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? r ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. The best price offered for cotton on the local market today'is ^cents. Miss Elizabeth Mack, of Decatur, Ga., is a guest in the home B q? ber grandmother, Mrs. Hattie P Mack, in this city. Miss *Macy Potts, of Steel Creek, is a guest this week of Miss Mary Carothers, at the latter's home in this city. The pupils and teachers of the Fort Mill graded schools were given a half holiday Monday on account of the anniversary of the birth of George Washington. * Sam W. Merritt, who has been ill for several weeks of pneumonia, continues to improve slowly, and the attending physician expects that he will be able to be out in a short time. The Rev. J. B. Massey, of Mossy Creek, Va., who was one of the attendants upon^ the Missionery Conference at Charlotte last week, spent Thursday night at the home of his parents in this city. Rev. and Mrs. Robt. G. Lee, of Greenville, were among the visitors to Fort Mill Sunday. Mr. Lee delivered a highly in. teresting and instructive sermon Sunday evening from the pulpit of the Presbyterian church. Another case of smallpox is reported from Upper Fort Mill, the victim being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Boyd. Miss Boyd, it is understood, is a sister of Mrs. Osborne, whose illnes of * t.hft wne ronr\rto?l in loof w ? v*u * vpvi WVU All IUOt week's Times. Dr. A. Theo. Neely, of Fort Mill, was among the large number of Dhyscians who last week attended a meeting in Charleston of the Tri-State Medical Society. Dr. Neely reports a pleasant as well as profitable session of the society. Members of the Fort Mill Light infantry, Co. K., on Saturday held the first of a series of drills which the company will hold _ preparatory to the annual inspec ? ? uiuii which comes eariy in April. Several new members have recently been added to the company. On account of the expiration of their subscriptions. The Times this week goes to something like 100 less readers than did last week's paper. Parties who have been dropped from the lists and desire the paper continued to their address will please notify this office. At a meeting of the creditors of the Massey Drug Company of Fort Mill, bankrupt, held in Rock Hill Tuesday, Capt. Thos. B. Spratt, cashier of the First National Bank, was appointed trustee. It is reported that the assets of the firm are about $5,000 and the liabilities about $4,500. The report of the announcement of the coming marriage of J. E. Williamson and Miss Kate Sinclair, of Fayetteville, N. C., was received in Fort Mill with much interest, as Mr. Williamson has a host of friends in this community and returned to this city recently to take charge of two cotton mills. The marriage is to take place the 27th of next month. The Times is informed that Hamilton Carhartt, owner of a V large tract of land at Carhartt station, just beyond Catawba river from Grattan, is doing considerable grading preparatory to the erection at Carhartt of a passenger station which the railway company has agreed to build. It also is renorted that Mr. Carhartt will establish a large dairy on his farm at that place. During the past week the waterworks commissioners have had a force of hands at work making connection . with the mains to a number of residences on Spratt and Confederate streets, and they will be kept busy at this work for some time to come as there are a large number of applications for the city water. The waterworks system up to this time is successful from every view point, no serious trouble of any kind having arisen. Frederick Nims returned last week to his home here, after spending several months in Florida. The ginnery of the Fort Mill Mfg. company will be in operation only one more day this season. See ad. elsewhere. Joseph Parks, Sr., familiarly known as "Uncle Joe," is today 91 years of age. Mr. Parks' health is still such as to permit him be about the streets daily. Mrs. W. J. Powell, of Shelby, N. C., was summoned to Fort Mill several days ago on account of the serious illness of her grandchild, the infant of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mauney. The Times was mistaken last Ufpolr ill cntfinr* f K o 4 I <f vv? 111 oujf ui^ mat Lii^ new Flint Hill school was being built by Contractor J. M. White. The contract lor the building was awarded the Fort Mill Lumber company, and Mr. W. W. Patterson is supervising the work. James Nivens, a well known farmer of upper Fort Mill, died : Sunday after an illness of ; several weeks. The burial was made at Flint Hill Monday, the Rev. S. P. Hair conducting the service. Mr. Nivens was 78 years of age and was prominent ' in his section. The event of the week in ! Fort Mill's social life will be : the marriage Friday evening at 8 o'clock of Miss Carrie Culp and Mr. W. L. Boyd, of Char; lotte. The marriage is to take place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Augusta Culp, after which the bride and groom will take the northbound evening train for a trip to New York and other points of interest. Four Bales to the Acre. John M. Cauirhman. of Leximr ton, holds the record for growing cotton in his county and it is believed that he holds the record for South Carolina, if not the United otates. On three-eighths of an acre Mr. Caughman has gathered, weighed and ginned G75 pounds of lint cotton, an avI c-age of a little more than four bales to the acre. On a patch containing, by a surveyor's figures, one and three-eighths of an acre, Mr. Caughman has gathered' weighed, and ginned 1,802 pounds of lint cotton, every pound of which is of the very best grade. ? McCormick Messenger. NOTICE?Fort Mill Manufacturing Co. announce that their GIN at Fort Mill will be run on Thursday, March 4th, for the last time this season, and ask that all who have cotton to be ginned see that it is brought to the gin on that date. wan ii',u. Sixty-live Posts, suit- | able for wire fence; must measure four i inches at small end and not less than 5J feet in length; cedar or split oak preferred. Communicate with Times I office. FOR SALE?Queen Incubator, 2?0 J egg capacity, and two brooders, in j good condition. Also White Wyan- ' dotte Eggs for Hatching purposes. Apply to D. A. LEE. MONEY TO LOAN Applications received for loans from $100.00 to $10,000 ! on improved and unimproved town i property and farm lands. Interest 8 / straight. Interest payable an- ; nually or semi-annually. Time: one to . ten years. Applicants for loans will please give description, location and ; valuation of property offered as security for loan. State improvements 1 and valuation of same. We want , County representatives to receive applications for loans, appraise property, j and serve as our exclusive representative. Attorney or real estate man preferrtd. Applicants for loans, and applicants for agencies positively required to furnish at least two character reffFPnrt'fl nnH f c\r\vr a rri 2c stamps, for application blanks, full particulars, and prompt reply. Write Southern Office, Southeastern Mortgage Loan Assn., Fourth Nat'l Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. X V V ????2 I New Sprii .?^ Prices on cotton I than they have I years. We have lot of new goods Come and see wli get posted on tl I _ .1 ivi ? mm W A A Now in the Jones Building. j Let Us w | Fire Ins We repres of the stror ???????????? pariies in t Rates too 1< to take the Bailes I District J II I ' i ^ I BUILD While the bu and the savi If you contemplate the erect! barn, or outhouse, or the remo I present Dunaings, DU IT NUW if you act at once, for you can now than you can possibly do i 30 or 60 days, we verily believe have passed. Labor will beer Building Material market is air know say that prices will be ba We will supply you at close figi nish you estimates on what you Take advantage of conditions Build Fori Mill L Phon< Constipgtiofil, "For many years 1 was troubled, i.i spite of all so-called remedies i used. . At last I found quick relief andcure ' in those mild, yet thorough and really wonderful * DR, KING'S " Nfiwi if a Pill c.l Iawvv iw IIV I IVI V11 <' Atlolph SchiiiKCck, UufTalo, N. Y. | 1 25 CENTS r?ER BOTTLE AT ALL DRUCCHTS. j f KING'S NEW LIFE PILLS i The Pills That Do Cure. ' wnHMr ig Goods ^oods arc lower been in several just received a > at new prices. at we Have, and lie new prices. lassey. I rite Your j ;urance. namaoHHRBBBBHi >ent some igest comhe world. >w for you risk. : : 4 Link, Agents. NOW ilding's good ng is great. on of a new home, tenement, deling or repairing of your f. You will be the winner do the work cheaper right t a little later. If you wait : the golden opportunity will \iYin liirrKot* fKn T miiv ih^iivi , iilC UUUIUCI clllll eady firmer, and people who ck to normal in a short while, ires and will cheerfully furr work will require, and Now. .umber Co. s 72. ro the Citizens of Fort Mill and Vicinity. For fully thirty-five (35) years the j. & M. Semi-Mixed Heal Paints have teen extensively used throughout the Jnited States and also in South Vmerica. "They have therefore been objected to the tests of every sort of limatic conditions?most successfully ? hereby proving their extreme durability anil superior value. See our advertisement on other page, elling property owners how to make heir own oaint, and thereby save sixty ents a gallon on every gallon used. .ONGMAN & MARTINEZ, 'aint Makers, - New York. Electric the j*8t tonic? DIWSMC* Mild - Laxative, bittero Family Medicine. j I Shirt Waists f ij LADIES! 1 | We have just received another ; shipment of pretty New ShirtWaists < ; in Crepe Dechine, Fancy Stripe Silk, < ; Voile, Chambray, Etc. All are the $ 1 * very newest, both in material and | ? make-up. They come in the leading <> t colors, Canary, Pink, Light blue and <> t White. Especially good at the price, * $ 1 .OO to $2.SO < > Also ew lot Collars and Cuffs. I We are still selling Winter Goods f t ^ d^I o <> CIL JLJC1L. W-V^Ubl-I i ices, 2 I 1 1 Pattersons Dry Goods Store | I ; TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." t | ; Sow the Best? I Rni<st'<s ' larden Seeds | Acknowledged by all our successful gardeners as the | most productive seed on the market. Fresh supply > just received. ????? < ' Parks Drug Company, j The Dike Store. ;; 4 .Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. , I t \\ j PLEASE PAY UP. ] On account of a change to be made in our ^ business in a short time, we ask all those who are indebted to us to come forward < f and settle. No matter how small an amount ^ you may be due us, we will deem it a spe- <; cial favor if you settle. < We are always glad to accommodate our ^ friends, and trust that they will show their \ [ appreciation by responding promptly to the <? above request. | Stewart & Gulp, | t Quick Delivery Telephone No. IS J Times Advertising Brings Big Results. 1