 00 . Silver and other minor coin 620 59 Total $77 528 05 LIABILITIES. Cnpital Stork paid in .. $25 000 00 Surplus Fund 1200000 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes paid 440 96 Indivipual I>e|>o?itK subject tocheck 40 070 89 I Cashier's Checks ..... 16 20 Total $77 528 Of. | 1 State of South Carolina, County of Y'.rk. *.?. I. W. B. Misrham, president of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear th?f ?li? >lv.vo .tpounani is true to the bent of my knowledge and belief. j , W. B. MKACHAM. | President. ' | SubsrrilK-d and sworn to Ix-fore me this 12th day of March. 11*15. T. B. SPRATT, Notary Public. I I Correct -Attest: - ] I ! S.L. MKACIIAM 1 J. II.McMURRAY Directors. W.B.MBACHAM.Jr.' J. Harry Foster! ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! | Rock Hill, - - - S. C. I Easter Come see the ne we can employ a 111 for a few weeks for cost of employing <i !! This means up-to-t about half the usua coming in every <1 iirst choice. L. J. IV | Let, Us V Fire In; We repre of the stro panies in Rates too ] to take th< Bailes ? District DT ill D UUILiU While the and the sav If you contemplate the erec barn, or outhouse, or the ren present buildings, DO IT NO if you act at once, for you ca now than you can possibly do 30 or 60 days, we verily belie> have passed. Lahor will be Building Material market is a know say that prices will be L We will supply you at close fij nish you estimates on what yc Take advantage of conditioi Build M:ll 1 a ui t 11111 j Phon ? I !? IP?<1 IIM IWI llll m II II Constipation "For many years 1 was troubled, i.i spite of all so called remedies i used. I At last I found quick relief and euro in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful dr. ks??c's New Life Pills A<loh>!> ScliiuKr-ck. Buffalo. N. Y. i 125 CINTS r'CB BOTTLE AT ALL ORUCGISTS | emaammmn M>iMwwr.MwwwMiwiw? / , king's NEW LIFE PILLS j The Pills That Do Cure. Hats, j ??_ * j a l i*r i w styles. ? e miu illiner in Baltimore about one-teiitli the mo here for a season, he-minute styles at 1 prices. New goods ay. Come and get o lassey. j /rite Your surance. :sent some ngest com the world. low for you ???? ?? 3 risk. : : & Link, Agents. | ) NOW i A 1 W f f lilding's good ing is great. tion of a new home, tenement, lodeling or repairing of your W. You will be the winner n do the work cheaper rightit a little later. If you wait re the golden opportunity will tome higher, the Lumber and I ready firmer, and people who >ack to normal in a short while, jures and will cheerfully fur>ur work will require, is and Now. Lumber Co. e 72. To the Citizens of Fort Mill and Vicinity. For fully thirty-five (W>) yearn the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the United States and also in South America. They have therefore been subjected to the tests of every sort of ciiiiiiiuc i'oiiuu ioiih - most successiuny thereby proving their extreme durability and superior value. See our advertisementon other page, telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. LO NG MAN & MARTINEZ, Paint Makers, - New York. Electric " BITTERS * . x'. >,v-v ????*^??m??w^Mp? ??<W -?+ i+j+-i+$+; ? ; +<g^*^?4>+^?3>*S>?H?#IMt??M<^M ! Are You Looking I I For the Best? 1 * ! I t - NHS < * * ? If so, visit Patterson s where :: I you get Quality Merchandise, i; ? new and snappy, at living i: ; prices. We sell nothing but | t fir^t-class Dry Goods, No- t | tions, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, | | etc. We give these lines our | I whole attention; no side-line | ; or outside business to look t ?> r. W 7 l r 1.1 I arter. we watch tor the best t * T I at lowest possible prices. | I Come to see us often. | | < t T ; Patterson's Dry Goods Store f TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." | I I Sow the Best-- | I Buist's harden Seeds I Acknowledged by all our successful gardeners as the most productive seed on the market. Fresh supply ? ? ? just received. <: _< * Parks Drug Company, ^ The Oike Store. ; * + Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. \ [ ? ??^ ; A Safe Investment < < ^ Perhaps you have saved up a few hundred dollars which <; ^ you wish to invest where the principal will be absolutely se cure, always available, and at the same time pay you a fair 4 rate of interest. . K Deposit your money with us, taking an interest-bearing T ? Certificate of Deposit. Your principal will be well secured and subject to your x demand when you need it. The interest is more than von would rpp^ivo v ~ v. - fv VII W V4VT */i II? ! ment Bond and the money is just as safe. WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. {J < . < * The First National Bank, I; Fort Mill, - - - S. C. ? Under strict supervision of U. S. Government. \ * $ *g . I I M I I 1 I I I 11 I I > II III See The Majestic "Movies" Saturday 2:30 p.y.