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Ji, ?rvtr . ?:, . V . - , I???.?1? II ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. The best price offered for cotton on the local market today is 8 cents. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Roach, of Rock Hill, were among the visitors to Fort Mill Sunday. If- -5 ? ?** air. ana ivirs. vvaiton, of v Roanoke, Va., were gue9t:? the last week of Mrs. J. H. Lewis, of this city. Only 20 days remain in which to pay State and county taxes without penalty ?April 1st being the last day. Cashier T. B. Spratt, of the First National Bank, has been confined to his home in Sprattville for several days with grip. Mrs. L. E. Ligon and children. ^ of Shelby, N. C., are guests in the home of Mrs. Ligon's mother, Mrs. Alice Harris, in this city. W. L. Hall and family on Monday moved to the B. D. Springs plantation, four miles north of Fort Mill. Congressman D. E. Finley arrived Monday at his home in Yorkville, after spending several months attending the sessions of Congress in Washington. In a checker tournament Friday between Fort Mill and Pineville in which Fort Mill was represented by Zenas C. Grier and Pineville by W. M. Morrow, the honors came ta Fort Mill by a score of 8 to 2 games. The Glee Club, under the direction of Miss Siddall, will go #to Fort Mill this week for a PrtTlPPrh thprp nnnn fVio invitotinn of one of the clubs of the town. ?Rock Hill Record. Fort Mill people were somewhat surprised at a light fall of hail shortly after noon Sunday. The temperature at the time was almost to the freezing point, and the hail was therefore considered unusual. A somewhat unusual and disgraceful sight, as viewed by some, was the operations Sunday of a force of employees of the uvutuci ii i unci Luiupdny engaged in erecting a pole line along the streets of the town. The report of W. M. Carothers, registrar, to the bureau of vital statistics for the month of February shows that in this township there were six births to white parents and one to colored parents. There weie three deaths during the month, all colored. After July 15, 1915, most of the rural mail carriers in York county will receive a straight salary of $100 per month owing to the fact that most of them are serving routes more than twenty-four miles in length. Death came Monday morning to W. A. Neely, a well known planter of the Steel Creek community. Mr. Neely was 70 years of age and leaves a wife and six children. He was a member of Steel Creek church, and the interment was made in the church yard Tuesday morning. The Perpetual Building and Loan association held its regular semi-annual meeting the past week in the office of the secretary, Dr. J. L. Spratt, and routine business was transacted. The report of the secretary as to the condition of the associa tion was highly satisfactory. L. J. Massey is engaged this week in moving his stbck of dry goods, etc., from the Jones building on lower Main street to the Ardrey building, last occupied by Stewart & Culp. Having i obtained more store room it is Mr. Massey's intention to at once greatly enlarge his stock. The Rock Hill Herald calls attention to the fact that all who own property in the hail district must pay their taxes before March 15th, if they would avail themselves of the act allowing a reiuna 01 taxes on land on which the crops were destroyed last year. Mill Will Resume Work. J. E. Williamson, general manager of the two cotton mills in Fort Mill and the Springstein mill at Chester, is authority for the statement that mill No. 2 in this city will resume operation | on Monday, the 15th. The mill has been closed down since the i 8th of September of last year on j account of the general business depression, and the news that it I will shortly resume work is re ; ceived here with a great deal of interest. About 200 operatives ; are employed in the plant. Aged Lady Resident Dead. After an illness of several : months' duration, Mrs. Tirzah Faris, probably the oldest wo! man in Fort Mill township, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. S. L. Coltharp, four miles north of this city, Thursday ! morning. Mrs. Faris was born and lived all of her long life in 1 this township, and had she lived until next May she would have been 88 years of age. She was j the widow of Win. J. Faris, who j died about 25 years ago. The family has always been held in the highest respect and esteem ! throughout the community. Mrs. Faris is survived by six sons and two daughters: S. C. Faris, of the township; Baxter Faris, of Pittsview, Ala.; J. M., ! J. P. and J. A. Faris, of Coreyell , county, Texas; J. F. Faris. of Daytona, F!a.; Mrs. S. L. Col-i tharp and Mrs. S. P. Blanken-' ship, of the township, besides a large number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other I | relatives. She was a member of Flint Hill church, in the cemetery of which the burial was made Friday. Mrs. McKibben Dead. The funeral of Mrs. Kate McKibben, whose death occurred Tuesday at the family residence on Jones avenue, was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Wood, pastor of the ' deceased. The interment was in Laurel wood. Mrs. McKibben had been ill for some weeks of pneumonia. She was 48 years of age and is survived by several children.? Rock Hill Herald, Wednesday. Mrs. McKibben was the mother of R. E. McKibben of Fort Mill and was well known in this city. HARr: HIT. "Permit me <o wish you the season's best," said the optimist. "Thanks. I know you mean well," said the father of nine, as he pre-! pared to make his final assault on the j lunch counter, "but just now I'm catching the season's wurst." MEETING THE DEMAND. "Your play needs an uplift mo-, tive." "Then I'll put in an elevator scene." FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from i pure bred Plymouth Rock chickens. Phono, write or call on Zack Spratt, Fort Mill, S. C. FOR SALE?Queen Incubator. 220 egg capacity, and two brooders, in good condition. Also White Wyandotte Eggs for Hatching purposes. Apply to D. A. LEE. MONEY TO LOAN Applications re-| ceivett lor loans from $100.00 to $10,000 on improved arul unimproved town I property and farm lands. Interest H ' < straight. Interest payable annually or semi-annually. Time: one to ten years. Applicants for loans will ' please give description, location and valuation of property offered as se- j curity for loan. State improvements ' and valuation of same. We want County representatives to receive applications for loans, appraise property, . and serve as our exclusive represents- I tive. Attorney or real estate man preferred. Applicants for loans, and applicants ior agencies positively re1 quired to furnish at least two character references and forward postage, live 2c stamps, for application blanks, full particulars, and prompt reply. Write Southern Office, Southeastern Mortgage Loan Assn., Fourth Nat'l Bank , Kldg., Atlanta, (la. ! J. Harry Foster, ATTORN KY AT LAW, . Rock Hill. . . . S. C. i ? \ I New Spri Prices on coUon than they have years. We havi lot of new good Come and see wl I&et posted on 1 L. J. IV Now in the Jones Building I Let Us M Fire In* We repre _ r . 1 or rne stroi panies in Rates too 1 to take the Bailes J District BUILD While the bi and the sav If you contemplate the erecl barn, or outhouse, or the rem present buildings, DO IT NO if you act at once, for you cai now than you can possibly do 30 or fiO days, we verily believ have nassed. Labor will hp< Building Material market is al know say that prices will be b We will supply you at close fij. nish you estimates on what yc Take advantage of conditioi Build Fort Mill ] Phon I |Constiaationj Lui uiauy joais i >\ ;ia u >111)1111, I.I R spite of all so-called remedies i used. ! At last I found quirk relief andcur -in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful DR. KING'S NewLifePiiisj Ailwlph Bcliinffpcl, Buffalo, N. Y. 25CENTSi?ER DOTTLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS OTVMHMnMawHHnnK a KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. tig Goods goods arc lower been in several ; just received a s at new prices. U 4- 1 iiiii >\ e nave, a 11 u he new prices. lassey. ~i Jrite Your niranpp ! /MA MAA V Vt sent some ngest comthe world. i r ow tor you 5 risk. : : Ci Link, Agents. 1 ? NOW lilding's good ing is great. tion of a new home, tenement, lodeling or repairing of your W. You will be the winner n do the work cheaper right it a little later. If you wait e the golden opportunity will ome higher, the Lumber and ready firmer, and people who ack to normal in a short while. ;ures and will cheerfully furair work will require, is and Now. i 1 SI Lumper to. e 72. To the Citizens of Fort Mill and Vicinity. For fully thirty-five (515) yearn the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the United States and also in South America. They have therefore been subjected to the tests of every sort of climatic conditions ?most successfully ? thereby proving their extreme durability and superior value. See our advertisementon other patre. telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, Paint Makers, - New York. EllliCJJ?rS<lTh" BITTERO Family Medicine. j - New - j I CI II - I : onirt waists i I LADIES! O I We have just received another :: t shipment of pretty New ShirtWaists ?: in Crepe Dechine, Fancy Stripe Silk, 1 Voile, Chambray, Etc. All are the i very newest, both in material and | f make-nn. TKpv mm & m ^ J? - W111V/ 111 1.1 1*^ ICQUlll^ ^ t colors, Canary, Pink, Light blue and t t White. Especially good at the price, | I $1.00 to $2.50 I Also ew lot Collars and Cuffs. I I We are still selling Winter Goods I at Belcw-Cost-Prices. ? i Patterson's Dry Goods Store I I j & ! J TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS " ? ij i Sow the Best-- i I Rnict'o Garden Seeds f '! 1/UlOl O ===== i! 1 , o Acknowledged by all our successful gardeners as the most productive seed on the market. Fresh supply just received. I i; t Parks Drug Company, ^ The Dike Store. - ;; ^ Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. <> !> - I . -J-B ' r ?> ? ?? ? ?3> I A Safe Investment 1 r; Perhaps you have saved up a few hundred dollars which y 4 you wish to invest where the principal will be absolutely se- X cure, always available, and at the same time pay you a fair + rate of interest. ? Deposit your money with us, taking an interest-bearing ? t Certificate of Deposit. Your principal will be well secured and subject to your T demand when you need it. T t The interest is more than you would receive on a Govern- 1 ment Bond and the money is just as safe. X ?, WE PAY FOUR PER CENT. | ; The First National Bank, | Z | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. ^ Under strict supervision of U. S. Government. Times Advertising Brings Big Results.