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p V ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, i | |i I Born Friday morning to Mayor and Mrs. A. R. McElhaney, a son. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. McLees arrived Monday afternoon from Chatham, Va., and are visiting Relatives in this city. Cotton exports from American ports daring January were more than 300,000 bales in excess of ^ the exports for January, 1914. ^ Monday the close season on migratory wild game birds ended in South Carolina under the federal law. In most of the other Southern States the close season ended February 1. The annual supper of the local lodge of the VV. 0. W. will be ^ held in the lodge room tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Members only will be admitted. Many Fort Mill people have this week attended the Presbyterian Laymen's Convention in Charlotte. It is stated that something like 3,000 delegates in attendance upon the meeting. Time for making returns for county taxation will expire Saturday, February 20th. A penalty of fifty per cent, will be added ? 11 4... ll.?l 1 J. 1 I cu an jjiujjtri ly uiut iiaa nut ueeu returned by that time. A bird dog, believed to have been affected with rabies, ran amuck on the streets for a short while Monday, causing considerable excitement. The canine was . ^ followed and killed at a point near Grattan. > Work was begun Monday morning on the repairing of the Ardrey building, on Main street. l- i* * * * 1 wnicn was nre-swept tne mgnt of November 10th, last. Contractor A. A. Bradford is doing * the work. , The rain which began Monday at noon knocked up the garden ** work which many citizens had begun. A few, however, succeeded in getting Irish potatoes, English peas, and other early vogetables in the ground before the rain came. Yesterday marked the beginning of "Lent," the day being known as Ash Wednesday, the beginning of a period of forty days of penance and fasting * among the faithful in the Episco pal and Roman Catholic churches, j Easter Sunday will come on s, April 4. Invitations were issued in this city Monday to the marriage of Miss Carrie Cuip, daughter of Mrs. Augusta Culp, and Mr. W. L. Boyd, of Charlotte, on the evening of Friday, February 26. Announcement of this marriage was made in last week's Times. Report reached Fort Mi 1 Saturday that Mrs. Wylie Osborne, whose home is several irr\ i 1/ip 4-V?C ? 1 ^ aajaawo nui in ui mis city, nau been stricken ill with what was believed to be a genuine case of smallpox. It was stated that Mrs. Osborne had recently visited relatives in Virginia and it was believed that she contracted the disease while there. It is reported on the streets of Fort Mill that the big plant of * the Charlotte Brick company at Grattan, two miles south of this city, will begin full-time operations with the arrival of a shipment of several cars of coal which were expected early this week. It is also stated that the a i?j - ^ wm^aiiy na? uiuei s ill llcUlU JOr the output of its plant for several months ahead. Mrs. Benerje, a "child-widow" of India, will visit Fort Mill on next Sunday and at 11 o'clock will deliver an address at the local Baptist church. Again in the afternoon at 3 o'clock Mrs. Benerje will be heard at Flint v* Hill. She is a fluent speaker and in a most graphic manner tells her story of the fine work being done in India by the, Christian missionaries. Frederick-Branson. Cards reading as follows were received in Fort Mill early this week: "Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray | Frederick announce the marriage of their daughter, Vera Amelia, to Mr. Ferris Edwin Branson on Monday, February the fifteenth, nineteen hundred r.nd fifteen, Crestmont, North Carolina." Mr. Branson is a son of Mr. Chas. H. Branson, who for a number of years was superintendent of the Fort Mill Mfg. company's plant in this city. Niuis-Nack. An event of much social interest in Fort Mill and the community was the marriage last evening of Miss Elizabeth Nims and Mr. F. Murray Mack, which took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frnderick Nims, two miles south of town. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. VV. A. Hafner, of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church, in the presence of a large crowd of relatives and friends of the couple. Mrs. Mack is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nims and is a young woman of charming personality. Mr. Mack is a son of the late Dr. J. B. Mack and is one of the township's most progressive young farmers. The many handsome presents attested the popularity of the recipients. Want Special Train. A request will be sent to the headquarters of the Southern railway in a few days, asking for a special train from Fort Mill and Rock Hill to Yorkville on County School Field Day, on April 3. The C. & N. W. railway authorities will also be asked to make arrangements whereby school children and 1 11 /J 1 ! novonto I WUV11 Jioi VUIO liUUI 1_>UW1KII?? I Green, Clover and other points I in the northern section of the I county can reach Yorkville in e the early morning on Field Day.?Yorkville Enquirer. j* / i, To the Citizens of Fort Mill and Vicinity. For fully thirty-five (35) years the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paints have been extensively used throughout the United States and also in South America. They have therefore been subjected to the tests of every sort of climatic conditions mostsuccessfully ? thereby proving their extreme durability and superior value. See our advertisementon other page, telling property owners how to make their own paint, and thereby save sixty cents a gallon on every gallon used. LO NG MAN & MARTINEZ, Paint Makers, - New York. * ? FOR SALE?Queen Incubator, 220 egg capacity, and two brooders, in good condition. Also White Wyan- < dotte Eggs for Hatching purposes. Apply to D. A. LEE. TAX RETURNS FOR 1915. Office of the County Auditor of York ' County, South Carolina. , Yorkville, S. C., Dec. 1, J014. As required by statute, my books ' will be opened at my office in York- , ville on Friday, January 1, 1015 and kept open until February 20, 1915, for ' the purpose of listing for taxation all < personal and real property held in, York county on January 1, 1915. For the purpose of facilitating the i taking of returns and for the greater convenience of Taxpayers, I will be | at the following places on the dates named: And at Yorkville, from Thursday February 4, until Saturday, February 20. ' < All males between the ages of , twenty-one and sixty years, except Confederate soldiers over the age of ' fifty years are liable to a poll tax of , $1.00, and all persons so liable are < especially requested to give li>e numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVE, County Auditor. J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, < Rock Hill, - - - S. C. 1 I "For many years 1 was troubled, I.i | spite of all so-called remedies i us??!. | At last I found quick relief and cure I iu those mild, vet thnmnoh ?i> i * 1 really wonderful' DR. KING'S i New Life Pills Adolph Rchins*tek, Buffalo, N. Y. r 25 c?hts eca Bome at all druggists, i I NOW IN FIJ IA11 Men's, Ladies' and CI are going at a Big Reduction. Come early and get your choice out of the lot. L MILLS & Y Agents for the famous P - New - j Shirt Waists I . LADIES! I f We have just received another |l shipment of pretty New Shirt Waists in Crepe Dechine, Fancy Stripe Silk, Voile, Chambray, Etc. All are the very newest, both in material and : t\ a? 1 iv i mcuvc-up. 111 cy come m me leading colors, Canary, Pink, Light blue and * White. Especially good at the price, ? $1.00 to $2.50 I Also new lot Collars and Cuffs. | ^ We are still selling^ Winter Goods + at Belcw-Cost-Prices. OAHAW/IAM A hlwiT Ci AWA A I dllCI 5U1I 5 I/I yUUUU5 JIUIC I J TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." ; f I AA A-'. A. : A ^ A A A AAA A A ^ A ^ A - A ^ ^ ^ A /.A fimes Advertising Brings Big Results. a^saaa====? UBMKMaMHBSIMMMHBSMMMUMnHHHBMBGHBHEMHHHaiMH B I H SJ| RfL. 9ht ififli 9 ^Lw '\ipL : y - iff ?P n ILL SWING. { . ^fvvwaHHa nildren's Low Cut Shoes are | j ~:-ij . Why pay more when you can get a good "Star t f|| Brand" shoe [best made] J for less mnnpv) OUIMG CO. ictorial Review Patterns. ? | |c"'' ! Sow fhe Refif ? Buist's Carde? ^ Acknowledged by all our successful gardeners as the most productive seed on the market. Fresh supply just received. * Parks Drug Company, The Dike Store. ;; + Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. , , !; ' I PLEASE PAY UP. t < > On account of a change to be made in our business in a short time, we ask all those who are indebted to us to come forward ? and settle. No matter how small aji amount you may be due us, we will deem it a spe' cial favor if you settle. < We are always glad to accommodate our 4 t friends, and trust that they will show their appreciation by responding promptly to the I above request. X I II I Stewart & Culp, v ! > T Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 !!' < '